GUILTY CA - Sophia, 2, Yazmine, 1, & Xenia Coronado, 2 mos, murdered, 20 May 2014

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
We don't know enough to make a valid judgment either way. Your rush to assume she is guilty (which she may be) is no more justified than the assumption excuses are being made for her by posters sharing facts about potential diagnoses she could or not be suffering from.

The only people equipped to make that judgment are the properly trained mental health clinicians who are or will see CC at the jail or at a mental health facility in the future. We only know what LE or MSM tells us, which isn't much.

I haven't ever excused her actions. The conjecture of your response was yours, not mine.

I understand your anger, but it is displaced. Those innocent children should be alive today. I am wrestling with the need for punishment at this very moment, but this negativity isn't helping.

All I did was present the fact that in addition to Post Natal Depression, Post NatalPsychosis exists outside of the U.S., because you brought it up.

We can just agree to disagree.

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Good idea.

Watch what the courts do.

However, everything indicates that this is a repeat of THIS situation -

Theresa Riggi was diagnosed with personality disorders, was narcissistic and hysterical.

Not one single word about psychosis.
You realise I'm from another country, right?

We don't HAVE PPD, or what ever you wish to call it.

We have Post Natal Depression.


Would you rather I confused everyone even more by using the only term I am familiar with?

Also, getting the acronym right makes absolutely zero difference to whether this woman murdered her children, or was not responsible due to mental illness.

The Murder charge says it all. They are even contemplating the DP.

What ILL woman gets the death penalty?

AY was charged with Capital Murder and was facing the DP. It was what she wanted - her death would have fulfilled a prophecy in her twisted mind. The case has evolved over time and appeals, but an ILL woman can certainly receive the DP - if she isn't properly represented or evaluated


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First of all, how many women tell their friends, sisters, mothers serious things...and never tell their husbands? If I had an issue after my pregnancy or with my baby, or my mind...I would likely call a friend or my mother first. Why? Because, they have been there. I feel more comfortable freaking out to someone who has been through the process. I have a wonderful marriage. With that said, my husband has never carried a child or dealt with all the hard stuff that comes with that.

I'm not giving anyone a pass. I'm saying that it happens A LOT, that a spouse does not realize the other has a severe problem. It's not uncommon, and it doesn't mean the person is a bad spouse. I don't know, he could be the worst husband ever. I'm just not willing to assume that, because he was across the street working on a car, and she CHOSE to call her mother instead. Her mother gave birth to her. Not that this situation is normal, but it IS normal for a daughter to call a mother first in a dark time. Not only that, the husband could have easily stopped her and overpowered her. Have you not realized, that she could have not called the husband, because she deep inside didn't want to truly be stopped?

We have no idea what went on in that household and until we do, I'm not going to give any husband/father of such small children a free pass.

If she had been in a psychotic state she would have been detained in a psych ward.

She was not. The cuffs went on, she was dragged to jail, just like any other common murderer.

You can say "oh she was unwell" all you like but it DOESN'T APPEAR THAT SHE WAS.

a psych ward where exactly? Jails have areas and staff trained to handle such inmates.

We have no idea what went on in that household and until we do, I'm not going to give any husband/father of such small children a free pass.


But the mother who slaughtered her children gets a pass? I never said I was giving anyone a pass, I just think it's ridiculous to say he could be at fault, because he happened to be across the street.
So....if she kills her babies, it follows that she has Postpartum Psychosis?

Or, more accurately, she killed her babies, and may or may not have PPP.

We don't know and I personally think rushing to the PPP "excuse" is ridiculous when this woman's actions scream planning and malice.

Don't twist words. Stay focused here. It does not necessarily follow. It was mentioned in the early articles that LE was investigating this possibility, so that is where the discussion comes from.

It is okay to have a different opinion. Agree to disagree and move on.

Andrea Yates was also arrested, cuffed, and detained in the regular jail for a period of time. Psych evals don't happen overnight. This woman isn't even speaking according to reports. Can't eval someone who can't speak.

imo, Andrea Yates was not PPP, she was schizophrenic. I'm not sure comparing her to this case is comparing apples to apples. JM personal O (not a mod statement).

RBBM -- Actually, PPP can. That's why it's a medical emergency. I'm sorry you feel we might be doing a disservice to women suffering from postpartum mental health issues. Just know, our hearts are in the right place. To try to save anyone who might be going through this. To let them know they're not alone.

In respect to the mod who previously posted, I won't share anything else about this subject. I'll be keeping my eye on the thread though and if anyone has any questions, I'll do my best to answer them. Thank you all for your understanding and support.

It is fine to discuss it. MSM has reported that LE is looking into the possibility and that opens the discussion.

No worries,

We have no idea what went on in that household and until we do, I'm not going to give any husband/father of such small children a free pass.


Without a link, any discussion implicating the father or the grandmother in this crime will be removed. They are innocent victims until/unless LE says otherwise.

Just want to make sure we are clear here on the boundaries.

Without a link, any discussion implicating the father or the grandmother in this crime will be removed. They are innocent victims until/unless LE says otherwise.

Just want to make sure we are clear here on the boundaries.


I understand. I based my opinion on the fact that police have placed a security hold on all information and they escorted the husband from the home along with his wife.

Deputies arrived, went inside and brought out the husband, followed by his wife.

Madrid said,"I saw him when they were bringing him out, and he was crying saying 'She killed my daughter's'!" There have been no reports on the outcome of the questioning of the children's father. The investigations are still ongoing, and more information will be released as it becomes available.
But the mother who slaughtered her children gets a pass? I never said I was giving anyone a pass, I just think it's ridiculous to say he could be at fault, because he happened to be across the street.

I never suggested the mother should get any kind of pass at all. The investigation is ongoing. I don't know when the children died or where anybody was. All we know is where everyone was when the Grandmother found the bodies.

Coronado’s mother found her son-in-law working on his truck when she pulled up to the house. Rudy Coronado Jr. purchased the black 1968 GMC pickup with heavy wear on April 17, records show. He told his mother-in-law to let herself inside. Moments later, neighbors heard her scream “Oh my God!” and ran outside their homes to see what had happened.
I am deeply disturbed by how quickly this woman's actions are being diagnosed as a psychotic break.

There is an excellent chance that she is NOT psychotic, [modsnip].

The fact they are contemplating the DP for her should scream that this is NOT a mentally ill individual.

Yes PPD exists, yes it's devastating to all involved - but if this woman does not have it (my bet) then you are doing a massive disservice to those who truly do suffer by stating that PPD can make you a child murdering maniac at the drop of a hat.

I guess I just don't understand how you could not be psychotic or mentally ill to commit such a crime. jmo
What on earth would be her possible motivation, if it was not psychotically induced? Just wondering.
I mean, this goes beyond killing a stranger. And one indiv. These are kids you gave birth to. Only a seriously mentally ill individual would and could do such a thing jmo. Its not sexually motivated, etc...
I am deeply disturbed by how quickly this woman's actions are being diagnosed as a psychotic break.

There is an excellent chance that she is NOT psychotic, [modsnip].

The fact they are contemplating the DP for her should scream that this is NOT a mentally ill individual.

Yes PPD exists, yes it's devastating to all involved - but if this woman does not have it (my bet) then you are doing a massive disservice to those who truly do suffer by stating that PPD can make you a child murdering maniac at the drop of a hat.

I'm not disturbed. It's quite logical that people would immediately suspect PPP in such a case. Someone said we don't blame murders committed by men on hormones so why here? Simple. PPP appears to be caused by a catastrophic hormonal imbalance resulting from the birth of a child. There is no known equivalent with men.

In this case, what points,I believe, to psychosis as a cause, is the following:
1. No known marital issues. No reports of infidelity or other relationships on the part of either parent. ( I'm thinking Susan Smith I want to get rid of my babies so I can be with another man or a scorned, evil woman who wants to hurt her husband and seek revenge through his children).
2. No known personality issues or previous psych/criminal histories. If this had been a woman in and out of jail, let's say, super aggressive, prone to fighting, rages, jealousies, etc., it would be more likely that something like this was done knowingly and willfully, to harm or for revenge purposes. (Like in the Gabriel Johnson case).
3. No history of child abuse or neglect. It appears these children were well taken care of and well loved. There were no reports that she mistreated her kids or didn't care for them. Instead, her social media is dominated by photos of her children. You pointed to one selfie she had, which billions of mothers do, as proof she is "narcissistic", but her FB is basically all her kids. So what does that show.
4. The ages of the kids. She had 3 in quick succession. She may have suffered with PPD with the older two which worsened with the youngest. The age of the youngest lends itself to this theory.
5. The family and neighbors were shocked. No "We saw something like this coming."
6. Lack of any, typical motive for these murders. As stated above, no apparent revenge issues. No insurance policies we know of, no other man in the wings we are aware of, no quests for attention that confusing deaths would satisfy, no expressed hatred of the kids.

Of course we will know more when she is evaluated. For now, it is very logical to assume PPP.

Finally, unless a very obvious, sinister motive arises, I guarantee she will never get the DP. I don't believe it will even be sought.
I am deeply disturbed by how quickly this woman's actions are being diagnosed as a psychotic break.

There is an excellent chance that she is NOT psychotic, [modsnip].

The fact they are contemplating the DP for her should scream that this is NOT a mentally ill individual.

Yes PPD exists, yes it's devastating to all involved - but if this woman does not have it (my bet) then you are doing a massive disservice to those who truly do suffer by stating that PPD can make you a child murdering maniac at the drop of a hat.

I guess I just don't understand how you could not be psychotic or mentally ill to commit such a crime. jmo

Susan Smith. Casey Anthony. Marybeth Tinning. Elizabeth Johnson. Diane Downs.

Not one was psychotic.
Extensive, in-depth report
by Larry Altman
Daily Breeze
Posted 3 days ago

Weeping mother said she was tired just hours before daughters were found slain

...CC wept during a phone call with her sister-in-law about eight hours before the slayings, saying she was tired but planning to take her middle child to a doctor’s appointment that day.

CC spoke with her husband’s sister about eight hours before deputies say she stabbed her three daughters to death on a bed and attempted to take her own life Tuesday afternoon.

“She was sobbing,” SC (CC's sister-in-law) said in an interview Thursday with the Daily Breeze. “She was crying. And she said she was tired and exhausted. ... I told her, ‘Take her to the appointment and bring me the girls.’ ”

SC could hear her nieces — Sophia, 2½; Yazmine, 16 months; and Xenia, 2 months — crying in the background, but didn’t think anything of it. A mother herself, she knows children often cry when a parent is on the telephone.

...Rudy, was outside working on his pickup truck parked across the street from their home...when his mother-in-law arrived about 5 p.m. He told her to go ahead and go inside.

Moments later, he rushed inside when he heard her screams of “Oh my God!”

A distraught Rudy Coronado cried when he signed papers at the funeral home. Earlier, he had told a reporter his wife must have been possessed by a demon to commit such an act.

“He says that there’s something in her that he didn’t see,” SC said. “Something in her eyes. I don’t know.”

Autopsies conducted Thursday confirmed the children suffered stab wounds, but it was unclear whether they also suffered head trauma. The results were not disclosed. Deputies confiscated a hammer and other knives from the home to examine as potential evidence.



:candle: :rose: :candle: :rose: :candle: :rose:




~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~Note: @LarryAltman was one of the first local journalists to report on the Coronado case. He has been credited with having access to a "boots on the ground" POV regarding this story since the news hit MSM. His articles and real time tweets gave up to the minute details in the hours immediately following the receipt of initial text alert.
Numerous major news outlets have cited his original articles in their write-ups.

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The Daily Breeze's Larry Altman appeared on NG on May 21st and 22nd


I'll be on @NancyGraceHLN at 5 to talk about the homicides involving the 3 children near #Carson.
21 May 14 - 14:08 Transcript link

Neighbor AM joins Mr. Altman as a guest on panel on 5/21


On 5/22, Mr. Altman and AM return. They are joined by SC, CC's SIL, and psychoanalyst Dr. Bethany Marshall on panel.
22 May 2014


I'll be briefly on @NancyGraceHLN in10 minutes regarding the children's deaths near #Carson. Transcript link:

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I understand. I based my opinion on the fact that police have placed a security hold on all information and they escorted the husband from the home along with his wife.

Deputies arrived, went inside and brought out the husband, followed by his wife.

Madrid said,"I saw him when they were bringing him out, and he was crying saying 'She killed my daughter's'!" There have been no reports on the outcome of the questioning of the children's father. The investigations are still ongoing, and more information will be released as it becomes available.

Of course they did!!! They arrived at a home with children who were dead. They have to do this, because they had no idea who did this at the time.

Since that moment, the husband is free and the mother is in jail. The mother is the suspect, not the husband.
What on earth would be her possible motivation, if it was not psychotically induced? Just wondering.

In Theresa Riggi's case, the motive was revenge.

Revenge against the father who loved his children yet rejected her.

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