Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #15 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Good tips;)
My parents never really told me anything of that sort (aside the very popular "don't accept candies from strangers"), bad experiences in my childhood probably made me become very careful and aware of what goes on around me all the time. I always try my best not to put myself in "dangerous" situations.

I also always make sure to have my car locked when I'm driving. I pay attention to people on public transportation.
I never open my front door to anyone, EVER. Unless I recognize my neighbor voice (I would still check though!)
If someone stops with their car near me to ask indications, I never go close. You can still talk to them and keep a safety distance.
God I must sound paranoid, but better safe than sorry!

I do all these things too but I probably talked to my daughter until I was blue in the face and still do and it doesn't seem to make a difference. You live, you learn and when your young (I'm including 20's here) you don't think about bad things happening.

I learned the hard way. I think that's what made me as careful (or paranoid lol) as I am. I don't know. Maybe if the younger generation would read websleuths they would have a little more fear?
I wonder how they matched his DNA...from his car? Or would they have been able to force him to give it? It doesn't seem so, but maybe he agreed? Just wondering.

They said they'd been following him both at work and at home for weeks. Unless he's the super paranoid sort, I'm sure he discarded a container he drank from, a cigarette butt, some chewed gum, plastic cutlery at a fast food place or some such repository of DNA. So they probably already had a sample.

Since they impounded his car, it's clear they had enough probable cause to get a judge to sign off on it. I would assume that would also be enough probable cause to force him to have his mouth swabbed. Even if they had DNA from the covert surveillance, they'd still want a witnessed sample with an unquestionable chain of custody.
I think kids and even teens handle a tragedy like this at their own pace. And really, adults do as well, it's just that the adult pace can usually be measured in a few seconds or minutes, rather than days or weeks.

It is hard to watch but I think the denial has a purpose in protecting the teen doing the denying.

But if she truly is not found, it will be that much more difficult for them to even believe she is dead. That is what they saying now, plus many of them picked up on the "suspicion" of murder charge that was posted someplace and took that to mean that LE is not sure...just a horrible situation. JMO
"a month and a half ago"...

Yep! Sounds about right for DNA results to come back, eh?
They said they'd been following him both at work and at home for weeks. Unless he's the super paranoid sort, I'm sure he discarded a container he drank from, a cigarette butt, some chewed gum, plastic cutlery at a fast food place or some such repository of DNA. So they probably already had a sample.

Since they impounded his car, it's clear they had enough probable cause to get a judge to sign off on it. I would assume that would also be enough probable cause to force him to have his mouth swabbed. Even if they had DNA from the covert surveillance, they'd still want a witnessed sample with an unquestionable chain of custody.

Yes, I guess they could have done that. But surely once his car was flashed all over the country he knew he was a suspect. If anything, we can be relieved he is obviously not too bright. JMO
Don't worry about it. That Marlene stuff was normal. People have been attacked much worse than she has. I think it was pretty minor actually.

It didn't last long. You gotta look at all angles. No parent/boyfriend gets a free pass when it comes to a missing child. We sleuthers will always start with the family.

You're correct.

It's pretty sad, though, that going through a personal tragedy like losing a child instantly makes you a designated target for the worst things people can think.

And it does do harm. Several people who lost children to predators have said that they were additionally hurt by the things that were written and said about them.
Sheriff Smith said he did not work at the Safeway and it was reported wrong in the media. He was arrested there though. Does anyone else think there is something odd about them arresting him at a business like that?

I also wonder if he relaxed his guard thinking he had gotten away with this since they didn't pounce on him right away.

I am interested to see what reason he had for being in the area where Sierra was and if she did make it to the bus stop that day. I haven't found any indication that her friends knew of this person.

Waiting for 8am which will be 11am here.

I know the tears will come when I see the pain in the faces of the family.
Sheriff Smith said he did not work at the Safeway and it was reported wrong in the media. He was arrested there though. Does anyone else think there is something odd about them arresting him at a business like that?

I also wonder if he relaxed his guard thinking he had gotten away with this since they didn't pounce on him right away.

I am interested to see what reason he had for being in the area where Sierra was and if she did make it to the bus stop that day. I haven't found any indication that her friends knew of this person.

Waiting for 8am which will be 11am here.

I know the tears will come when I see the pain in the faces of the family.

They most likely had surveillance on him and decided he was less likely to resist in a public place. He could live with multiple people, or have weapons at home, or there could be children..who knows. That, or that just happened to be where he was when they finally decided to arrest him.
Waking up to the sad news. My heart breaks for her family and friends. I'm so sorry. :cry:

Off to catch up. Who is this creep?
"a month and a half ago"...

Yep! Sounds about right for DNA results to come back, eh?

I wish there was a way to get these tests back quicker. I know I'm dreaming and this is not a tv show but it scares me to think that in 6 weeks these monsters can reoffend or take off and never get caught.
Very, very sad for Marlene, Steve and Danielle. and all that knew and loved Sierra.

I hope they have enough evidence to lock him away for a long time.
I agree. A predator will always find a way to prey on someone. Unfortunately, I think even if we put our children and ourselves in bubbles, a predator would find a way to get access.

This holds true in so many cases when it seems a child disappears in the blink of an eye.

Just because they are in a car and not walking doesn't mean they can't be abducted. They have to walk to and from the car.

Once that child is 18, they are still your child. How are you to protect them then?

You can lessen the chances of your child being taken!
No matter if they are 5 15 or 25.... all a predator needs is


Sierra was there for the taking ALONE!
Every morning same time same place!

Very sad!
I am so glad that he's been arrested. It sounds like we will hear more details today.
You can lessen the chances of your child being taken!
No matter if they are 5 15 or 25.... all a predator needs is


Sierra was there for the taking ALONE!
Every morning same time same place!

Very sad!

I know, what I am saying though, is in general even if say everyone lessons those chances, a predator will still find a way. There are things that can be done to make it more difficult for them, but they will always exist and unfortunately we will be on here talking about an adult or child that has come in harms way. Even if the person or parent took every precaution imaginable.
Waking up to the news my heart is breaking I was so hoping for a different out come . I just can't and I guess never will be able to wrap my head around why we have such sick people in this world . To the ones that have given countless hours of their time in searches and time I want to say Thank you.
To Sierra's family and friends no words can tell you how bad I feel right now for you but may God be with you in this time of need.
Just got home from work, saw a huge number of unread hotsteno tweets & my heart dropped...came here...feels like a punch in the gut - one I was expecting, but still...

My thoughts are with Sierra's family, friends & community.

Just so sad :(

I don't know why this is hitting me so hard. I guess I was hoping she just ran away. Need to pull myself together before the kiddos get up. :(
Yeah, but she was easy prey since she was alone. That doesn't need to happen. My daughter will be driven to school until she is able to drive herself.

your child will not be alone when you drive her to school -

if a child is raped and killed while she is easy prey while driving herself to school, some people will blame her parents for allowing her to be alone but I won't. I will blame the perpetrator
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