Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 Jun 2014 - #25

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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It could just be deceiving from the angle of the photos we have seen and be taller than it appears. Look at the pic of the investigators in white coveralls nearby ... do you think you can tell if they could stand inside? See my screen shots from above linked video below.

It would make sense to have a vent for noxious gases, so you may be right.



The white thing in one of the sheds - is that the tarp that was used to cover the victims in the back of the truck?
The missing time between 7:45 and the psychiatrist's appointment ... was Garland disposing of sheets and other evidence in dumpsters? Is that why police looked at several city dumps, rather than one - because Garland was in the SE, the SW, and Airdrie?
Hi all,

I finally can't resist posting and adding my thoughts on a few things.

Why he returned to house - while I doubt we'll ever know my suspicion is he forgot (or thought he forgot) something that could tie him to the crime. The reason being he took huge risks going back so the reason had to justify that.
- The risk of being seen at the house that time was very high because it was commuting time on a weekday.
- It appears he was speeding significantly on his return trip to the Liknes home based on the video evidence which was also a big risk. there are discrepancies in the times reported via twitter so it's hard to estimate just how fast he was going but when just considering the travel between Rocky Mountain Equip and Veggie Buddha it looks like he managed to make a 23 minute (based on google) drive in anywhere from 9-16 minutes. Based on the travel distance the 9 minute is clearly a twitter typo but the 16 minute is feasible if he was going a good deal over the posted speed limits.
- The other risk he took was missing his appointment.

On the subject of the appointment, I'm totally of the same thinking as someone else who mentioned he went to keep up appearances. He had no excuse to skip it so missing it could have raised red flags for either his parents or the Dr. He also may have hoped it was a bit of an alibi (though clearly it didn't work out that way).

On to the aerial photo, I was totally shocked they didn't discover the images sooner. There was so much media coverage of the search around Airdrie during the month of July I'm blown away nobody at that photography company thought to offer the photos to police then. Crazy!

I also downloaded the open source GIS photo available and believe that is in fact "The Photo" but the bodies have been digital concealed. The reasons I say this is because the photo is dated as July 1 on the website, the grassy area in question looks a little off, the resolution is better than what was described being taken on July 2 and the kicker, if you take a look in Airdrie you can see people gathering for what had to be a Canada Day parade (which for you non-Canadians is on July 1). Another thing to note the website listed the file as last being updated April 20, 2015 so clearly it was pulled and covered immediately after they found out.

Also some of you have questioned the travel time between the Liknes residence and his dr appointment, more than likely he just got stuck in traffic. While traffic would have been significantly lighter than a typical weekday because it was a Monday, July, and the day before a stat holiday he was still travelling during our peak traffic period and traffic would have still been heavy through Calgary's beltline at that time (for you non-locals the beltline is a higher density area south of downtown with lots of condos/apartments and small office buildings).

Last thing, the diapers. I did some googling and discovered diapers are used by funeral homes to deal with leakage, so I don't believe the diapers (if that is in fact what they were wearing) are a clue as to where or when the family actually died. Just another sad detail.
The missing time between 7:45 and the psychiatrist's appointment ... was Garland disposing of sheets and other evidence in dumpsters? Is that why police looked at several city dumps, rather than one - because Garland was in the SE, the SW, and Airdrie?
I think he would have dumped the sheets at the farm. He probably did not want to see his psychiatrist, or see him for a very short time if he had to..

He was pretty anal about his finger prints and in July, wearing gloves when throwing things in a dumpster would attract undue attention I think..
THe diaper thing has been weighing on my mind. I can't image how difficult it would be to put a diaper on dead weight (Sorry but I don't know how else to describe it:confused:) If he would have been trying to avoid leakage at the time of death, they would have had to put the diapers on while still alive - either by force or he did it while they were unconscious. If they had been killed at the house wouldn't have there been evidence of their bowels/bladder releasing there? (which we haven't heard +in the pictures where there is blood, none can be seen. WHy would he have diapers on them (after the fact) when dismemberment would create such a mess? As much as I hate to, I'm beginning to think maybe they were alive at the acreage for awhile and that's why they were in diapers. (Now my brain will be mulling this over all night:gaah:)
Hi all,

I finally can't resist posting and adding my thoughts on a few things.

Why he returned to house - while I doubt we'll ever know my suspicion is he forgot (or thought he forgot) something that could tie him to the crime. The reason being he took huge risks going back so the reason had to justify that.
- The risk of being seen at the house that time was very high because it was commuting time on a weekday.
- It appears he was speeding significantly on his return trip to the Liknes home based on the video evidence which was also a big risk. there are discrepancies in the times reported via twitter so it's hard to estimate just how fast he was going but when just considering the travel between Rocky Mountain Equip and Veggie Buddha it looks like he managed to make a 23 minute (based on google) drive in anywhere from 9-16 minutes. Based on the travel distance the 9 minute is clearly a twitter typo but the 16 minute is feasible if he was going a good deal over the posted speed limits.
- The other risk he took was missing his appointment.

On the subject of the appointment, I'm totally of the same thinking as someone else who mentioned he went to keep up appearances. He had no excuse to skip it so missing it could have raised red flags for either his parents or the Dr. He also may have hoped it was a bit of an alibi (though clearly it didn't work out that way).

On to the aerial photo, I was totally shocked they didn't discover the images sooner. There was so much media coverage of the search around Airdrie during the month of July I'm blown away nobody at that photography company thought to offer the photos to police then. Crazy!

I also downloaded the open source GIS photo available and believe that is in fact "The Photo" but the bodies have been digital concealed. The reasons I say this is because the photo is dated as July 1 on the website, the grassy area in question looks a little off, the resolution is better than what was described being taken on July 2 and the kicker, if you take a look in Airdrie you can see people gathering for what had to be a Canada Day parade (which for you non-Canadians is on July 1). Another thing to note the website listed the file as last being updated April 20, 2015 so clearly it was pulled and covered immediately after they found out.

Also some of you have questioned the travel time between the Liknes residence and his dr appointment, more than likely he just got stuck in traffic. While traffic would have been significantly lighter than a typical weekday because it was a Monday, July, and the day before a stat holiday he was still travelling during our peak traffic period and traffic would have still been heavy through Calgary's beltline at that time (for you non-locals the beltline is a higher density area south of downtown with lots of condos/apartments and small office buildings).

Last thing, the diapers. I did some googling and discovered diapers are used by funeral homes to deal with leakage, so I don't believe the diapers (if that is in fact what they were wearing) are a clue as to where or when the family actually died. Just another sad detail.

Is there any way someone can post the GIS photos here? I'm having trouble viewing them from the link.
Just did reading of today's tweets and some comments over here and I am so heartbroken. Such a disgusting who should have plead guilty but is enjoying every second of the trial and seeing the family suffer further. May he suffer badly while incarcerated. MOO.

With all these images captured on CCTV has there not been any to show who is driving the truck? The image captured in the medical building parking lot (dentist psychiatrist) where the truck is shown parked, was forensics not able to get an image from that CCTV of him outside the truck coming or going? Perhaps that will come into evidence yet. Just surprised they didn't cover it while going through those images. Not that images from that will be solid evidence but it would clarify better that the did drive his parent's truck and on that specific day.

Here's hoping that the worst of the worst evidence is now over, and now it's just evidence backing up what's already been disclosed. I just cannot fathom being a loved one sitting in that courtroom listening to such horrific details, what a nightmare. My heart goes out to them and also the jurors who are doing their civic duty in the name of justice. I have no doubt they will make the right decision and find this monster guilty in the first degree on all three murders.

RIP Alvin, Kathy and little Nathan. ALL MOO.
How did they not see the pictures until April 2015? This was a high profile case you would think they would have checked the pictures over the farm right away. Wonder how they stumbled onto it???

Calgarian here. In the shock after the disappearance, very few people would have thought that the bodies were lying out in the open somewhere nearby. The police were focused on CCTV footage - and they did a great job. The mapping company must not have looked up Douglas Garland's address or paid much attention to the story. There was a heatwave that week, probably taking advantage of the clear weather.
Okay guys....remember back when this was new...the first few days of July 2014....the news sites were going nuts with they focused on the Garland acreage.....

Well....being as I am about saving EVERYTHING....*yes....I am a hoarder!!*....Well....I went looking in my case folder *yes...I have one for every thing I find interesting or follow on the could be a true crime could be crochet patterns.....*shrugs*.....

Anyways.......went hunting tonight....cuz so many images were familiar and I had remembered one film clip in particular...from the first days......

July 5th....Global had published an article about the acreage...and the long lines of LE searching side by side....the view from overhead was amazing......

Global made the mistake that day of putting up raw uncut footage that day.....a long video.....then they edited it for the news that night.......

I saw the raw first...and bookmarked as per usual for won't believe's still online!

Found the link....and wow........we focused on those outbuildings back then because....SO DID Global...they follow the LE in their hazmat gear out to those buildings! Anyways.....if anyone is is the video link......really good quality....was shocked it was still up there!
Meghan Grant ‏@CBCMeg [video=twitter;828742281297543168][/video]

Tomorrow in the #Garland trial, DNA expert Vivian Mohrbutter will testify about what was found on farm. She's Crown's only witness Tuesday
.7 meters
.7 x 39.37007874 = 26.159055118" = 2'2"
NO was reported to be 3 feet tall.

1.9 x 37.37007874 = 71.003149606" = 5'11"
AL was reported to be 6' tall.

1.7 x 37.37007874" = 66.929133858" = 5'7"
KL was reported to be 5'3" tall.

From the Amber Alert:
"Nathan O’Brien, is a white male, 3 feet
tall, with curly blonde hair. Last seen wearing peach colored shorts and
a blue striped hoody. Nathan may be in the company of his grandfather
Alvin Liknes, a white male, 6 feet tall, 200 lbs with grey and blond hair,
black shorts. Alvin has a distinctive walk. His grandmother Kathryn
Liknes is described as 5foot 3 tall, 120 pounds with red and brown hair
and green eyes."

Lucie Edwardson ‏@MetroLucie
"Gagnon explains that each pixel represents 10 cm. 1st body appears to be ~1.9 m, 2nd body 1.7m and 3rd .7m #Garland #yyc"

1 meter is equal to 39.37007874 inches

Forgive me if this was posted and I overlooked it. It is a video (article posted Jan. 23) describing Sully, the cadaver dog used to search the Garland property. Sully hit on three spots: the burn pile, the burn barrel, and frantically at the area by the three outbuildings.

Some screen shots:

3 areas dog hit on:

Aren't they talking about the bodies seen from the aerial photos being located on the dead grass by the tiny little outbuildings? Those little buildings are referred to as the 'south outbuildings', if I am interpreting correctly. They seem to be nowhere near where Sully found scent he was interested in. I wonder why the dog didn't go crazy at that location?



  • garland land itemized.jpg
    garland land itemized.jpg
    47.2 KB · Views: 158
Today is a big day for DNA evidence to be heard.

So glad that DNA technology has been developed. It amazes me that in our lifetime scientists have created something that works better than finger prints and is easier to find that type of evidence too.

All a criminal has to do is touch something and his DNA may be transferred. Pretty amazing and good for all LE agencies worldwide to help keep criminals off the streets.

And to put away monsters like DG.
The white thing in one of the sheds - is that the tarp that was used to cover the victims in the back of the truck?

Good eye, Otto! Watching the raw video that LoriMcA linked, indeed it shows the middle little shed is stuffed with something that looks exactly like a white tarp.

Odd though, I can't think of ever seeing a white tarp around here at all. Green, blue, brown, beige colours are sold at hardware stores but I'm sure not white. Perhaps white tarps are used for some type of specialized industrial purpose and it was bought at an auction sale?

White tarps, anybody know what they're commonly used for?
Hi all,

I finally can't resist posting and adding my thoughts on a few things.

Why he returned to house - while I doubt we'll ever know my suspicion is he forgot (or thought he forgot) something that could tie him to the crime. The reason being he took huge risks going back so the reason had to justify that.
- The risk of being seen at the house that time was very high because it was commuting time on a weekday.
- It appears he was speeding significantly on his return trip to the Liknes home based on the video evidence which was also a big risk. there are discrepancies in the times reported via twitter so it's hard to estimate just how fast he was going but when just considering the travel between Rocky Mountain Equip and Veggie Buddha it looks like he managed to make a 23 minute (based on google) drive in anywhere from 9-16 minutes. Based on the travel distance the 9 minute is clearly a twitter typo but the 16 minute is feasible if he was going a good deal over the posted speed limits.
- The other risk he took was missing his appointment.

On the subject of the appointment, I'm totally of the same thinking as someone else who mentioned he went to keep up appearances. He had no excuse to skip it so missing it could have raised red flags for either his parents or the Dr. He also may have hoped it was a bit of an alibi (though clearly it didn't work out that way).

On to the aerial photo, I was totally shocked they didn't discover the images sooner. There was so much media coverage of the search around Airdrie during the month of July I'm blown away nobody at that photography company thought to offer the photos to police then. Crazy!

I also downloaded the open source GIS photo available and believe that is in fact "The Photo" but the bodies have been digital concealed. The reasons I say this is because the photo is dated as July 1 on the website, the grassy area in question looks a little off, the resolution is better than what was described being taken on July 2 and the kicker, if you take a look in Airdrie you can see people gathering for what had to be a Canada Day parade (which for you non-Canadians is on July 1). Another thing to note the website listed the file as last being updated April 20, 2015 so clearly it was pulled and covered immediately after they found out.

Also some of you have questioned the travel time between the Liknes residence and his dr appointment, more than likely he just got stuck in traffic. While traffic would have been significantly lighter than a typical weekday because it was a Monday, July, and the day before a stat holiday he was still travelling during our peak traffic period and traffic would have still been heavy through Calgary's beltline at that time (for you non-locals the beltline is a higher density area south of downtown with lots of condos/apartments and small office buildings).

Last thing, the diapers. I did some googling and discovered diapers are used by funeral homes to deal with leakage, so I don't believe the diapers (if that is in fact what they were wearing) are a clue as to where or when the family actually died. Just another sad detail.

Welcome Emtulip - glad you are here; great first post!

What's on my mind: how did he load the bodies from the L home. I haven't gone back in depth over yesterday's CCTV evidence. What are people thinking?
Are these other aerial photos not going to be released at all? Cant seem to find any documentation on it other then the judge telling people not to record what was happening.
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