Found Deceased Canada - Jessica Rowe, 31, Drumbo, Ont, 6 Aug 2016

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IF she was involved in a hit and run, would the fire department be called IF her vehicle was leaking fluids? I suspect LE spoke to the elderly man that was interviewed by the reporter being as he was the one who called LE after finding JR's car. Perhaps LE asked him not to give out certain details? MOO.
Just random thoughts:

I would have thought that firefighters would not be allowed to extract the victim (since she was already deceased), due to contaminating evidence? That could be why the firefighters 'could not' extract her? Could not, could mean 'weren't allowed to', as opposed to 'physically weren't able to'. If Hazmat was required, could it have been in case there was suspected carbon dioxide poisoning and they wanted it checked before things started getting tampered with?

I think all along, wherever it has stated she was going the wrong way, it simply means her vehicle was headed the wrong way if she was in fact on her way to work, not that her vehicle was turned the wrong way on the road, or on the wrong side of the road, jmo.

If the deceased's apartment where she resided with her baby and her fiance went for lease on kijiji on the same day that it was in the news that this missing person was the person found dead.. is that not weird? It sure gave me a weird feeling when I first heard about it/saw the kijiji posting.
Just random thoughts:

I would have thought that firefighters would not be allowed to extract the victim (since she was already deceased), due to contaminating evidence? That could be why the firefighters 'could not' extract her? Could not, could mean 'weren't allowed to', as opposed to 'physically weren't able to'. If Hazmat was required, could it have been in case there was suspected carbon dioxide poisoning and they wanted it checked before things started getting tampered with?

I think all along, wherever it has stated she was going the wrong way, it simply means her vehicle was headed the wrong way if she was in fact on her way to work, not that her vehicle was turned the wrong way on the road, or on the wrong side of the road, jmo.

If the deceased's apartment where she resided with her baby and her fiance went for lease on kijiji on the same day that it was in the news that this missing person was the person found dead.. is that not weird? It sure gave me a weird feeling when I first heard about it/saw the kijiji posting.
I wonder if her bf just can't bear to live there without her - and may need help from family with their child, as well - so that may be why the apartment was advertised for rent so soon. If I were the landlord, under the circumstances, I'd make every effort to find new tenants and release him from his lease (if there was one).

Or, possibly they had already given their notice before this happened to Jessica? They were getting married next month, IIRC; maybe they were buying a home or just moving elsewhere to start their married life together.

Further to the rumour I posted earlier today, there is info regarding chemical suicide, and risk to emergency responders, at this link.

If a chemical suicide is suspected, first responders should follow local response guidelines, take precautions, and wear proper personal protective equipment (PPE) and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). The event should be treated as:

A HAZMAT event, with assistance requested from a HAZMAT team

A crime, with assistance requested from law enforcement to preserve the crime scene

Note - according to this source, chemical suicide is treated as a crime.

However, the rumour I heard indicated that chemical suicide was ruled out, so this may not be relevant to this case.
They go to station to suit up in their equipment and go out on the trucks, I think but could be wrong. They are discouraged from bringing their own vehicles to a scene because those vehicles potentially get in the way. At least that's true for volunteer firefighters who I know, could be different rules other places. MOO

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Hm, I've seen plenty of volunteer firefighters using their personal vehicles, with a green flashing light.

It's neither here nor there - I was just passing on the information my DH had learned from the volunteer firefighter and you can take it for whatever you think it's worth.
Hm, I've seen plenty of volunteer firefighters using their personal vehicles, with a green flashing light.

It's neither here nor there - I was just passing on the information my DH had learned from the volunteer firefighter and you can take it for whatever you think it's worth.

Yes, they use the green lights on the way to the station, as well - so not sure - I don't know the protocols for the Princeton fire department; the volunteers I know are on other volunteer departments in Ontario.

Lots of rumours floating around - more and more as time goes on with so little information released. Still some people in this community feeling a bit unsettled, even though LE has said there is no danger to the public - so I hope the official cause of death is released soon.
She was not in the wrong lane, she was going in the wrong direction, if her plans were to go to work.
I have heard nothing about any damage to her car so I am not going to consider a hit and run until I hear more about that.JMO
This has gone on for some time.
One would think there would be some information out there.
If there is no danger to the public, as stated early on, does that mean LE know exactly what happened to her?
To be honest, I have no clue how this woman died.
Words like suspicious and tip line have been thrown around.Words like no public danger.
So what is it? How did this woman die?
Is there any confirmation that one of the units listed for rent up thread is where JR lived?

Is there any confirmation that one of the units listed for rent up thread is where JR lived?


No link, I was with a 'local' the other day in person, and we were looking at kijiji together for another reason, and she told me that is the place where JR lived. I immediately got a weird feeling because... I saw it was posted on same day it was confirmed to public that it was her that had been found dead. I guess everyone experiences grief in different ways, but it just felt really really weird that someone would want to get rid of her place SO quickly.. becuase.. and especially in a case where a death is sudden and unexpected.. just in my own personal opinion, it would be normal to want to be around things as they were, at least for a time.. kind of like while you try to find answers, get senses of her last movements and thoughts, have private spiritual talks, whatever.. it seems weird to just want everything gone right away (to me only). I could understand that perfectly if she had been killed inside her unit or something, but that is not the case here, apparently anyway.
She was not in the wrong lane, she was going in the wrong direction, if her plans were to go to work.
I have heard nothing about any damage to her car so I am not going to consider a hit and run until I hear more about that.JMO
This has gone on for some time.
One would think there would be some information out there.
If there is no danger to the public, as stated early on, does that mean LE know exactly what happened to her?
To be honest, I have no clue how this woman died.
Words like suspicious and tip line have been thrown around.Words like no public danger.
So what is it? How did this woman die?

There was another case in Calgary several months ago where police said a woman died under very suspicious circumstances inside her home, but also said there was no danger to the public. Nothing at all has come of it since. Inside my soul, I believe police are gathering evidence, building a case, waiting for that tip to break the thing wide open, etc. But who knows. Very weird. All I know is police usually know tons more than the media knows that they know, and they keep it close until trial time. They call it a 'crime', but don't disclose COD, have no public suspects, the public is not in danger, death is considered very suspicious, and tips are sought. Seems like a way of saying, we highly suspect we know what happened, but we can't prove it yet, and we're on it. Too bad it takes so long sometimes.
Has it ever been said in MSM where and when the last time it was verified that JR had been seen alive? We have been told she was on her way to work, but............... what if that was just something that LE were told? Has it been proven? Was she seen alive by others that fateful morning, or just by one? ie what if she hadn't been seen by anyone other than one person since the evening before, or the day before, etc., and what if the proposed TOD didn't match the autopsy findings?
My thoughts about the apartment, if in fact it is their unit, is that it is possible that the ad was planned to be placed before she died. It is possible they had plans to move.
Who knows..

I haven't read anything about who saw her alive last, where or when.
I don't think LE has said anything about that as of yet.

Your points are interesting as LE has said it is a suspicious death based on the autopsy, but they have not said why or how it is suspicious
I am certain they have solid reasons for not disclosing any information, but I wish we would hear something soon.
Every account I have read mentions what a wonderful person Jessica was.
It is very sad that her life was cut so short, her birthday, her son's birthday , her wedding. It is very sad.
I noticed that Mrs. Bosma has created a charity that helps people who have lost a loved one through violence.

“Tim’s Tribute” is dedicated to providing assistance to the families of innocent victims of homicide. It was founded by Sharlene Bosma to honour the memory of her husband Tim Bosma, a victim of homicide

This wonderful group of people help with the grieving process, helps people to heal.
I hope Jessica's family find peace.
No link, I was with a 'local' the other day in person, and we were looking at kijiji together for another reason, and she told me that is the place where JR lived. I immediately got a weird feeling because... I saw it was posted on same day it was confirmed to public that it was her that had been found dead. I guess everyone experiences grief in different ways, but it just felt really really weird that someone would want to get rid of her place SO quickly.. becuase.. and especially in a case where a death is sudden and unexpected.. just in my own personal opinion, it would be normal to want to be around things as they were, at least for a time.. kind of like while you try to find answers, get senses of her last movements and thoughts, have private spiritual talks, whatever.. it seems weird to just want everything gone right away (to me only). I could understand that perfectly if she had been killed inside her unit or something, but that is not the case here, apparently anyway.

Another thought about the apartment listing.
I expect family knew it was JR almost from the beginning.
Perhaps Fiance can't afford the place on his own
Maybe wants to be closer to family
I think it's a coincidence the ad was posted that day, and I do believe it is the same apartment.

I live in the area, and our volunteer firefighters have lights on their personal vehicles. The drive to the station, then travel from there. They are not allowed to go direct to the scene. Also, when an ambulance is called, no matter what the reason, firefighters respond as well. I don't know why, but I know that's the rule.
Here volunteers often go in their personal vehciles. They keep their suits/equipment in their cars at home to be able to suit up on scene. But im sure its different in different areas.(my area being eastern ontario)
Another thought about the apartment listing.
I expect family knew it was JR almost from the beginning.
Perhaps Fiance can't afford the place on his own
Maybe wants to be closer to family

Sure. And I get that. And there could be a million reasonable explanations. But just in my own humble opinion, it's weird, no matter what the reason, simply because of how I personally would react/deal with things if someone I loved died suddenly and unexpectedly. I would have a tough time letting go of things, at least for a time. Like, belongings, surroundings, places where memories were made, etc. And there was a fund set up to assist with any hardships, so the money thing shouldn't have been a consideration, at least immediately. And the stress of packing up and sorting through belongings, and in this case, deciding which things would go where, etc., and finding a new place and all of the things that go along with moving.. it just seems a particularly odd time to be rushing this like that. So it gave me a prickly feeling when I saw that, that's all. I'm sure everyone's first suspicions jump to 'the ex', but.... perhaps it could be something different and less focused on.
I'm just an outside observer, but from the way this is unfolding, I suspect the timing (shortly before her wedding)
is not at all coincidental. I suspect an ex of some kind, a boyfriend who may not really want to get married, or
some guy who got to know her through work and did not want another man to have her.
My thoughts about the apartment, if in fact it is their unit, is that it is possible that the ad was planned to be placed before she died. It is possible they had plans to move.
Who knows..

I haven't read anything about who saw her alive last, where or when.
I don't think LE has said anything about that as of yet.

Your points are interesting as LE has said it is a suspicious death based on the autopsy, but they have not said why or how it is suspicious
I am certain they have solid reasons for not disclosing any information, but I wish we would hear something soon.
Every account I have read mentions what a wonderful person Jessica was.
It is very sad that her life was cut so short, her birthday, her son's birthday , her wedding. It is very sad.

It's interesting, because.. just say that the death *could* have been thought of as being one thing.. but then someone kind of puts their foot in their mouth and says something that kind of opens up all kinds of suspicions. And it was kind of the same way in the other case I mentioned above, which was also said to be 'very suspicious', but no details ever really released.. still to this day. The other case I don't believe has a thread on here, but the woman's name is Amanda Antoni in Calgary.
LE has not used the word homidide.
They have said suspicious.
So is there anything else that would fall under suspicious?
Are all deaths that are not natural considered suspicious til investigated?
I don't know Jessica or her loved ones but live close by.
My sons father passed away when he was 25. He was at home and just didn't wake up. He was found hours later by a coworker.
His death was deemed suspicious even though his body showed no signs of foul play. Autopsies and toxicology reports showed nothing. 15 years later and we still don't know how he passed away. Just wanted to share. Xo
Prayers that Jessica's family gets the answers they are looking for.

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