CANADA Canada - Emma Fillipoff, 26, Victoria BC, 28 Nov 2012

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
Has anything online been searched for historical photos of Emma since the date she went missing, and the DTES?

For example, there are various public events that I have found, with pics of women.

you'd have to ask Shelley about that as she has been in contact with the city police regarding cameras and video footage.There was some video from the YMCA in Victoria prior to her disappearance but as far as I know nothing else was made available.I think they even looked at video from BC Ferry terminals and no sign of her.Its a good idea though if you find recent photos from DTES to review them.
one can never be 100% certain she is alive until her mother,family member or friend actually see her in person but I think its safe to say that yes she is living somewhere in the DTES and suffering health issues.The number of people who look at the missing poster and say they've seen her on Hastings is just too convincing.There's always a chance that they're all mistaken but I tend to think not in this case. If it was only 5 or 6 people stating they'd seen her then no it would not be convincing but we're talking dozens and always mentioning the same block of Hastings.Privacy issues certainly play a role and Emma is 28 years old so if she wishes to remain hidden its her choice.For her mothers sake I just wish she'd call home.

IF that is Emma in that area of town, I'm thinking she didn't end up on the Lower Mainland, specifically DTES, of her own volition. Pretty girls can get lured into drugs, then prostitution, and caught up in that vicious circle, and do not want to see their parents out of shame.

JMO .. for now
check out HelpFindEmmaFillipoff FB...could be a break today.This could be the infamous tattooed man we were told about
This was the possible break on the FB page yesterday that Kokanee mentioned, but here it is substantiated in MSM:

Emma’s mother Shelly Fillipoff told the Campbell River Courier-Islander newspaper that Gastown, Vanvouver store owners JS and LS witnessed a man in their store throwing out a “missing” poster.

“Upon closer inspection, the poster was of (missing Emma Fillipoff) and the reward of $25,000 posted for her safe recovery,” said Shelly. “The man said ‘It’s one of those missing persons posters, except she’s not missing, she’s my girlfriend and she ran away ‘cause she hates her parents’.”

The store owners said they got a ‘very creepy vibe’ from the man and called the police right away to report the incident. Security cameras were able to pick up his image.

Vancouver police are investigating and posters have gone out over soical media asking the public to be on the lookout for Fillipoff or the male around the downtown eastside.
This was the possible break on the FB page yesterday that Kokanee mentioned, but here it is substantiated in MSM:

Emma’s mother Shelly Fillipoff told the Campbell River Courier-Islander newspaper that Gastown, Vanvouver store owners JS and LS witnessed a man in their store throwing out a “missing” poster.

“Upon closer inspection, the poster was of (missing Emma Fillipoff) and the reward of $25,000 posted for her safe recovery,” said Shelly. “The man said ‘It’s one of those missing persons posters, except she’s not missing, she’s my girlfriend and she ran away ‘cause she hates her parents’.”

The store owners said they got a ‘very creepy vibe’ from the man and called the police right away to report the incident. Security cameras were able to pick up his image.

Vancouver police are investigating and posters have gone out over soical media asking the public to be on the lookout for Fillipoff or the male around the downtown eastside.

If this guy was truly Emma's bf, then dude should produce Emma for the $25,000 for her "safe recovery" and if she truly hated her parents (from whom she was already physically distanced), Emma shows herself to LE, says "I'm fine, leave me alone" and happy couple get the reward :rolleyes:

Cabbie on the island that LE won't talk about ... something about this makes me wonder if this green-shirt, tattooed guy is a cabbie in Gastown.
“The man said ‘It’s one of those missing persons posters, except she’s not missing, she’s my girlfriend and she ran away ‘cause she hates her parents’.”

I wish the guy who said this could be found!
I haven't read anything to suggest Emma was experiencing a lot of troubles within her family, so why would she want to cut them out of her life?
I wish if she were alive she would just notify LE and let them know she wants to be left alone.
If this guy really knows Emma, and she told him she hated her parents and never wants to see them again, that means she is lucid and knows what she is doing instead of wandering around in a confused or fugue state. She needs to let someone know she is alive.
This man is either disturbed and doesn't know Emma, or he knows her and needs to call the hotline!
This case is really frustrating. Also, is Emma's Dad even in the picture/around? Why would the guy say "parents" instead of "mother", because Emma's mom is the face of the story, and I haven't seen anything regarding her father.
“The man said ‘It’s one of those missing persons posters, except she’s not missing, she’s my girlfriend and she ran away ‘cause she hates her parents’.”

I wish the guy who said this could be found!
I haven't read anything to suggest Emma was experiencing a lot of troubles within her family, so why would she want to cut them out of her life?
I wish if she were alive she would just notify LE and let them know she wants to be left alone.
If this guy really knows Emma, and she told him she hated her parents and never wants to see them again, that means she is lucid and knows what she is doing instead of wandering around in a confused or fugue state. She needs to let someone know she is alive.
This man is either disturbed and doesn't know Emma, or he knows her and needs to call the hotline!
This case is really frustrating. Also, is Emma's Dad even in the picture/around? Why would the guy say "parents" instead of "mother", because Emma's mom is the face of the story, and I haven't seen anything regarding her father.

first step of the abuser to control his victim is to alienate and isolate.....pretty ''clear'' that he's not serving Emma's best interests at all but instead acting as a buffer as said upthread sounds like she's fallen prey to a pimp.....sad

first step of the abuser to control his victim is to alienate and isolate.....pretty ''clear'' that he's not serving Emma's best interests at all but instead acting as a buffer as said upthread sounds like she's fallen prey to a pimp.....sad


Yes, the pimps and stws refer to each other as boyfriends/girlfriends. In my research wrt the missing women, I recall a case (can't think of the name at the moment) where there was some trafficking between Vancouver Island and the mainland. At least this gives hope that Emma is alive, albeit not under the best circumstances.

I even recall a case where a young fellow in BC was forced into gang activity ... went to a party, basically got bashed on the head, and when he woke up was told "you work for us now". MLA, Randy White, rescued the kid who now lives under an assumed name somewhere else in Canada.
photo of Emma sighting posted on HFEF page today. About 95% certain its her after looking at high rez photo.Photo taken in mid march 2014 in Vanc on west broadway at Elysian Coffee
watch CBC national news at the following times tomorrow, Thursday, July 24 0735ET, 1030ET and 1340ET for update in the search for Emma.
check out the photo posted today on Facebook page Help Find Emma Fillipoff and watch CBC tomorrow for update
I saw the photo last night but didn't get a chance to post. It really does look like Emma. This case is close to my heart. I am living in the Maritimes now but call van island home. I take some comfort in the fact that if it is her in the photo, she looks well and appears to be "free" to sit and read a book alone. I really hope this is the case.

I pray that there is another more recent sighting and her mom is able to find her. Even if she wants no contact her mom will know she is okay.
I literally gasped when I saw the photo on my Facebook feed last night. It looks so much like her it's really uncanny, and even the clothing, reading at a coffee shop, seem to match with the type of person she appears to be based on what I have read. I hope this amounts to something, I fear someone will come forward saying the photo is of them/someone they know, but on the other side of the coin I also fear no one coming forward and it remaining a mystery.
Reminder in case it hasn't been posted earlier, (from the Help Find Emma FB page) .. there will be a 1 hour documentary about Emma on the 5th Estate, October 24 at 9:00 pm (not sure what time zone)
look at the guy in the ball cap....then check out the photo of the fellow that walked in Hitz Boutique in May and claimed that Emma was his girlfriend.Take a good look at his ear in both photos and the manner in which he wears his sunglasses on the top of his head in both photos. Note his skin tone....cant see if he has tattooes in this more recent photo because he is wearing a hoodie.
look at the guy in the ball cap....then check out the photo of the fellow that walked in Hitz Boutique in May and claimed that Emma was his girlfriend.Take a good look at his ear in both photos and the manner in which he wears his sunglasses on the top of his head in both photos. Note his skin tone....cant see if he has tattooes in this more recent photo because he is wearing a hoodie.

Have you posted this to the find Emma FB page?

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