CA: "That's ALL that's important"

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Early on Cindy said she would knock on every door to find Caylee. She never looked and tried to stop others from doing so.

She denied that Caylee was dead for so long and that Casey was/is innocent. Why isn't she out there saying "Find the person who killed my granddaughter". Why? Because she knows they have the person locked away in jail awaiting trial, that's why.

At least OJ made a pretense by saying he wanted to find the person who killed nicole. The fact that Cindy hasn't made those statements tells me she knows who did it.
Early on Cindy said she would knock on every door to find Caylee. She never looked and tried to stop others from doing so.

She denied that Caylee was dead for so long and that Casey was/is innocent. Why isn't she out there saying "Find the person who killed my granddaughter". Why? Because she knows they have the person locked away in jail awaiting trial, that's why.

At least OJ made a pretense by saying he wanted to find the person who killed nicole. The fact that Cindy hasn't made those statements tells me she knows who did it.

Very well said...i forgot that no one is looking for the real killer anymore. good point.
Okay, I get what you were saying now--you're thinking that KC's message (via JB) about not wanting Caylee cremated and not wanting a big public ceremony--was nothing but a lie KC invented (after the fact) to make her parents look spiteful. Correct?

I have to admit that never occurred to me but you could be absolutely right! Casey is that diabolical. LOL

Nope, Mikeysmom, Brad Conway's statement tonight just verified that the A's knew what KC's wishes were and "did not take lightly" their decision to cremate Caylee anyway.

Score 1 small pt for Casey this time, and subtract 1 from Cindy. That's only fair. :)
I have to add to Cindy's comment :

"I wanta thank you for giving me the greatest gift that I have ever received, and that is for Caylee Marie."

add :"That you took away from me!!!!:furious:

What's that old saying.."giveth and take it" Having a memory Loss.

I would think Casey & Lee would be Cindy's greatest gift(s) ever received . . . but I am not a grandparent yet.

I hear it is super!!
In CA's eyes, IF KC were involved in Caylee's demise, it had to have been an accident. She was telling KC that no matter what happened, Caylee knew she was loved and that is how she is going to remember her mother, not as the person who killed her.

She was telling her that she wanted to be there to support her so that she could let go of the guilt that she is feeling. As a mother herself, CA can not accept that KC could be feeling anything but guilt right now. She has covered for her for her entire life. As she stated at the memorial, she feels KC is a compassionate person so it would never occur to her that KC is more mad about being caught than losing Caylee. To be honest, I don't know if I wouldnt be the same to get through the day.
In CA's eyes, IF KC were involved in Caylee's demise, it had to have been an accident. She was telling KC that no matter what happened, Caylee knew she was loved and that is how she is going to remember her mother, not as the person who killed her.

She was telling her that she wanted to be there to support her so that she could let go of the guilt that she is feeling. As a mother herself, CA can not accept that KC could be feeling anything but guilt right now. She has covered for her for her entire life. As she stated at the memorial, she feels KC is a compassionate person so it would never occur to her that KC is more mad about being caught than losing Caylee. To be honest, I don't know if I wouldnt be the same to get through the day.

Of course because she sees Casey as an extention of herself. A chip off the ol' block. A branch that hangs from the family tree
The chilling words from KC's MySpace "Diary of Days": "With great power comes great consequence. What is given can be taken away."

This was (imo) KC's message to Cindy.

How utterly horrifying........

Just as horrifying, Kc's answer to her mothers query as to Caylees's location:

"Everyone lies

Everyone dies"

How can anyone believe she did not kill her after that?
CA: "She knows that she was loved by her family and thats ALL thats important."

I bolded the word but she emphasized it. I understand that emphasis on a positive, transcendental concept in a tragic circumstance can help mourners deal with the overwhelming grief and anger and fear that is so numbing and powerful.

If thats how Cindy used the idea, I understand.

But the statement followed her comments about KC:

"Mostly the things that I miss is watching the love that she shared with her mother. It breaks my heart today that KC's not with us today to honor her child, whom she loved so very, very much. KC, I hope your able to hear me today. I love you and I wish I could comfort you right now. I wish I could take away all of your pain. And wipe away your tears. I wanta thank you for giving me the greatest gift that I have ever received, and that is for Caylee Marie. Caylee was so much like you. She got her beauty and her compassion and her spirit and she will always love you. She knows that she was loved by her family. And thats all thats important, Stay strong my child. God will keep you safe and Caylee is watching over all of us...."

Her most emotional moments were here, talking about KC and Caylee, and about their loving relationship, and telling KC how much she supports her and wants to comfort her.

And then she said it:

ALL that is important is that Caylee knew the family loved her.

Chilling because Cindy knows KC killed Caylee, and if thats ALL that is important, then nothing else is, including murder.

Or, maybe she was just dealing with the pain by maximizing the thought: love conquers all.

Don't think so myself.
I don't think so either. Good post. Spot on.
Very well said...i forgot that no one is looking for the real killer anymore. good point.

That is a good point. They should be shouting that all over the place just as they shouted about finding Caylee. Yet, nothing.
Originally Posted by Suzie002
In CA's eyes, IF KC were involved in Caylee's demise, it had to have been an accident. She was telling KC that no matter what happened, Caylee knew she was loved and that is how she is going to remember her mother, not as the person who killed her.

She was telling her that she wanted to be there to support her so that she could let go of the guilt that she is feeling. As a mother herself, CA can not accept that KC could be feeling anything but guilt right now. She has covered for her for her entire life. As she stated at the memorial, she feels KC is a compassionate person so it would never occur to her that KC is more mad about being caught than losing Caylee. To be honest, I don't know if I wouldnt be the same to get through the day.
Me- I think so, too. Hearing Cindy's FBI interview and how she spun and spinned and imagined the facts to make up a story about who "really" kidnapped Caylee, it would be easy for her to do the same about her "compassionate" and "loving" daughter. I think she does create her own reality, but then we all do, so I can't judge her for it.

PS, I couldn't figure out how to do 2 quotes in one post so I cut and pasted. Hope it makes sense.
I can't find a more pertinent thread to post this comment on, so I hope you won't mind if I post it here...

This same speech of Cindy's may reveal ALL about how young Casey ultimately grew into an angry, "frustrated" sociopath capable of striking out at her own daughter to retaliate against her mother.

When Cindy made these beautiful remarks (below) to Casey, Cindy looked to the world like a positive paragon of unconditional, maternal love. But Cindy was speaking from the pulpit during a huge, nationally televised, memorial she staged in honor of a Caylee who she'd already had cremated--all of that in complete disregard, no direct violation, of Casey's stated wishes.

"It breaks my heart today that KC's not with us today to honor her child, whom she loved so very, very much. KC, I hope you're able to hear me today. I love you and I wish I could comfort you right now. I wish I could take away all of your pain. And wipe away your tears."

If Casey was watching, she saw her mother violate Casey's wishes, usurp her authority, AND make herself (Cindy) look like a loving, forgiving, sainted martyr/mother in the process! I loathe Casey, but I can see how she would feel helplessly infuriated watching all that.

However that's not the point. What I see as so "all important" about Cindy's actions is that I think she would have done exactly as she did--including cremating the baby against Casey's wishes-- even if someone else was in jail for Caylee's murder.

In fact, I think Cindy has been doing things like this to Casey for a very, very long time. I don't think Cindy intends to do harm, but I also think she chooses to be blind to whatever harm she does. If so, she's paid a horrific price for her mistakes. But so has Caylee. And perhaps Casey, too.

On the other hand, I may simply be looking for explanations for the inexplicable and in all the wrong places. I have no doubt that Cindy's love for Caylee, and for Casey, is very, very deep.

Bold mine. (last 2 paragraphs)

Friday, I agree with most of your post except the part about Cindy not intending to do harm. I see Cindy as knowing exactly what her intentions are. When watching Cindy's devious ways, I can almost feel a sense of pity for KC.....almost.

I also truly wonder about the love Cindy has/had for both KC and Caylee. I see Cindy (the same as I see KC), as someone who "uses" Caylee for what she wants. She thought she "looked" like a model Grandma toting her cute grandaughter around and everyone Oooo-ing and Ahhh-ing. I think Caylee was a pawn for both KC and so sure about that part. JMHO
Nope, Mikeysmom, Brad Conway's statement tonight just verified that the A's knew what KC's wishes were and "did not take lightly" their decision to cremate Caylee anyway.

Score 1 small pt for Casey this time, and subtract 1 from Cindy. That's only fair. :)

I think someone had to make a mature decision.

For tv TH's to say no high profile graves have been disrupted is false. JBR's grave has been trashed many times. Anger at the R's. The TH's do slant to graves not being robbed and that is true --- thats the only slant they can take and get away with these comments.
....oh I'm 100% sure she knows and has known KC is responsible.....just as she knew kc was pregnant at rick's wedding....I completely agree with the poster that said ca is showing us how kc was able to enter a different reality and just move on and go party and pretend everything is fine because that was learned behaviour....from her mother....
Bold mine. (last 2 paragraphs)

Friday, I agree with most of your post except the part about Cindy not intending to do harm. I see Cindy as knowing exactly what her intentions are. When watching Cindy's devious ways, I can almost feel a sense of pity for KC.....almost.

I also truly wonder about the love Cindy has/had for both KC and Caylee. I see Cindy (the same as I see KC), as someone who "uses" Caylee for what she wants. She thought she "looked" like a model Grandma toting her cute grandaughter around and everyone Oooo-ing and Ahhh-ing. I think Caylee was a pawn for both KC and so sure about that part. JMHO

Good post. ITA
All that should be important is telling the truth and finding justice for Caylee, no matter where it leads them.

I'm tired of the A's using the media to facilitate their personal agenda and I am appalled that some of them used the memorial to communicate with Casey, especially since we know that Casey was opposed to what they were doing. IMO, a simple 'Casey we love you' would have been sufficient.

CA's ulterior motives and propensity for manipulation has always made me suspect and her 'statement' at the memorial didn't change my mind.

I'm still a believer that there is more to this story than we know.
Mitzi, I had the same feeling "When watching Cindy's devious ways, I can almost feel a sense of pity for KC.....almost' when I listened to the 911 tapes, and it hasn't stopped.
I am not absolving KC of guilt or excusing her for her actions, I just haven't been able to shake the feeling that the dynamics of that household were the root cause of this tragedy.
.....In CA's eyes, IF KC were involved in Caylee's demise, it had to have been an accident. ......

CA texts KC....where is Caylee.

KC responds..... everyone lies, everyone dies.

my opinion is that CA knew her daughter well enough to know she was capable of murder....the girl breaks out in rage, in jail, because she can't get a word in edgewise, over nothing.

and there was plenty of something coming down in their lives when KC took Caylee away.

I think she knows and has known ever since that first jailhouse meeting, when KA chilled them whenever the subject of her missing daughter came up.
I think CA believes it was KC who did it but that it was an accident. Why has there been no outcry for justice for Caylee by them? Why aren't they shouting from the rooftop "Find the REAL killer!"

They know.

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