CANADA - Lucas Fowler & Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #6

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Hate to say it but probably not! But I'm an outsider and perhaps the locals could weigh in on the question. To see those military folks arrive today was something but I'm not sure they were there to protect the good people of Gillam. MOO

That’s kind of my point with the Manitoba Hydro presence. If it wasn’t for Hydro would they have gone to this effort? With that said tho the residents should be able to say that RCMP did do their jobs. And hopefully all of the residents feel a sense of security over abandonment.
There's no way these guys are able to evade the RCMP for almost a week on their own. This isn't a movie. The only way they torch their car is because there's another. With no sign of them stealing a vehicle, it means they are using one or riding in one with permission. No further sightings and with them probably having no more money means they are holed up someplace. Probably someplace comfortable. This would most likely mean they are being housed by the same person that helped them get away from Gillam.

With an area that vast, them evading RCMP isn’t at all surprising.

If they convinced someone to give them a ride away from there, they could have been dropped off and hiding just about anywhere.

There also remains the possibility that they have already killed themselves, and their bodies have yet to be discovered.

Them still being on the lam, isn’t proof that they are receiving active assistance.
So a few observations. There is only one road into Ontario the Trans Canada Highway. Did they have enough time to get there after they dumped the RAV? Its about 800 miles. If the RCMP blocked that road there would be no way into Eastern Canada unless they were hitchhiking, or on foot. There are many trains, and of course planes but driving could be easily monitored with a roadblock. Another far fetched theory is someone else took the car into Gillam and torched it and they went on their way in an another vehicle. The problem with that is someone would still have to get back to civilization and find a way out. If we explore the "unknowingly" person aspect....Someone gave them a ride, someone was forced to give them a ride, someone else is dead at the side of the road, and they have their vehicle, they had done this before, it was tried and true. I do not think they are stupid enough to go into that bush , everyone knows its a death trap for many reasons. If they are holed up in town, they have not been found yet. If they gave their names to a stranger who helped them, and posed for the store cam, then yes, they are looking for their 15 mins.Using Occams razor theory , you draw the straightest line, They were taken by someone or themselves out of there, survivalists know better than to try and beat those odds. Remember when they ditched the RAV, there was no warrant.They headed back west ,back to multiple back roads , dirt roads, highways, not one road... This would be logical from the map. I think they are in their own back yard, or close.
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Just how much news about themselves would these guys be getting realistically? Wasn’t it four days before the original killing was announced? The most likely news source would be if they kept tuning the radio to different stations as they travelled. After four days of non relevant news, would they be as vigilant? When would they most likely have discovered they were wanted? That they said their names in Cold Lake suggests they weren’t aware they were in the news.
I think they are oblivious to the news and are pressing on with their mission. I think they are only interested in what they observe LE to be doing and how to evade them.
I agree. Kidnapped someone, or even killed someone and have learned now that leaving someone on the side of the road is leaving a trail. I also agree about torching the RAV4, it wasn't necessary, they easily could have driven it or even pushed it into the bush and it would have been well hidden.

I want to welcome you and all our new Canadian members to Websleuths! As well as other new members that have joined to follow :) I have been here for years, and it's different to be discussing area's that are so close to home. Canada is such a large country and it's nice to see that we are able to share some of what our great country has to offer and just how beautiful it is (when not searching for 2 murderers). I know it's renewed my interest in travelling up North and across country, we have so much to see!
Opinions - I think they torched that RAV4 on purpose. That got rid of that known to LE vehicle, and just look at the show that is going on hunting them in Gillam and area now, because of torching it near there...... I also think they are long gone, laying low, and watching the show for a while. ...... They will strike again somewhere else in time......moo
I think KM and BS are still alive and out of town, still on the move, but IF they are dead, I do not believe it is from suicides. For those of you who believe that they have committed suicide, I am curious as to why you believe that. As I stated earlier, I don't think they have the balls to, but I think if they did kill themselves, it would only be as the last resort, once they are pinned down and about to be taken...and I don't see the situation being close to that yet. Why would they kill themselves at this point?

I have no theory as to what happened to them but 50% chance they're dead if I had to guess.

The suicide theory is no better or worse than any other IMO.

Bryer's dad said they would go out in a blaze of glory. They know they've been ID'd and are wanted for murder. They know they've murdered. I don't think they're stupid. They know their lives are over. So why not suicide?

A few of these murderous spree type teams have been determined not to be taken alive and to have suicide be the last act.
My original thought was that if I was in their shoes, I would hijack an RV travelling with out of province, or even better out of country plates. Kidnap the occupants and make an escape. Pretty easy to hide in plain sight on Canada’s hiways in the summer in a motorhome. Also provides good shelter and is not conspicuous.

After a little more thought on the theory that they had another vehicle before they torched the RAV4, the MSM timeline states that the area they found the burning car was 70km from Gillam. And the MSM photos shows it still in flames.

If they had a backup vehicle, wouldn’t LE or the guy who spotted the smoke, or whoever took the photo of the burning SUV have met them on the 70km of what I assume is logging/mining road? It’s a dead end road, and google earth doesn’t really show any turnoffs etc. Anyone know this road? It seems like a very long distance without running into someone. Was it dusty that day? Dust on a logging road lingers for a while. Even if the suspects spotted a vehicle first and quickly turned off onto a side road, their dust would still be visible.

LE has good reason to suspect they’re still in the area. Especially if they now have the military involved. How’d these guys escape that burning SUV area unnoticed?

Hope they’re caught soon.

I don't have a link, but maybe someone else does. I do believe it was reported that the guy that saw the smoke, it took him 45 minutes to find where it was coming from. So that would mean from the time they torched it, they had minimum 45 minutes to drive away if they had another vehicle.

Does someone know where I can find that? It was either in an article or a FB/twitter post?

ETA: Welcome to Websleuths :)
Your question is an excellent one IMO!

I am shocked as a non Canadian that local citizens would be satisfied with stale info that is 4 days old and press briefings from RCMP that share no actionable information to keep people safe. In most countries citizens would be in an uproar over this type of treatment from law enforcement that is charged with keeping citizens safe.

I know RCMP has a reputation of always getting their man/person but the level of information provided by RCMP communications staff since this situation started hasn't really been designed IMO to keep citizens aware or at all safe. Even the press in Canada has been passive IMO on the topic of information sharing. We saw these 2 suspects traverse through 3 provinces without a peep really to alert the locals that danger was in their midst. Will we next see the 2 perps walking around Times Square in NYC wearing I love NY tees?

I understand placing trust in law enforcement but I guess I'm not seeing RCMP providing the citizens of Canada much actionable data other than to stay alert and report anything you see. I realize the area involved in enormous but I truly find it hard to believe with the resources available that better information cannot be provided to the locals to keep them safe.


Our First Nations people have been asking these questions for years and getting no answers. This might be a turning point. This time it involves citizens of other countries, the son of a police chief, a professor, a beautiful white woman. And unfortunately it has landed in a First Nations community again.
i'm getting mixed messages from various articles as to whether or not LE believes they are still in the Gillam area, or if they received assistance from a 3rd party in getting out...frustrating
I think the mixed messages are an accurate representation of the situation at this time. The police aren’t entirely sure either.
The twitter report in which a person claimed to have seen one young white man near Gillam hitch hiking is intriguing. The person of course didn't identify the young man as McLeod or Schmegelsky only that it was odd to see a solitary young white guy in a remote mostly first nations area. To my mind it does reveal other plausible scenarios in which a new vehicle is the goal, so one of them hitch hikes with the intent of carjacking, while the other follows in the rav4....
I also feel that claim was intriguing. I feel like if that is true and if it were one of the suspects, one hitchhiker limping playing on sympathy getting picked up and a second in the bush rushing the driver, they could have kidnapped someone, gained a vehicle, killed the driver, dumped the body and could be back in BC, or wherever. If the person had no family etc, who knows where they could be.
All of that is possible, but why go through ALL this trouble just to hang out in someone's basement? Not to be crude, but what's the fun in that for these guys (other than the ongoing manhunt). Everything just seems like A LOT of trouble to go through just to hideaway in someone's basement. But, who knows?
Why are we so determined to think any of this was for 'fun'? The picture that is being painted of two ridilin addicted gamers trying to take out whoever they can as they cross the country because they hate the world may not be the correct version. We don't know what exactly happened in BC or more importantly why.
There's no way these guys are able to evade the RCMP for almost a week on their own. This isn't a movie. The only way they torch their car is because there's another. With no sign of them stealing a vehicle, it means they are using one or riding in one with permission. No further sightings and with them probably having no more money means they are holed up someplace. Probably someplace comfortable. This would most likely mean they are being housed by the same person that helped them get away from Gillam.

I'm not convinced that someone is helping them or they are hiding out in the a basement. But I do think it's quite possible that they got another vehicle, and if they did anything to that person, they could also have bank cards, credit cards, so are not necessarily out of money. This goes back to the dang "tap" they have on most bank cards now. As long as it's under $100 per transaction, no PIN needed.

ETA: Again.... Welcome to Websleuths! :)
I think the mixed messages are an accurate representation of the situation at this time. The police aren’t entirely sure either.

I absolutely agree.

They’ve said it’s possible they have left, but the continued law enforcement and military presence is an indication that might not be the case.

It certainly appears that they just aren’t sure.
That’s kind of my point with the Manitoba Hydro presence. If it wasn’t for Hydro would they have gone to this effort? With that said tho the residents should be able to say that RCMP did do their jobs. And hopefully all of the residents feel a sense of security over abandonment.

The "T" word. Dambusters.
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