What I found strange about the ad was that she was soliciting buildings when I doubt that there was a buyer. She declared bankruptcy in 2012, the house was not in her name (that's from an early link), and although she may once have had a real estate licence, I doubt she still had it.
She removed her name from the house title in 2012, he removed his in 2013. In June, 2014, his company declared bankruptcy, the lease was paid, the employees were paid, the office was cleaned out, the assets might be in Mexico, the family has vanished, but it was not of their own volition. It's almost like they planned to disappear, and then someone made them disappear. If Nathan had not been with them, what would people be thinking ... a couple liquidated everything, said they were leaving the country, and they left a mess behind (assuming no blood), no reason to think twice until several months had passed? Make it look like a man murdered his wife, dragged her out of the house and vanished ... not even knowing about Nathan until the plan was put in play and the grandfather was already injured. Without Nathan, this would look very different.