Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #15 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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Sierra's case is what made me join WS.
I felt in my heart she didn't run away, that something else happened to her, yet I'm shocked and sad to read the latest news.
I really admire LE for the work they did, at least this won't be able to hurt anyone else.
I feel even worse thinking about all the negative things said about Marlene, people thinking she was covering for her sad.
I agree. A predator will always find a way to prey on someone. Unfortunately, I think even if we put our children and ourselves in bubbles, a predator would find a way to get access.

This holds true in so many cases when it seems a child disappears in the blink of an eye.

Just because they are in a car and not walking doesn't mean they can't be abducted. They have to walk to and from the car.

Once that child is 18, they are still your child. How are you to protect them then?

1.Well, tell them never to get on an elevator alone with boys/men. Wait for next trip.
2.Tell them to NEVER go with the guy EVER. Implant it is better to die right there then to go with them and be tortured/killed. In most cases, the perp will not kill you on the spot. They will find an easier victim.
3. be alert when walking. Look around. Don't have an Ipod/phone stuck in your ear.
4. look around vans/trucks before you get into your car. Try not to park near those types of vehicles.
5. have somebody with you when carpet cleaners/maintenace men are in your home.

I'll think of more tomorrow..
Sierra's case is what made me join WS.
I felt in my heart she didn't run away, that something else happened to her, yet I'm shocked and sad to read the latest news.
I really admire LE for the work they did, at least this won't be able to hurt anyone else.
I feel even worse thinking about all the negative things said about Marlene, people thinking she was covering for her sad.

Don't worry about it. That Marlene stuff was normal. People have been attacked much worse than she has. I think it was pretty minor actually.

It didn't last long. You gotta look at all angles. No parent/boyfriend gets a free pass when it comes to a missing child. We sleuthers will always start with the family.
Poor Sierra. I wonder what happened?

He's 21 and no serious convictions right? So is it unusual that his first serious conviction would be the kidnap and murder of a young girl? Don't predators start off small and escalate???? Oh IMO the dead animals on his myspace- one is a beaver type thing with a tree he has gnawed on on top of him with the caption 's%$t happens'- more of a joke and the other is a dead bird that may have flown into a window or something- not that I'd post that but IMO I don't think he was killing animals and posting pics of it.

There is clearly a lot of dope smoking going on with him- I wonder if he offered her a smoke and a lift? Or if she bought weed off him? Possible link?

Or did he drive by and simply grab her off the street? With the intention of hurting her- as shown by the phone being thrown out the window. Maybe we finally find out what the deal with the bag was as that has been driving us all crazy.

I believe LE know she is deceased (I feel uncomfortable typing the word 'dead') or they would not be able to charge him with murder without a body- so there must be physical evidence of her death. What a B*£@%$*
I wonder how they matched his DNA...from his car? Or would they have been able to force him to give it? It doesn't seem so, but maybe he agreed? Just wondering.
I was very suspect of Marlene and Rick and the people living around them :(

I'm back with my original thought regarding the bag - he couldn't take it home, can't leave it in the car, once it is over, he returns it as close to where it all started as he dares, in a place where he won't be seen doing it.
1.Well, tell them never to get on an elevator alone with boys/men. Wait for next trip.
2.Tell them to NEVER go with the guy EVER. Implant it is better to die right there then to go with them and be tortured/killed. In most cases, the perp will not kill you on the spot. They will find an easier victim.
3. be alert when walking. Look around. Don't have an Ipod/phone stuck in your ear.
4. look around vans/trucks before you get into your car. Try not to park near those types of vehicles.
5. have somebody with you when carpet cleaners/maintenace men are in your home.

I'll think of more tomorrow..

6. Listen to your GUT. If you are in a situation where you feel uncomfortable, leave. Don't worry about hurting his feelings.
I wonder how they matched his DNA...from his car? Or would they have been able to force him to give it? It doesn't seem so, but maybe he agreed? Just wondering.

They were watching him for a long time so even if he didn't give them his DNA they could have gotten it off of a glass or any number of things.
Don't worry about it. That Marlene stuff was normal. People have been attacked much worse than she has. I think it was pretty minor actually.

It didn't last long. You gotta look at all angles. No parent/boyfriend gets a free pass when it comes to a missing child. We sleuthers will always start with the family.

I'm well aware of that. Considering how most cases are related to family, that's the first place where people look. I know other parents had it much much worse.
I wasn't necessarily talking about things I've read here on WS, but generally online. I just think some people get a bit carried away with the "behavioral analysis" when they don't have the necessary professional training and experience to truly make correct judgments.
I agree that her family probably "knew", more or less, for a while...but her friends still are not believing it as they are under the impression that she can't be dead unless she is found :( It is just very sad. We know better here, but they don't.

I think kids and even teens handle a tragedy like this at their own pace. And really, adults do as well, it's just that the adult pace can usually be measured in a few seconds or minutes, rather than days or weeks.

It is hard to watch but I think the denial has a purpose in protecting the teen doing the denying.
1.Well, tell them never to get on an elevator alone with boys/men. Wait for next trip.
2.Tell them to NEVER go with the guy EVER. Implant it is better to die right there then to go with them and be tortured/killed. In most cases, the perp will not kill you on the spot. They will find an easier victim.
3. be alert when walking. Look around. Don't have an Ipod/phone stuck in your ear.
4. look around vans/trucks before you get into your car. Try not to park near those types of vehicles.
5. have somebody with you when carpet cleaners/maintenace men are in your home.

I'll think of more tomorrow..

Good tips;)
My parents never really told me anything of that sort (aside the very popular "don't accept candies from strangers"), bad experiences in my childhood probably made me become very careful and aware of what goes on around me all the time. I always try my best not to put myself in "dangerous" situations.

I also always make sure to have my car locked when I'm driving. I pay attention to people on public transportation.
I never open my front door to anyone, EVER. Unless I recognize my neighbor voice (I would still check though!)
If someone stops with their car near me to ask indications, I never go close. You can still talk to them and keep a safety distance.
God I must sound paranoid, but better safe than sorry!
I think Marlene had suspected from the start that Sierra had passed and was putting on a game face for the media.
I'm well aware of that. Considering how most cases are related to family, that's the first place where people look. I know other parents had it much much worse.
I wasn't necessarily talking about things I've read here on WS, but generally online. I just think some people get a bit carried away with the "behavioral analysis" when they don't have the necessary professional training and experience to truly make correct judgments.

Yes, I know what you mean. I saw a lot on the other websites. It didn't help that it was fueled by TV and the behavior analysis that was done. Everyone speculates but when speculation is brought about on national television a lot of people will run with it like it's fact. I hope I said that right!
Good tips;)
My parents never really told me anything of that sort (aside the very popular "don't accept candies from strangers"), bad experiences in my childhood probably made me become very careful and aware of what goes on around me all the time. I always try my best not to put myself in "dangerous" situations.

I also always make sure to have my car locked when I'm driving. I pay attention to people on public transportation.
I never open my front door to anyone, EVER. Unless I recognize my neighbor voice (I would still check though!)
If someone stops with their car near me to ask indications, I never go close. You can still talk to them and keep a safety distance.
God I must sound paranoid, but better safe than sorry![/quote]

Many LE types are paranoid. It comes with the job and it is a characteristic of the good
Good tips;)
My parents never really told me anything of that sort (aside the very popular "don't accept candies from strangers"), bad experiences in my childhood probably made me become very careful and aware of what goes on around me all the time. I always try my best not to put myself in "dangerous" situations.

I also always make sure to have my car locked when I'm driving. I pay attention to people on public transportation.
I never open my front door to anyone, EVER. Unless I recognize my neighbor voice (I would still check though!)
If someone stops with their car near me to ask indications, I never go close. You can still talk to them and keep a safety distance.
God I must sound paranoid, but better safe than sorry!

Very good advice.

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Can't believe this if almost over. It has been a hill of a ride. I will retire now and hope to wake up in time for the press release. 0800, right?

Someone claiming to be Torres brother in law is posting on the find sierra fb page saying that the car was towed a month and a half ago and torres voluntarily gave DNA at that time. Also they are putting in a grand Jury which he says they would not do if they had evidence that was as solid as LE claim. Just FYI

Edited to add- This person who claims to be the brother in law (not proven) says Torres is married with a child. Not confirmed just more FYI
I agree. A predator will always find a way to prey on someone. Unfortunately, I think even if we put our children and ourselves in bubbles, a predator would find a way to get access.

This holds true in so many cases when it seems a child disappears in the blink of an eye.

Just because they are in a car and not walking doesn't mean they can't be abducted. They have to walk to and from the car.

Once that child is 18, they are still your child. How are you to protect them then?


And once they are in the car, you have to worry about a car accident. Even if you think your own teen is the most careful driver out there, they have to share the road with other drivers, some of whom are not going to be careful.

So then you are worrying about two things, death via car accident and death via abduction/murder.

If a parent is super protective (which also means super controlling), the kid may grow up unable to make their own decisions.

Or they may grow up to be incredible daredevils, willing to do anything that is sufficiently risky to make their statement.
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