GUILTY Canada - Noelle Paquette, 27, Sarnia, Ont, 31 Dec 2012 - #4

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Even with the publication ban, there is very little anyone can discuss that would be outside of speculation, or theory in this case as there has been literally almost nothing reported. We do not even have the COD.

I do think that this trial will be moved to another city.. think London might be out too, maybe Windsor.

I do not care where they move it though, if the defendants get a fair trial then there is very little reason for them to appeal the verdict.. though even MR got a fair trial, and the evidence with his co accused was overwhelming.. he has appealed.
Waste of taxpayers money in my opinion.

His cell will be not be cleared out any time soon , as that appeal will fail IMOO
And there is a cell waiting for MM between MR and PB if there is a conviction.
IMO there LE likely has an abundant case.

I have read people mention a few times about MM being put in with PB and MR. I am thinking this might not be something guaranteed. I have a family member that committed a horrible kidnapping and murder and he was put away for 25 years. He was NEVER in horrible conditions and is for sure with the general public inmates at times (I know this because he used to get beat up). He has access to phoning family (collect), reads, watches tv, gets visitors, receives mail etc. This all happened in Alberta, so maybe things are different there, but I do know it isn't guaranteed that they are sent to the deep, dark gallows somewhere.
I felt compelled to put down some of my thoughts and post them here.
I hope they make sense to those of you who take the time to read them.

On Wednesday last, after I dropped some books off at the Sarnia library, I then walked along Christina Street to the Bayside Mall entrance at Lochiel Street, where I had some business to attend to.

Whilst walking along that downtown street, I could not help but be aware that I was passing along the same route, albeit in reverse, that Noelle Paquette was reported to have taken, on the early hours of January 1st, after she left the New Year’s Eve party that, it has been said, she attended.

The mixture of emotions and questions that kept running through my head, as I walked along, all seemed so jumbled up. The where, the why? The anger…… mixed in with disbelief,( I guess, because my mind wanted to shut this horror out) that such an unbelievably evil situation, had been spawned somewhere along this very route I was now traveling?
So many questions sprang into my mind that will probably never be fully answered?

So many “What ifs”… the… ”If onlys”…. and that ever present thought that has been in my head, since the story unfolded…. “Why?”
I felt a great sadness as I walked along, and that feeling, I believe is shared by the other citizens of this normally ‘normal’ little city, people who like myself are in shock and disbelief that such a thing could take place in our community.

This is the street, where on warm Friday evenings in summer, the folks of this city stop and chat with old friends they meet, as they wander through the weekly Art-Walk displays and share in lighthearted fun.
This too is where the annual Santa Claus parade delights the children, their parents and grand-parents of our city, as it passes along with the colourful floats, filled with beaming children, who are eagerly waving at their friends and families. A time for the citizenry, who are usually bundled up and stamp their feet against the cold night air, as they enjoy the brightly lit parade vehicles and listen to and watch the marching bands blare out their joyful seasonal tunes.

And along this, the old downtown main street, is where the Royal Canadian Legion members, the Veterans, Police service, Fire services, the local Militia members, Military Cadets Little Brownies and Girl Guides, Boy Scouts, Cubs and Beavers, along with the many wreath carriers who in the annual Remembrance Day Parade, march solemnly to the Cenotaph in honour of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the benefit of their fellow citizens.

It is so very sad that this part of our town will be remembered as the area where a more sinister event started out.

I post these thoughts to honour the memory of Noelle Paquette, a young woman whom I never met but I admire and respect, for all the selfless deeds that she carried out during her short life time, all of which show an ultimate concern, for the wefare of the children and adults she came in contact with and for the love for her family, whom she obviously cared for so very much.
No cant be NP's case. Way too soon and I cant see it being held in Sarnia. If Sarnia Courthouse didn't have security before it's good it's in place now. best not to wait for something to happen. IMO What other upcoming case is in Sarnia?

I think the Craig Short case is coming up for retrial very soon. The extra security may be for that. It also may be that MM and TB will be appearing in person on January 31. Do any of our legal wise posters know if that would happen? Or would all appearances be video until the prelim, etc.?
I felt compelled to put down some of my thoughts and post them here.
I hope they make sense to those of you who take the time to read them.

Whilst walking along that downtown street, I could not help but be aware that I was passing along the same route, albeit in reverse, that Noelle Paquette was reported to have taken, on the early hours of January 1st, after she left the New Year’s Eve party that, it has been said, she attended.

So many “What ifs”… the… ”If onlys”…. and that ever present thought that has been in my head, since the story unfolded…. “Why?”
I felt a great sadness as I walked along, and that feeling, I believe is shared by the other citizens of this normally ‘normal’ little city, people who like myself are in shock and disbelief that such a thing could take place in our community.

I post these thoughts to honour the memory of Noelle Paquette, a young woman whom I never met but I admire and respect, for all the selfless deeds that she carried out during her short life time, all of which show an ultimate concern, for the wefare of the children and adults she came in contact with and for the love for her family, whom she obviously cared for so very much.

I edited your post down to respond.
I too can't help but wonder why, why did she chance walking alone that night. I'm not putting any blame on her, but I wonder if it's because I have been living in two big cities since moving away from Sarnia over 15yrs ago, that I am more leery of the people, places and activites around me at night. I wonder if I had stayed in Sarnia with less exposure to the crime and violence that takes place in the cities I have been living in maybe I wouldn't think twice about doing the same thing she did. Sarnia wasn't a scary place to grow up but I do think living there, growing up there, you are somewhat naive to the possibilities of these things happening, or at least happening to you. I don't know if it's the changing times in general or if I just have a different view on the violence of people from big city living or maybe both. I can't imagine anyone will be able to take the last know path Noelle took and not think of her, I have so many memories of DT Christina street but I'm sure the next time I'm home and driving that way she'll be the first thing on my mind :(
I have read people mention a few times about MM being put in with PB and MR. I am thinking this might not be something guaranteed. I have a family member that committed a horrible kidnapping and murder and he was put away for 25 years. He was NEVER in horrible conditions and is for sure with the general public inmates at times (I know this because he used to get beat up). He has access to phoning family (collect), reads, watches tv, gets visitors, receives mail etc. This all happened in Alberta, so maybe things are different there, but I do know it isn't guaranteed that they are sent to the deep, dark gallows somewhere.

Agree. Altho we would like to see him there lol. Kingston is slated to close. I'll find a link as to when. All prisoners will be dispersed to other Prisons. No new prison for Kingston. I would think by the time this gets to trial Kingston will be closed. I'll look that up and come back with a link. IMO
I think the Craig Short case is coming up for retrial very soon. The extra security may be for that. It also may be that MM and TB will be appearing in person on January 31. Do any of our legal wise posters know if that would happen? Or would all appearances be video until the prelim, etc.?

I think you are right, I read about that trial starting soon again, I'll have a look around for a link. That's another crazy one I don't know if that one is posted on here or not but now there is a tricky one. I'm not sure if there is a PB on that case thou.
I think the Craig Short case is coming up for retrial very soon. The extra security may be for that. It also may be that MM and TB will be appearing in person on January 31. Do any of our legal wise posters know if that would happen? Or would all appearances be video until the prelim, etc.?

Thanks for the info. Agree. I believe i misunderstood the post. Poster didn't mean for Jury selection in this case but merely Court Appearances. I don't know for sure but it is cost efficient for the accused to appear by video early in. No transportation/security costs involved. IMO
I have read people mention a few times about MM being put in with PB and MR. I am thinking this might not be something guaranteed. I have a family member that committed a horrible kidnapping and murder and he was put away for 25 years. He was NEVER in horrible conditions and is for sure with the general public inmates at times (I know this because he used to get beat up). He has access to phoning family (collect), reads, watches tv, gets visitors, receives mail etc. This all happened in Alberta, so maybe things are different there, but I do know it isn't guaranteed that they are sent to the deep, dark gallows somewhere.

Protective Custody in Ontario is in Kingston Penitentiary. There is no other facility at this point to keep these people. There is a general population for protective custody but that is probably not going to be the case for MM if convicted. So in all likelihood, this will be between PB and MR *which is little tongue in cheek obviously* where MM will likely have to go to, for his own safety. General population is not for people who Kidnap, Murder and have deviant sexual things in mind when doing such crimes.

I cannot speak to Alberta.

All my posts are my opinion
I felt compelled to put down some of my thoughts and post them here.
I hope they make sense to those of you who take the time to read them.

On Wednesday last, after I dropped some books off at the Sarnia library, I then walked along Christina Street to the Bayside Mall entrance at Lochiel Street, where I had some business to attend to.

Whilst walking along that downtown street, I could not help but be aware that I was passing along the same route, albeit in reverse, that Noelle Paquette was reported to have taken, on the early hours of January 1st, after she left the New Year’s Eve party that, it has been said, she attended.

The mixture of emotions and questions that kept running through my head, as I walked along, all seemed so jumbled up. The where, the why? The anger…… mixed in with disbelief,( I guess, because my mind wanted to shut this horror out) that such an unbelievably evil situation, had been spawned somewhere along this very route I was now traveling?
So many questions sprang into my mind that will probably never be fully answered?

So many “What ifs”… the… ”If onlys”…. and that ever present thought that has been in my head, since the story unfolded…. “Why?”
I felt a great sadness as I walked along, and that feeling, I believe is shared by the other citizens of this normally ‘normal’ little city, people who like myself are in shock and disbelief that such a thing could take place in our community.

This is the street, where on warm Friday evenings in summer, the folks of this city stop and chat with old friends they meet, as they wander through the weekly Art-Walk displays and share in lighthearted fun.
This too is where the annual Santa Claus parade delights the children, their parents and grand-parents of our city, as it passes along with the colourful floats, filled with beaming children, who are eagerly waving at their friends and families. A time for the citizenry, who are usually bundled up and stamp their feet against the cold night air, as they enjoy the brightly lit parade vehicles and listen to and watch the marching bands blare out their joyful seasonal tunes.

And along this, the old downtown main street, is where the Royal Canadian Legion members, the Veterans, Police service, Fire services, the local Militia members, Military Cadets Little Brownies and Girl Guides, Boy Scouts, Cubs and Beavers, along with the many wreath carriers who in the annual Remembrance Day Parade, march solemnly to the Cenotaph in honour of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for the benefit of their fellow citizens.

I post these thoughts to honour the memory of Noelle Paquette, a young woman whom I never met but I admire and respect, for all the selfless deeds that she carried out during her short life time, all of which show an ultimate concern, for the wefare of the children and adults she came in contact with and for the love for her family, whom she obviously cared for so very much.

Thank You for such a lovely and heartfelt post. It is surreal in small town Canada that evil does exist. Here. Hard to wrap your head around. I guess in light of recent horrific crimes we have to be a little more diligent in keeping ourselves safe.
I think the Craig Short case is coming up for retrial very soon. The extra security may be for that. It also may be that MM and TB will be appearing in person on January 31. Do any of our legal wise posters know if that would happen? Or would all appearances be video until the prelim, etc.?

Every time I have been to the courthouse in the past year ( I have been there on several occasions due to a divorce and custody battle) there has been metal detectors. I doubt those will come down ever, but I may be wrong.. but in light of the bomb threat called in back in July I don't foresee Sarnia Courthouse changing security practices unless its to tighten it up more.

Unless, every time I have attended court they put up Metal Detector just for me :floorlaugh: , I'm assuming they are always there now.
Protective Custody in Ontario is in Kingston Penitentiary. There is no other facility at this point to keep these people

i believe millhaven has a special needs/protective custody unit... saw it on a tour back in the 90s... probably where PB will be housed when kingston closes...
I know I've noticed a lot more weirdos in town since this happened and I live in weirdo alley! Lots of cops too, like way more than normal it is like the city is crawling with them. It is like the entire city is on high alert just does not feel like the same town at all.

I, personally, haven't noticed anymore weirdos than normal but I agree with the different feel around town. I walk the dog twice a day and it is always in the dark at this time of year since the daylight hours are so short. Anyway, I've passed three women walking alone (or with kids) since the murder and they all crossed the street as we approached each other. The dog is a cute, friendly little guy that usually attracts attention and I don't consider myself a particularly intimidating guy but I can understand how they might feel these days.

As for the extra cops, there was a ride program set up on Indian road a couple of nights ago around eight o'clock. I was thinking that it was to ensure city residents of a strong police presence as much as stopping drunk drivers.
i believe millhaven has a special needs/protective custody unit... saw it on a tour back in the 90s... probably where PB will be housed when kingston closes...

Aren't they also building a new "super jail" down around Windsor? I imagine a new facility would be fully equipped.
This is just my opinion but I think that when some people start to delve into taboo, deviant behavior (whether sexual or not), over time they become desensitized to it, it becomes boring and they feel the need to keep taking things to the next level in order to get the same thrill, and what they crave simply escalates and it takes more and more to satisfy them.

Call me an old prude but I am not into fetishes or BDSM and I would never get involved with anyone who was. I think it's really unhealthy, or a sign of someone having really deep-seated issues, if they get a thrill out of things like humiliating, dominance/submission, torture, pain, sexual violence and surely the things that TB and MM were into. I can't help but feel that people who are into these things, there is something "off" with them - emotionally, psychologically, mentally. I just don't get it, how any of this can be in any way appealing. Take rape fantasies for instance ....... there are so many good people in this world whose lives are forever changed from being the victim of rape, it's heartbreaking..........and for someone to essentially get off on this, it's just so screwed up.

I wonder if people like TB and MM are people with very addictive personalities......and over time they need more and more of something in order to get the same thrill and they constantly need to step things up to recreate the thrill? These people, IMO, are extremely dangerous because who knows how far they will take things.

You have no idea how much I personally agree with this. I never judge people out loud that I know who are into it but inside I just don't agree. When that 50 grey book came out I was outraged. I got defensive at people who loved the book! I would get loud and say that isn't right maybe the author should write a book about the poor girls life AFTER he's done with her. So degrading. I got courious after months of people RAVING about it. I red one page of the book in the middle while in the book store and thought yup this is not right!!

I remember being a teenager and back then it was so easy to have fake ID. We all did it and there were bars who didn't really care as long as you had it. Usually the dingy bars anyways we all go out one night for a show. Not knowing what we were getting into what did they have but a Dom. Stripping guys down to their underwater and whipping them. One guy she pierced him right there in stage and suspended him. I was like omg this is entertainment ??? I was actually told to stop being a prude and its just a show well it's not my type of sh**s and giggles.

the city is full of drugs!!! IMO but unfortunately most places are now..... :twocents:

Sarnia does have a high volume of drugs. It's not my thing but my uncle was home around x mas time. Lets just say he's pretty tied into that lifestyle. He told me that many many people he knows from Windsor, London and Toronto go and deal there bc the drugs are work 2 to 3 times more. And with the crap economy people need to make a quick buck. Hearing this makes me sooo greatfull for my job because who knows what some people would resort to to put food on the table. I'd sooner go to labor ready myself but that's just me. I don't find any need to live any type of high risk lifestyle. And I feel sorry for my uncle who was abandoned by my grandparents and the only love he could find was from where e feels he belongs. You get my drift...
I have a question regarding MM that isn't directly related to this case so, I assume, it should be OK despite the publication ban. For anyone who looked closely at his FB page, do you remember when the picture of him wearing the black hoodie with white lettering on the left shoulder was posted? I'm interested to know if it was posted around the time of the attempted abduction for which he met the description of the perp?
Aren't they also building a new "super jail" down around Windsor? I imagine a new facility would be fully equipped.

Due to Kingston Pen being slated for closure, they will be rehousing these inmates in another facility. I have heard some news about Windsor but I do not know if that is where they are planning to send the most serious offenders.
The special needs of PB and RF are higher then the regular protective custody. They cannot be housed even in a population of protective custody. I know of no protective custody at Milhaven that houses this type of criminal.

A super jail sounds like a good place to start though.

It is also possible they will be sent out of province to somewhere else.

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