Carli, how would your accident theory factor in the green truck seen several times during those critical hours and appearing to lead LE to a person who happens to have a grudge against AL?
No parent in their right mind would put a child in danger if they had any insight there was something to be worried about. I think her saying "he wasn't supposed to be there" just went with the fact that it was a spontaneous sleepover.
If DG wasn't around much and NO hadn't really seen/met him before, makes me think the person in the house wasn't DG but someone little NO knew more closely, otherwise he easily could've been let go.
I just don't think DG was ever a party goer. He is invariably described as a loner.
Sorry if this has already been posted. This item from their neighborhood newsletter in Spring 2008 is eerie:
Crime Watch! - Beware
Connie Ruben writes:
The reason for my writing this to all of you has little to do with our robbery, but what I have found out since. Several of our neighbours have reported a visitor by a man, clean cut and kind in nature, who stated he was looking for his long lost grandmother. He said that she lived in this area and that he was trying to find her.
This man comes across as such a kind soul that one of our neighbours actually let him into the house to use the bathroom.
We believe this is the man who broke into our home. The police also feel that this man rings door bells during the light of day to assess if anyone is home. Once he realizes there is no one home, the robbery is either committed then, or maybe the next day when does the same routine.
In our case, we were gone for several days, but the break in could have happened if it were just a regular work day. This man is a pro and according to the police has been doing this for quite some time.
In one case a lady was hurt as she came home while the robbery was going on. In our case, a large butcher knife was on the counter, which the police believe the robber was using in case we came home. (BBM)
Neighbours Beware. Be on the look out and be diligently cautious as you open your door. Please contact the police if this any person matching this description comes to your door.
Now six years later and here I am wondering if they ever caught this person...
Also thinking today about posts back on thread #2, #212 Wondergirl and JLSCHook #217, who posted about a comment someone made on a site that the missing couple was giving out their address and date of their estate sale to Century Casino (Edmonton) patrons a while back and maybe that wasn't such a smart idea:
Ugh it still scares me to think of all the possible perps (besides thinking of the possible business angles) who knew of their sale and it's possible proceeds. I'm sure LE agrees
I have maintained from the beginning and agree with a few other posters who suspect that NO was taken because he knew the who the assailant(s) was/were or
perhaps he heard his grandparents call the assailent by name. Another reason may be that the assailant(s) thought NO would be able to give a description of him (them).
IMO there has to be a reason why NO was taken as well as he could have easily dropped off somewhere later.
Loner, but perhaps also part of the drug scene.
I have maintained from the beginning and agree with a few other posters who suspect that NO was taken because he knew the who the assailant(s) was/were or
perhaps he heard his grandparents call the assailent by name. Another reason may be that the assailant(s) thought NO would be able to give a description of him (them).
IMO there has to be a reason why NO was taken as well as he could have easily been
dropped off somewhere later.
When they were searching the garage they were putting things in different piles. I think they probably have been taking things from the L home since they did release the property. But that will probably be asked the next time there is a police press conference.Didn't see this asked/answered anywhere....did the recent search at the L residence result in any evidence being removed?
Then, just to add to the speculation, there's the chance that the assailant may have thought NO was his son? Just expressing MOO.
I dunno....I still feel that DG is the one responsible for the L's and N's disappearance. His truck was seen in the area numerous times...he worked with/for AL at one point in time...other familial connections...just too many things that add up to him being the perp.
Little NO was in the wrong place at the wrong time
Was who's son? AL?
Yes, or simply left there alone. I mean, there had to be a reason he was taken. To hide the 'evidence' (sorry) is one reason. Kidnapping for profit is another. Kidnapping/abduction for child trafficking (and the grandparents got in the way?). So many reasons.