Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #10

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Yeah I agree it probably would be a 2nd degree charge. My thoughts are more that, even if that is true, based on their pattern of behavior, I'm not convinced his death was accidental. I'd be more willing to buy that if they weren't already suspected for a previous double homicide earlier in the week. :(

There Is a Chance that the only reason they are suspects in that is because they were in the same area and are charged with LD's death.
I'm not convinced of anything at this point! I still lean towards it initially being an accident....or van robbery gone bad and then on.
A shotgun has 3 shots and if you remove the plug illegally you can get 5. There could be more than 1 gun also. And a shotgun a close range does not blow many holes into things. It blows it to pieces (just like the back window). I believe it was a shotgun. But we won’t know for sure for a long time. And the autopsy people are talking about-I haven’t seen but I can’t see it being released in detail to the public. Especially since people still don’t know what kind of gun. That would be clear.

Hmmm what about the Grizzly shotgun, holds 5 shots and is 100% legal.

If it was a shotgun then blood would have been visible on the clothes of Fowler. The medic who secured the scene didn’t mention that at all.
And I posted the full video of his interview in which he nowhere says those words.

ETA: The reason this is an issue to Me is because if the 'spree killer' narrative was not out there LE probably wouldn't be receiving so many of these tips. That narrative was set by the media in my opinion and everyone is just running with it.

In the second interview with Bryer’s father he DID use the expression “blaze of glory” but it now appears that every website, including YouTube, is only showing an edited version of that interview. I heard the original and know this as a fact. I went back to Thread 3, p.48, #958 where one of our members posted a lot of what was said and supplied a link. I went to the link and the video isn’t even there now, but here’s the text:

“He's on a suicide mission. He wants his pain to end,” he said, breaking down into tears. “Basically, he's going to be dead today or tomorrow. I know that. Rest in peace, Bryer. I love you. I'm so sorry all this had to happen.”

Even if his son is caught, his life will be over, the father said.

“He wants his hurt to end. They're going to go out in a blaze of glory. Trust me on this. That's what they're going to do.”

If you go to that link you will see the text underneath the video states “Schmegelsky said he believes his son will die "in a blaze of glory …" but when you listen to it, there’s no mention of it.

In one other article more of what he said is quoted which you will not hear in any of the videos:

“The father recalled that his son bought a nice black suit with his second paycheque from Walmart. “Now I realize it's his funeral suit.”

Father of suspect in 3 B.C. deaths expects son will go out in 'blaze of glory'
I agree with your description which is why I think that was the gun used. So gross and upsetting so I won’t say anything more. I’m sure everyone would prefer not to think of that. No matter what-a terrible terrible thing to happen to anyone.
Yes agreed.
Two young people wanting to travel our beautiful country. Hanging out on the side of the road having a picnic. It's just so upsetting. I guess it's really personal for me because I've been on that Highway hundreds of times back and forth back and forth back and forth. I've taken my son up there camping when he was little. my family used to go up there camping at liard Hot Springs. And I've worked up there as an emergency medic.
It's one of my most favorite places to go up there. So anyways it's just a real crappy sad thing.
My thoughts and my heart go out to the families of the three victims.
There Is a Chance that the only reason they are suspects in that is because they were in the same area and are charged with LD's death.
I'm not convinced of anything at this point! I still lean towards it initially being an accident....or van robbery gone bad and then on.
I don't know how Canadian law works, but I would think they would need more evidence to suspect them than them just being in the area. But we really don't have enough to know--which is frustrating for inquiring minds but is definitely in the best interests of whatever case is being built against them.

I'm a little more open to this being an impulsive crime spree than I was before--I still lean toward it being premeditated and them just coming across some very unfortunate people. But then again, I was one of the ones who thought they were just innocents who were possibly victims themselves before they unveiled as suspects!
There Is a Chance that the only reason they are suspects in that is because they were in the same area and are charged with LD's death.
I'm not convinced of anything at this point! I still lean towards it initially being an accident....or van robbery gone bad and then on.

Yeah I agree I don't think again just my opinion.... The two young guys went out on a murder spree to kill people in Cold Blood. I think they went to rob the van or seen it sitting on the highway and maybe blew out a window thinking nobody was in it... And things just went bad. They Panic... Set up there in the bush for what for five days. then the whole LD thing went and happened and they burnt their truck.
And then they just got worse. And then they just got worse and worse.
Does it also come with a flat, all metal key? My vehicle has an all metal sub key that can be used to unlock everthing except the glove compartment. It's used if you need to give a key to the parking attendent. Could we be looking at a sub key?

scroll down past the remote keys to the "key blanks" further down the page
I use a shotgun many many times. I own one. And it blows many holes into things. Because it's actually a bunch of little buck shots... Like little pellets all into one casing. And it splatters. So Lucas was said to have had a small wound in his abdomen area. That certainly doesn't add up to a Shotgun. If he was shot at in the abdomen with a shotgun his whole guts would have been blow it out. Sorry to be gross but anyway that's a shotgun for you.

I get the impression both victims may have been left alive to die a slow death sadly :( CD had the bubbles (still breathing?) and if LF one small wound to abdomen, might not be instant either. Terrible. JMO.
Makes sense! Thank you!

As with most things, if they really did accidentally run him over, the worst thing they could have done is what they did. But as I said, I don't think it was an accident if he was run over. MOO

I don't think there's any accidents with these two jerks. They also might've beat him or whacked him with blunt object, I think that falls under 2nd degree as well.
In the second interview with Bryer’s father he DID use the expression “blaze of glory” but it now appears that every website, including YouTube, is only showing an edited version of that interview. I heard the original and know this as a fact. I went back to Thread 3, p.48, #958 where one of our members posted a lot of what was said and supplied a link. I went to the link and the video isn’t even there now, but here’s the text:

“He's on a suicide mission. He wants his pain to end,” he said, breaking down into tears. “Basically, he's going to be dead today or tomorrow. I know that. Rest in peace, Bryer. I love you. I'm so sorry all this had to happen.”

Even if his son is caught, his life will be over, the father said.

“He wants his hurt to end. They're going to go out in a blaze of glory. Trust me on this. That's what they're going to do.”

If you go to that link you will see the text underneath the video states “Schmegelsky said he believes his son will die "in a blaze of glory …" but when you listen to it, there’s no mention of it.

In one other article more of what he said is quoted which you will not hear in any of the videos:

“The father recalled that his son bought a nice black suit with his second paycheque from Walmart. “Now I realize it's his funeral suit.”

Father of suspect in 3 B.C. deaths expects son will go out in 'blaze of glory'

I have seen the text and explained why I feel it does not coincide.
I appreciate your thoughts but I won't be engaging in discussion about the father anymore as I have already expressed myself on it all. :)
Lol right! And why set out to find work across the province, (I don’t even know if it’s confirmed they actually made it to Whitehorse), then change your mind the very same day then backtrack a time or 2, then get to cold lake (Alberta which was the other option to find work and it’s confirmed in a stolen vehicle, the bolt to Saskatchewan to wonder around a co-op but not buy anything, then bolt to Gillam. I don’t think they are hiring for any jobs you couldn’t get in bc and they wouldn’t of had to steal a vehicle. Lol
And just the fact that this is a nationwide manhunt-CLEARLY this is a triple homicide. Not just one stolen vehicle and a murder. They don’t go to the extent they have every time someone murders someone. That’s just got to make it clear IMO they are the murderers and the rcmp are positive.

I agree. RCMP would not use all these resources, money spent, and communities on lock down on a hunch. There's evidence.
It’s shocking to me how anyone in Canada could not have heard about this by now! But I don’t usually watch the news either so I can’t really say much

I'm not surprised because even though everyone seems to live on their phones, they're looking at anything but the news. It never ceases to amaze me how little people are aware of what is happening where they live. My dad had to listen to the news on the hour every hour, which I always thought was odd. Now I'm the same, but worse because I follow international news as well.
I don't know how Canadian law works, but I would think they would need more evidence to suspect them than them just being in the area. But we really don't have enough to know--which is frustrating for inquiring minds but is definitely in the best interests of whatever case is being built against them.

I'm a little more open to this being an impulsive crime spree than I was before--I still lean toward it being premeditated and them just coming across some very unfortunate people. But then again, I was one of the ones who thought they were just innocents who were possibly victims themselves before they unveiled as suspects!

Not at all. If they are charged with one death nearby, it would be safe to say LE here would place them as suspects in another that happened not too far away within such a short time frame.

ETA: It's not like people haven't been named suspects before in something and were later found to be innocent. Not saying they are innocent. Just that it is possible these two are not the vicious psycho spree killers that people(not meaning you) seem to want them to be.
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I've been stewing all day about the keys found by the RAV4. They are very clearly burned, so appear to have come from the vehicle (more importantly, there's nothing to preclude it). Also, as several others here have said, the large key appears to be a Toyota key, and I also concur that one of the others is a Quickset, probably a house key.

What's bothering me is how on earth those keys, in plain sight, came to be left there by LE? I have been trying to think up a reasonable explanation, but cannot. LE could not know what those keys are to without examining them, and they also cannot know, even if sure the car key is to the RAV, what the rest are to. People often do mix keychanins, even when they have a vehicle for only a few days (I do it when renting cars overseas, so my suitcase keys are handy). Without looking, or at least securing the EVIDENCE for a later look if needed, none of this can be known.

We do not know, so far as I am aware, whom the RAV4 belongs to. I've been assuming the professor, but no confirmation from LE or family so far as I know. If the car was his, his keys being there, assuming they are all his, isn't as significant, but it might be valuable; it would defeat any defense claim that the two suspects just hotwired the car. If some of those keys belong to the young couple, this might be the only thing tying the suspects to those murders. The point is, nothing about those keys can be known without looking, so why leave them there? It's not as if they would be difficult to move, it'd only take a few seconds to tag and bag.

There was other evidence left lying around, such as a match seen in a news vid. That might well be the only DNA associated with the burned RAV (something they could not know even if they found possible DNA elsewhere - they would not have results back that fast) so why just leave it there. All this seems incredibly bizarre, procedurally.
I'm picturing them trying to steal the RAV4 and being caught in the act and possibly running over LD. It's possible those are the keys for the Toyota. Burning a vehicle that may have run over someone and killed them might seem logical in an irrational pinch. Moo
Here is why I'm absolutely convinced they did not "go to Whitehorse, YT to look for work".
1. Port Alberni to Whitehorse is min. 32 hour drive.
2. They left PA on July 12 - a Friday. (let's say 9am)
3. Without stopping (which is not doable if 1 person has a drivers license) , they would arrive at Whitehorse on Saturday, July 13 at 7pm Saturday night.
4. Liard Hot Springs is a 24 hour drive. (which the direction I think they went as they came up the logical Dease Lake route)
5. Fowler & Deese were killed btwn 11:30pm and 4:30am approx. on July 14 to July 15 (Sunday or Monday morn).
6. There is zero evidence they made it to Whitehorse, (and there are hwy and city cams there).
The Reality:
3a. Who would drive non-stop, no food, needing gas fillups a few times - to a town and arrive on a Saturday night to "look for work" - or say the next day on Sunday?
3aa. No one in a sane mind would do that on a weekend; No one would decide to look for work that late into summer; The only seasonable work available is usually with road construction or mining camps.
Conclusion: They lied and never in any way were leaving to 'look for work'. Add that thought to northern Alberta - they sure didn't go up to Fort McMurray oil sands, or Site C dam near Fort St. John. So those are the only well known options for "finding work up north". Work was never their plan, ever - Carry out a strategic killing game and have an escape plan MOO fits. btw - the truck with or without camper was more than likely Kam's dad's.
Except, if the RAV4 wasn't the Professor's vehicle:
1. Whose was it?
2. Where did it come from?
3. Where is the owner and did owner report it missing/stolen?
4. How did KM/BS get it?

and, most curiously:
5. What happened to the Professor's vehicle?

Hypothetically, if the RAV was not the professor's, the answers *MIGHT* be (I'm speculating wildly here, I don't believe what I'm saying is true, only that I think it's a longshot possibility),

#1, Someone with a RAV 4 in their possession, legally or otherwise, wanting to sell or trade it.

#2 Purchased, or maybe stolen.

#3 If the owner sold it or traded for it, no report to make. Or, it could have been sold or traded by someone merely in possession.

#4 Bought/traded for it.

#5, RCMP towed the professor's vehicle, whatever it was, away.

That keeps bringing me back to their truck, found burned so close to the professor's body. I cannot come up with an innocent explanation for that, at least that would not result in K or B at least making a phone call home at some point soon thereafter. Also, if I have the timeline right, the warrant was filed on the day they found the burned-out RAV4, so perhaps they had no hard evidence until they found that RAV (which would indicate, but not prove, it's the professor's.).

I'm about 95% convinced the two suspects are killers.
I agree. RCMP would not use all these resources, money spent, and communities on lock down on a hunch. There's evidence.

I wonder when they will actually charge them with anything regarding the murder of Fowler and Deese. I do wonder if it’s not become a case of tunnel vision, partly due to the father of Lucas Fowler being a highly respected police official in NSW, added to the pressure of media and the public due to the panic that was mounting over the deaths and missing people happening during peak tourist season. Realistically though the police must have received tips that linked Bryer and Kam to Fowler and Deese. I suppose we will not find out for a long time, at least not until Stephen Fowler says something revealing to the media again.
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