GUILTY Canada - Noelle Paquette, 27, Sarnia, Ont, 31 Dec 2012 - #1

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Oh not saying they won't go by the book or solve it. Just that they will be very tight lipped about it. They usually are.

Sorry CdnCat - I wasn't directing my response at you:blushing: Guess I was just thinking 'out loud'!
I am slightly sickened that the IdleNoMore movement is being dragged into this awful tragety in the Paquette family. Considering the movement is about humanitarian/environmental causes (among other things) and wherein a woman from a northern First Nations territory is currently on Day 24 of a Hunger Strike. Yes, Day 24....

You really think this movement could be connected to murdering a young life? I suppose anything is possible... I'm sickened.

Guess we should be fortunate that no one went missing from the Niagara Falls New Year's Eve celebration, as IdleNOMore was there as well.

Hey no offence intended. I brought it up originally. I know what the cause is for. My friend was there protesting.
As for the flow of info, or lack there of, maybe this is do to the fact that Noelle's sister is LE. All the more reason to 'go by the book' so to speak. It's also like it's one of their own, so they will want every i & t dotted and crossed.


Plus it is also not an ordinary investigation, as it is shared between the Sarnia Police and the Lambton OPP.
We are not panicking but we are concerned. In regards to how she would have attempted to have made that walk home. She would have continued going south on the road she was on. She would never have gone south east, as that would take her way out of her destination. The area beyond where she was last seen is not what I would call well lit and I have had some trouble seeing stuff around there at night time.
It was a very cold night, Speculation, is that this was someone who may have offered her a ride after seeing her, and maybe she took it, being so cold out, realizing how far it was really to walk.
No one thinks at this point, that this might have been someone known to her and until any information comes out to tell us otherwise, most of us around me , feel this was not a person known to her.
My heart goes out to this young lady's family and friends as this is a horrific outcome.

Thank you for the welcome. I have perused this site on many occasions, especially during the Tori Stafford Case which was another case that really broke our hearts and
was only a few hours from here.
We are not panicking but we are concerned. In regards to how she would have attempted to have made that walk home. She would have continued going south on the road she was on. She would never have gone south east, as that would take her way out of her destination. The area beyond where she was last seen is not what I would call well lit and I have had some trouble seeing stuff around there at night time.
It was a very cold night, Speculation, is that this was someone who may have offered her a ride after seeing her, and maybe she took it, being so cold out, realizing how far it was really to walk.
No one thinks at this point, that this might have been someone known to her and until any information comes out to tell us otherwise, most of us around me , feel this was not a person known to her.
My heart goes out to this young lady's family and friends as this is a horrific outcome.

Thank you for the welcome. I have perused this site on many occasions, especially during the Tori Stafford Case which was another case that really broke our hearts and
was only a few hours from here.

About how many bars are in this area? I know in another small city, all the bars are in the same vicinity. After last call, the patrons spill out to the streets and the area is very busy with everyone trying to catch a cab. Seeing that it was NYE around last call time, I wonder how many people saw her. Taxis would have been quite busy taking people home. Someone must have seen her, hopefully they remember her and have called LE.
What kind of "friends" would allow her to walk into the night alone. IF, indeed that is what happened. I have my doubts.
Where she was discovered tells me one person involved is local. New Years downtown Sarnia at 2:30 ish. Who's around? Taxi drivers? Partiers? JMO

Or police officers, firemen, rescue personnel. Pretty much anyone who would've been out patrolling that night.
What kind of "friends" would allow her to walk into the night alone. IF, indeed that is what happened. I have my doubts.

Ouch!!! Im sure they are having an extremly difficult time with this.
Christina street itself is not very populated with much. There is not a huge variety of stuff going on , especially in the winter down there. There are some bars but really , in my experience , most of us play uptown when we go out. Or further east bound. Sarnias downtown has been never been much of go to spot for as long as I've been here. I could see Christina street being pretty quiet even on NYE. There are some other bars on the parallel road , Front street. That would might have more people there, but patrons spilling out, would be on another road and most of those are above wellington.

I wanted to add this, below Wellington and heading south bound on Christina street there are pretty much nothing but houses, some daytime businesses as well and there are two areas that could have had anyone sitting in a parked vehicle not to far from the intersection. If someone wanted to sit it out and wait to see if someone came by alone.. it would be dark enough to do, not get noticed .. and the parking area is quite deep , and the businesses would have been closed.

I could show you on a map but i do not know how to link those. Sorry
Not sure if this helps, but this is what the area looks like just south of Wellington on Christina.

For those asking about the IdleNoMore protest. It was relatively close by but definitely not where Noelle would have walked to and absolutely not where the protestors could see anyone walking down Vidal Street which is the path she would have taken. The street she would have walked down to get to Courtright is an industrial area that has a chemical refinery next to it. And in all honesty, the path from the party location to this main street (Vidal Street) is pretty sketchy.
What kind of "friends" would allow her to walk into the night alone. IF, indeed that is what happened. I have my doubts.


Honestly though, this is one of the big differences I've found between small city/town Canada and my travels in the US. Te majority of people I know here, wouldn't think twice about this in a place like Sarnia. One of the main cities, MAYBE dependingon the area, but really no one would ever think twice, sober or not(unless violently intoxicated/sick).

Honestly though, this is one of the big differences I've found between small city/town Canada and my travels in the US. Te majority of people I know here, wouldn't think twice about this in a place like Sarnia. One of the main cities, MAYBE dependingon the area, but really no one would ever think twice, sober or not(unless violently intoxicated/sick).

It was NYE afterall, a night when friends get together, cabs are next to impossible to get at the time you want to go home. Designated drivers are hard to come by on a night like this. My friends would have done the same, we all live in different directions, no cabs or a DD available when you want to go walk, it is safer than a friend who has had a few drinks drive you home.
Im guessing that NP and her friends have all walked home like this before and it was no big deal. Now after this tragedy happened, I cannot imagine how her friends are feeling. This is not their fault!!!!!!!
It was NYE afterall, a night when friends get together, cabs are next to impossible to get at the time you want to go home. Designated drivers are hard to come by on a night like this. My friends would have done the same, we all live in different directions, no cabs or a DD available when you want to go walk, it is safer than a friend who has had a few drinks drive you home.
Im guessing that NP and her friends have all walked home like this before and it was no big deal. Now after this tragedy happened, I cannot imagine how her friends are feeling. This is not their fault!!!!!!!

It is very much out of the ordinary for a woman to walk home from Sarnia to Courtright at anytime, let alone after 2 AM. The walk would easily be 2-3 hours. If someone were to do this they would probably hitchhike. It's common to see a lot of hitchhikers on this route.

But I highly doubt that this was something she's done before. She doesn't appear to be a hitchhiker type considering that she's in her late twenties, a good job (teacher) and apparently has lots of friends and a stable family. She would probably never need to hitch hike. So I don't think it would be right to suggest that her friends would think it's okay that she walked or hitchhiked home.

With that said, I have no idea how many friends she was with and who or why any of them didn't make sure she got home safe. I'm sure they are all having a hard time dealing with that right now.
Especially considering her father is a retired BPA and I think I saw her aunt is LE. That said, I am hopeful that answers will be found quickly.

:wagon: Emms Mum. :welcome:

I don't know what the vibe is in Sarnia, but, I am shocked at the lack of information thus far. Is there a sense of the citizens being panicked, or do they think it was not a random act?

What is the general sense of what happened to poor Noelle? :(

Hi, new here. Have been lurking awhile.

I don't live in Sarnia anymore but still have family there and went to the same highschool as Noelle (but am a few years older, I do not know her but was familiar with the family, as they go to my parent's church).

I wasn't too shocked at the lack of information in the media, neither were my parents - it's not that uncommon for the local police to be diligent and discrete in the information they gather and release (in my experience - even in London, which is a much bigger city, I don't find that we get an over-abundance of details when a crime occurs).

As for panic - my parents don't seem too panicked, just angry and sad. I've actually rarely seen my mom so angry. This is an uncommon occurrence for the community. My mom is always worried about her (adult) kids, but even more now she is worried about us (especially myself as I am her only daughter) and is just super upset at the idea of what the Paquettes are going through. My dad just finds the whole thing terrible and awful - a senseless loss of life. I'm traveling to Europe in the near future and she is now even more worried about that, even though I plan to be in daily contact. I have a friend from highschool who is still a good friend to this day and her parents also still live in the Sarnia area. After this happened her mother asked her to please call EVERY DAY before bed so that she'd know everything was ok. My friend thought this was a bit overboard and respectfully declined.

I originally signed onto the message board to respond to the question about the photo at the corner of Petrolia Line and Mandaumin Road - but someone already beat me to it and did a much better job than I would have, anyway.

I'm pretty upset about this whole thing and just really hope they solve it in a timely manner.

*EDIT* - as a newbie, I am wondering what "LE" is short for?
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