Canada - Barry, 75, & Honey Sherman, 70, found dead, Toronto, 15 Dec 2017 #4

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And yet there are people, like a dear friend of mine, who could never hope to afford the name brand and would not be medicated AT ALL without the generic. I have little respect for the pharmacies who want to hold on to their "recipes" long after they've recouped their expenses.

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Here's a good one. My doctor recommended a medication for me that costs $200. I could not afford it and got a secondary one which costs $10. The pharmacist said the recommended medication used to cost $10!! He said he does not know why it went up to $200.
I have taken synthroid for years and all the doctors I've had told me to take the name brand because the generic form goes 20% either way. That made one of my doctors mad, especially when it comes to your thyroid it has to be precise. Our main healthcare system in our town won't even carry the generic at their pharmacy.
A little off topic but I can't stand guys like Barry Sherman. Generic drugs are never as good as the name brands that their recipe is stolen from. My daughter needs a certain allergy medicine and recently the pharmacist substituted a generic equivalent. Turns out that my daughter was allergic to the very medicine that was to be used in an allergy emergency. Bottom line is that now I have to pay extra for the name brand as the insurance company will only cover the generic substitute. So the insurance company gets richer, recipe thief Barry Sherman gets rich, and the rest of us have to live with second rate drugs.

Andreww you are correct! If we only talked about Brand birth control pills vs their generics for the purpose of argument it sets a dangerous precedent. When the generic form of Alesse came out, there was a huge outcry. Women began to spot, mood swings and unwanted pregnancies were occurring. The very tiny amount of estrogen in today's pills mean any small amount of variance of estrogen comparing Brand to Generic was creating these problems. I called on a women's health clinic in my area (about 8-9 years ago). Women were coming in with unwanted pregnancies by the dozens. These women insisted they were very compliant. So what the heck was going on?? The doctors finally realized that women who were prescribed Brand Alesse (and had been on it for years) were surreptitiously given the generic version (by the pharmacist) and were told they were the same because Health Canada said so! Same stories at family planning clinics were occurring during that time.

Interestingly, about 10 years ago the gentlemen who oversaw the women's health division for Health Canada retired. Up to that point it was his contention to never allow a generic birth control into Canada (as they had done in the US). He felt they were inferior more prone to biovariance. Not to mention today's birth control pill contain a fraction of estrogen that our mother's pills/my pills had. Once he retired, next individual to occupy that position let the flood gates open for generic BC. There was an investigation by the college of obstetricians/gyns but nothing was reported beyond that. That's how I know money talks and guys like BS can buy their way into a market they have no business getting into (MOO). It's a women's health issue.

Sorry for the rant. I have so many other stories to tell but this is not the time nor place.
The comments by unnamed "police sources" about murder-suicide was at best a "first glance" opinion. I don't blame the family for being upset.

ETA: Hopefully the first responders were wise enough to consider the home a possible crime scene and not tromp all over the place, possibly destroying valuable evidence.

I'm not so quick to criticize law enforcement officers - which in my humble opinion includes homicide detectives.

Police sources informed us that the couple were found hanging from a railing next to the indoor pool, that one of the deceased appears to have been killed in another location, that there were no signs of a break in, and that the deaths were being investigated as a murder-suicide. No one has refuted this information, and in fact the family has confirmed that there were no signs of a break-in.

Homicide detectives arrived at the scene a bit later and searched for alternate routes for a break in - such as the roof, canvassed the neighbourhood for surveillance video and witnesses, checked sewers for weapons, and presumably followed up with friends, family, co-workers and others, such as the architectural firm.

As for tromping all over evidence, the bodies were discovered by a realtor, so I think there was plenty of tromping well before police were notified of the deaths.
I'm reminded of hasty assumptions by first responders in what later was found to be a double homicide, in Calgary from 2014, still unsolved.

The couple was found in bed and accidental carbon monoxide poisoning was initially suspected. Between paramedics, the fire department, gas company employees and police officers, it's easy to imagine the flurry of emergency responders who arrived at the scene. It was only later that the autopsy determined both deaths were a homicide. It's been suggested valuable evidence may have been destroyed because the crime scene was not immediately secured.

Imagine how differently a crime scene would be approached if responders immediately recognized it was the scene of a homicide, as opposed to an assumed accident or suicide. Might a murderer choose to stage deaths for that very reason?

True, but police were quick to announce that the deaths were investigated as homicides as soon as the autopsies were completed - within a couple of days. They also released a photo of the suspect several months later.
I have taken synthroid for years and all the doctors I've had told me to take the name brand because the generic form goes 20% either way. That made one of my doctors mad, especially when it comes to your thyroid it has to be precise. Our main healthcare system in our town won't even carry the generic at their pharmacy.

Funny. That is the exact drug my hubby takes but he had to take the generic. He has taken it for over 40 years. I don’t remember how long ago he had to switch to,the generic. Maybe because his blood tests turn out ok it is not a problem
January 9, 2018

Former FBI agent Brian Garrett, who has worked as both a homicide detective and a private investigator, says a parallel investigation probably won’t have a negative impact on the outcome of the case.

“Obviously, the key is to find the truth,” Garrett told CTV News Channel on Tuesday, adding that he’s never seen a “damaging situation” involving a parallel investigation.

He said parallel investigations usually only run into problems when the PI doesn’t share information with police, although that doesn’t mean the two sides “have to talk every day.”

Rather, Garrett suggests that in a best-case scenario, the PI would eventually pass along his findings to police anyway.

“(A private investigator) potentially might have more success,” Garrett said, citing freedom from regulations and public pressure as two advantages of a PI. “They might have a better chance of getting some people to talk,” he said.
I don't see how the family has been threatening in anyway, or is only looking for what they want to hear? They put pressure on TPS to preform a thorough investigation. That's not a waste of taxpayers money. It's the exact investigation that every single case should respectfully get. It's exactly what our tax dollars should provide. CC. Tess Richey, Laura Babcock, Wayne Millard, and plethora of others. They spoke out, so what?

People want to so easily shame them because they are wealthy. While I too can become annoyed by the rich, and get frustrated by how unfair it seems at time that those that are wealthy can reap the benefits of private health care and private investigations and zero wait-lists, etc, I would likely do the same if I were in their shoes and had their resources. A private investigation will not give them the results "they want to here", it's about being extra thorough, extra sure, and if my parents died in the way theirs did, I'd want to be extra sure too.

With the information that is coming out about birth control pills that are placebos, expired medications that are dumped in foreign countries, compromised manufacturing plants in other foreign countries, class action lawsuits against his drug company, AND putting that along side Barry Sherman's recent remark about how he has so much, and then there's the other people ... I'm not convinced his comment was really about the unfortunate people ... maybe more about the "little people" that don't count in the same way as the rich people.

There's definitely a disconnect between a man who presumably cares about the less fortunate, and who at the same time messes with pharmaceuticals that people rely on for the purpose of making a faster buck.
Another factor in the generic brands is there may be more than one company making the Medicine you are taking.

The pharmacies will change generic brands when they can get a lower cost on said medicine. This is where I have found a major difference in the efficacy of a prescription!

When the pharmacy has changed generic brands, given me the new one they are using, and I see it is not doing the job it was prescribed for, I have taken the prescription back! After many of these incidents, I now know to request a certain brand of generic. They have to special order it, but at least I am getting a generic medicine that works.

We all know that no two generic brands are going to be made alike. The ingredients/filler will be different. So beware of your generic medications. You may want to ask the pharmacist if there is another generic you could try.
I live now in a Third World country that was a colony but no longer is. We get stuff from the US and China that would not even make it at Walmart. We call it “colony quality”. I think the drugs are fine. I take a drug that is generic for me in the US but the brand name here. And much much much cheaper.

We don’t get the stuff that is sent to really poor countries. Pesticides and who knows what else are unloaded onto poor people.

It is very strange as my hubby ran out of his thyroid med and was waiting and waiting and waiting for it to arrive here.

We finally asked the post office where it was. It had been mailed back to the US because they said they did not allow it into their country. Levathroid. The generic .

My husband had been taking it for maybe thirty years. He gets enough in the US to cover until the next time we visit. Now I wonder about it. We could not figure out why it was not allowed into the country.
I think one thing is clear - the Shermans were not in the business of making pharmaceuticals to ensure the health and wellness of everyone. They were in the business to make as much money as possible by any means, and that's one way to make an awful lot of enemies. The private investigating team will be pulling cheques for the next decade as they run down every rabbit hole that represents a potential enemy, and as long as the family refuses to accept the murder-suicide scenario, they will pay others to find proof of what they want to hear.
This is old news. Using the "Ctrl + F" keys, search for Apotex to find where it is mentioned in this pdf document.

Generic Drugopoly
Why Non-patented Prescription Drugs Cost More
in Canada than in the United States and Europe
Generic Drugopoly
The Fraser Institute
Appendix B: National ownership of generic
companies in Canada
This section selectively documents those companies that
are identified as having foreign ownership, or whose
Canadian ownership is affiliated with another generic
company, or whose ownership is unclear from public
sources. The companies’ history and profile information
was gathered from various sources identified below and
is current as of July 23, 2004.
According to the company’s website, Apotex Inc. was
founded in 1974 and actually comprises a large group of
companies, including:
  • Apotex Inc. [North York]
  • Novex Pharma [Richmond Hill]
  • TorPharm [Etobicoke]
  • Accucaps [Windsor and London]
  • Brantford Chemicals [Brantford]
  • Cangene [Mississauga and Winnipeg]
  • Apotex Fermentation Inc. [Winnipeg]

Apotex website: <
Default.htm>. (link
The list provided by the company did not include Nu-Pharm
Inc., which the Canadian courts have also recognized as
an Apotex affiliate. According to the court record,
Herein, the defendants were alleged to have deliberately and willfully
used Nu-Pharm, a privately held corporation, originally
established by the defendant Sherman, CEO of
Apotex and Apotex Pharmaceuticals, as a vehicle to
circumvent and violate the injunction by allegedly
manipulating the regulatory process to, in effect,
reintroduce the infringing Apo-Enalapril into the
market as Nu-Pharm’s product under the new name
Nu-Enalapril. Sherman was also alleged to control a
group of corporations, including Nu-Pharm and Apotex,
that were interrelated with respect to ownership,
management, employees, and financing. He and his
group were alleged to have consistently endeavoured
to circumvent the judgment of 1994. Many decisions
in this Court dismissed, on grounds of res judicata,
attempts by Apotex, in conjunction with members of
that group, to challenge the 349 patent.
True, but police were quick to announce that the deaths were investigated as homicides as soon as the autopsies were completed - within a couple of days. They also released a photo of the suspect several months later.

Yes, sadly the murder remains unsolved. Don't you think the person/s who commited the homicides was absolutely thrilled that it took two days to figure out the deaths were not accidental, knowing the crime scene by then was not only disturbed but contaminated by emergency responders and others who didn't suspect a murder had taken place?

Why else would anyone stage a murder, ever, if not to misdirect an investigation away from the immediate scrutiny that is given a murder scene.
Thank you Hazel. Drugopoly indeed!

Thank you so much for your research in digging up these older articles.

Much appreciated!
Hi everyone. I am new to WS but have beenfollowing the case and all the WS postings carefully from the outset of thecase. Based on the amount of time LE has taken to search the house and toprocess the crime scene, I wonder if there is something missing fromthe house that should be there. Of note-it took LE a number of days toremove H's car for further examination (why, I don't know-leavingpossible forensic evidence to sit in freezing temps for days makes nosense to me, but I am no expert). My hunch/guess is that LE couldn't find HS'skeys in the house. They may have assumed that the keys were locked in the car,and only discovered they weren&#8217;t there after completing their forensic reviewof the vehicle elsewhere. NB- it was only in the days AFTER they finallytowed and examined the car that LE started their other "special"searches (sewer with magnetic equipment as was reported in MSM, houserooftop, metal detector of the lawn and neighbor's properties, trying tofind video from homes on streets 3-4 blocks from the Sherman&#8217;s house), etc. Ithink the keys are missing from the crime scene, and I think LE is looking forthem. Either an &#8220;outside&#8221; murderer (probably accidently) removed them from thescene; or BS disposed of them after murdering HS to create doubts that this infact was a murder suicide. All aneducated guess, and JMO.

Well, having the mayor of Toronto speak to the police chief on their behalf seems a bit intimidating. Did they threaten legal action against the papers that reported the suicide? And hiring a private investigator before police have even issued an official report doesn't bode well. Mark my words, this case is going to get ugly.
Oh I hear ya, it very well might.

And re. the John Tory fiasco, I can't really fault anyone there except for John Tory. He should have known good and well that was going to make him look like a damn fool, giving preferential treatment. I can't really fault the family for exploring every avenue possible to ensure TPS would preform a thorough investigation. At the end of the day, they decided to go at it on there own, as well.
A little off topic but I can't stand guys like Barry Sherman. Generic drugs are never as good as the name brands that their recipe is stolen from. My daughter needs a certain allergy medicine and recently the pharmacist substituted a generic equivalent. Turns out that my daughter was allergic to the very medicine that was to be used in an allergy emergency. Bottom line is that now I have to pay extra for the name brand as the insurance company will only cover the generic substitute. So the insurance company gets richer, recipe thief Barry Sherman gets rich, and the rest of us have to live with second rate drugs.
Jesus. I've never actually heard this about generic drugs, I truly believed they were equivalent in potency, with maybe a few alternate fillers. I'm feeling pretty blessed that I have zero known allergies as well, because I've often opted for the generic version of prescriptions in the past. Sorry to hear about this.
Hi everyone. I am new to WS but have beenfollowing the case and all the WS postings carefully from the outset of thecase. Based on the amount of time LE has taken to search the house and toprocess the crime scene, I wonder if there is something missing fromthe house that should be there. Of note-it took LE a number of days toremove H's car for further examination (why, I don't know-leavingpossible forensic evidence to sit in freezing temps for days makes nosense to me, but I am no expert). My hunch/guess is that LE couldn't find HS'skeys in the house. They may have assumed that the keys were locked in the car,and only discovered they weren&#8217;t there after completing their forensic reviewof the vehicle elsewhere. NB- it was only in the days AFTER they finallytowed and examined the car that LE started their other "special"searches (sewer with magnetic equipment as was reported in MSM, houserooftop, metal detector of the lawn and neighbor's properties, trying tofind video from homes on streets 3-4 blocks from the Sherman&#8217;s house), etc. Ithink the keys are missing from the crime scene, and I think LE is looking forthem. Either an &#8220;outside&#8221; murderer (probably accidently) removed them from thescene; or BS disposed of them after murdering HS to create doubts that this infact was a murder suicide. All aneducated guess, and JMO.

Welcome to Ws Idlager!
You may be right about the house keys, wondering now if the car keys might be missing? imo.
And yet there are people, like a dear friend of mine, who could never hope to afford the name brand and would not be medicated AT ALL without the generic. I have little respect for the pharmacies who want to hold on to their "recipes" long after they've recouped their expenses.

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Ah yes, and then this is true also. Such a grey area, I find this pharmaceutical industry.
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