CANADA Canada - Billionaire Couple Barry & Honey Sherman Murdered @ Home - Toronto #20

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"Honey also confided that she planned to change her will just three weeks before the couple died."

I don’t know anyone who can plan a murder in three weeks, but I can tell you I was not involved.”

Is one three weeks referring to the other three weeks or not?
If someone followed around and stalked the Shermans: were they waiting for something special to happen or did they try to learn their daily schedules?

If they waited for something to happen: had it been the House Sale or Honey's visit at her attorney? Why had it been at exactly the same time and 3 weeks before the murders?
According to info online, looks like property was officially listed on Nov 27, 2017, and the open house took place on Nov 28, 2018.......... but......... to invite people to an open house, you can't just send the invitation out on the same day, or one day in advance (unless you want nobody to show up for it!).... I'd say three weeks is a pretty fair estimate of when the house was perhaps listed 'exclusively' (within perhaps the agent's own brokerage and not MLS yet)... imo.

This is purportedly an email invitation to an open house being held Nov 28, 2017 sent out (when?) by one of the realtors who had 50 Old Colony listed for sale:

To have already taken all those photos for the photo spread (whenever that appeared in which newspaper/real estate publication?), would have taken some time to pull together, etc....

This article states the home went on the market on Nov 27, 2017:

On Nov. 27, their house was listed for $6.9 million, described as an “architectural modern masterpiece.”



Jonathon to KD (no context provided):
I don’t know anyone who can plan a murder in three weeks, but I can tell you I was not involved,” Jonathon says.
Great catch!!!! That statement from JS just came out of nowhere.. had no meaning.. who said ANYTHING about planning a murder in three weeks?? Many many many things were going on in the background, many many of which JS was opposed to. imo.
Big spending was about to occur prior to the murders, plus the possibility of BS following through with his stated plan of signing on to Bill G's ''The Living Pledge".
If they had not died and things went according to plan, HS would have her ''own'' money, leading MS to then also have money, an over the top extravagant mansion was about to be built, Apotex was poised to expand in the US and BS planned on making ''an enormous donation to charity''.
Wondering now if it matters who died first, HS or BS?
rbbm imo, speculation.

Tyler Dawson
Published Jun 15, 2021
''Upon their deaths, Barry Sherman held $67 million in personal property and $1.8 million in real estate. Honey Sherman had $45.9 million in personal property and $9.5 million in real estate, the documents say. This figure covered by the estate files, though, represents a fraction of their true wealth; Forbes estimates Barry Sherman was worth around $3 billion at the time of his death.''

''Simultaneous Deaths and the Shermans’ Estates​

In the case of the Shermans, the unknown circumstances of their deaths may lead to uncertainty with respect to how their estates, totalling a combined $5-10 billion, are to be administered. It has been reported, although as yet unconfirmed due to the court’s sealing order, that Barry had primary and secondary wills, while Honey died without a will. Apparently, Barry’s wills may have left the residue of his estate to Honey in the event he predeceased her.4 If this is true, and Barry is found to have died before Honey, complications could arise if the residue of his estate were to pass to Honey’s estate to then be distributed to her heirs pursuant to the laws of intestate succession.5 This would have the unintended effect of distributing some or all of his estate assets according to a statutory scheme rather than in accordance with his wishes.''​

''Barry Sherman had big plans in the year leading up to his murder — make an enormous donation to charity, gift hundreds of millions of dollars to his wife, Honey, and expand Apotex.
Those plans, described to the Star in interviews by people close to the Sherman couple, had not been acted upon at the time of their murders.''

''Barry was talking about giving Honey a substantial amount of money,” said one person close to Barry.
The Sherman friends say one complicating factor in the planned gift to Honey was Shechtman.
“It was to be Honey’s money,” said a close friend. “If she wanted to give some to Mary, fine.”

''Intriguingly it has been reported that Honey also confided that she planned to change her will just three weeks before the couple died. No will has been found for Honey and the couple were dead before they could do anything about the idea of signing up to The Giving Pledge''.

Am I the only one that gets so confused with these opposite money situations happening at this time?

Talk at the time the murders happened was that BS was planning to grant and give very large sums of money to non business ventures: like to Honey, build a new home, expand business.

And then BS telling some of his closest business loans FD and JS/AP to repay $$ asap, some say so they could pay an Apotex cost of doing business court loss of 500 million.

Makes me wonder with close family and friends stating BS&HS worried they did not teach their children the value of hard work and money well enough maybe this was part of BS planning for future and his retirement. If BS decided that JS would not take over Apotex and if he would fully retire then recurring income from Apotex would cease (rebuilding his coiffeurs to support Sherfam business would potentially stop too) Yes he would have the $$ from the sale but was planning to give it away if reports are accurate.

Was BS trying to offload his loans to regular banks and limit Sherfam business
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She had been his "early trophy wife" (as she coquetting said herself), and she did him credit, it seems? Yin/Yang, like JS called into memory. Each one useless without the other. Two extremes for the 4 children (and who knows, to whom else).

It makes sense, they died together. Or it much more makes sense, someone thought, they have to die together. Sad as it is.

Perhaps. But I perceive her as a “bulldozer wife”, ambitious, social and as such, immensely advancing her husband. “A trophy wife” is a “life achievement Oscar”, but without a “bulldozer wife” you will never ever get to Oscars.

They had to die together, so their grip on either the business or the money had to be released simultaneously. Not knowing what it was, if I could take one guess, I’d say, business was way more important, because none of the kids had the capacity to fully take over the company, and now it stopped being a family business. But it is looking at what mattered most. Maybe someone was more interested in preventing them retaining full control over the company as they were rapidly getting old.
According to info online, looks like property was officially listed on Nov 27, 2017, and the open house took place on Nov 28, 2018.......... but......... to invite people to an open house, you can't just send the invitation out on the same day, or one day in advance (unless you want nobody to show up for it!).... I'd say three weeks is a pretty fair estimate of when the house was perhaps listed 'exclusively' (within perhaps the agent's own brokerage and not MLS yet)... imo.

This is purportedly an email invitation to an open house being held Nov 28, 2017 sent out (when?) by one of the realtors who had 50 Old Colony listed for sale:

To have already taken all those photos for the photo spread (whenever that appeared in which newspaper/real estate publication?), would have taken some time to pull together, etc....

This article states the home went on the market on Nov 27, 2017:

On Nov. 27, their house was listed for $6.9 million, described as an “architectural modern masterpiece.”

looking at this pic, IMO drag marks would be very hard to decipher with that stone flooring.

Am I the only one that gets so confused with these opposite money situations happening at this time?

Talk at the time the murders happened was that BS was planning to grant and give very large sums of money to non business ventures: like to Honey, build a new home, expand business.

And then BS telling some of his closest business loans FD and JS/AP to repay $$ asap, some say so they could pay an Apotex cost of doing business court loss of 500 million.

Makes me wonder with close family and friends stating BS&HS worried they did not teach their children the value of hard work and money well enough maybe this was part of BS planning for future and his retirement. If BS decided that JS would not take over Apotex and if he would fully retire then recurring income from Apotex would cease (rebuilding his coiffeurs to support Sherfam business would potentially stop too) Yes he would have the $$ from the sale but was planning to give it away if reports are accurate.

look at getting bank backing for the future.

Cannot help but wonder if BS was asking for monies to be repaid with an eye to giving whatever he got back to HS (it might feel less like a loss that way and more like a victory)?
Maybe i missed it, but is MS the only one who thinks the murders were for religious reasons, as almost everyone else said it was about the money?
speculation, imo.
2022 rbbm
''Barry Sherman faced a crushing payout — he owed $1 billion to other companies and had no intention of paying. Two of his most trusted advisers wanted him to show his favourite lieutenant the door. At home, things were better with Honey and the kids than in the past, but detectives’ notebooks quickly filled up with tales of past family turmoil and separate sleeping arrangements.

There’s an old saying in homicide investigations, “there are no secrets in a murder case,” something made abundantly clear in police documents newly unsealed by the court. The files, a collection of interview statements and police theories, also shed new light on Honey’s sister’s belief that the couple was murdered for religious reasons.''

''Brad Krawczyk, who is married to Alexandra, worked (and still does) for Sherfam, Barry’s holding company. He told detectives “Barry seemed quiet lately, but not sad despite losing a total of about a billion dollars in lawsuits in the last three months.” Brad said Barry was “maintaining that he was not going to pay them (the pharmaceutical companies that had sued over patent issues) and that they were financially stable. Everyone was told everything was fine.” Following the death of the Shermans, Apotex settled with the companies for an undisclosed amount.

As the Star has previously reported, there was a cash crunch in late 2017, and Barry was looking for ways to pay numerous settlements, including asking Jonathon to put conventional mortgages on properties Barry purchased for him, and pay Barry back between $50 million and $60 million. Those mortgages were never arranged.''
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Great catch!!!! That statement from JS just came out of nowhere.. had no meaning.. who said ANYTHING about planning a murder in three weeks?? Many many many things were going on in the background, many many of which JS was opposed to. imo.

In KD’s q&a I asked about Jonathon’s comment and its context, but the question didn’t make it past moderation. One of his upcoming episodes is about his interview with Jonathon, so hopefully we’ll have more information.

The other question I had was whether Barry knew about Jonathon and Adam spending $1.5 million on a cottage and starting up Harlo that provided mortgages after Barry asked them for his money back. That also didn’t make it past moderation.
Am I the only one that gets so confused with these opposite money situations happening at this time?

Talk at the time the murders happened was that BS was planning to grant and give very large sums of money to non business ventures: like to Honey, build a new home, expand business.

And then BS telling some of his closest business loans FD and JS/AP to repay $$ asap, some say so they could pay an Apotex cost of doing business court loss of 500 million.

Makes me wonder with close family and friends stating BS&HS worried they did not teach their children the value of hard work and money well enough maybe this was part of BS planning for future and his retirement. If BS decided that JS would not take over Apotex and if he would fully retire then recurring income from Apotex would cease (rebuilding his coiffeurs to support Sherfam business would potentially stop too) Yes he would have the $$ from the sale but was planning to give it away if reports are accurate.

look at getting bank backing for the future.

(This is the situation where it is more interesting to observe than guess who did it).

Not happy with one child with H, BS wanted to propagate his genes. He probably got what he wanted. But you can teach your kids only that much. If 75% is nature, 25% nurture and the nurture was missing because B @ H were building their empire, this tells now. If Nature/Nurture is 50/50, the difference between the expectation and the reality might be even more striking.
According to info online, looks like property was officially listed on Nov 27, 2017, and the open house took place on Nov 28, 2018.......... but......... to invite people to an open house, you can't just send the invitation out on the same day, or one day in advance (unless you want nobody to show up for it!).... I'd say three weeks is a pretty fair estimate of when the house was perhaps listed 'exclusively' (within perhaps the agent's own brokerage and not MLS yet)... imo.

This is purportedly an email invitation to an open house being held Nov 28, 2017 sent out (when?) by one of the realtors who had 50 Old Colony listed for sale:

To have already taken all those photos for the photo spread (whenever that appeared in which newspaper/real estate publication?), would have taken some time to pull together, etc....

This article states the home went on the market on Nov 27, 2017:

On Nov. 27, their house was listed for $6.9 million, described as an “architectural modern masterpiece.”

A lot of realtors have open houses for other realtors so the November 28 open house was probably restricted to agents and brokers. No one's going to let the hoi polloi into a 10,000 square foot $7 million dollar home to wander around.
What would have happened, if both HS and BS had not been murdered? What did JS not like at all?

Without murders would have happened:
the home sale
building the new fairytale-mansion
further expanding the business Apotex, other businesses
further big "loans" to best friends of BS
one-time transfer of a biiiig sum from BS to HS at HS' disposal and for the new mansion (AND for her sister also)
change of HS' will after or when getting the biiiig sum, changing the content to being not in the interests of the children
further sporadically collection of money by BS, perceived as harassment by the son (and maybe others?)
what else?
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looking at this pic, IMO drag marks would be very hard to decipher with that stone flooring.

View attachment 417577
I have been pondering same thing.... unless either the slate was polished so it would show footprints and such (which I doubt if they would've done that.. or if the room/floor had become dusty from lack of use (which I also can't imagine it could be THAT dusty, even if not 'cleaned' for 3 weeks or whatever).. or unless the drag marks were made of blood or something??
What would have happened, if both HS and BS had not been murdered? What did JS not like at all?

Without murders would have happened:
the home sale
building the new fairytale-mansion
further expanding the business Apotex, other businesses
further big "loans" to best friends of BS
one-time transfer of a biiiig sum from BS to HS at HS' disposal and for the new mansion (AND for her sister also)
change of HS' will after or when getting the biiiig sum, changing the content to being not in the interests of the children
further sporadically collection of money by BS, perceived as harassment by the son (and maybe others?)
what else?

Do we know what the flooring is made of? I guess it could be slate since slate is a natural around wet areas as it's not slippery. But it has uneven surfaces. I wondered if it was some kind of etched concrete around the pool. It looks like some lime is leaching out of the stone leaving a powdery residue which could show up drag marks but they'd be negative drag marks.
A lot of realtors have open houses for other realtors so the November 28 open house was probably restricted to agents and brokers. No one's going to let the hoi polloi into a 10,000 square foot $7 million dollar home to wander around.
Presumably it would've taken some time to whittle down the amount of stuff the Shermans had amassed during their.... (was it 40??) years in that house... also odd to think that on the day before their murders, they were still doing decluttering?? In any case, the pending potential sale of their family home would've been in the works for some time prior to officially listing it, however perhaps some may not have been totally in the day-to-day loop, and may not have perceived that it was actually so imminent.. some who perhaps are very close, but yet preoccupied with their own lives, etc.

Does anyone know when the action (digging? fencing? signage?) started at their 'new' property?
If someone followed around and stalked the Shermans: were they waiting for something special to happen or did they try to learn their daily schedules?

If they waited for something to happen: had it been the House Sale or Honey's visit at her attorney? Why had it been at exactly the same time and 3 weeks before the murders?

The other thing is the killer’s own personal schedule on Tuesday, imo.
- Was his significant other or loved ones out of town on the 13th, or busy with something?
-Does December 13th hold any meaning to them other than it being the date of the murders?
-had the Shermans lived past December 13th, how would that impact them?
- Were they alone somewhere between 8:00 pm - 12:00?
-Were they radio silent on their electronic devices Tuesday night for a few hours, and that’s unusual for them?
-any life-altering change(s) or news for them that week?
What would have happened, if both HS and BS had not been murdered? What did JS not like at all?

Without murders would have happened:
the home sale
building the new fairytale-mansion
further expanding the business Apotex, other businesses
further big "loans" to best friends of BS
one-time transfer of a biiiig sum from BS to HS at HS' disposal and for the new mansion (AND for her sister also)
change of HS' will after or when getting the biiiig sum, changing the content to being not in the interests of the children
further sporadically collection of money by BS, perceived as harassment by the son (and maybe others?)
what else?
Biggy: -JS and AP would presumably have been more and more pressured by BS into getting their own bank financing on the $50-60M he'd asked to be returned... and in the event they did not qualify (or the properties to be mortgaged did not qualify) for that amount, then there would be some very uncomfortable questions/discussions happening, imo.
-in addition to just further expanding APO, BS was planning to open an entire US operation.. had purchased the property already, etc.
-would presumably have been subject to the lawsuit in regard to raising funds for JT?
-would have gone on to face the outcome of the pending legal action/payout that was hanging over BS's head..
-further investment into that big condo building, 'one'?
-ongoing continuance of BS's SOP of losing millions one day and gaining millions the next day, which business model apparently JS despised
It looks like two steps were used on the victims:

1) First, their hands were tied with zip ties most likely behind their backs for easier control of any resistance.

2) Second, their necks were tied with zip ties which were tightened to choke them by the perpetrator from in front for more personal or from behind for less personal.
The idea of a thin necklace did cross my mind. - though they would have to take it off of H.Sherman, and then proceed - and possibly theft if the "object" was never found - though. Has there been any indication of funds or high-value items missing?
The idea of a thin necklace did cross my mind. - though they would have to take it off of H.Sherman, and then proceed - and possibly theft if the "object" was never found - though. Has there been any indication of funds or high-value items missing?
Welcome to Ws@ihavenofearonlylove!
Cannot recall offhand if BS was wearing tie-up shoes or not, but a shoelace might be considered a soft ligature. imo, speculation.
Nothing was taken afawk, or at least not reported to be stolen.

''Barry Sherman had $372 in his wallet when he died. Honey Sherman’s wallet was stuffed with $7,500, possibly from a visit to an ATM shortly before she was killed.
Sources say cash discovered at the crime scene explains why a homicide detective went to great lengths to calm fears in the neighbourhood shortly after the bodies were found. It was unlikely their deaths were a break-in gone wrong.''
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