Found Deceased Canada - Chase Martens, 2, Austin, MB, 22 March 2016

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Not blaming the parents, this is a horrible case -- but under no circumstances would my husband or I allow our two or even a bit older children outdoors without us.
One of my kids wandered off when he and I were outside on a nice day--and I was RIGHT BESIDE him !! Found him a short time later at the front yard of a neighbors' house, busy pulling out her flowers she'd recently planted. :~o
My opinion is that Chase was too small to leave out alone ; but there are some families who have done this with their children and nothing ever happens, and they think it's safe enough.

Wow, didn't realize Chase has been missing for almost three days ! Just wondering if he could survive without food and water for that long ? And it gets below freezing some nights here in the states... so even a little colder in Canada.:(

Any chance that someone took him, like a bereaved, unstable person who lost their own baby and wanted to "take care" of him ? Obviously still a wrong choice , but it could mean he'd still be alive.
Sorry just jumping in and will go back to do more reading.
It is tragic this little guy still hasn't been found. I understand all the comments everyone has made. I have sympathy and compassion for his parents they will have to live with what has happened for life and I can't imagine what that emotional pain feels like.
I wonder if Chase is the natural son of mom and dad.Are there any ex's ?
I have a 2 year old and we stay in when it's super cold. When he plays outside, a parent is always with him.

Most two year olds are proficient at walking and running. My 2.5 year old has gross motor delays but even he can run and run fast.

2 is a tricky age. Some 2 year olds may understand boundaries more than others. But overall, they need to be watched at all times. They don't understand the concept of danger yet.

We live in a suburb in a regular neighborhood. We have a small yard with a 6 foot privacy fence (locked gates.) But even so, we don't let our son play out there alone. So it's completely insane to me that this child was outside by himself for any length of time. I can't even wrap my brain around that at all.

I obviously feel sad for these parents. But I also feel angry because it's preventable. It's one thing if a caregiver turns their back for minute to tend to another child (like Noah Chamberlin) me, that would be classified as a horrible, tragic, accident. But letting a 2 year old play outside for 15 minutes unattended is not an accident.

Although I agree, I'm trying not to focus on that right now. The parents are in a deep state of grief and likely they are kicking themselves for ever allowing him to play outside alone.

Unfortunately, if he is outdoors and has succumbed to the elements, they will likely feel guilt on top of never-ending sorrow. :(
I live in Winnipeg and have been following Chase's story. It is so bizarre that he disappeared in such an open area. Perhaps his Mom is underestimating or misremembering the amount of time from when she saw him till when she noticed he was gone.

Hoping for a good outcome, but with the cold weather, especially the snow and wind, I think the news will be bad.

It is heartening to see the number of volunteers who have gone out to search for him.
Just some perspective on distance etc... I know it's not a great graphic but any questions just ask :)
Since this is the west our land is divided into sections...when it was first settled out here...they divided land into 1 mile square 'sections'...each side is 1 mile...
The red line on each side *making the square section* the graphic is 1 mile... Their driveway/lane runs north/south and is almost 1/2 mile line...
The approximate route of the creek which zigzags a the gold dots...
The bright green rectangle is the farm yard...
Prov Rd 34 runs north-south on the right side of the graphic...I didn't label it as it is labelled on here by google maps.
Rd 72 runs east-west at the top of the graphic & I've labelled it as such.
As you can see ..the creek *Pine Creek to be specific*...runs approximate east-west directly south of the yard...
In one of the first reports out in the news....*I would have to find it* it was stated that Chase had been down to the creek with his Dad before...his Dad cut wood down there...and that it was one of the first places they looked for appears the closest bend in the creek is less than 1/2 a mile from the yard.... :(

ETA: link to Free Press story about searching down by the creek...
"Wall said the creek, about half a kilometre away from the boy’s home, was one of the first places searchers checked because there is a trail to it from the residence."His dad chops wood there so he has been there before."


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I've been keeping up with this thread since it was posted and really hoping/praying little Chase would be found before now.

I am amazed that no trace of Chase has been found since he went missing from such an open area. Simple logic tells me it would indeed be an Easter miracle if he were to be found alive now.

Still................I hope and I pray.
Everything is fine...until it's not.

So true. But tragedy can strike anywhere. I really hope people don't take this tragedy as an opportunity to play 'better-parent-than-thou', which seems to be happening.
I'm desperately going through the thread to get their address for a map. Can someone help with this?

It looks like the house is actually quite close to the road. Is the neighbors house white and theirs a greenish color? There are a couple of mailboxes in the background of where they did their presser.

Who are the neighbors and are they helping with the search?

The boy could be trapped in the river. But I find it hard to believe that his hat or something would not have been dislodged and found.

Rather than expanding the search, I think they need to zoom right in on the immediate area.

Something isn't adding up.

MATT GOERZEN / BRANDON SUNThe home of Tom Martens and Destiny Turner, where their two-year-old son Chase Martens went missing from their backyard Tuesday evening.


1. Is Tom re-siding their house, or have contractors been doing this?

2. Where is the kitchen window?

3. Where is the tractor?

4. Have LE and the dogs searched neighboring properties?
Maybe it's just me but I have a sick feeling he's right there near the house somewhere. I've tried to follow closely but I haven't seen it: Is there a basement, cellar or well? Just going off the pic above it looks like there might be LOTS of places a little 2 year could get into. I want to keep hoping for a miracle but at this point, with this much time past, the temps, lack of food/water, etc., I'm not feeling too optimistic.
I live in Winnipeg and have been following Chase's story. It is so bizarre that he disappeared in such an open area. Perhaps his Mom is underestimating or misremembering the amount of time from when she saw him till when she noticed he was gone.

Hoping for a good outcome, but with the cold weather, especially the snow and wind, I think the news will be bad.

It is heartening to see the number of volunteers who have gone out to search for him.
Regarding the time -

6 pm is widely being used as the time of last being seen. This is not correct.

The fire department recorded the call coming in at 6 pm.

Backtrack that to Destiny calling her SISTER because she couldn't find Chase (sister tells her to call fire dept)

Backtrack to Destiny last seeing Chase, 15 minutes later searching, then going in and calling her sister.

This backtracks the timeline closer to him last being seen between 5:15 and 5:30, reasonably. If the facts as reported are correct.

What time did Tom take Chase to the store?

Video evidence of that trip?

Why did Tom put all those clothes on Chase to go play outside AFTER they got home? Did he gave the same clothes on to go to the store? If so, why were they taken off when they got home? Time?
Hindsight is always 20/20.
I seriously doubt anyone could be madder than those parents are at themselves right now.
I'm not a perfect parent. As such I will give them compassion.
I "lost" my 14 month old son at a baby show. The time it took me to use both hands to put a dirty diaper in a pail, he disappeared. It's almost funny when the first thing on my mind, after freaking out, was how was I gonna explain to my husband that I lost him.
To each their own I guess.

All MOO!
I just had a thought too... Destiny said she was watching him from the kitchen window and saw him go past the side of the house toward the tractor.

When she later went out to call him for dinner and he did not come, she went in the direction of the laneway that came from the main road, looking for him. I assume this means that is the direction that she last saw him walking? To the north? Otherwise, wouldn't she be more likely to think perhaps he would have headed south toward the creek?

1. Is Tom re-siding their house, or have contractors been doing this?

2. Where is the kitchen window?

3. Where is the tractor?

4. Have LE and the dogs searched neighboring properties?
So true. But tragedy can strike anywhere. I really hope people don't take this tragedy as an opportunity to play 'better-parent-than-thou', which seems to be happening.

I couldn't agree with you more!!!!!!

We have a missing child and people are arguing that they are better parents as they would not let their child outside to play alone. How easy is that for anyone to say that NOW!!!!

I will not judge the parents who are in grief with fear for their child.

I hope Chase is found safe soon ! ! !

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