CA: "That's ALL that's important"

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I think she was smiling because she was finally able to accept that Caylee is in a better place, and she prefers to believe that Caylee was loved and cherished by her whole family. She chose to honor Caylee with smiles and happy memories rather than tears or guilt. A church is not a place to bring up the horror of how Caylee died or who was responsible. Cindy obviously has faith in God and He gave her the strength to get through it all with love and hope, and frankly, I was quite proud of her for it. As JVM said, Cindy planned the memorial and made all the arrangements, chose the music and the singers, and orchestrated the whole thing, which was quite a feat for her, after going through seven months of anguish and grief.
I saw nothing but love for her grandbaby in her eyes. I guess we only see what we choose to see.

I am not a particularly religious person, yet I can think of very, very few places as appropriate as a church for speaking, thinking, and praying about the criticality of finding out the entire truth of what happened to precious baby Caylee.
I can understand the A's trying to transcend the earthly details of their situation and see the big picture, and move on to forgiveness. Plus, soon enough, God willing, there will be more grandchildren to bring smiles back.

KC, on the other hand, has to deal with hell on earth for quite a long stretch ahead, and that's her karma catching up with her.

She showed no empathy for any other living being. Now she will be living with people just like herself. And really, isn't that the truest meaning of hell?

Just remembering KC lamely quoting the Bible to her parents about "Loving thy neighbor", makes me shake my head. Within moments of that quote she followed that with "If they don't help you, forget them. Give them nothing."

Yes she has a long road ahead of her in hell on Earth (jail).
Maybe Cindy is letting Casey know that her family will love her no matter what and that there is NO MORE NEED for silence.

People have been saying since Caylee disappeared that Casey won't talk because she is afraid of Cindy.

Cindy let Casey know she doesn't have to be afraid. Her love is unconditional. George and Lee sent prayers, understanding and forgiveness.

Shouldn't the family be encouraging Casey to confess? Especially if Casey is the victim of a *tragic accident* instead of a murderess. If Casey IS a murderess, for the good of her soul, shouldn't she be talking?

Cindy didn't say Casey was innocent. Neither did George or Lee. I am encouraged that they seem to be trying to alleviate any fears Casey might have about the truth being unacceptable.


Very good points Jolynna, I completely agree. I also believe this is the motivation behind the A's request to meet with her privately.

A part of me wishes they'd let them do it. I think there is a small chance that she may confess the truth under those circumstances. Small, but imo, the only chance.
She knows that she was loved by her family. And thats all that's important

Thank goodness that isn't all that's important to LE, the SA, and most of the rest of decent society!
My take on the statement is MAYBE she thinks KC was involved- but Caylee's death was an accident, therefore Caylee did not leave this world in a hateful and ugly way by the hands of her mother. So CA is thinking, yes she died, but it was an accident, and she died knowing she was loved by you, KC, and the rest of the family, and that is all that is important.

Then again, I have yet to be able to accuratley interpret anything this family has said and I doubt I ever will be able to. My mind just can't think like they do, KWIM?

I think you're probably right, twitter. They have justified in their minds that this was all a horrible accident and that KC was afraid and tried to hide it. Perhaps that is the only way they can live with the knowledge that she died because of something Casey did.
CA doesn't seem to realize that her behavior does not make her daughter look innocent and, in fact, might be helping to further turn public opinion.

Cindy has demonstrated from day one that she is a master manipulator at revisionist history, at publicly proclaiming things to be true when in private she may doubt them, starting with how she dealt with people who noticed that KC was clearly seven months pregnant. Telling RG that KC stealing $250 only happened "once". Insisting her daughter was a wonderful loving mother in public when in private she had admitted she suspected her of being a sociopath. Refusing to anyone investigate anything other than a kidnapping. What's more she has demonstrated over and over that she becomes defensive and angry when her "mis-truths", "half-truths" or delusions are questioned.

It leaves the public the impression it is easy to believe that KC could have killed her daughter, either accidentally or on purpose, and created a dissociative fairy tale in her head about what really happened that would allow her to party with her friends for a month before she was discovered and feel justified in telling lie after lie when confronted.

Cindy's public behavior, and her angry insistence on bending the facts to her own advantage or favor, is doing more to taint a jury pool against her daughter than anything the media could concoct. She mirrors her own daughter's behavior when she does this and reinforces the impression that the entire family feels they have a right to do anything they want and are entitled to special treatment afterward and an extreme PR make-over to seal the deal.

One little boy stated the obvious in front to a crowd of deluded believers in The Emperor Has No Clothes. This is the reverse. This deluded woman rails against a crowd who can clearly see the obvious. We have let her off the hook because she is a grieving grandmother. But this pattern behavior has been shown to extend at least back to when Caylee was born and most likely long before. Someone needs to take her aside and say that everything she is doing is simply making it all much worse.

This is a well thought out post and I totally agree that Cindy does not realize, because of her delusions, that she is making things worse.
This is a well thought out post and I totally agree that Cindy does not realize, because of her delusions, that she is making things worse.

I agree with you and for the life of me can't figure out why someone has not advised Cindy of this.
CA doesn't seem to realize that her behavior does not make her daughter look innocent and, in fact, might be helping to further turn public opinion.

Cindy has demonstrated from day one that she is a master manipulator at revisionist history, at publicly proclaiming things to be true when in private she may doubt them, starting with how she dealt with people who noticed that KC was clearly seven months pregnant. Telling RG that KC stealing $250 only happened "once". Insisting her daughter was a wonderful loving mother in public when in private she had admitted she suspected her of being a sociopath. Refusing to anyone investigate anything other than a kidnapping. What's more she has demonstrated over and over that she becomes defensive and angry when her "mis-truths", "half-truths" or delusions are questioned.

It leaves the public the impression it is easy to believe that KC could have killed her daughter, either accidentally or on purpose, and created a dissociative fairy tale in her head about what really happened that would allow her to party with her friends for a month before she was discovered and feel justified in telling lie after lie when confronted.

Cindy's public behavior, and her angry insistence on bending the facts to her own advantage or favor, is doing more to taint a jury pool against her daughter than anything the media could concoct. She mirrors her own daughter's behavior when she does this and reinforces the impression that the entire family feels they have a right to do anything they want and are entitled to special treatment afterward and an extreme PR make-over to seal the deal.

One little boy stated the obvious in front to a crowd of deluded believers in The Emperor Has No Clothes. This is the reverse. This deluded woman rails against a crowd who can clearly see the obvious. We have let her off the hook because she is a grieving grandmother. But this pattern behavior has been shown to extend at least back to when Caylee was born and most likely long before. Someone needs to take her aside and say that everything she is doing is simply making it all much worse.

GREAT post!
CA doesn't seem to realize that her behavior does not make her daughter look innocent and, in fact, might be helping to further turn public opinion.

Cindy has demonstrated from day one that she is a master manipulator at revisionist history, at publicly proclaiming things to be true when in private she may doubt them, starting with how she dealt with people who noticed that KC was clearly seven months pregnant. Telling RG that KC stealing $250 only happened "once". Insisting her daughter was a wonderful loving mother in public when in private she had admitted she suspected her of being a sociopath. Refusing to anyone investigate anything other than a kidnapping. What's more she has demonstrated over and over that she becomes defensive and angry when her "mis-truths", "half-truths" or delusions are questioned.

It leaves the public the impression it is easy to believe that KC could have killed her daughter, either accidentally or on purpose, and created a dissociative fairy tale in her head about what really happened that would allow her to party with her friends for a month before she was discovered and feel justified in telling lie after lie when confronted.

Cindy's public behavior, and her angry insistence on bending the facts to her own advantage or favor, is doing more to taint a jury pool against her daughter than anything the media could concoct. She mirrors her own daughter's behavior when she does this and reinforces the impression that the entire family feels they have a right to do anything they want and are entitled to special treatment afterward and an extreme PR make-over to seal the deal.

One little boy stated the obvious in front to a crowd of deluded believers in The Emperor Has No Clothes. This is the reverse. This deluded woman rails against a crowd who can clearly see the obvious. We have let her off the hook because she is a grieving grandmother. But this pattern behavior has been shown to extend at least back to when Caylee was born and most likely long before. Someone needs to take her aside and say that everything she is doing is simply making it all much worse.

Thank you for holding up the magnifying glass and writing such a brilliant summation of the transparency of CA's contradictory statements, and providing clarity to an otherwise obscured vision.

OneLost Grl:

Are you one to sample the chocolates then put them back into the box? Or are you able to pick out the ones you know you'll like from their external appearance?

You are very sweet.:blowkiss:
This reminds me of a post (myspace?) Casey did...was it the End of
days post? Where she talks about things being given and taken away...anyone have a better memory than me? :) I'm sure ya

The chilling words from KC's MySpace "Diary of Days": "With great power comes great consequence. What is given can be taken away."

This was (imo) KC's message to Cindy.

How utterly horrifying........
I found this statement to be a tad odd IMO. I haven't quite figured out what I think about it.
CA doesn't seem to realize that her behavior does not make her daughter look innocent and, in fact, might be helping to further turn public opinion.

Cindy has demonstrated from day one that she is a master manipulator at revisionist history, at publicly proclaiming things to be true when in private she may doubt them, starting with how she dealt with people who noticed that KC was clearly seven months pregnant. Telling RG that KC stealing $250 only happened "once". Insisting her daughter was a wonderful loving mother in public when in private she had admitted she suspected her of being a sociopath. Refusing to anyone investigate anything other than a kidnapping. What's more she has demonstrated over and over that she becomes defensive and angry when her "mis-truths", "half-truths" or delusions are questioned.

It leaves the public the impression it is easy to believe that KC could have killed her daughter, either accidentally or on purpose, and created a dissociative fairy tale in her head about what really happened that would allow her to party with her friends for a month before she was discovered and feel justified in telling lie after lie when confronted.

Cindy's public behavior, and her angry insistence on bending the facts to her own advantage or favor, is doing more to taint a jury pool against her daughter than anything the media could concoct. She mirrors her own daughter's behavior when she does this and reinforces the impression that the entire family feels they have a right to do anything they want and are entitled to special treatment afterward and an extreme PR make-over to seal the deal.

One little boy stated the obvious in front to a crowd of deluded believers in The Emperor Has No Clothes. This is the reverse. This deluded woman rails against a crowd who can clearly see the obvious. We have let her off the hook because she is a grieving grandmother. But this pattern behavior has been shown to extend at least back to when Caylee was born and most likely long before. Someone needs to take her aside and say that everything she is doing is simply making it all much worse.

ITA. Cindy is the self-appointed QUEEN of "revisionist history"!!!
Why bother with the truth when one can just edit and revise life as neccessary?! My daughter KC? The one waddling over there in a third trimester maternity dress? Oh, she's not pregnant!!......she's just a tad bloated. She is a virgin after all........

---and so it goes....and its never stopped.
OneLost Grl:

Are you one to sample the chocolates then put them back into the box? Or are you able to pick out the ones you know you'll like from their external appearance?

You are very sweet.:blowkiss:

I eat 'em all- no putting anything back LOL! My mom does that, smooshes them with her thumb so she can see what's inside and then goes from there. And which do you do? :)

You are very sweet too :blowkiss:
In all fairness, Cindy didn't stand behind the podium and say, "Casey is innocent." She didn't address Casey's situation (which would have been revising).

She expressed her unconditional love.

I have been reading for months that Casey can't talk because she is afraid of Cindy.

Shouldn't Cindy TRY to alleviate Casey's fears just in case that's true? It doesn't matter whether I (or anyone else) thinks it's Casey's reason for silence. Cindy is doing the right thing by removing the possibility.

I think she was smiling because she was finally able to accept that Caylee is in a better place, and she prefers to believe that Caylee was loved and cherished by her whole family. She chose to honor Caylee with smiles and happy memories rather than tears or guilt. A church is not a place to bring up the horror of how Caylee died or who was responsible. Cindy obviously has faith in God and He gave her the strength to get through it all with love and hope, and frankly, I was quite proud of her for it. As JVM said, Cindy planned the memorial and made all the arrangements, chose the music and the singers, and orchestrated the whole thing, which was quite a feat for her, after going through seven months of anguish and grief.
I saw nothing but love for her grandbaby in her eyes. I guess we only see what we choose to see.

I agree it was a beautiful memorial for Caylee. I was also proud of her as I am sure Caylee is.
I have to add to Cindy's comment :

"I wanta thank you for giving me the greatest gift that I have ever received, and that is for Caylee Marie."

add :"That you took away from me!!!!:furious:

What's that old saying.."giveth and take it" Having a memory Loss.

This stuck out for me and yet another example about how for many of the Anthony's, it's just all about ME.

Cindy was speaking at CAYLEE's funeral. She wasn't talking about Caylee though, her likes and dislikes, the way she lit up a room, what she wanted, what she did, she was talking about CINDY. Caylee was nothing more than CINDY's greatest gift. (What about Lee and The Mother of the Year? They were lessor gifts?) Did Cindy see Caylee more as HER gift than a real person? What gift did Caylee cherrish the most? Did Cindy even know? Cindy talked about how CINDY felt, about what CINDY wanted, about what CINDY missed, about what CINDY thought, about what was important as per CINDY. It was the typical AS USUAL Anthony. George was the only one who didn't mostly talk about himself and actually told us about Caylee.
I can't find a more pertinent thread to post this comment on, so I hope you won't mind if I post it here...

This same speech of Cindy's may reveal ALL about how young Casey ultimately grew into an angry, "frustrated" sociopath capable of striking out at her own daughter to retaliate against her mother.

When Cindy made these beautiful remarks (below) to Casey, Cindy looked to the world like a positive paragon of unconditional, maternal love. But Cindy was speaking from the pulpit during a huge, nationally televised, memorial she staged in honor of a Caylee who she'd already had cremated--all of that in complete disregard, no direct violation, of Casey's stated wishes.

"It breaks my heart today that KC's not with us today to honor her child, whom she loved so very, very much. KC, I hope you're able to hear me today. I love you and I wish I could comfort you right now. I wish I could take away all of your pain. And wipe away your tears."

If Casey was watching, she saw her mother violate Casey's wishes, usurp her authority, AND make herself (Cindy) look like a loving, forgiving, sainted martyr/mother in the process! I loathe Casey, but I can see how she would feel helplessly infuriated watching all that.

However that's not the point. What I see as so "all important" about Cindy's actions is that I think she would have done exactly as she did--including cremating the baby against Casey's wishes-- even if someone else was in jail for Caylee's murder.

In fact, I think Cindy has been doing things like this to Casey for a very, very long time. I don't think Cindy intends to do harm, but I also think she chooses to be blind to whatever harm she does. If so, she's paid a horrific price for her mistakes. But so has Caylee. And perhaps Casey, too.

On the other hand, I may simply be looking for explanations for the inexplicable and in all the wrong places. I have no doubt that Cindy's love for Caylee, and for Casey, is very, very deep.
I think she was smiling because she was finally able to accept that Caylee is in a better place, and she prefers to believe that Caylee was loved and cherished by her whole family. She chose to honor Caylee with smiles and happy memories rather than tears or guilt. A church is not a place to bring up the horror of how Caylee died or who was responsible. Cindy obviously has faith in God and He gave her the strength to get through it all with love and hope, and frankly, I was quite proud of her for it. As JVM said, Cindy planned the memorial and made all the arrangements, chose the music and the singers, and orchestrated the whole thing, which was quite a feat for her, after going through seven months of anguish and grief.
I saw nothing but love for her grandbaby in her eyes. I guess we only see what we choose to see.

This is what I saw,too. Now, if she had fallen apart and been hysterical, I would have thought that was put on. She has been grieving for many months, and I believe she was comfortable knowing that Caylee is an angel now. I thought the memorial was beautful.

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