Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 Jun 2014 - #10

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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Garland claimed that he withdrew from university due to a vehicle accident. The truth is that he was expelled for cheating.

I don't understand why the Judge would reference the accident without it being clarified and confirmed.
Sorry for the long post, but to me this just seems like the most likely scenario. Guns, silencers, accomplices...all of that is too CSI/TV-ish for me. It was a simple crime of murder from a man who felt he had be led along about fame & fortune.

Motive is one thing; other discussion relates to the actual method, mechanics of how the murder was carried out (from planning, possible weapons, how acquired, etc). Maybe it wasn't a gun, but it has been suggested as a possibility. Maybe it was a gun, maybe the guy had a gun for years, but if not, we don't know when he acquired it, how he acquired it, was it stolen, was he legitimately entitled to be in possession of it. IF it was a gun, with his criminal record, I don't see that he would obtain a permit to legally possess one.

Motive is one thing; other discussion relates to the actual method, mechanics of how the murder was carried out (from planning, possible weapons, how acquired, etc). Maybe it wasn't a gun, but it has been suggested as a possibility. Maybe it was a gun, maybe the guy had a gun for years, but if not, we don't know when he acquired it, how he acquired it, was it stolen, was he legitimately entitled to be in possession of it. IF it was a gun, with his criminal record, I don't see that he would obtain a permit to legally possess one.
I don't know what the regulations about farmers possessing rifles and shotguns would be.
I've said it before. and I still believe this. Patents and money are the motive. I think AL led DG on with false promises and when DG heard about the bankruptcy and leavign the country, he felt it was time to act. I think he cased out the house until he thought all other had left except AL & KL. I believe that AL & NO were in another part of the house, probably sleeping. KL was i nthe kitchen putting final things away from the estate sale and maybe taking garbage out, thus the unlocked door. DG came in, attacked KL and likely stabbed her with a knife. During that attack AL & NO came rushing in because of the noise. AL & DG had a struggle while NO watched. DG freed himself from AL and grabbed NO and threatened him. AL would do anything at this point to protect NO. I think DG got AL to wrap up his wife in blankets and drag her outside to the waiting truck. DG made AL drive back to his farm while DG sat with NO. Bakc at the farm, both were killed and hidden. DG went back to Calgary to clean up the outside mess so that maybe nobody would notice anything for a few days and maybe think it was a domestic situation.
In my mind, the LE knew that the blood found in the house was KL's and that's why they issued the Amber Alert saying that NO maybe be in the company of his grandfather and no real mention of KL.

Sorry for the long post, but to me this just seems like the most likely scenario. Guns, silencers, accomplices...all of that is too CSI/TV-ish for me. It was a simple crime of murder from a man who felt he had be led along about fame & fortune.

Yet, even this theory is more complicated than I suspect the crime went down. Too many variables and potential complications with transporting live victims. Given that the ME was able to confirm all three deaths so conclusively and relatively quickly, I suspect all three died at the Liknes home. The AA wording was more than likely a mistake - Not one reporter has jumped on that error with questions or follow-up to my knowledge.
I think it is only reasonable to conclude that if there was blood in or around the home as a result of a violent struggle, forensic investigation would include blood spatter analysis.

Here are all the live LE broadcasts to my knowledge. No mention of blood spatter. We may "logically" conclude that blood and other DNA was found in the home BUT LE has never, to my knowledge, disclosed details. Why would they? They have to safeguard their evidence for trial. If anyone else has a link from an LE spokesperson that goes into any specific detail vis-a-vis evidence found in the home, please share it. We all go off at a tangent when misinformation is shared and I am trying to keep all my ducks in a row..... The "violent struggle" as we now know was a "violent incident". Several reporters used the word struggle but LE never did. Sorry to be pernickety but I consider these issues to be integral.
Winter Petroleum was Winter Petroleum Ltd. which means it was incorporated. Incorporation limits the personal liability of the directors so it wouldn't affect thr ability to purchase a home in one's personal name.

I was under the impression that AL and KL filed for personal bankruptcy. So confused now.
Although DG has a criminal background which does not include violence (although one charge was stayed or dropped) I think that his mental stability has significantly deteriorated over the years. The fact that at his age, he was living with his parents is telling, although we don't know when and how long he lived in their home. He was previously charged with having "break and enter" tools which he could have refined to a credit card access, which would not show any signs of forced entry.

One thing that I have noticed is that not one person--family or friend--has come forward to support him. He has no advocate, and that is also telling. I think that he is crazy and they are fed up with him or afraid of him.

LE asked about any grudges--and his name came up, or they were shown the video of the green Ford 150 truck, and they knew he had one. I think that LE must have enough evidence to charge him with first-degree murder, and I have to trust them on this. I think that DG became more deranged over time and he was a ticking time bomb. Certainly, AL and KL had no idea that he or anyone else would go after them when they announced on Kijiji that they were selling everything and leaving the country. I don't think they even considered that they could be victims of any resentment from bankruptcies, let alone the "petty" patent issue. They had nothing to hide. They were blind sided. Maybe DG had good reason to fester rage against AL, but AL didn't see the threat. This makes me think that the patent fall out was indeed petty--but not in DG's mind. I think that we will discover that the motive of this tragedy was based on a deranged mind, and no real fault of the victims.
The medical examiner was there - this is the role, so that would include blood spatter analysis.


"When a death occurs suddenly or it cannot be explained, the OCME conducts an investigation, under the authority of the Fatality Inquiries Act.

We hold each of our investigations to determine:
&#9726;who died
&#9726;where they died
&#9726;when they died
&#9726;why they died
&#9726;how they died"

The medical examiner is governed by the Alberta Fatalities Inquiry Act:
A blood spatter analyst would only be brought in if there was, in fact, blood splatter. My argument is that I don't believe LE made reference to this whereas one of our sleuths claim they did. I have posted links to the pressers - just a moment ago. LE gives nothing away. Absolutely nothing. Which is as it should be.
9 times out of 10, when someone has been shot and is uncooperative, it is gand or drug related. No connection IMO.

We don't know if AL and DG were involved with drugs or gambling tho. We have no clue what they did with their spare time.

I also don't get the 'no guns in Canada' thing. Identity theft is illegal, drugs are illegal, murder is illegal. Yet all 3 of those things happen in Canada.

Let's not forget AL's daughter was SHOT in the boob with a GUN in CANADA!!
So you can break into Cherchri's house with a credit card and Appleeye doesn't lock their doors..... I hope no one knows where you two live. :) kidding!!

That's why we don't peer into each other's private lives. I don't lock my house either. In fact, there's no lock on the door even if I wanted to lock it, which I don't.

There still are places in the world where locking a door is about as silly as wearing a parachute when flying. Having said that, maybe wearing a parachute isn't so silly. :/
otto, are you thinking the Winter Petroleum foreclosure was the catalyst for DG? He wasn't involved with that business so wondering if it was simply suspects rage over repeated business failures by AL and DG was acting like a vigilante over perceived wrongs by AL? Just speculating not making an opinion on AL personally.

Do we know he wasn't involved in the business on some level, be it legitimate or otherwise?

If your money and/or equipment was seized, you'd probably be pretty annoyed if the person that lost it was jetting off somewhere warm... No?

The possibilities for motives are endless.
Yes, that was one dealing that DG had with AL - we can not assume that it is the only financial interaction he had with him.

Nope. Declaring bankruptcy has all sorts of cloaks ... and "we can not assume that it is the only financial interaction he had with him" ... but there is probably a blank, or missing piece, in the place of financial responsibility ... financial dealings with Alvin Liknes, et al.
I've said it before. and I still believe this. Patents and money are the motive. I think AL led DG on with false promises and when DG heard about the bankruptcy and leavign the country, he felt it was time to act. I think he cased out the house until he thought all other had left except AL & KL. I believe that AL & NO were in another part of the house, probably sleeping. KL was i nthe kitchen putting final things away from the estate sale and maybe taking garbage out, thus the unlocked door. DG came in, attacked KL and likely stabbed her with a knife. During that attack AL & NO came rushing in because of the noise. AL & DG had a struggle while NO watched. DG freed himself from AL and grabbed NO and threatened him. AL would do anything at this point to protect NO. I think DG got AL to wrap up his wife in blankets and drag her outside to the waiting truck. DG made AL drive back to his farm while DG sat with NO. Bakc at the farm, both were killed and hidden. DG went back to Calgary to clean up the outside mess so that maybe nobody would notice anything for a few days and maybe think it was a domestic situation.
In my mind, the LE knew that the blood found in the house was KL's and that's why they issued the Amber Alert saying that NO maybe be in the company of his grandfather and no real mention of KL.

Sorry for the long post, but to me this just seems like the most likely scenario. Guns, silencers, accomplices...all of that is too CSI/TV-ish for me. It was a simple crime of murder from a man who felt he had be led along about fame & fortune.

I think you are definitely onto something with KL taking out garbage and that is the reason the door could have been open. I just can't see them leaving the door unlocked and going to bed. They just had hundreds of strangers in their house plus they had their precious grandson. I think its more likely, like you said, someone stepped out to take out garbage and left the door open or at least unlocked
The man had a a few garage doors openers from vehicles he had broken into on the street

OMG what a scary story! Must have been so traumatizing for all of you and I hope you never have to experience anything like that again.

I noticed you mentioned a garage door opener, and that made me remember this info posted 6/5/14 in the Calgary Crime Stoppers site about south Calgary (not the Liknes area, but just to show about thieves using garage door openers):

The Calgary Police Service District 8 office is investigating approximately 102 house and garage break-ins that have occurred in south Calgary since March 1, 2014, 65 of which happened at night.
Of the 102 cases, 49 (48 per cent) involved the suspects entering the home through an unlocked home or garage door, or entering an unlocked vehicle, then using the garage door opener to enter the garage and then possibly the home.
The Service is concerned whenever a home is broken into, particularly when it is occupied at night

When I read that it struck me that for some reason I had never thought of someone using your own garage door opener to get in your house to take your stuff. Darn criminals.
Yet, even this theory is more complicated than I suspect the crime went down. Too many variables and potential complications with transporting live victims. Given that the ME was able to confirm all three deaths so conclusively and relatively quickly, I suspect all three died at the Liknes home. The AA wording was more than likely a mistake - Not one reporter has jumped on that error with questions or follow-up to my knowledge.

I'm not understanding what you think was an error in the Amber Alert :confused:

It is the police who decide if and when an Amber Alert is issued, and they provide the information that is contained in the alert itself. IMO, there is no doubt LE knew what they were saying when they initially worded it that way and subsequently updated the Alert. When the homicide team met on the Sunday prior to Garland's arrest is when it was concluded that all three were victims of homicide.

I could be wrong, but I have only known of one incident where an Amber Alert contained misleading or incorrect information (re the colour of a vehicle involved)
OMG what a scary story! Must have been so traumatizing for all of you and I hope you never have to experience anything like that again.

I noticed you mentioned a garage door opener, and that made me remember this info posted 6/5/14 in the Calgary Crime Stoppers site about south Calgary (not the Liknes area, but just to show about thieves using garage door openers):

The Calgary Police Service District 8 office is investigating approximately 102 house and garage break-ins that have occurred in south Calgary since March 1, 2014, 65 of which happened at night.
Of the 102 cases, 49 (48 per cent) involved the suspects entering the home through an unlocked home or garage door, or entering an unlocked vehicle, then using the garage door opener to enter the garage and then possibly the home.
The Service is concerned whenever a home is broken into, particularly when it is occupied at night

When I read that it struck me that for some reason I had never thought of someone using your own garage door opener to get in your house to take your stuff. Darn criminals.

Proof that locking your door is smart, NOT silly!!!!!!!

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And where are all his friends who would normally say "oh I can't believe this ... he's such a nice guy"? If he has friends, who are they?

If he is a psychopath/sociopath, he doesn't have any friends. If he is part of an organized crime group, obviously no one will come forward.
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