CANADA - Lucas Fowler & Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #3

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I totally agree with everything BS's dad has said
about his son's psychological pain.
And I also agree this whole plan was a suicide
mission with no hope of ending up alive.
BS was an orphan at 5 yrs. old and raised himself on video games. His father is right on.
Yes it's sad but there are millions of children who were just brought up by 1 parent and didn't go out on a killing spree. This is NOT the way to deal with his insecurities or fears. He can still stop all this and he'll get help maybe in prison. If he survives he'll have to deal with the consequences of his actions involved in these murders. JMO
They’re not old enough to drink legally. It’s scientifically proven their brains aren’t even fully developed yet (although I suppose their actions have proven this as well).

I think referring to them as “young men” or “young adults” is the most appropriate.

Unfortunately, fugitives and suspected murderers have become their new labels.

I just hope it can come to an end without any more death.

They’re of age in Canada. Most provinces have a legal drinking age of 19, but some are 18 - like Manitoba and Alberta, I believe. But I hear you - they’re really still kids. I’m 21 and although I’m financially independent, live on my own etc, I still feel like both myself and my friends are kids still.
I understand stand the facts in this situation are important and indeed technically they are men specified by an age limit for juvenile hood set by a governmental body . However , they are hardly men and it shows ! I have two grown sons aged 20 and 25 of whom are still referred to as “the boys” . Mostly as a sentimental and habitual reference . Not meant to be degrading or negating their duty to be adults . It’s just a habit ... I apologize if I have used those terms .

no it's fine
I'm just sensitive to it because I think language is very important in how these suspects are viewed by the public
calling them boys makes them seem more innocent, rather than the brutal murderers they likely are
So, just curious. I've been trying to follow up on any of the claims regarding these two, and thus far, haven't found it possible to verify any. I've heard there was a youtube, steam, and a few other accounts, but none exists currently, and none of the web cache services seem to have any recollection either.
I didn't see any verifiable citations in this thread either, so I'm wondering if anyone can point to anything verifiable? IE: where's this picture of Breyer in a Nazi uniform? All I've found is him in a camo jacket, and then a second picture that does not contain him, with a swastika and a knife.
Just seems odd to me that can't even find this stuff in the caches. Also seems odd that the IG account seems to have been created on July 8th, and it's only post is also from that date. It's like these guys are just ghosts, despite all the claims about their past online presence. Anyone able to point me in the right direction? Am I missing something?
Yes, in my family too. Young adults are often referred to as “my boy”or “the boys”. I was just going to post on this very subject. :)

Indeed. When they were just "missing" they were boys and no one raised any concerns with them being called such.

They are teenage boys. Young men. Young adults. Now, they are any of those descriptors with the added "and wanted as suspects for murder".
Absolutely and they're doing it because it provokes the type of responses we've seen in this thread.

For the most part the people you see every day in the media are trained professionals from police, politics, think tanks, lobby groups, business or government services. They're often the direct point of contact for media.

Speaking to a guy in a situation like this is great for the media because he's pure emotion and sticks out like a sore thumb.

Welcome deebs, with your first post.:):):)
Hope to hear more from you.
As you state, an emotional response is great for media.
So, just curious. I've been trying to follow up on any of the claims regarding these two, and thus far, haven't found it possible to verify any. I've heard there was a youtube, steam, and a few other accounts, but none exists currently, and none of the web cache services seem to have any recollection either.
I didn't see any verifiable citations in this thread either, so I'm wondering if anyone can point to anything verifiable? IE: where's this picture of Breyer in a Nazi uniform? All I've found is him in a camo jacket, and then a second picture that does not contain him, with a swastika and a knife.
Just seems odd to me that can't even find this stuff in the caches. Also seems odd that the IG account seems to have been created on July 8th, and it's only post is also from that date. It's like these guys are just ghosts, despite all the claims about their past online presence. Anyone able to point me in the right direction? Am I missing something?
Posted earlier today....previous pages
So, just curious. I've been trying to follow up on any of the claims regarding these two, and thus far, haven't found it possible to verify any. I've heard there was a youtube, steam, and a few other accounts, but none exists currently, and none of the web cache services seem to have any recollection either.
I didn't see any verifiable citations in this thread either, so I'm wondering if anyone can point to anything verifiable? IE: where's this picture of Breyer in a Nazi uniform? All I've found is him in a camo jacket, and then a second picture that does not contain him, with a swastika and a knife.
Just seems odd to me that can't even find this stuff in the caches. Also seems odd that the IG account seems to have been created on July 8th, and it's only post is also from that date. It's like these guys are just ghosts, despite all the claims about their past online presence. Anyone able to point me in the right direction? Am I missing something?

Vice and Globe and Mail articles posted on page 1 and 2 of this thread.
Wow; there's a dad's reckoning for you. Must be heartbreaking as a parent to have to face.

Hopefully, it ends better than he expects and these two guys give up.
Yes what BS's dad said is very ominous of what may be to come if it hasn't already. BS could want to go out in a blaze of glory with the police but does KM? It's starting to sound like maybe KM was just along for the ride, did BS threaten him to go along with his evil suicide mission and killing others along the way? Seen online a man was driving up towards Gillam and there was a hitchhiker, the guy swerved to not hit the hitchhiker. Thank goodness the driver didn't stop to pick the guy up. Was that KM hitchhiking if so where was BS? Hmmm
Posted earlier today....previous pages
Vice and Globe and Mail articles posted on page 1 and 2 of this thread.

me. Am I derping out? I just searched the entire thread, and I can't find any reference to their youtube or steam accounts other than those Vice and G&M articles, which also don't provide any citation.

All I've seen thus far is that there should be a youtube channel by the name of "Illusive Gameing". This ... does not seem to have ever been true. Perhaps someone with better sleuthing skills can prove it ever existed?

I also searched the entire thread for "steam" and again, I don't see anything other than "someone said", with no evidence listed anywhere. Maybe I'm just lazy... But if you know where any of these citations land, please let me know.
Either the ownership information through the Alberta registry office has been blocked or the media has been asked not to publish it because I noticed the license plate number is clearly visible in several of the media’s photos.
I only saw one photo of Schmegelsky and McLeod's truck. Do you have a link to the one with the plate? How odd that they'd have Alberta plates.
And good morning , fellow AU and good night fellow Canadians, and oy to all insomniac Canadians.
Hiya Aussie! It's early evening here. We're still up.
Anyone have insight on any special training the suspects may have had?
playing in the woods with airsoft. They're not military
I didn't see any verifiable citations in this thread either, so I'm wondering if anyone can point to anything verifiable?
I posted a link with the pictures. It's from a news article. The photos had been sent online to someone he gamed with. They cannot be found online. It was a private message but was shared with police and media.
Hmm they are still on the run? Maybe it's time to bring a few military men in, they know how to track any kind of terrain and to track at night. Sad the one guy's father thinks they'll go out in a blaze of glory. The father told his son, "Rest in peace..."
I did find that an interesting tell that he obviously was not guided by LE as to what he should and should not say.

It wasn't the best response for talking an armed person down off a ledge, which we can assume LE would encourage him to do had they reached out to him for help that way.
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