GUILTY Canada - Kienan Hebert, 3, Sparwood BC, 7 Sept 2011 - #1

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I've read that Randall Hopley has a birthmark along his hairline, but I can't see anything like that in the picture (the one where his hair isn't covering his forehead). Anyone? I can't figure out what they're talking about.

I can't see one either. The only thing I notice is the brown spot in his left eye. The discoloration of the retina. Looks like a cotton wool spot to me (but I'm not a doctor) . This can be a sign of diabetes, hypertension, HIV, and other illnesses.

It is also a way to help identify RH. moo spots on the retina&f=false
Wilks resigned as Mayor of Sparwood earlier this year after he was elected as a Member of Parliament. Wilks served as an RCMP officer for 20 years, five of them in the Elk Valley. He retired in 2000. From his time as an RCMP officer there, Wilks said he was "quite familiar" with Mr. Hopley. Randall Hopley, 46, is wanted by police in connection with Hebert's disappearance.

Wilks said he was working towards a private members bill "that will hopefully rectify some situations in the future with regard to serious crimes."

The Criminal Code could come under review should specific incidents arise that point towards the need "for more serious punishment."

"I believe that people have learned over the years that my heart is to ensure that we do everything that we can for the victims of crime," Wilks said. "We shouldn't be so concerned with those that are committing the crimes and be more concerned with those that are victims of crime. When we take it to that point, we as a society will work much better together."

BBM Could? :banghead:
This scares me because he could have planned this way in advance and scouted areas where he would never be found but then again, how long can he go without food? :sigh:

“Randall Hopley admitted to the offence, stating he had been surveilling the residence and attempting to make contact [with the boy] for three weeks,” the search warrant information says. “Randall Hopley also advised that he had become familiar with police response times and behaviours.”

Gosh, there is nothing new this morning. It's eerily quiet even on FB. :cry:
This scares me because he could have planned this way in advance and scouted areas where he would never be found but then again, how long can he go without food? :sigh:

Gosh, there is nothing new this morning. It's eerily quiet even on FB. :cry:
“Randall Hopley admitted to the offence, stating he had been surveilling the residence and attempting to make contact [with the boy] for three weeks,” the search warrant information says. “Randall Hopley also advised that he had become familiar with police response times and behaviours.”

Based on that he knew police response times and how they respond, he doesn't seem "borderline retarded" to me as someone quoted his previous lawyer as saying.
Was this posted:

Independent group to do remote Amber Alert search
Smaller group to check more remote areas


Sarah Gasparetto is from a town near Sparwood but now lives in Calgary, she and a friend have organized a smaller search party which will leave the Fort MacLeod A&W restaurant at 9 a.m. today.

With an intimate knowledge of the area she says the goal is simply to get into areas the main search party may not be able to reach. "Growing up there gave us a perspective on all the little nooks and crannies that are hidden in the valley," she says. "There's a lot of hidden valleys and regions that a lot of hikers or people going camping or hunting specifically use. It's usually only known within the locals who have lived there for awhile."

Police unsure why no alert issued in Alberta
By Evan Duggan, Vancouver Sun September 10, 2011 4:05 AM

Alberta police didn't issue an Amber Alert at any point during the search for Kienan Hebert despite the fact that his hometown of Sparwood is just 30 kilometres from the B.C.-Alberta border.

Hebert's disappearance on Wednesday triggered an Amber Alert in B.C. at around 6 p.m. - more than nine hours after the boy was reported missing by his parents.

RCMP in Alberta were not asked by B.C. police to initiate the rarely used but highly successful Amber Alert, confirmed Alberta K-Division RCMP spokesman, Sgt. Patrick Webb. Before the Hebert case, the Amber Alert had been used 10 times in B.C., in cases involving 13 children. It proved successful each time, locating 10 kids within B.C. , and three children out-of-province, said RCMP Sgt. Rob Vermeulen

Read more:
Randall was charged in 2010 with squatting in a cabin, which he had broken into, and taken up residence in. He was found with a photo of a male child (age?). Sex toys, diapers, toys etc. He had knocked out a wall, and hung a dora blanket where the wall once was... this was in a newspaper article I read last night. His plans were obviously to take and bring a child there and keep him there -- his plan was foiled when the cabin owners showed up unexpectedly to scatter a family member's ashes. He was discovered and arrested. In his conditions - he was ordered to have no contact with the family who's cabin he squatted in, and to have no contact with the boy in the photo!

This concerns me more deeply than anything! This indicates that HE KNEW who the boy in that photograph is!! He stalked a child and knew who he was, where he was etc... and was planning to take the child!!

The police were notified between 8-9am on the morning of Kienan's disappearance. Interestingly, they were at Randall's trailer by about 9am (according to some media reports wherein his roomate Orville was interviewed). This suggests to me that police:
a) were aware that Randall had been recently released from jail and lived here
b) MIGHT have been aware of WHICH child he planned to take (?!). Is it POSSIBLE that Kienan is the child he planned to take in 2010??

I think I'd die if this were one of my children! Its got to be simply agonizing to have to hope that your baby was taken by a pedophile who might keep him alive (and thereby improve your odds of finding him!). I'm sickened.

The laws in Canada are a joke and every criminal KNOWS it! This guy had a rap sheet as long as his arm -- sexual crimes, against CHILDREN!! Break and enter etc etc -- and STILL he was permitted to walk FREE to DO IT AGAIN!?!?!

CANADA!! SHAME ON US!! WAKE UP!! When we will ever learn that our children's lives literally DEPEND on US to make solid and sound decisions to lock criminals up for the rest of their damned lives?!?!?! SHAME ON US! We failed this boy if he is with this criminal!!
a) were aware that Randall had been recently released from jail and lived here
b) MIGHT have been aware of WHICH child he planned to take (?!). Is it POSSIBLE that Kienan is the child he planned to take in 2010??

b) No, that boy was dark haired and Kienan is blond/red haired.

As for a), they probably did know and were keeping tabs on him. He was released awaiting trial for the cabin incident* but that doesn't mean he wasn't being checked on unofficially. Based on conversations with law enforcement I've had (family and friends of the family), cops often know the troublemakers in a community and won't hesitate to run them in if they can find any reason. We had a neighbour who caused a lot of problems and was rumoured to have sexually assaulted his children, and any time he was publically intoxicated or anything, the cops tried to bring him in, even under circumstances they would have let somebody else off. I'm wondering if that was the reason the cops went looking for Hopley early on, when it was still believed to be a case of sleepwalking. Once they found Hopley missing and found reason to believe he was at the property (somebody suggested DNA upthread, but the timing was wrong. Fingerprints seem more likely.), they had a good idea of the whoes and the whys.

*Does anybody know about that? I'm assuming he was released on bail, but I'm curious about how much it was set at and who paid.
Has it been established what, if any,type of relationship Randall had with Kienan's family ?
That may have been one reason Hopley and his lawyer were able to spring him after a bail hearing last year, with release conditions that didn't include anything to keep him away from other children.

"[The prosecutor] didn't say anything about a fear of a sexual nature of the crimes," said Josh Stewart, a spokesman for the Alberta Justice Ministry.
Prosecutors wanted Hopley to be held in prison based on his risk to commit property crimes, and succeeded in the first bail hearing.

When Hopley's lawyer appealed his incarceration to the Court of Queen's Bench on July 28, 2010, a judge there allowed his release.

Stewart says it isn't standard to bring up evidence outside what's considered in the court, and there are standard practices for release conditions as well.

"Conditions on release are crafted for that specific offence," said Stewart.

But Vancouver criminal lawyer Michael Shapray says prosecutors aren't limited to the specific charges when they're discussing release conditions – those are based on potential risk to the community.

"If the judge or justice wasn't told about certain things then how can we have expected them to include the factors that we now see should have been addressed," Shapray said.
Not sure if this was posted but Randall's landlord states he is the one whom bailed him out of jail for $1000. Also kinda breaks down a timeline:

Landlord recalls suspect's last known moves


Orville Sheets, 74, the on-and-off landlord of Hopley over the last four years, said his son saw Hopley&#8217;s 1987 Toyota Camry with a B.C. licence plate #098RAL early in the morning parked in the property.

Sheets said he woke up between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. last Wednesday, when Kienan Hebert was reported missing.

He stayed in his room, but he sensed Hopley was already up and was going about the house.

&#8220;Between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m. I woke up I was sure I heard him, still here,&#8221; said Sheets whose three trailers are located by the river less than 1 km north of the Hebert residence.

&#8220;He wouldn&#8217;t make excess noise because he knew I was sleeping,&#8221; he said.

&#8220;I thought I heard, Randy is up and he&#8217;s going down the yard down there.&#8221;

The police came after 9:00 a.m. looking for Hopley, said Sheets.

Just before that Paul Hebert called 911 reporting his son was missing
The Skapin family, which owns the cabin, thinks Hopley should have stayed in jail.

"To be honest he never should have been allowed released after he was arrested," said Jennifer Skapin.

The formal charges laid may have been simply a collection of break and enters and possession of stolen property, but the disturbing items found in the cabin needed to be considered in a decision like that, she said.

Court documents allege there were a number of stolen propane tanks, jerry cans and vehicle tires stockpiled at the cabin while Hopley holed up there over the winter of 2010.

In the charges there is a reference to "lotion" and a photograph of a young boy. But there is no reference to the stolen children's clothes and kids' movies, the sex toys and lubrication the Skapins say were there.

"I felt sick to my stomach," said Skapin, who came across the items when she and other members of her family found Hopley there last May.

"Then we noticed there was a lock on the front door. He could lock the door and it would be impossible to open from the inside. It was horrifying," she said.

The court did order that Hopley stay away from the young boy in the photo, as well as the other people whom authorities allege Hopley stole from. But there is no condition that would keep him away from other children.

Prosecutors wanted Hopley to be held in prison based on his risk to commit property crimes, and succeeded in the first bail hearing.

Why not " keep him away from other children"? A pedophile is a pedophile is a pedophile!
Hi Hazel, do you have a link to that article you are referencing from ? Thank you :)
Now I see why the POLICE went to Hopley's place after the 911 call. The COURTS failed everyone.
This article has alot of background to the family they only moved there 4 months ago and there is no known connection between Randall and Kienan's family:

Still no trace of B.C. boy as police seek suspect


Family new to B.C.
Dave Elliott, a longtime friend of the Hebert family, said the Heberts moved to Sparwood from Peace River, Alta., only about four months ago.

&#8220;The family is holding out pretty good. It&#8217;s tough. It&#8217;s a trying time for the parents,&#8221; he said.

&#8220;All the family is here. They&#8217;re all pulling together.&#8221;

Elliott said everyone is praying for Kienen&#8217;s safe return and Hebert is a religious person and has faith.

He said there is no regret moving into Sparwood.
This is creepy, I hope the police are searching all the remote cabins around the area, I have a feeling he is not that far. Seems to be a creature of habit looking at his background.
Being busted in 2007 when he had the picture of the boy and such tells alot, and is probably the main reason police went straight over to his residence. He has had 4 years to refine his "obsession" of finding a child to take. He is patient, he is a watcher, he even admitted to knowing all about police response time, this man is the scary kind because he has it all worked out carefully.........

I still think he will be found in a cabin like he was before and one he can get to with his vehicle, one that has been abandoned perhaps.....

Prayers for Kienan safe return :praying:
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