Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #9 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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There have been so many cases since then that I have forgotten some of the details.

So he confessed as to how he got her to go with him?

Why would he be dressed in his own work uniform and then try to pretend to be a cop? IIRC, it even had his name on his shirt and where he worked.


I can find no site that said he had a badge
Yes, and he showed her something "palmed" in his hand. They believe it was a badge. The ruse was, he was an plain clothed cop and told her she was trespassing in that parking lot and told her to get into the car, she was under arrest. Kids need to know, that cops don't act like that, never get in a car because someone says they are LE or have a badge. You can buy one at a dollar store.

ps, this is refference to another case..... Carlie Brucia in FL. Not this case.
Thank you for giving some more details that I had not remembered. I've referenced this case in other threads; however, I didn't remember the detail of him showing her a badge. At any rate, he portrayed himself as an "authority figure."
I agree with you. We always get the doubters in every case, the ones who believe that because LE doesn't keep us informed, they aren't any closer to solving it. No matter how many times they're reminded, some still just can't grasp the fact that LE does not have to release any information about a case while it's being investigated. Even though the media always screams that the public has a right to know, that is not true. We do NOT have the right to know anything, unless we're local and it concerns our safety. Once they find and arrest whoever took Sierra, I'm sure more details will emerge.
If they thought they had a serial kidnapper/murderer on the loose, you bet, they would inform the public of certain things and warn them to be vigilant. But obviously, they don't believe this is the case, so keeping it close to their vest is in LE's best interests. The less the public knows, the better their chances of catching the perp and solving the case. Ask any LEO with investigative experience, they'll tell you the same thing.
I've often wondered, what would happen if we did know everything they did? What would we do with that information? NOTHING, except sit here and talk about it.

I am usually one of the ones that believes LE is busy working behind the scenes and probably has a POI in their sights. But on this case I just feel they dont. I do think they think it is someone right in Sierra's own neighborhood or has reason to be in that area because of the work they do which makes the most sense anyway. Although they do have to consider it could have been a complete stranger and the type that lurks the rural backroads looking for a victim for that has certainly been the case before.

I do hope that the clothing and purse yeilded some evidence and they are not releasing those results which is undertandable if it is pointing them toward a suspect. If the results have given them nothing then I think they are back to square one and know finding Sierra's body is the only way that evidence may be learned as to who took her away from her family that day.

When Shasta and Dylan Greone were missing from their home with their family members murdered not once did LE announce that others in the area were in danger. They didnt do it either when Jessica Lunsford was missing. So not telling the neighborhood to be on high alert doesnt mean anything to me. I have seen so many cases where the perp turned out to be a complete stranger and LE never came out and warned the community.

Texas Lady, you are so right. LE isn't going to divulge information that could compromise the investigation, or ultimately result in a mistrial. As I've posted before, I think LE has a narrow Suspect list at this point. Further, I agree with you that they aren't routinely checking these reservoirs as part of an investigation. They know something specific. So after a month - what do we know, and what can we ponder from what we do know?

1. Sierra came from a broken home. The mother is living with a boyfriend and the father is a registered sex offender.
Points to ponder - Kids from broken homes are angry and disenfranchised. They reach out to others to talk through their issues. Kids like this are prime targets for pedophiles, etc. The biggest red flag I keep thinking about is the RSO father. Birds of a feather flock together. Who of his friends was hanging out around that house and Sierra? Who became a special "Uncle" to her? A confidant?
2. Sierra disappeared on her way to school, and her purse and phone were found alongside the road.
Points to ponder - Teens tell their friends *everything*. Had she told them about any guy/man bothering her, trying to pick her up, or giving her the creeps in the weeks before she vanished? Who had red hot anger towards Sierra, her mother or father? The bag/phone being tossed and the handcuffs/condoms being found suggest someone is placing these items to taunt the family. The Perp is enjoying their suffering immensly; he hates them. Who would hate the Lamar family that much? Who had they wronged that badly? (Again, I can't help but go back to the RSO father. That is certainly a motive for revenge.)
3. Sierra is a very pretty girl, a cheerleader.
Points to ponder - Pretty, popular girls can be the targets of jealous, obsessive, unbalanced people. Why did she move from her old school to Morgan Hill? What happened that caused that move? This has never been adequately explained. Who acted obsessive and jealous to an extreme?
4. Sierra originally lived with her father as her primary residence, not her mother. (I believe this is correct?)
Points to ponder - A teenage girl living with her father vs. her mother is a bit unusual, even if there were geograhic considerations such as staying at the same high school. The majority of teen girls would be with their mother. Why wasn't she living with her mother? There has been alot said about them having a strained relationship (above and beyond the usual teen issues.) Why? Since Marlene was/is single, has she unwittingly exposed her teen daughter to men that made Sierra uncomfortable? (Pedophiles will often wheedle their way in to a woman's life to get to their children.) I think a review of Marlene's male acquaintances should be conducted.

These are just a few thoughts that come to mind as I scan through the many threads in this forum. One thing stands out for me in particular. Whoever has taken this child is leaving their "calling cards" in the form of the purse, phone, handcuffs, condoms. They are taunting the family, and enjoying every second of it. This is not random. Someone hates the Lamar family beyond reason. I believe if you follow that logic trail, you will find your Perp.
God Bless You Sierra. I am praying for you.
Now I am going to have to google There's Something About Kevin just to see what it's all about!

You all have me curious!:waitasec:

I think the book is "We Need To Talk About Kevin" and it is fiction, but is in the form of letters from the mother of a school massacre shooter to her estranged husband, discussing indications along his life that there was something wrong. If I say more I will have said too much.
I don't think it's fair to imply that all kids from "broken homes" are angry and disenfranchised. I dislike the term broken home anyway. Plenty of kids live with two parents who are married to each other, but the home is broken in some way regardless.
I don't think it's fair to imply that all kids from "broken homes" are angry and disenfranchised. I dislike the term broken home anyway. Plenty of kids live with two parents who are married to each other, but the home is broken in some way regardless.

I have to agree with you.

To me it is far worse on a child or children to live in a home where there is constant bickering and discord among their bio parents. That environment is far more harmful for children imo.

Often when there is a divorce both parents give more undivided time to their children. And if either of the parents have a boyfriend/girlfriend or remarry that can also have a positive affect on the children if they feel loved and respected by more than just their bio parents.

The police has said they have interviewed everyone close to Sierra and found that she had a close relationship with her mom, father and Rick.

What is the best way to get back to the latest page for this thread on Websleuth? Bookmark?

When you come back, go to the first page of this thread. Right above the first post there will be a link that says something like "go to first unread". Click that.
Usually, it will take you right where you left off. Unless you've been surfing around websleuths in the mean time, and then it *may* take you quite a bit further. But at least from there you can scroll back to a reasonable approximation of where you left off.
So, I haven't done any family sleuthing but I'm wondering if anyone can find out about how long ago the father's offense that made him an RSO happened.

I'm wondering because I have an uncle. When I was six I remember my parents telling me "if you see him, come to me, do not talk to him, we don't talk to uncle R anymore". Well as I got older I got more of the story. He had slept with a 14 year old girl. A girl who JUST TURNED 14 and this man was 40!!! Ugh. It was "consensual" (mmmhmm because 14 year olds can consent to sex with adults....). This girl's father was so torn up, he fought himself and his wife and daughter in trying to find the best choice to make. He felt like he needed to press charges, ANYTHING! His baby girl was violated by this man WHETHER SHE WANTED IT OR NOT IT DIDN'T MAKE IT RIGHT! So after months they decided not to file police reports and pursue justice.

Well... For months this man went into a kind of psychotic rage. He would call and threaten my uncle and would say things like "You're lucky you don't have a daughter!" and made threats implying that if he had had a girl child, this man would hurt her to make her dad pay.

He was sick. This man went away for a while and got better.... But oh man I keep thinking about him when I think of Sierra and who might want to hurt her... I'm just praying that is not the case... :please:
I thought he had a knife not a badge!
is that what he did?

I watched the tape with someone who is ex LE and now teaches kids about stranger danger. He paused the video and you can see him take his right hand from his side and shows her something, as she looked down. It was not comfirmed but is some think that is what took place.
There have been so many cases since then that I have forgotten some of the details.

So he confessed as to how he got her to go with him?

Why would he be dressed in his own work uniform and then try to pretend to be a cop? IIRC, it even had his name on his shirt and where he worked.


Well it didn't matter in the end what he had on, as she couldn't tell anyone and my point was that these guys are smart and know how to get kids to go with them.
I am curious too, but is that the actual name, cannot find anything. Lots of stuff on a book and movie called "We need to talk about Kevin" is that it?
That is what I found when I googled it. "We Need to Talk About Kevin".
Sounds rather horrid, but something that happens in real life, unfortunately.:seeya:
Ok, one more link to a article and I'm going to bed. The first link is about the crimes and the second his arrest. This happened right before Sierra disappeared.

A Security Guard uniform...we have been discussing the possibility of a person in a uniform of authority as the perp in Sierra's case.
I watched the tape with someone who is ex LE and now teaches kids about stranger danger. He paused the video and you can see him take his right hand from his side and shows her something, as she looked down. It was not comfirmed but is some think that is what took place.

O i know i saw it any times myself i live in sarasota county very near there!
I thought JMO it was a box cutter or something like that.
A Security Guard uniform...we have been discussing the possibility of a person in a uniform of authority as the perp in Sierra's case.

I think its a neighbor
A friendly guy that said hi to her every day!
and offered her a ride that rainy day!

Now see the guy had to have maybe work gloves in his car so he didnt touch her bag and phone i wonder whos prints are on that phone!
I read We Need to Talk about Kevin (British book by a British writer) when it first came out several years ago. It IS disturbing - hands down the most disturbing novel I've ever read. However it was extremely well written and thought-provoking. A woman who is ambivalent about being a mother gives birth to a son who turns out to be a psychopath. Was he born that way, or is she responsible because of her ambivalence about being a mother?? So it was upsetting, but also really interesting. I saw the MOVIE recently - was very different. I love Tilda Swinton and thought if anyone could portray the complicated mother well she could - and she did. The movie was 100% horror - very creepy and gratuitous - I hated it and regretted watching it. Kept thinking that if one hadn't read the book you'd have no idea what was really going on there.

Sorry for the reviews. But the people who post here might enjoy the book for the psychological aspects of it. The movie, as has already been said, you've been warned.

Back on topic. I do wish it weren't such a slow day regarding SL and that there was more to discuss to move the case forward.

Actually... LE is going to be interviewing Sierra's neighborhood today (again), and there are searches going on.
I am waiting (impatiently, I might add) for results from today's investigations/searches/interviews!:seeya:
Pardon me for not being up to speed on this case...but I do have a question, if it is okay to ask, in case it has been addressed.
In looking at the property from an aerial view, and realizing it may not be Up to date... in addition to the main house, there appears to be a pool/guest house, 3 mobile type homes, and some sort of metal building/garage to the rear.
Is it known if anyone was living in any these, or utilizing the building to the rear for a business purpose?? Hmm, just wondering ...
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