Found Deceased Canada - Jessica Rowe, 31, Drumbo, Ont, 6 Aug 2016

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I believe that if JR was seen getting gas or something, after the time that her fiancee says that he saw her leave for work, it would be plastered all over the news, and depending on how that knowledge was obtained, perhaps CCTV images, etc would also be shown to the public. And if that were the case (that she was seen out and about after the time when fiancee said she left), there *would* be a potential danger to the public. Just my opinion. I agree that police are building their case in silence and they know what they are looking for. Although police haven't said publicly that JR's death was a homicide, and have only said that it is very suspicious, it is obvious that close family members believe there is a male to blame for her death who must be brought to justice. Really hoping it doesn't take too long for them to make an arrest, and I wonder about the child and his living arrangements in the meantime.

Totally agree , if that were the case ( was seen in car driving or getting gas ) it would most likely mean a possible threat to the public , unless she had a stalker of some kind targeting her specifically . I don't recall ever seeing this degree of secrecy in any case before .. I too have noticed the friends and family calling out a perpetrator . "We won't rest until you are caught " ect . So I did ask for clarification if the the police have disclosed to them that it is in fact murder, they all seem very certain . They said they haven't received any further information but that they ALL believe she was murdered . I believe the baby and Father are residing with his mother presently . But this is only what I've heard - no confirmation .

I hope for everyone's sake that they provide at least SOME answers to the family if not the public . My heart breaks for them
That is always a possibility.
Wonder who looked after the child when she went to work?
And is there a second child?Older?
Not sleuthing the child, just wondering if there are two

I believe the older child is her niece.

I believe that if JR was seen getting gas or something, after the time that her fiancee says that he saw her leave for work, it would be plastered all over the news, and depending on how that knowledge was obtained, perhaps CCTV images, etc would also be shown to the public. And if that were the case (that she was seen out and about after the time when fiancee said she left), there *would* be a potential danger to the public. Just my opinion. I agree that police are building their case in silence and they know what they are looking for. Although police haven't said publicly that JR's death was a homicide, and have only said that it is very suspicious, it is obvious that close family members believe there is a male to blame for her death who must be brought to justice. Really hoping it doesn't take too long for them to make an arrest, and I wonder about the child and his living arrangements in the meantime.

The child is with his father in the meantime.

I truly believe that if police had reason to suspect him they wouldn't have allowed him to keep the child (I would hope!!).

And they don't always release CCTV images... so it's hard to judge whether that means she wasn't spotted anywhere or if they are just keeping their cards close to the vest.

This case is very puzzling.
I believe the older child is her niece.

The child is with his father in the meantime.

I truly believe that if police had reason to suspect him they wouldn't have allowed him to keep the child (I would hope!!).

And they don't always release CCTV images... so it's hard to judge whether that means she wasn't spotted anywhere or if they are just keeping their cards close to the vest.

This case is very puzzling.

The suspicion that if police had a reason to suspect him they wouldn't have allowed him to keep the child is not accurate. The case of Lisa Mitchell in Calgary is an example of that. Lisa went missing from her town house LE suspected she had been killed by her common law partner. Her partner was charged earlier this year with murder after a Mr Big sting operation . Lisa had been missing for 3 years when she was found in the wall of the town house where her partner and their 2 children were living.
Heads up. There seems to have been some profound changes in some places where sleuthers seek info. Check it out.
I am wondering if this was a hit and run case. The elderly gentleman who discovered JR's car said at 1:10 into the video, "she was in the wrong lane to go to Cambridge." So this is where the information came from that her vehicle was facing the wrong way HTH. He also said he saw no one in the front seat (through tinted windows) but suggests perhaps they were on the floor of the car. Perhaps JR wasn't wearing her seat belt and was thrown inside the car upon impact...if that was the case? The fact that no safety warning/threat to the public has been put out, almost makes me believe this is an isolated incident and it's just a matter of time before they solve it.

If JR's vehicle was hit, LE could be waiting for test results (paint or pieces of the other vehicle) to come back with the type of vehicle that hit her car? It's amazing what information they can get from paint. If it was a hit and run, maybe once testing is done from evidence, LE might release more details asking for the public's assistance in helping to solve this case. They may ask the public if they know anyone who owns a certain make and model of vehicle, to contact LE if they had notice any damage or that person's vehicle out of commission for a while. They may also contact body shops asking if a certain make and model of vehicle has been in to have body work done since this case.

Regardless, I hope her case get solved and there is justice for Jessica and her loved ones. All MOO.

I was thinking something similar about hit and run or if she was out of the car hit and then put her back into her car. Could she have been delivering a wedding or birthday invitation to someone's mailbox?
Pretty hard to sleuth without knowing time of day. From her Facebook it seems she sells some type of product. Maybe she had a delivery.

I also wondered if she was injured earlier and trying to drive and then passed out thus the car running and on the wrong side of the road.

If she'd banged her head or had vehicle damage I'd think LE would call it a car accident whether or not someone left the scene or not. (Just random speculation)
Pretty hard to sleuth without knowing time of day. From her Facebook it seems she sells some type of product. Maybe she had a delivery.

I also wondered if she was injured earlier and trying to drive and then passed out thus the car running and on the wrong side of the road.

If she'd banged her head or had vehicle damage I'd think LE would call it a car accident whether or not someone left the scene or not. (Just random speculation)

I don't believe JR was on the wrong side of the road, but rather, her vehicle was found in a location which was in the opposite direction to the direction she would have been travelling if indeed she had been travelling to work from her home address, as she is reported to have been doing.

I also believe that if the car had damage to indicate an MVA, they would be reporting on the news that they were looking for a vehicle with damage of a certain color, make, model, etc., and asking the public if anyone saw such a vehicle in the area.

The neighbouring man who came upon JR's vehicle, which was idling, looked inside the windows, and said he couldn't see anyone, however he noted that the windows were tinted, and guessed that someone could have been on the floor where he she wasn't easily visible to him... at least that's how I remember it.. what he said exactly is posted in earlier posts upthread. From whatever he said, I got the impression that JR's body must have been in the floor of the back seat area, because the front windows aren't usually tinted as deeply as the rear ones (it's illegal here to go darker than a certain level on the front and front sides).

All moo.
Stretching here, pondering aid attack especially since LE couldn't easily identify her. This girl looks quite similar. The perp was released last fall.
Any thoughts?

I couldn't get your link to work, but I found the article here:

This victim and perp were from Quebec, so probably not likely.. but also I believe if there were any kind of chemicals involved, we would have heard about police wearing hazmat suits and gear, and probably people from Environment Canada too, at the scene?

How do you know that LE couldn't easily identify her? All I recall is that LE weren't allowing any of her family members to identify her body. Her ID was found in the vehicle with her, and it was *her* vehicle, so they had a good idea of who she was when they found her. They waited until after autopsy I believe, to confirm that it was in fact JR that was found in the vehicle.

For some reason they didn't seem to want any family to view her body (which is odd, imho), perhaps because they are keeping it to themselves for now as to cause of death? I can't help thinking that they didn't want family to ID her and they were making a point of saying they wanted the autopsy done first before confirming it was JR's body, because her body was noticeably deteriorated more than it should have been for the time period between the time when she was stated to have left her home in good condition (only a few hours max) and the time her body was found. I could be completely off base, but that's where my thoughts are headed, and parked.

Just say........ hypothetically... in any case, not this case per se.. a woman is reported missing because she failed to show up for work in the morning.. police go to her home and question the people that live with her... police are told that yes, she just left for work a few hours ago, like 3 or 4 perhaps, maximum... meanwhile, at the same time as this questioning is going on, a nearby resident is calling police saying they found a car idling at the side of the road, police attend, and they find a deceased woman, with ID in the vehicle, and matching vehicle to the woman reported missing... except the body is noticeably more decomposed than just a few hours would cause. That would immediately suggest that someone at the home was mistaken about the time when the woman left the home in good, living condition. But what then? What if no other evidence crops up to confirm or deny when she actually did leave the home, and all they have is the people's word for it as to when she left? Police would be left with their suspicions, but what do they do for evidence to prove it? Ugh!
I just noticed the Preston Motor Inn is on the Canning Road corner. Could she have been making a little extra on the side doing bootie calls? If something nefarious occurred there, she could hop in her car and tear up the road only to spin out and lose consciousness. (Pure speculation)

Can you provide a link to the Preston Motor Inn, I can't seem to find any info on it.
Where did this information come from deugirtni? What is the date on this information also?
The reason that no one has officially identified her is because the forensic team has not finished their investigation, so no family have been allowed to go and identify her.

It is the norm for a close family member to identify their deceased loved one. I would imagine because this was a suspicious death, absolutely no one would be able to come in contact with her body until all evidence is collected from her remains. MOO.

I didn't think that the above sounded quite right.. because just to take a look wouldn't contaminate anything.. ? But it was confirmed while reading about the Badgerow trial (4th murder trial for same murder for this guy).. police asked the landlord at the apartment building where the deceased woman lived to see if he could identify her. He couldn't, but that is besides the point. They did ask him to view the murdered body to identify.. so why not in this case?
I couldn't get your link to work, but I found the article here:

This victim and perp were from Quebec, so probably not likely.. but also I believe if there were any kind of chemicals involved, we would have heard about police wearing hazmat suits and gear, and probably people from Environment Canada too, at the scene?

How do you know that LE couldn't easily identify her? All I recall is that LE weren't allowing any of her family members to identify her body. Her ID was found in the vehicle with her, and it was *her* vehicle, so they had a good idea of who she was when they found her. They waited until after autopsy I believe, to confirm that it was in fact JR that was found in the vehicle.

For some reason they didn't seem to want any family to view her body (which is odd, imho), perhaps because they are keeping it to themselves for now as to cause of death? I can't help thinking that they didn't want family to ID her and they were making a point of saying they wanted the autopsy done first before confirming it was JR's body, because her body was noticeably deteriorated more than it should have been for the time period between the time when she was stated to have left her home in good condition (only a few hours max) and the time her body was found. I could be completely off base, but that's where my thoughts are headed, and parked.

Just say........ hypothetically... in any case, not this case per se.. a woman is reported missing because she failed to show up for work in the morning.. police go to her home and question the people that live with her... police are told that yes, she just left for work a few hours ago, like 3 or 4 perhaps, maximum... meanwhile, at the same time as this questioning is going on, a nearby resident is calling police saying they found a car idling at the side of the road, police attend, and they find a deceased woman, with ID in the vehicle, and matching vehicle to the woman reported missing... except the body is noticeably more decomposed than just a few hours would cause. That would immediately suggest that someone at the home was mistaken about the time when the woman left the home in good, living condition. But what then? What if no other evidence crops up to confirm or deny when she actually did leave the home, and all they have is the people's word for it as to when she left? Police would be left with their suspicions, but what do they do for evidence to prove it? Ugh!

bbm All articles I read emphasized the need to positively identify her. Some sleuthers asked, why not just get her family? I'd am supposing because her face might be damaged which is why I googled acid injuries.

Your idea about her body being farther along is interesting. Hmmm so maybe she was placed there so whoever said they saw her headed to work was mistaken aka lying. They would need the coroner or pathologist to determine a time of death.

So many theories that just a little more info from LE would help us put to rest. IMOO
Can you provide a link to the Preston Motor Inn, I can't seem to find any info on it.

Woops, not Preston, Princeton. I found it on Google on the NW corner of 2 & Canning Road, across from the house of that man AD who was interviewed.
I didn't think that the above sounded quite right.. because just to take a look wouldn't contaminate anything.. ? But it was confirmed while reading about the Badgerow trial (4th murder trial for same murder for this guy).. police asked the landlord at the apartment building where the deceased woman lived to see if he could identify her. He couldn't, but that is besides the point. They did ask him to view the murdered body to identify.. so why not in this case?

Perhaps because that was in the 80s?
I couldn't get your link to work, but I found the article here:

This victim and perp were from Quebec, so probably not likely.. but also I believe if there were any kind of chemicals involved, we would have heard about police wearing hazmat suits and gear, and probably people from Environment Canada too, at the scene?

How do you know that LE couldn't easily identify her? All I recall is that LE weren't allowing any of her family members to identify her body. Her ID was found in the vehicle with her, and it was *her* vehicle, so they had a good idea of who she was when they found her. They waited until after autopsy I believe, to confirm that it was in fact JR that was found in the vehicle.

For some reason they didn't seem to want any family to view her body (which is odd, imho), perhaps because they are keeping it to themselves for now as to cause of death? I can't help thinking that they didn't want family to ID her and they were making a point of saying they wanted the autopsy done first before confirming it was JR's body, because her body was noticeably deteriorated more than it should have been for the time period between the time when she was stated to have left her home in good condition (only a few hours max) and the time her body was found. I could be completely off base, but that's where my thoughts are headed, and parked.

Just say........ hypothetically... in any case, not this case per se.. a woman is reported missing because she failed to show up for work in the morning.. police go to her home and question the people that live with her... police are told that yes, she just left for work a few hours ago, like 3 or 4 perhaps, maximum... meanwhile, at the same time as this questioning is going on, a nearby resident is calling police saying they found a car idling at the side of the road, police attend, and they find a deceased woman, with ID in the vehicle, and matching vehicle to the woman reported missing... except the body is noticeably more decomposed than just a few hours would cause. That would immediately suggest that someone at the home was mistaken about the time when the woman left the home in good, living condition. But what then? What if no other evidence crops up to confirm or deny when she actually did leave the home, and all they have is the people's word for it as to when she left? Police would be left with their suspicions, but what do they do for evidence to prove it? Ugh!

bbm Yes, there were hazmat suits,

Detectives continue to investigate. There was a heavy police presence at the scene over the weekend, including investigators in hazmat suits and even drones flying overhead."
Quote Originally Posted by Claroon View Post
I just noticed the Preston Motor Inn is on the Canning Road corner. Could she have been making a little extra on the side doing bootie calls? If something nefarious occurred there, she could hop in her car and tear up the road only to spin out and lose consciousness. (Pure speculation)

I really think that is a huge stretch
I have never read or heard anything negative about this Lady

Bootie Calls?
Someone correct me if I am wrong, but i read that most identifications of bodies are done through photos now.
There would be no worry of contamination IMO

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