Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #7 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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I'm also from a California farm family. The workers that my family hired were usually brought to and from the fields each day by either the foreman, or one other worker. Very, very few of them had their own cars. In California, the accident rate involving farm workers is very high. They usually are brought to the farm in a vehicle that is packed to capacity with other people. Seatbelts for everyone is not a reality. I doubt that many of the workers in the field near Sierra's house had their own car. If anyone from that farm is involved, it would most likely be someone who had their own car, or someone higher up than a picker.

I also doubt that a farm worker is involved. The majority of farm workers work very, very hard, and are incredibly dedicated to their families. They're usually very kind and religious people who are only concerned with earning enough money to support their families. When crimes do occur with this group, it's usually fights started by someone who has been drinking, or petty theft.

Please dont think I am singling out the farm workers. I am not. I have the utmost respect for them, but imo, I am just saying we cant rule anyone out. They are just as sweet and kind here but there are a few that do violent crimes though occasionally.

The only thing that bugs me is the workers were not working the fields that day closest to Sierra's home and who would know that was going to be the case? Was it just a stroke of good luck for the perp? I dunno.

It's not an unreasonable scenario/theory that someone came to the door, etc...after Marlene left. She could have had a ride set up and didn't tell her mom. A friend came in and all went wrong. But she could have still tweeted and taken the photo before things went south (if that is what happened). It's very possible it happened in the house. Then the offender left and took her , her phone and purse so it appeared as though she left the house...or something along those lines.[/quote]

That makes more sense than anything else.... it happened in the house, and the offender decided to make it look like she left the house - probably in the opposite direction from what he/she/they actually went. Back to the map to look at what is in the OPPOSITE direction from where the phone and purse was found. Uggh....

Did they ever have the cadaver dogs in the home?
Oh I thought we were looking for a statement by Smith that said the scent went to the front door.

My bad......
No, well, we were. ;)

It was 2 separate parts of that same NG transcript where Sheriff Smith seemed to vary from the previous SO spokesman comment that the dogs traced Sierra's scent to the "end of the driveway". I posted both parts just upthread, in an attempt to 'splain.

Since this thread has such a volume of posts, it is difficult to point to the discussion that some had about "what this meant". Bein' that we usually have at least 10 convos going on at once. ;)
Hoping something is found tomorrow to lead to Sierra...and if not, that LE may soon clarify some of the confusing issues (for our sake, lol) No, seriously, hoping they have something to share that the public might be of help, if they knew.

It is so close to a month now...that is a long time if LE really does not have anything pointing toward a particular person.

In the beginning of this case, it seemed like we had so much information, which we do, compared to many other cases, but all of it is so confusing and most of it has been contradicted at some point...
Please dont think I am singling out the farm workers. I am not. I have the utmost respect for them, but imo, I am just saying we cant rule anyone out. They are just as sweet and kind here but there are a few that do violent crimes though occasionally.

The only thing that bugs me is the workers were not working the fields that day closest to Sierra's home and who would know that was going to be the case? Was it just a stroke of good luck for the perp? I dunno.


I think the absence of the workers in the field made the perp feel confident enough to follow through. But I am not sure he knew it was going to work out that way.
Nope. I mentioned it that night as I was watching it as I couldn't believe she wouldn't confirm the scent ended at the end of the drive. .but rather would only confirm that it went thru the front door ..this was also when she refused to clear the bf..

That was the night she was driving me crazy with the "I dont know and Im not sure's.

To me she was having an off night for some reason.

Simple things that had already been released became a muddled mess that night.

That is all true. Sadly we cannot rule out any scenario right now.

For some reason I believe that if a farm worker wanted to grab a girl he would grab one in his own little world. There a zillion kids around the barrio.

I think a farm worker in a old car would be quickly noticed on that cul-de-sac. Unless it was a gardeners truck or something I suppose.

For some reason I think it was a stalker and it was someone that seemed unlikely and looked innocent for the time and place.

And he would have become an instant person of interest since he would not have shown up that day or was late.
No, well, we were. ;)

It was 2 separate parts of that same NG transcript where Sheriff Smith seemed to vary from the previous SO spokesman comment that the dogs traced Sierra's scent to the "end of the driveway". I posted both parts just upthread, in an attempt to 'splain.

Since this thread has such a volume of posts, it is difficult to point to the discussion that some had about "what this meant". Bein' that we usually have at least 10 convos going on at once. ;)

That is why I wish she would let Cardoza or Smith go on the national talk shows.

I bet it wouldnt be so confusing then. :)
I hate that observation, but the same thing crossed my mind when I read/heard about the urine on the clothes.

Also, not to be sceptic, but there are a lot of things that happen with migrant workers that isn't reported on now a days because it's an election year and it's NOT considered PC (politically correct).

My heart has ALWAYS worried about this, always. Not saying all migrant workers are horrible people capable of this, but I have heard enough stories to be worried for Sierra.

No, migrant workers are not awful. Many are good hard workers just trying to make ends meet. But within any group of citizens, there are some bad eggs and in this situation everyone in close proximity to places Sierra frequented could be a possible suspect.
We have had consant rain all day today and tomorrow's forecast is thunderstorms and even hail (crazy for our area). Hoping that storm will stay more north so the searchers can get out and look around.

With hundreds of abandoned buildings in the area, I feel she will be connected to one of them. MOO.
That is why I wish she would let Cardoza or Smith go on the national talk shows.

I bet it wouldnt be so confusing then. :)
"She" IS "Smith". Sheriff Laurie Smith. Has there been another LE spokesperson other than Cardoza and her?
I know a little about this story but it was a little girl from Fairfield (I think), She was about 5 or so, named misty Sanchez who escaped. I was familiar with the perp and called to tell LE because I remember him when he paroled....grrrr.

They didn't need my help...LOL. They already had him in mind but didn't know where he was. Curtis Anderson , a real piece of work (now dead, thank goodness) and my very first exposure to the world's best pathological liar. I cringe when I think of him walking out of the prison, years prior. :jail:

She got out of the car when he parked it. He may have had her for two days by then. I can't remember if he fell asleep or walked away for a bit.
I'm catching up now so this may have already been clarified. Mitzy Sanchez is from Vallejo.

Curtis Dean Anderson abducted and killed Xiana Fairchild, also from Vallejo, before he abducted Mitzy.

The focus in Xiana's case was on her mother and her bf for a while because of their lifestyle, rumors that Xiana was often locked outside so they could do drugs and inconsistencies in the mother's statements. Her appearance on a national talk show fueled the fire because the show paid for her clothes for the appearance, a leather skirt suit, IIRC.

They later found her skull in the Santa Cruz mountains.

Mitzy was chained up in his car. He left the keys in the ignition when he went into a building. Mitzy took the key ring, which contained the key to the lock on the chains, and freed herself. She ran to a truck parked nearby and told the driver who she was.

Anderson was a taxi driver in Vallejo.
Please dont think I am singling out the farm workers. I am not. I have the utmost respect for them, but imo, I am just saying we cant rule anyone out. They are just as sweet and kind here but there are a few that do violent crimes though occasionally.

The only thing that bugs me is the workers were not working the fields that day closest to Sierra's home and who would know that was going to be the case? Was it just a stroke of good luck for the perp? I dunno.


Oh, I don't think you are singling anyone out at all. Sorry if my post seemed that way. It wasn't my intention.

If she had been stalked by someone, then it could have been a stroke of good luck. He/she may have been watching her, noticed the workers weren't out, and then decided that the time was now.

If it was someone involved with that farm, then whomever has a car is the person that is most likely the perpetrator. If LE is investigating that farm, then they need to look at those who have cars. The workers weren't on that farm on that particular day, but they were most likely working on another farm in the area. It wasn't a day off, and I would think that farmers are starting to get very busy. There are both crops being planted and crops being harvested right now.

Here's a link to a farm in Morgan Hill that has a nice calendar that shows what crops are being worked on right now. I don't know this farmer at all, and I have no connection to them. I just like their website due to the calendar.
LE is calling the shirt found in the bag a tee shirt. To me, that means a short sleeved shirt, although I suppose long sleeved shirts of the same style are called tees in some areas.

The shirt in the photo looks, to me, like a sweatshirt.

Seems a bit odd that Sierra would wear a Sharks shirt to school and pack a different Sharks shirt to change into later. Girls that age like clothes and they usually have quite a variety. But of course it would not be unheard of that she might choose two similar shirts, just as it would not be unheard of for a young person to own several team shirts.

I am not convinced the shirt in the bag is the same shirt as the one in the photo. I believe Sierra may have been wearing the one in the photo when she left the house but I have not seen it confirmed anywhere by LE that they are one and the same shirt. Or did I miss that?

I would find it odd that Sierra picked two similiar shirts. Girls are all about having different outfits not changing into something that looks just like what they had on.

All I know is the FBI says that Sierra was last seen wearing the Shark-#16- Steakhouse shirt when she disappeared.

It's not an unreasonable scenario/theory that someone came to the door, etc...after Marlene left. She could have had a ride set up and didn't tell her mom. A friend came in and all went wrong. But she could have still tweeted and taken the photo before things went south (if that is what happened). It's very possible it happened in the house. Then the offender left and took her , her phone and purse so it appeared as though she left the house...or something along those lines.

I absolutely find this theory plausible.. IMO I strongly feel it was someone with access to the home..

My only issue would be the that it certainly appears as tho there would be FOREIGN trace DNA and fingerprints found on the bag,clothes, books.. Cardoza said that theyd not found anything to further the investigation.. And IMO someone who lived in the home, if their prints or trace dna(hair and such) were found on those items it would not help further the case BECAUSE THEY HAVE A LEGITIMATE REASON FOR BEING THERE..

I feel like they would have found foreign finger prints if the above scenario had occurred.. JMO, tho!

Still posting via mobile so plz forgive the large number of errors in my posts;)

Why have we never been told to who/where Sierra sent/posted that picture of herself from her laptop??
Why not?? We've been told everything else including that her last text was to a friend and even what the context of the text was..
Why not the photo??
We've been told numerous times it's completely separate from the text sent from her phone at 7:11..
We've been told for absolute certain that it was sent from her laptop..
We've been told that it was sent from her laptop earlier in the morning than the 7:11am text MSG from her phone..
And it's even been stated that the photo was taken at 6:29am..which is the exact same time of her last twitter post.. BUT THAT PHOTO WAS NOT POSTED TO HER TWITTER.. She made a tweet with no picture attached..

So who in the hell was this photo sent to at 6:29am? And was it emailed, facebooked, what?? That info we still haven't a clue of to my knowledge..

One other thing related to this issue is that Marlene has become defensive about the timing of this photo as well.. At first I couldn't even understand why?? But she is determined in stating recently that this photo was snapped immediately before Sierra was walking out the door of the house.. She even tells NG that it was as late as 7:15 cuz Sierra was always rushing like that..(we know Marlene wasn't there)

When Sheriff Smith Stated in the same interview that the photo was from laptop and separate and prior to text MSG sent from the phone and that the text message was sent at 7:11am..

Why does Marlene feel the need to express or convince that the photo was taken immediately preceding Sierra leaving the house about 7:15???.. When she knows that it was taken waaaaaay before then??
I just don't get it??!?!?

Still posting via mobile so plz forgive the large number of errors in my posts;)

6:29 a twitter was sent via web
6:32 tumblr post
7:00 text sent (see Cardoza presser)
7:11 text sent
Post 255 link to LIVE video of Cardoza and a transcript of that presser. Cardoza says TEXT sent a little after 7 a.m.

LAMAR: Well, that Friday morning, I was getting ready to leave for work about 6:00. And I gave her a hug good-bye, like I always do, and wished her a good day. And she did the same to me, you know, said, I love you and have a good day. And I left at 6:00 o`clock.

And then I was told, you know, as far as -- the text that was sent was after 7:00, pretty much right before she leaves to take the bus, which is about 7:15 (INAUDIBLE) catch the bus. The bus usually comes about 7:25.

And she also took -- it was on her laptop, a picture of herself around the same time, close to the time that she texted her friend from school before leaving for the bus stop.

This transcript also has the comment by Sheriff Laurie Smith about the scent by the door (not end of driveway) .... for whomever wanted that.
Marlene says Sierra and her friends borrow each others clothes. Could the jersey belong to someone else?

I remember watching an interview with Marlene on NG. She declined discussing the clothing as to not compromise the investigation...I believe that is correct. Yes, that is correct. Brain just kicked in. That is when Nancy then deferred to one of her staff members or a reporter to comment and give the facts as he knew them - ABOUT THE JERSEY (Marlene didn't talk about the jersey) BUT AT THAT TIME it wasn't released that Stonehouse 16 was on the shirt. Interesting....So there must be a lead with the jersey that LE is not releasing....probably about who the actual owner of the jersey is...IMO
I believe they did recently. Can someone chime in?


If I'm not mistaken (and hey, I totally could be), the dogs they brought in were cross trained in both trailing and HRD. IIRC they also said that they brought in 4 dogs early on, given that the team is only 6 strong, that pretty much confirms that there were HRD dogs on site. If a dept. has HRD dogs available to them, it is pretty much standard procedure to bring them out in these situations, just to check and eliminate that theory. Same reason they went into the house with evidence kits. They were there to check for all possibilities, not necessarily because they had any reason to believe that was the case. It's just a matter of covering all the bases.
Here's cardoza. Statement below of no forensics:
.."Cardoza said a pair of pants, a shirt, a bra and a pair of underwear were neatly folded inside a Juicy brand purse". It was not clear if they were the clothes Sierra put on the morning she was last seen or if they were something she brought along with her. He said they contained no forensic evidence that pointed to a crime or a person of interest in the case. They said they did not release the information earlier because they were waiting on forensic evidence analysis.
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