CANADA - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #7

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I believe the sighting was real. However even if the persons were not these two teens they still haven’t caught anyone that ran into the bush.

This is true.

It blows my mind that they have evaded LE for this length of time in such conditions. I’ve never been to Canada but this past week I’ve researched and learned a lot! It’s very vast and intense countryside they are dealing with. I’d liken it to the Aussie Outback - but swampier!

There is obviously a bunch of information being kept from the public (and rightfully so), but sheesh - I wish we did know more about what’s happening.
So the suspects have about a 13-14 hour headstart on LE as of sunup this morning.

Seems LE could pinpoint how far they could travel at night and on foot. Put a general
perimeter around them and focus within.

Drones, dogs and helicopters w/ tech help
will probably get 'em today.
Gotta go check the wind there today.
I tend to agree. Why would they risk being out in the day and around houses- I have a feeling it was not them
Do we know for a fact that there are homes
around the community dump?
I picture it out by itself.
Also they may be aware that most bears will
come out at night when people aren't around.
Bears in my area tend to raid garbage cans
at night and if really still hungry they may
still be wandering late morning, especially if
there are hungry cubs w/ mama.
I think the dumpster sighting has all but been confirmed due to the population size, everyone is essentially known. This was most certainly strange behavior. If it was someone from the town they would have probably have been ID’d by now. Obviously sighted by multiple people at the same time strengthens the case here, if it was one person sighting then I’d have doubts.

Sun is now up. Great day for flying it seems. Let’s get this over and done with. They are last seen 13/14hrs ago. Very limited capacity to move overnight such long distances so a couple of hours daylight. Can’t have moved too far.
Can someone update me with theories on how they travelled the 200kms from Gillam to York Landing?
  1. Catch a lift or walk the road to Split Lake, then catch the ferry from Split Lake to York Landing (there is no road access).
  2. Walk the bush, possibly along the hydro line if an adequate track has been carved under it for maintenance access (we can't see the ground there to confirm the condition of it). The hydro line crosses over roughly where they dumped the car, and passes south of Gillam and just south of York Landing. This distance is shorter, but rougher. See post #820 for graphics.
  3. ?
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It is hard to tell how long they have been in York Landing. Lots of scenarios. I believe they burnt the Rav4 to destroy evidence but also believing that it would not be traced back to its owner. Just chill out in the area and eventually make their way back to more populated centres. I think the plan was to go dark. Not sure from then on but they may have even hold up in a house that was unoccupied for a bit and once they realised that the search was close or closing in, hit the bush roads and paths. I think they went via a combination of rail line and power line cutting tracks and ended up in York Landing. Maybe set up camp nearby and raided the tip to find things that might help them do that.. lay low and wait it out. All just my opinion.
I can't believe I got up this morning, and posted something about how the manhunt would only be a few hours at the most. And that being after I posted the night before fearing that the suspects may never be found. Can't think of any other case that was this much of a rollercoaster. These poor families would be going through emotions that they never even knew existed.
What if this was a joint effort Between rcmp and BC to set a trap for the two. As much as I don’t think the two boys have been in Gillam, I think it’s possible that by taking the pressure off Gillam or appearing to might force the boys to make a move meanwhile rcmp are positioned for check mate. There’s a few things that lead me to this.

The fact it was the BC that offered the tip. I think having them involved would go a long way with the community if this ended up being a rouse.

York Landing is extremely small and should be easier to clear and resume the search in Gillam should the attempt not work.

The fact they’re still out there. We know there was at least one helicopter there shortly after they were spotted, with what they’ve endured in the past 5 days surely the search would have had a much better starting point if they were in fact seen even before it would have been grounded due to wind.

Other smaller things make me wonder if this tip was wrong either by accident or design.
This is what I am worried about.

How can LE be so hot on their tails and not find them today?! It’s wild.

UNLESS... the sighting was mistaken.

The other option is dense wilderness and needle in a haystack.

Do they have heat seeking drones? At the time they were able to deploy them to effect, how much time had passed between the time the two were last sighted and the time the drones went up? Were they able to zone in on the right area?

I mean we see multiple cases of adults and children who aren't found for days and want to be found. Look at Amanda Ehler for example. 19 days of searching with thermal equipment, helicopters, dogs, etc.

So why can't these two successfully hide? Isn't that a massively huge expanse of wilderness?
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