CANADA Canada - Barry, 75, & Honey Sherman, 70, found dead, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #16

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Like so many things in life, some of us take a stand, then choose the facts to defend that perspective.

I think the idea in solving crimes is let the science lead the way to the correct conclusion. In this case, much the same way as with vaccines, and snow tires, the professionals and experts have come to a conclusion.

None of us have to agree, but by disagreeing, we incur some level of risk.
The other thing that is obvious, is that positions or perspectives rarely change, and in fact over time some believers become more implacable.

I may be wrong, in my belief that it was a double murder, with some family/friend linkage. There is a chance I will never know if I am right or wrong. Sometimes that is just how life goes.

One final note. The people who knew the Shermans best, their children, do not believe it was M-S.

BIB - How many people would believe their father was capable of such a thing though? Or the denial would be so strong they wouldn't allow themselves to believe it.

It's such a shame this case is still such a mystery. I hope if this was double murder that they do eventually catch the culprit(s).
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Here's another detail that could suggest that the deaths were related to the properties and house purchase. In a house that is regularly cleaned, why was a document related to their existing property left on the basement floor leading to the body location?

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The house had recently been put up for sale on the open market. They'd been getting some work done (painters had been painting and had apparently left windows ajar for fumes/air). My guess is that they were being proactive in having had their own home inspection done prior to an offer coming in (which many times will include an inspection clause), so they could deal with any potential issues that might be highlighted.
I think, it was his actually worn belt and he wasn't wearing it anymore after murder. It was said, afaik, he was strapped to the railing "with his belt". Otherwise it was "one of his belts out of the wardrobe" (like in case Honey), IMO.
Yes.. he was wearing it.. I found this:

In Chiasson’s examination, it was determined that they were likely not strangled with the belts. Instead, they were strangled with some other type of ligature, and the belts were then put around their necks.

Sources have told the Star that while one belt appears to be Barry Sherman’s (he was not wearing a belt when found) it is not known where the other belt came from.

How the investigation into the deaths of Barry and Honey Sherman turned from murder-suicide to double homicide
In the final warrant material that has been unsealed to the Star (dated Feb. 15, 2018, exactly two months after the murder), detective constable Yim writes:

“In a previous application I had stated that I believed that Honey Sherman was murdered and Bernard (Barry) Sherman was either murdered or committed suicide. In this application I state that I have reasonable grounds to believe that Bernard Sherman was murdered as well and my grounds to believe are as follows.”

The five “grounds” listed are blacked out.

‘Someone has killed my clients’: Newly released documents detail the day Barry and Honey Sherman were found dead, and what police did after
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The woman was assisting Honey one day in November of 2017 (a month before the murders) and a gift bag arrived.

“Honey made a loud comment about it, saying it was from one of Barry’s affairs,” the woman told police. The detective then writes that the woman “also thinks she heard Honey say that it was the hotel sending her a thank you for another one of Barry’s affairs ... thought it meant that Barry fooled around.”

According to the police documents, that was followed by specific questions to other potential witnesses. Sheila Stanley, Honey’s personal assistant, told police “infidelity was impossible in Barry and Honey’s relationship because of how busy they were.”

Link above.
Yes.. he was wearing it.. I found this:

In Chiasson’s examination, it was determined that they were likely not strangled with the belts. Instead, they were strangled with some other type of ligature, and the belts were then put around their necks.

Sources have told the Star that while one belt appears to be Barry Sherman’s (he was not wearing a belt when found) it is not known where the other belt came from.

How the investigation into the deaths of Barry and Honey Sherman turned from murder-suicide to double homicide
omg.. I just realized I typed the exact OPPOSITE of what I meant up above! Sorry about that! (Twilight Zone music is playing in background!) Meant to say Yes.. he WASN'T wearing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry about that!!!!
After four years of media articles, police statements and much discussion, it's interesting that we are back to discussing the murder/suicide theory. I guess that 's what happens when the thread becomes inactive. Gotta talk about something right? Lol

I watched the news in the beginning. I heard that the family was unhappy with the findings of the investigation. I heard that the very wealthy family was hiring a team to endorse the family belief that the parents were murdered, and the subsequent findings were the family team deemed the deaths a double murder.

If this was not a wealthy family, there would not be a new determination of cause of death - one that protects the reputations of the parents and the children, one that contradicted investigative findings.

It's possible that the injuries to Honey's face were caused by being dragged down the stairs, but wouldn't that be obvious in an autopsy? A punch is different from a bump to the back of the head while bumping her head on the stairs. Which is it? The injury is to her face. What's the theory, she was dragged downstairs with her face hitting each step and that caused one injury to Honey's face? Implausible.

One article says that the property report for the house they were selling was found on the floor leading to the pool area. Another report says that Barry's driving gloves were also found with that report. No way did he bring his driving gloves into the house from his old car in the 6 car garage each evening.

He remained at work after the meeting about the new house. Why would he have the property report with him that night? Wouldn't that be delivered to the house by the property report person, or the realtor? He wouldn't be bringing that home from work. I don't believe that the property report documents were in his hands when he arrived home that evening.

I think there's a different reason that the property report is on the floor leading to the bodies. The property report is unrelated to Honey's recent purchase of a new property and putting their home on the market.

What's interesting in terms of murders is that Honey was murdered wearing the clothes she wore at the meeting. She had not changed, which should be the first thing she does when home at 7 or 8 PM. Barry arrived something like an hour later, or was it sooner, and he too was murdered in what he was wearing earlier that day - including his coat.

I'd like to see more information about where they were between 5:30 PM and 8 PM on the day that they were murdered.

If they were both murdered wearing their coats, and they arrived home at different times, that seems more like double murder using murder weapons that were already at the scene and no evidence of a break-in. Who could that be - benefited from both parents dead at the same time, happened to be at the house, happened to murder mom, happened to murder dad to cover up? Is there anyone in the family that falls into that category? Why stage such a bizarre scene at the pool? That seems to personal.

So, in summary, yes, full circle.
I watched the news in the beginning. I heard that the family was unhappy with the findings of the investigation. At the time in the beginning when the family was unhappy and hired their own PI team and started the ball rolling to get an independent second autopsy done on each of the bodies, there had not yet been any findings and it was much too soon in the investigation for police to have apparently figured out what occurred. They were unhappy with the speculation and publicity and where it appeared things were headed. IIRC, they did this on the advice of the family of another couple who had been murdered (I believe in Florida?). It was also a way of keeping LE on their toes and letting them know they were going to be monitored. I heard that the very wealthy family was hiring a team to endorse the family belief that the parents were murdered, and the subsequent findings were the family team deemed the deaths a double murder. As indicated in my comments to your post upthread, when the second autopsy was done, it was done by a much more experienced ME, and fortunately the first ME was with him when it was done. I truly believe the first ME's hands were tied, and perhaps he also wasn't confident enough to proclaim the manner of death.. it was undetermined. When the second ME did the second set of autopsies, I read that the first ME agreed with his finding of murder. I will try to find that link.

If this was not a wealthy family, there would not be a new determination of cause of death - one that protects the reputations of the parents and the children, one that contradicted investigative findings. That is possibly true, and if so, disgusting. I really feel awful for people who vehemently disagree with the official determination, but it's either too late to do anything about it, or the people don't have enough funds to do something about it. I disagree that anyone was protecting anyone, however. I believe the ME's office was perhaps just too short-staffed (read the Gouge Report) to do a stellar job. imo.

It's possible that the injuries to Honey's face were caused by being dragged down the stairs, but wouldn't that be obvious in an autopsy? It would be obvious that her face had an injury, however it was described as 'scratched', IIRC. They say that facial injuries can tend to bleed a lot? And we are not privy to whta the autopsy results said. I'm not sure if they can say with certainty that a facial injury may have been caused by being scraped or banged or dropped on marble, or if hit with something. In any case, there hasn't been anything said about autopsy findings to indicate that even if H was assaulted, that it was by her husband. A punch is different from a bump to the back of the head while bumping her head on the stairs. Which is it? The injury is to her face. What's the theory, she was dragged downstairs with her face hitting each step and that caused one injury to Honey's face? Implausible.That would be implausible for sure, but that was merely speculation from those who knew her. Maybe she was heavy and the killer(s) dropped her at one point on the marble stairs/floor? Maybe the killers punched her if she got mouthy with them (which is my personal belief).

One article says that the property report for the house they were selling was found on the floor leading to the pool area. Another report says that Barry's driving gloves were also found with that report. No way did he bring his driving gloves into the house from his old car in the 6 car garage each evening.That is certainly something to think about. I always bring my gloves into the house. Possibly others do not. Another possibility is that someone was hiding out in the backseat and walked him into the basement from the garage, before strangling him, because they wanted it done inside the home, or for whatever other reason(s) the killer may have had?

He remained at work after the meeting about the new house. He remained at work, while H took the opportunity to do some shopping on her way home. Why would he have the property report with him that night? Wouldn't that be delivered to the house by the property report person, or the realtor? He wouldn't be bringing that home from work. There are many possibilities. Perhaps the home inspector dropped it off to B's office because that is where B is most of the time. Usually home inspectors like to review the report/paperwork with the client to ensure the client understands what has been indicated, so what better place to get a few minutes of B's time to review the report? As well, the report could've been issued in earlier days, but B may have taken it to the office to make some calls to certain types of contractors, with report in hand, to read what it said, so there was no confusion about what needed to be done - and then brought it home again - and that bringing and taking of the report wouldn't have necessarily have had to occur on the same day.. he may have left it at the office for a few days and perhaps H was bugging him to bring it home so she could read it as well? I don't believe that the property report documents were in his hands when he arrived home that evening.

I think there's a different reason that the property report is on the floor leading to the bodies. The property report is unrelated to Honey's recent purchase of a new property and putting their home on the market. I would think since H's purchase of the new property was demolished and plans were already created for the new build, it would have been useless to have a home inspection done on that property - I don't think anyone has ever indicated that the report was related to that property? Unfortunately the public isn't being told if the report was related to their current home being on the market. Although it was already for sale, they were obviously still getting work done to it, and perhaps that home inspection was exactly the reason for it?

What's interesting in terms of murders is that Honey was murdered wearing the clothes she wore at the meeting. She had not changed, which should be the first thing she does when home at 7 or 8 PM. Barry arrived something like an hour later, or was it sooner, and he too was murdered in what he was wearing earlier that day - including his coat. So to me, that would indicate that it absolutely was NOT Barry who murdered H. We know that B remained at the office and that H arrived home well before him. If H had been home for ANY amount of time prior to being murdered, surely she would've removed her coat, and presumably she also would've changed into something perhaps more comfortable. And same for B. It seems neither of them had a change to even get their coats off before they were accosted. imo.

I'd like to see more information about where they were between 5:30 PM and 8 PM on the day that they were murdered. It has been said there is video of B leaving the office, getting into his car at the time when he left to go home... therefore one might assume he was at the office. We've been told there are receipts and phonecalls and perhaps more info the police have, to say that H went to a mall to purchase some gifts for her grandson(s) for Hanukkah on her way home, and she made at least one phonecall on her way home. Police may also have security footage from the mall, or from cameras along roadways, who knows?

If they were both murdered wearing their coats, and they arrived home at different times, that seems more like double murder using murder weapons that were already at the scene Why would it seem the killer(s) used murder weapons already at the scene, rather than bringing their own? Secondly, perhaps this was not planned ahead of time? What if someone close enough to perhaps have a key, had gone over to have a conversation/ask for something, and it ended badly/not going their way? and no evidence of a break-in. It has been reported that the back basement door was unlocked, and the windows of the room being painted. I believe it was also reported that they didn't necessarily lock the doors while they were inside the home? Who could that be - benefited from both parents dead at the same time, happened to be at the house, happened to murder mom, happened to murder dad to cover up? I'm not sure B was murdered to cover up what had happened to H? Perhaps both were wanted dead? Is there anyone in the family that falls into that category? Why stage such a bizarre scene at the pool? Personally I don't understand at all why police would ever have even imagined that scene as being M/S, but if for whatever reason, it did look to be that way at first sight - is it possible the bizarre scene was staged for that exact reason? That seems to personal. Very personal indeed, imho.

So, in summary, yes, full circle.
My comments in red above, again. Just in case this was missed along the way..... JS had been out of the country in Japan with his husband, and arrived back to ON on the evening of December 12th. LE believe the Sherman couple were murdered the very next evening. As well, just for information, within the same article linked below, it was reported that daughter AK is (or was at the time of the article), of the belief that her brother, JS was involved.

[AP] replies to Barry, copying Glasenberg and [JS]: “Hi Barry, Yes, we are restarting these conversations with the banks to get this sorted out as soon as possible.” [AP] says it will take “time and money” to get “appraisals” and arrange the bank mortgages, particularly as it is the holiday season, adding “the requested ($6.2 million) funds should get us through until financing is available.”

Barry replies to [AP], copying to [JS] and Glasenberg: “Ok but please do asap in case needed.”

Two days later, [JS] and his husband, [FM], flew to Japan for a vacation. [JS] says he believes [AP] had conversations with two banks regarding the mortgages. While in Japan, he said, he “started learning and trading” cryptocurrency and put the whole matter of the mortgages out of his mind. He said there were no more emails about the funding issue. He and [FM] would return home on Dec. 12, in the evening.
While he, his sister [AK] and her husband [BK] were allied at the start of the private probe — having regular meetings together with Greenspan and private detective Tom Klatt — [JS] says that at some point, [AK] started thinking he was somehow involved in the murders. Eventually, she hired criminal lawyer John Rosen to push Greenspan to end his probe and give everything it had collected to the police. That happened in late 2019 and Toronto police say they are still going over 20 gigabytes of information compiled by the private investigators.

Barry Sherman’s son says his father asked him to repay tens of millions of dollars, two weeks before murders, but Barry was ‘all in’ with son’s business - Today News Post
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omg.. I just realized I typed the exact OPPOSITE of what I meant up above! Sorry about that! (Twilight Zone music is playing in background!) Meant to say Yes.. he WASN'T wearing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry about that!!!!
I did understand, when you wrote it in your first version, haha. Do I have to worry about myself? ;)
BS was wearing the belt, and because the killer needed it, afterwards he wasn't wearing it anymore.
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Who could that be - benefited from both parents dead at the same time, happened to be at the house, happened to murder mom, happened to murder dad to cover up?
I think, you have followed the correct order: first wish for murder would be mom, because she was the one, who was about to spend millions on the new home, which neither Barry nor the kids needed to own. IMO
My comments in red above, again. Just in case this was missed along the way..... JS had been out of the country in Japan with his husband, and arrived back to ON on the evening of December 12th. LE believe the Sherman couple were murdered the very next evening. As well, just for information, within the same article linked below, it was reported that daughter AK is (or was at the time of the article), of the belief that her brother, JS was involved.

[AP] replies to Barry, copying Glasenberg and [JS]: “Hi Barry, Yes, we are restarting these conversations with the banks to get this sorted out as soon as possible.” [AP] says it will take “time and money” to get “appraisals” and arrange the bank mortgages, particularly as it is the holiday season, adding “the requested ($6.2 million) funds should get us through until financing is available.”

Barry replies to [AP], copying to [JS] and Glasenberg: “Ok but please do asap in case needed.”

Two days later, [JS] and his husband, [FM], flew to Japan for a vacation. [JS] says he believes [AP] had conversations with two banks regarding the mortgages. While in Japan, he said, he “started learning and trading” cryptocurrency and put the whole matter of the mortgages out of his mind. He said there were no more emails about the funding issue. He and [FM] would return home on Dec. 12, in the evening.
While he, his sister [AK] and her husband [BK] were allied at the start of the private probe — having regular meetings together with Greenspan and private detective Tom Klatt — [JS] says that at some point, [AK] started thinking he was somehow involved in the murders. Eventually, she hired criminal lawyer John Rosen to push Greenspan to end his probe and give everything it had collected to the police. That happened in late 2019 and Toronto police say they are still going over 20 gigabytes of information compiled by the private investigators.

Barry Sherman’s son says his father asked him to repay tens of millions of dollars, two weeks before murders, but Barry was ‘all in’ with son’s business - Today News Post

Very interesting article. I've not kept up on this case in the last couple of years. I'm not sure the son was involved in his parents murders, but he is a vain, self-centered rich guy.
As we are quickly coming to another anniversary of the Sherman's deaths. I think the TPS should provide a a recap or review of the case to the public.

I would also like to see some sort of defining statement, such as.................

"We are focused on certain individuals who we believe are involved"

" This case has all the hallmarks of a meticulously planned and executed crime. It is obvious to to us, that the instigators were exceptionally determined to avoid being identified and apprehended."

" We have exhausted all our leads, and we need the public's help"

" We are confident we are on the right path, and will continue to stay the course, until we have sufficient evidence to lay charges"

"The theory(s) we have been working with for the last several years, have been dis-proven. We are going back to the very beginning, analyzing all the evidence with fresh eyes to understand and lead to a resolution of this case."

If for no other reason, I believe some sort of public announcement would 'rattle the cages' of the perps.

As we are quickly coming to another anniversary of the Sherman's deaths. I think the TPS should provide a a recap or review of the case to the public.

I would also like to see some sort of defining statement, such as.................

"We are focused on certain individuals who we believe are involved"

" This case has all the hallmarks of a meticulously planned and executed crime. It is obvious to to us, that the instigators were exceptionally determined to avoid being identified and apprehended."

" We have exhausted all our leads, and we need the public's help"

" We are confident we are on the right path, and will continue to stay the course, until we have sufficient evidence to lay charges"

"The theory(s) we have been working with for the last several years, have been dis-proven. We are going back to the very beginning, analyzing all the evidence with fresh eyes to understand and lead to a resolution of this case."

If for no other reason, I believe some sort of public announcement would 'rattle the cages' of the perps.

I'm not counting on a TPS statement as the 4th year anniversary of the Shermans deaths nears. These anniversary statements by LE are usually driven by media requests. Unless LE has updated news, these statements are usually given to assure the public that they are still working diligently on the case.

Kevin Donovan has remained silent on the case since his interview in Feb/21 on youtube. I can't see him pressuring TPS for an anniversary statement, because he has obviously backed off on pressuring TPS for information.

Based on ITOs in court, TPS rep Const. Alex Li stated that they couldn't talk about the Sherman estate because it is embedded in their investigation. That certainly narrows down the focus of the investigation after three years. Const. Li also stated that TPS can confirm that a POI has been identified but not arrested.

Shortly after KD ran an article about Li's court statements, in Dec/2020, TPS stated that they have a theory (meaning they think they know who did it) and have "numerous" POIs. That statement may have been made to take the focus off only one POI, as stated by Const. Li in court. jmo

I think KD came to the realization that TPS needs time, and as he said " it could take years" to have the required evidence to bring a charge to court. It looks like he has willingly backed off to let TPS get on with their investigation. jmo

Person of interest identified in murders of Barry and Honey Sherman, Toronto police confirm
I'm not counting on a TPS statement as the 4th year anniversary of the Shermans deaths nears. These anniversary statements by LE are usually driven by media requests. Unless LE has updated news, these statements are usually given to assure the public that they are still working diligently on the case.

Kevin Donovan has remained silent on the case since his interview in Feb/21 on youtube. I can't see him pressuring TPS for an anniversary statement, because he has obviously backed off on pressuring TPS for information.

Based on ITOs in court, TPS rep Const. Alex Li stated that they couldn't talk about the Sherman estate because it is embedded in their investigation. That certainly narrows down the focus of the investigation after three years. Const. Li also stated that TPS can confirm that a POI has been identified but not arrested.

Shortly after KD ran an article about Li's court statements, in Dec/2020, TPS stated that they have a theory (meaning they think they know who did it) and have "numerous" POIs. That statement may have been made to take the focus off only one POI, as stated by Const. Li in court. jmo

I think KD came to the realization that TPS needs time, and as he said " it could take years" to have the required evidence to bring a charge to court. It looks like he has willingly backed off to let TPS get on with their investigation. jmo

Person of interest identified in murders of Barry and Honey Sherman, Toronto police confirm

This story was.... Published Wednesday, November 25, 2020
At least the TPS could confirm they are still focused on the same POI (or not) a year later.
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