Found Deceased Canada - Chase Martens, 2, Austin, MB, 22 March 2016

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
kdgdid....I don't think so. I think his parents live near where the "command centre" is on the map....not south of Hwy 1.
sorry for the double posts. I'm having difficulty with edits of posts. They simply seem to add another one!
Riley Laychuk ‏@RileyLaychuk 4m4 minutes ago
Search perimeter north of Austin now 4km, say RCMP. Searchers today are focusing on fields and wooded areas. #cbcmb

Riley Laychuk ‏@RileyLaychuk 3m3 minutes ago
Underwater recovery has left, but can be redeployed. Some 300 trained searchers and volunteers helped Thurs. No #'s yet for today. #cbcmb

So frustrating. :tears:
Chases Mom thinks someone has him:

"There’s still no sign there, we think somebody has him," Turner said. "There’s no footprints, there’s no boot, there’s no hat. He’s gone without a trace."

When the mother saw little Chase from the window, she thought he was going around to hop on a tractor, I believe? Wonder is something gave the mama a feeling he was looking at something and going toward it. Could he have run a distance to something that caught his attention and was abducted away from his home.

We know how fast these little ones can travel, maybe he saw something/someone that caught his attention and went for it.

Anything to bring this baby home.
When the mother saw little Chase from the window, she thought he was going around to hop on a tractor, I believe? Wonder is something gave the mama a feeling he was looking at something and going toward it. Could he have run a distance to something that caught his attention and was abducted away from his home.

We know how fast these little ones can travel, maybe he saw something/someone that caught his attention and went for it.

Anything to bring this baby home.

I hope all the neighbors houses and outbuildings have been searched......
How far is it? I don't know how to tell distances on that map. Thanks.

The distance from the top road to the bottom road is about 2 km. I would guess about .75 km to the creek. They said that he sometimes went there with his dad to chop wood so I don't imagine it is that far.
Do 2 year old play outside by themselves in that kind of weather? I can't even imagine!

I have a 2 year old and we stay in when it's super cold. When he plays outside, a parent is always with him.

Lori...thanks posting your view from over there in MB, perception is always interesting ;)

Just curious, what kind of limits did your kids know (living in the country, on the farm) at 2-years-old?

And how is a two year old on their feet?

Being completely serious...I don't have kids. (thankful)

We are all there with you hoping he is (still) nesting

Most two year olds are proficient at walking and running. My 2.5 year old has gross motor delays but even he can run and run fast.

2 is a tricky age. Some 2 year olds may understand boundaries more than others. But overall, they need to be watched at all times. They don't understand the concept of danger yet.

We live in a suburb in a regular neighborhood. We have a small yard with a 6 foot privacy fence (locked gates.) But even so, we don't let our son play out there alone. So it's completely insane to me that this child was outside by himself for any length of time. I can't even wrap my brain around that at all.

I obviously feel sad for these parents. But I also feel angry because it's preventable. It's one thing if a caregiver turns their back for minute to tend to another child (like Noah Chamberlin) me, that would be classified as a horrible, tragic, accident. But letting a 2 year old play outside for 15 minutes unattended is not an accident.
I obviously feel sad for these parents. But I also feel angry because it's preventable. It's one thing if a caregiver turns their back for minute to tend to another child (like Noah Chamberlin) me, that would be classified as a horrible, tragic, accident. But letting a 2 year old play outside for 15 minutes unattended is not an accident.

I'm not about to blame the parents here -- they are victims. I don't feel any anger towards them. His mom was preparing supper, and he was playing in the yard, which he'd likely done many, many times before. Accidents can happen at any time and in any place. Just from a probability perspective, his yard was likely a safer place than a kitchen or bathroom inside.
I'm not about to blame the parents here -- they are victims. I don't feel any anger towards them. His mom was preparing supper, and he was playing in the yard, which he'd likely done many, many times before. Accidents can happen at any time and in any place. Just from a probability perspective, his yard was likely a safer place than a kitchen or bathroom inside.

We'll just have to agree to disagree. This isn't a school-aged child playing outside. This is a 2 year old. There is no excuse for a child that young to be on their own outside.

I am capable of having multiple feelings at once. Sadness that they likely lost their child. I feel bad that they will have to live with their mistake for the rest of their lives. But as someone with a child of a similar age...I feel a lot of anger.

Hopefully others will learn from these mistakes though.
I have thought about this. I have a 3 year old who I trust not to wander anywhere crazy. But I don't let him play alone outside because of the cars going by out front. I don't trust him not to go out on the road. If I lived on a farm like them, it is quite possible I would be letting him play outside within eyesight of the house. It is an illusion of safety. That is why I am getting the GPS bracelets, for the summer coming up. They are quick, quicker than a minute out of view and could be off and gone. We as parents are not infallible and not superheros.

I have a 2 year old and we stay in when it's super cold. When he plays outside, a parent is always with him.

Most two year olds are proficient at walking and running. My 2.5 year old has gross motor delays but even he can run and run fast.

2 is a tricky age. Some 2 year olds may understand boundaries more than others. But overall, they need to be watched at all times. They don't understand the concept of danger yet.

We live in a suburb in a regular neighborhood. We have a small yard with a 6 foot privacy fence (locked gates.) But even so, we don't let our son play out there alone. So it's completely insane to me that this child was outside by himself for any length of time. I can't even wrap my brain around that at all.

I obviously feel sad for these parents. But I also feel angry because it's preventable. It's one thing if a caregiver turns their back for minute to tend to another child (like Noah Chamberlin) me, that would be classified as a horrible, tragic, accident. But letting a 2 year old play outside for 15 minutes unattended is not an accident.
Would there be any wild animals in that area? Bears,Bobcats,coyotes?I would think if that were the case though,an article of clothing would have been dropped and the dog would bark.

I think bears are still hibernating, but even if they aren't, the open plains/fields of Manitoba aren't really "bear country." They live in more mountainous regions. I could be wrong though! I have never been to Manitoba :p
There would be coyotes in the area though.
But IMO, a wild animal didn't harm Chase.
one day we will learn to start further out and work in
I like the idea some have had about having one group starting far out and working in and one starting in and working out.
Yes!! THIS 100 times over. They actually came to this conclusion after Noah Chamberlin and indicated they would do this in the future. But this is Canada, not the USA. I wish they could call in the team that was there in Tennessee to learn from what they went through.

one day we will learn to start further out and work in
I'm not about to blame the parents here -- they are victims. I don't feel any anger towards them. His mom was preparing supper, and he was playing in the yard, which he'd likely done many, many times before. Accidents can happen at any time and in any place. Just from a probability perspective, his yard was likely a safer place than a kitchen or bathroom inside.

Two year olds need supervision. I am not blaming them. I am torn apart when I think of the grief that was so obviously present on their tortured faces. But it does bother me that a 2 yr old was allowed to wander around ALONE outside, near a creek, near farm equipment, near a road...
My eldest is nearly 4 and he regularly plays in the back garden, all 6 foot fences, double locked, but I never leave the downstairs of the house. If I need to go up I make him come in.

Heartbreaking case. The outcome isn't looking good.

Are there any photos of the property?

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