Canada - Lucas Fowler, Chynna Deese, and Leonard Dyck, all murdered, Alaska Hwy, BC, Jul 2019 #9

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I'm new here, live in Southern Ontario.
There was a warning put out by the Sudbury OPP yesterday to keep an eye out, not sure if anyone has seen it. A lot of people locally feel they are already in Ontario, probably for a few days already. Anyone have any thoughts? These sightings in Gillam and York Landing have proven to be false alarms, since YL is 4 hours south west of Gilliam, why would they back track? There are a lot of places to hide all over Manitoba, Obviously but perhaps they are here and at camp grounds? There isn't much going on via the news here that I've seen and maybe that is helping them get around here?. That is assuming they haven't already either killed themselves or died via other means *exposure, animal etc*
Just thoughts. As I said I'm new here.

Welcome to Websleuths Diezelmonster!
Actually, this is interesting. The house surrounded is in the Pas, MB. Just down the highway from Gillam. Google Maps

That is interesting and thanks for the map.

I see the driving distance from there to Gillam is about 7 hours and Google maps shows an alternate "transit" icon that shows it would take 18 hours by transit. So maybe they had two options to get there if that is them in that house.
Which, by vehicle, is an overnight trip. Something they have already done. Not saying its them, balance says it isn't, but the snark is strong... :rolleyes:

I’ve spent time in both communities. The smilie face is there because, if you know the area, saying that The Pas is “just down the highway” from Gillam elicits a smile, that’s all. It’s the opposite of snark. For all I know, you live in Jamaica and, like many people here, are having trouble with the distances. It’s a very long, major drive on what are not the world’s greatest roads.
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That is interesting and thanks for the map.

I see the driving distance from there to Gillam is about 7 hours and Google maps shows an alternate "transit" icon that shows it would take 18 hours by transit. So maybe they had two options to get there if that is them in that house.

Like I said, on a balance of probabilities it is not. However, if they have a GPS they could be in any number of bush towns:
1. Ilford; or
2. Kelsey;

Even to get back to the highway would be a two-ish day ruck around the lake, following the shoreline. That is more than doable. People are surprisingly resilient when required to be. If they have a bag of rice, jerky, etc they could do that. The Nelson is a fast river - water is more than fine to drink.
So my take on things is, as B's father suggested, he is on a "suicide mission". I believe this will be (if it hasn't already) the end result for the 2 of them. They are millenials, hailing from a pulp mill town (where limited jobs like clerks at Walmart don't appeal to them). They for-see no real future for themselves and B, in particular, has expressed violent scenarios to acquaintances. Not sure if they really intended to go to Whitehorse (some references mention Alberta) to look for work. I rather think they wanted to travel somewhere less inhabited to carry out killings (for the fantasy, thrill, experience) of it and stall LE in the wake. All for the notoriety of it, knowing it would captivate an entire country (and others). They will not let themselves be captured. There is no way they would let themselves go to prison. This entire thing is just another "game", to leave everyone guessing. They want it that way so the puzzle will never be solved and people will speculate for quite some time. They got way more than 15 minutes of fame already!

I lean strongly toward your POV. It is supported by what is now quite a string of millenial-murderers from similar situations or backgrounds. Relative deprivation is real. They may not have started out consciously intending to suicide by police, but it must surely be on their menu of options at this point (as opposed to ending it alone in the woods - although I can think of scenarios where they might make that decision).

Which option will make them more legendary? Many a human has decided on a course of action that was life-ending, with a view to being remembered, being famous, being a legend. These two have shown ability to take on multiple personae within games, always seeking to "win" or at least, be known within the game.

If they're in the process of starvation, and prison seems worse than death, they need to show up with their weapons to get their suicide by police in Canada, it seems to me. As time goes on, death by misadventure while trying to accomplish this is a real possibility.
I lean strongly toward your POV. It is supported by what is now quite a string of millenial-murderers from similar situations or backgrounds. Relative deprivation is real. They may not have started out consciously intending to suicide by police, but it must surely be on their menu of options at this point (as opposed to ending it alone in the woods - although I can think of scenarios where they might make that decision).

Which option will make them more legendary? Many a human has decided on a course of action that was life-ending, with a view to being remembered, being famous, being a legend. These two have shown ability to take on multiple personae within games, always seeking to "win" or at least, be known within the game.

If they're in the process of starvation, and prison seems worse than death, they need to show up with their weapons to get their suicide by police in Canada, it seems to me. As time goes on, death by misadventure while trying to accomplish this is a real possibility.

It takes a long time to starve. About three weeks. For a fit kid, a bit longer - even while expending calories moving. As an example, ranger selection (rasp) limits candidates to ~1500 calories a day - all while performing air assault and mountain ops over two months.
No one was seen at the dump.

Danielle McMaster is a search volunteer with Bear Clan Patrol in York Landing - confirms one of the men spotted by her group of volunteers was wearing a camouflage shirt, like teen suspect Bryer Schmegelsky.

Alexis Daish (@LexiDaish) | Twitter

Later a police spokesperson said, "Our officers on the ground have not made contact with the individuals, and so we are not yet in a position to confirm that these are the wanted suspects".

I saw the search volunteer interviewed on TV and she said the men were seen at the dump.
Interesting that you mention that. In northern Alberta, there was a problem with freemen-on-the-land taking over trappers' cabins and traplines in 2013. I guess that is one kind of person who is not sympathetic to the police.

I am not sure about trapping for First Nations, but there is a trapping season for everyone else, and the best furs are from the coldest weather.

All year round for Treaty but must be for social, food or ceremonial.
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