Found Deceased Canada - Chase Martens, 2, Austin, MB, 22 March 2016

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DNA Solves
Just some perspective on distance etc... I know it's not a great graphic but any questions just ask :)
Since this is the west our land is divided into sections...when it was first settled out here...they divided land into 1 mile square 'sections'...each side is 1 mile...
The red line on each side *making the square section* the graphic is 1 mile... Their driveway/lane runs north/south and is almost 1/2 mile line...
The approximate route of the creek which zigzags a the gold dots...
The bright green rectangle is the farm yard...
Prov Rd 34 runs north-south on the right side of the graphic...I didn't label it as it is labelled on here by google maps.
Rd 72 runs east-west at the top of the graphic & I've labelled it as such.
As you can see ..the creek *Pine Creek to be specific*...runs approximate east-west directly south of the yard...
In one of the first reports out in the news....*I would have to find it* it was stated that Chase had been down to the creek with his Dad before...his Dad cut wood down there...and that it was one of the first places they looked for appears the closest bend in the creek is less than 1/2 a mile from the yard.... :(

ETA: link to Free Press story about searching down by the creek...
"Wall said the creek, about half a kilometre away from the boy’s home, was one of the first places searchers checked because there is a trail to it from the residence."His dad chops wood there so he has been there before."

Thank you so much for the map with description. So sad to hear there is a trail from the home to the creek, and Chase has taken that path before. My heart is breaking for his parents and family, this is torture for them.
Lifting you up little Chase. May all that is good and holy in the universe surround you with love, protect you and bring you home safe to your Mom and Dad.
Paula, would you be willing to say a prayer for the group?
I don't see paula here and Onebest has contributed a wonderful start. Would anyone else like to contribute?
Father, we ask that you watch over Chase and his family. Wrap them in your loving arms and give them peace and comfort. Guide the searcher's steps and reunite this precious child with his family.
I'm hoping, praying that the searchers will be led by Devine intervention to Chase, even if it's an area already searched. Bring this baby home. Godspeed!
Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with thee
Blessed art though amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners
Now and at the hour of our death

Please bring Chase home to his loving family
We ask this with hearts and minds filled with love
I keep asking Noah C to guide Chase home. Noah has seen first hand the love that comes from loss but I'm hoping Chase can experience that same love but from life and everybody in his. Come home, Baby Chase. :candle:
I just want to wrap my arms around Chase's parents. I wish I was there to do that. I can't imagine what they are going through...but I hope they can stay strong for their other children.
Something made me think of this poem about a mother and a child. None of us knows what tomorrow might bring, please cherish the time you have.

I too sent my prayer for Chase to be found and returned to his family. I like the idea of talking to Noah too.

My goodness not another boy missing.

This is getting way too common.

If no foul play then I keep thinking about the Tractor for some reason. The boy could have climbed up in the engine area and maybe slipped and got wedged in the engine and nobody has noticed him.

I think way too many times searchers look around and immediately think they need to look away from the immediate area.

I sure hope LE and searchers are rechecking and triple checking all the immediate areas around the house and even the neighbors house and area.

Im saddened to hear of this boy gone missing. Uggggg
I just found this thread. I'm almost finished catching up. I can't believe another little guy is missing. His parents seem absolutely wrecked with heartache. So sad.
We'll just have to agree to disagree. This isn't a school-aged child playing outside. This is a 2 year old. There is no excuse for a child that young to be on their own outside.

I am capable of having multiple feelings at once. Sadness that they likely lost their child. I feel bad that they will have to live with their mistake for the rest of their lives. But as someone with a child of a similar age...I feel a lot of anger.

Hopefully others will learn from these mistakes though.
I'm very sad for this family, but I agree with you that this was preventable. Two years old is too young to play outside unattended for any amount of time.

I don't doubt these parents love Chase very much, but I share your anger along with my sadness.
I couldn't agree with you more!!!!!!

We have a missing child and people are arguing that they are better parents as they would not let their child outside to play alone. How easy is that for anyone to say that NOW!!!!

I will not judge the parents who are in grief with fear for their child.

I hope Chase is found safe soon ! ! !
I haven't seen anyone say that they are better parents, only that this was preventable. I've also seen a lot of compassion.
From loving prayers to rancor.
Rancor? Yikes.

I think it is bringing the circumstances back into conversation that may actually be helpful in exploring ideas and scenarios and maybe some sleuthing. Prayers should have been strong enough with all those involved to hold hope. It does tend to deter from the information available. MOO.

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