Deceased/Not Found Canada - Alvin, 66, & Kathy Liknes, 53, Nathan O'Brien, 5, Calgary, 30 June 2014 - #8

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Assuming that he didn't do haircut for himself, maybe the barber could recall when he went for the last haircut, the day and how he looked or behaved. That may be of some use in establishing part of the timeline.

Looks like a buzz cut growing out, makes me wonder if he shaved his head prior to the crime to not leave any hair forensics behind. I was trying to see if his arms had hair also. Weird thought, but who knows!
DNA can last forever if stored properly. I don't think we know how they were murdered, because no bodies have been found.

:welcome: naz

I thought more on the lines of DNA under fingernails, and also I meant if the bodies are recover we should know how they were killed/
Thanks for the welcome
Where are his parents in all this? Don't they have anything to say? Maybe they can afford to pay his legal/psych fees?

I wish he would just cough up where these poor souls are. :angel:

They're elderly and probably in as much shock as we are. I'm sure LE has been interviewing them thoroughly with an eye to figuring out DG's movements prior to and after the murder to see if they can shine any light on things.

I wouldn't expect to hear anything from them.
There was a balloon release at 8pm tonight. Not sure if it was just in my town or in Calgary as well.
If I had some balloons, I would have participated...
This is great. Just a couple of things. He only served one sixth of his 39 month sentence. He claimed to be ADD as opposed to ADHD (not hyperactive or impulsive). He had an assault charge against him but it was stayed. He had two weapons charges against him and they were dropped. Otherwise I think you've nailed it based on everything we have learned here and in MSM. Thank you.

ADHD used to be called ADD. Attention Deficit Disorder became Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The name changed, but the symptoms remained the same.
What an absolute . I've been away for the past few days with no internet/reception and was really hoping to come back to some positive news. I know it wasn't very likely that these three would be found alive, but I was holding out hope that little Nathan would have beaten the odds, and whoever took them would have spared this darling child's life. Very sad news. I don't understand how anyone could hurt a child with a sweet little face like that. I hope he didn't suffer, and his grandparents kept him feeling safe right up until the end. :(

Rest in peace, Alvin, Kathy, and darling little Nathan. My prayers are with your friends and family, especially Nathan's grieving parents and siblings, who are no doubt struggling immensely with this loss. I hope that these three are found soon, so they can be brought home to their family, where they belong.
They're elderly and probably in as much shock as we are. I'm sure LE has been interviewing them thoroughly with an eye to figuring out DG's movements prior to and after the murder to see if they can shine any light on things.

I wouldn't expect to hear anything from them.

Just a hunch but I think the one person who might get him talking is his mamma. I have no basis for saying this other than intuition.
Where are his parents in all this? Don't they have anything to say? Maybe they can afford to pay his legal/psych fees?

I wish he would just cough up where these poor souls are. :angel:

I think he might be on legal aid ... just a guess based on the delay in getting a lawyer, getting an experienced lawyer that take legal aid cases, and bail of $750.
A few more things to add to the bio, from Canadian Press:

'Douglas Garland an intelligent man with mental issues, criminal past'

1988 charge of prohibited weapon: dismissed
1989 assault charge stayed
1999 another weapons charge: stayed

However, I must disagree with these articles. The only 'mental issues' are the ones brought up as excuses by DG.
Well it could take a personality or other disorder to so naturally and compulsively lie (and do many of the other things he's done over the years), even to cleverly make one up. Granted he could have backed it up with an actual diagnosis from the past. The Court is a stickler for evidence after all.

I wonder what the parents thought when he disappeared for 7 years?
DG took on the Supreme Court of Canada and represented himself and won back in 2002...It absolutely amazes me yet others pay for expensive well known lawyers and loose..go figure.

Lawyers often get caught up lawyering. Non lawyers have the benefit if being naive and sticking to presenting a case in accordance with the law.
Just a hunch but I think the one person who might get him talking is his mamma. I have no basis for saying this other than intuition.

Honestly I get the sense that he is all about himself and no amount of pressure to "do the right thing" is going to work because he probably feels he is in the right on all of this. I wish Mamma could get him to talk but I don't think so.

I think there's a deep seeded anger and we know that there are psychologic issues. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a sociopathic personality and those guys have no empathy and turn everything around so that it's everybody else's fault.

He would have to admit guilt in order for Momma, or anyone else, to get him to tell them where the bodies were and I don't think he's going to admit to anything.
ADHD used to be called ADD. Attention Deficit Disorder became Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. The name changed, but the symptoms remained the same.

Actually three different conditions Otto. I know these days the medical fraternity refer to all cases as ADHD but: ADHD is a little different. The “H” in ADHD stands for hyperactivity, and can show up in one of two forms: ADHD-Hyperactive is characterized by hyperactivity without inattention. ADHD-Combined means that someone is showing both inattention and hyperactivity. All three forms–ADD, ADHD-Hyperactive and ADHD-Combined are considered types of ADHD. Here’s a quick summary: ADD: Inattention only ADHD-Hyperactive: Hyperactivity only ADHD-Combined: Inattention and hyperactivity - See more at: My only child is ADD and the opposite of hyperactive.
I was diagnosed with ADD (or was it ADHD?) when I was 12.
Although I'm not sure why....I never fit the profile for either of them.
Just thinking and I am sure that LE has already thought about this but here goes....

This horrible crime was thought out well in advance. It was planned; of this I am sure, and it most likely goes back to a seething anger and resentment regarding his business dealings.

If I were LE I'd be looking at DG's movements in the months prior to the murders. Check credit card records, cell phone records (check the pings). Where was he and why? Check Gas station CCTV all over but prior to the event. Put the word out...did you see DG in the months prior to the murders and if so where did you see him? if you trace his movements and he seems in a strange or distant area that doesn't make sense then we may be able to find the bodies.

He very well could have been scoping out locations to get rid of the bodies well in advance. This information would also go to premeditation.

I hope someone with the Calgary Police Service is thinking like this ... the sooner they're found, the more accurate the autopsy results.
There was a balloon release at 8pm tonight. Not sure if it was just in my town or in Calgary as well.
If I had some balloons, I would have participated...

Since the Websleuths community has already been mentioned once in the local news, perhaps local people could organize a balloon release in Stanley Park and get it in the news twice. What is a suitable day and who local would do that? How can that tie in to butterflies?
I understand your point, but I disagree. I think time factors in here. The sooner the bodies can be found, the better the evidence will be, and not be affected by the elements, for example. They've met with the RCMP, and have obviously been given some direction on how to proceed, and what to do, and not to do. It may not be endorsed, but then if they really didn't want them to go ahead, they would tell them so. I think you gotta have more faith in people, and that they want to help, and can help, and will follow the direction that's been given. Plus, they're limiting where they're looking - culverts, ditches, etc. It would be no different than a couple out for a hike, who happen to discover a body or skeletal remains. Here, it would just be a group effort checking public spaces.

Where is a link indicating they've met w/ RCMP? I've only read that one of them spoke w/ CPS Chief Hanson who didn't endorse the civilian search but also stated he couldn't stop them. My understanding is that this search is all lead and directed by civilian volunteers and no LE is involved.
If we knew the times that the truck was seen near the crime scene, we would know how much time was between his trips (one for the murder, one for the clean up). Then we could map out the radius in terms of travel time. In fact, since police focused on the Airdrie acreage, I think we can assume that there were at least 1.5 hours between the two sightings, and perhaps more. Suppose the murder was at 11PM, body removal until 11:30, body disposal, return to the crime scene, clean up, leave for the last time around 4AM. I'll try to map a radius map in terms of time/mileage from crime scene so we can estimate where the bodies might be ... in a couple of hours.

Given the amount of time LE has spent at the Airdrie acreage gathering evidence, there is a high probability any trips from the house were to the acreage.
Just a hunch but I think the one person who might get him talking is his mamma. I have no basis for saying this other than intuition.

I think so too. His name is also connected to a live sermon at an Airdrie church. Perhaps someone from the church can get it out of him. He might claim that he doesn't remember ... would a strategy like that aid an insanity defence?
Honestly I get the sense that he is all about himself and no amount of pressure to "do the right thing" is going to work because he probably feels he is in the right on all of this. I wish Mamma could get him to talk but I don't think so.

I think there's a deep seeded anger and we know that there are psychologic issues. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a sociopathic personality and those guys have no empathy and turn everything around so that it's everybody else's fault.

He would have to admit guilt in order for Momma, or anyone else, to get him to tell them where the bodies were and I don't think he's going to admit to anything.

I agree with your post. If he can fake his way into a scientific lab, act as his own lawyer; me thinks he knows how to hold them, unless he has a nervous breakdown in prison.

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