Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #15 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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I know and like others I believe that is what LE wants the perp to believe. I'm even thinking searching lakes again may only be a ploy now to keep the perp thinking we are on a cold trail. I know LE must have had evidence that she was in or near a water area, creek or lake water but maybe now they know more. It is very interesting to me that LE would openly say that they will get around to testing for evidence soon. To me, that is obvious. It also seems too obvious. New witnesses? Maybe desperate. Jmo.... I think of her everyday and hope I wake up one morning to hear she was found safe and unharmed.

I don't know, searching the lakes is expensive and can be dangerous. I can't imagine LE doing that to manipulate a perp. I think they are systematically trying to rule out that Sierra is in any of the surrounding bodies of water. They have to try to rule out some areas...the ground areas are enormous and if they do not have a direction to even start searching farther out. I don't know how they would ever manage. At least at some point they may be able to say, "nothing was found in any of the reservoirs." I also do not believe they are searching for pieces of evidence in the water, again expensive, dangerous and not much could be gleaned from anything that might be found, in my opinion.
Sorry for Entering so late.
Wonder if there is a time line on the post I can reference.
i.e. date of disappearance.
Date of finding phone and where
Date of finding purse with bag of cloths.
and is there a google page with this info that gives me the full view.
Does she have a boy friend in Morgan Hill or The Fremont area.
Is there any businesses in the area.
(someone that would drive by her every day and know she was there)
Have they interviewed parents in the area who's kids go to the same school.
(good chance she knew the kidnapper)
What are the access points to the water, is it easy to transport a body there.
Would it look out of place for a vehicle to drive over by the water.
If a vehicle did drive by the water, can it be a car or is the bottom of the car to low.
Any recent ground looked disturbed
Any animals out of the ordinary
(The smell of a deceased person can bring animals)
Is there any vehicles abandoned in the area
any new construction
Any neighbors purchase a new vehicle lately that seems out of the ordinary
Was her phone close to the street or thrown
how was the purse discovered was it hidden good or just kind of hidden in a hurry
Does she have any enemies
What are the chances she ran away and it got out of hand
if you were from out of the area why place the phone and purse in 2 different areas
Unless she picked up the phone and said Im going to call my mom and it was thrown out of the car
So this would assume that someone knew her .
If the clothes were not really hidden this could mean they didnt really know the area
or they were possibly young or immature.
I am new to this board so I apologize ahead of time if I missed something or am reiterating anyone else's opinion. In regards to the red jetta, it seems to me that the car has undergone a complete forensic examination and the results have proved that Sierra was in fact in this car at some point. This may be why LE stopped searching for a few days, examined the car and resumed their searches in different, more unique locations than previously. Perhaps they are withholding this information from the public because of the possibility that Sierra is alive and if the perpetrator realizes they are one step closer to solving this case and locating the two of them, then we know how that might end. BINGOJMO.

BINGO! ..on the BBM

.....and Welcome to Websleuths, Vineyarder!

That seems to be an excellent point you have made. It would explain the handling of the RED CAR info. Perhaps the car has yielded some very promising forensic information as to the location of Sierra, but they are currently looking at possible places she could be held, and do not want to tip their hand so the perp can relocate Sierra or worse.

That would explain the "we have to protect Sierra " comment, and their belief she is still alive. I found that line of thinking very interesting in it's meaning.
If they have a strong belief Sierra is still Alive, then that is a game changer in the way they proceed with their investigation. JMO
dunno, color me confused. Public knows about this car now, and assuming the perp(s) doesn't live under a rock...they know too. So how does knowing whether or not the car HAS been examined or not really change the least for the public.Or for the perp(s).Assuming the car is connected.
I mean I don't expect a tell all session from LE, but, just confused.
Can't find the post now, but want to say thank you, for adding to my knowledge base, to the person who asked what the "black hood" on the car signified. I think her son said it was a popular carbon fibre (fiber?) hood. Since, I learned about the red car with the black hood, I've see at least two (shiny red) with this configuration, in a different area of the country. They are popular for illegal street racing. The matte black hood cuts down the sunglare on the driver's vision.
dunno, color me confused. Public knows about this car now, and assuming the perp(s) doesn't live under a rock...they know too. So how does knowing whether or not the car HAS been examined or not really change the least for the public.Or for the perp(s).Assuming the car is connected.
I mean I don't expect a tell all session from LE, but, just confused.

Well let's say the car has been examined and they have found specific evidence in or on that car, for instance:
Examination tells them that there were trace evidence of a certain tree or species of wildflower in or on that car, and the tires had a specific tread ,or gravel embedded in the treads--Now find where there is an abundance of that tree and other wild growth and combine that with tire marks or the gravel and it could lead them to Sierra.

They seem to be playing down the car being of any evidential value even going as far as to say they have not fully examined it. You are right the perp does not live under a rock,so they do not want him to know just how valuable the Car itself was. They have the car, they have IT's evidence, they have the owner---The owner was not the DRIVER--that is why they have appealed to the public at this time. Could be the last piece of the puzzle--for all we know they could be zeroing in right now on the "where" Sierra is. Sound reasonable?:waitasec:
Oh yes that is certainly reasonable...yet my point was the perp(s) know a car is in hand, and that, in and of itself, could change the parameters of the investigation, and the perp(s) behavior from hence forth. Because it was identified to the public, I assume it can be thought of as valuable, additional evidence not withstanding.

I guess journalism at its finest just confuses the who haa outta me:)
I haven't seen this posted (but I haven't read every single comment) but does anyone else think perhaps the perp is asking police for a ransom for Sierra's return? They seem to believe she is alive, and maybe they are just keeping the ransom part from the public. Seems kinda out there but anything is possible!
I haven't seen this posted (but I haven't read every single comment) but does anyone else think perhaps the perp is asking police for a ransom for Sierra's return? They seem to believe she is alive, and maybe they are just keeping the ransom part from the public. Seems kinda out there but anything is possible!

It's been 2 months. I think they would have quickly negotiated that, to put an end to this, to ensure Sierras safety, if that were the case.
To me, it seems unimaginable that the car hasen't had a complete forensic examination done on it. I suppose it is possible that all the results aren't back yet though.
I don't think it is a ransom case.
Every article that has indicated that LE believes Sierra to be alive has qualified that with the reason being is that there is no evidence that she is not.


ETA: This was the same wording used re: Kyron for several months, until they stopped talking about the case altogether.
Oh yes that is certainly reasonable...yet my point was the perp(s) know a car is in hand, and that, in and of itself, could change the parameters of the investigation, and the perp(s) behavior from hence forth. Because it was identified to the public, I assume it can be thought of as valuable, additional evidence not withstanding.

I guess journalism at its finest just confuses the who haa outta me:)

Off the topic here, but I noticed at one time you posted some vehicles that were either stolen or abandoned in Morgan Hill. Yesterday I posted an article about a incident that happened back in February. I'm just curious if there has been an increase of stolen/abandoned vehicles in the Morgan Hill area so far this year as apposed to last year.
I haven't seen this posted (but I haven't read every single comment) but does anyone else think perhaps the perp is asking police for a ransom for Sierra's return? They seem to believe she is alive, and maybe they are just keeping the ransom part from the public. Seems kinda out there but anything is possible!

Although, I'm sure at this point it's not a ransom case, it's interesting that you said that.

In April, I stumbled upon a website that I still can not figure out completely. In essence, it's some sort of Twitter Calendar where it shows the frequency of certain words that are being tweeted.

I decided to try it and put in "Sierra". Of course there are tons and tons of tweets with the word Sierra and I can not figure out how the Calendar is arranged. It's some sort of NLP showing prominent events mentioned on twitter. ??

But, as I read down there was one entry on April 26th, 2012. It read...

"April 26, 2012, 1:06 a.m. gonna hand Sierra a ransom note tomorrow. be prepared Sierra"

Kinda weird and it made me feel funny, so I sent it in to the tip line. Who knows the crazy stuff that people tweet, but it bothered me enough to send it in via email. Also, when I read the link, it was April 25th for me, so the day ahead meant that either the post was in a different time zone, making it a day ahead of me, or the website posts based on it's time zone which is ahead of me.

THE WEIRD part is after reading your post, I went back to the link and all of the information from April 26 is gone. It skips from August of 2011 to April 28, 2012.

When I sent that tip in, I checked that link so many times for weeks after and the information was still there. To go there today and now it is missing many many months and days is weird to me.

I KNOW it's probably not related to SL, but your post reminded me of it all.

Here's the link to the twitter calendar with the search word Sierra.

To see that so many days and months, including the one I saw and sent in a tip about, being completely not there now is weird.
dunno, color me confused. Public knows about this car now, and assuming the perp(s) doesn't live under a rock...they know too. So how does knowing whether or not the car HAS been examined or not really change the least for the public.Or for the perp(s).Assuming the car is connected.
I mean I don't expect a tell all session from LE, but, just confused.

Exactly. So the car has been in LE custody for anywhere from a week to nearly two months. They know the owner of the car. They have spoken with the owner of the car. Was the owner less than forthcoming or was the car stolen? Did one of the owner's compadres borrow the car? Is LE waiting for Sierra to walk through the door? It almost sounds like LE is being held hostage by the car in order to make sure Sierra comes home safe. Besides any evidence showing Sierra is no longer with us, why do they think she may be alive? I sure hope so, but the longer Sierra is not found, the more likely this will turn into an unsolved mystery, at best.:banghead:
I haven't seen this posted (but I haven't read every single comment) but does anyone else think perhaps the perp is asking police for a ransom for Sierra's return? They seem to believe she is alive, and maybe they are just keeping the ransom part from the public. Seems kinda out there but anything is possible!

I don't believe I've ever heard of a perp asking police for ransom, it is usually a wealthy family who is targeted. Any kidnapper would be foolish to demand a ransom from common working-class people who wouldn't be able to raise thousands of dollars that quickly.
It really is confusing, trying to sleuth LE's statements and actions to guess what is going on. They are spending a bunch of resources on water searches. A reporter asked about urine, Cardoza more or less "corrected" to wet to then issue a no comment. Oh and to add to this the location of the bag was deliberately fudged. The car info certainly came out in a very confused fashion. Something early on pointed them away from family involvement - surely something more compelling than an alibi would be required as they are easily faked? We don't know if the photo sent that morning was taken that day so no good idea what Sierra was wearing, it has added an element of confusion versus clarification. Given it was supposedly the last known picture of Sierra it has been used sparingly.

New Witnesses Emerge as Sierra Lamar Search Enters Third Month

Drip, drip. This makes me think maybe witnesses aren't telling the whole story....

I just skimmed this article so maybe I missed something but this really doesn't sound like new witnesses coming forward. It was more about reinterviewing people they've already spoken to, in the hopes that they will come up with something they didn't remember before.
I do want to add though... it's not always about "telling the whole truth." Not very many people can remember every detail of something the first time. Lots of times things will come to them that they didn't mention the first time, or another officer asks something that triggers a memory that had previously escaped them. It is very common for them to go back and talk to witnesses two or three times. And in cold cases, very often someone will agree to talk to them when they had refused in the beginning.
You never know. A classmate may know something and was afraid to reveal it the first time they talked to LE. Sometimes this is how these cases break.
It really is confusing, trying to sleuth LE's statements and actions to guess what is going on. They are spending a bunch of resources on water searches. A reporter asked about urine, Cardoza more or less "corrected" to wet to then issue a no comment. Oh and to add to this the location of the bag was deliberately fudged. The car info certainly came out in a very confused fashion. Something early on pointed them away from family involvement - surely something more compelling than an alibi would be required as they are easily faked? We don't know if the photo sent that morning was taken that day so no good idea what Sierra was wearing, it has added an element of confusion versus clarification. Given it was supposedly the last known picture of Sierra it has been used sparingly.
The actual image file should have stored information about the time and date the picture was taken, as well as what was used to take it. Also the laptop should have a computer trail and timestamps. Finally the e-mail used to send the picture should contain timestamps as well as the ip address that the laptop was at when the e-mail was sent. LE should have all of the information... but of course they may or may not have searched the car yet. :banghead:

IMO, trying to fake the picture would have been a big mistake and LE should be able to figure that out.
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