CANADA - shooter in RCMP vehicle and uniform, 23 killed - Portapique, NS *suspect dead*

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Sad to think that he just wanted to kill anyone whom he came upon :9. Do you think that he may have wanted to die in a "suicide by cop" scenario? He sure was giving the police more reasons to shoot him when they came upon him, he must have known he couldn't get away with such a dastardly deed. He was a madman through and through. Glad he's dead ( Sadly that won't bring his victims back) and not going to serve time in prison with 3 square meals a day. JMO

Once his initial targets were killed( likely people he had some kind of previous contact with) he then appears to just had wanted to cause as much chaos and carnage as possible. Whether he had planned to be killed or commit suicide himself, we will likely never know. One thing for sure, he needed to be stopped and stopped quickly bc the longer it went the more lives that were going to be taken.
Sad to think that he just wanted to kill anyone whom he came upon :9. Do you think that he may have wanted to die in a "suicide by cop" scenario? He sure was giving the police more reasons to shoot him when they came upon him, he must have known he couldn't get away with such a dastardly deed. He was a madman through and through. Glad he's dead ( Sadly that won't bring his victims back) and not going to serve time in prison with 3 square meals a day. JMO
He might have been going for an ultimate end of suicide by cop. I wonder if he made provisions to survive after this ordeal, or was the plan to keep killing until stopped? Was he in the midst of trying to get out of town, or was in still in the midst of killing?

I hadn't thought about that and now I'm curious.

He might have been going for an ultimate end of suicide by cop. I wonder if he made provisions to survive after this ordeal, or was the plan to keep killing until stopped? Was he in the midst of trying to get out of town, or was in still in the midst of killing?

I hadn't thought about that and now I'm curious.


I do wonder if any of these nutcases ever expect to get caught, captured or killed or do they think they’re so brilliant that they’ll escape detection because they’re smarter than police? In this case I do think GW thought he’d get away with it and outwit police by masquerading as one of their own and murdering all witnesses.

If the RCMP hadn’t discovered his identity early on, just imagine the total havoc that would be happening just now - A Killer Cop in their midst.
Isn't it unusual for a killer to sustain such a great amount of rage over such a long period of time? I'm wondering if initially he intended to kill only a few known-to-him victims, and then got such a rush and feeling of power that he continued killing. In other words, his initial motive of revenge fuelled by rage, turned to killing just for the thrill of it.
I can't imagine not reporting a neighbour who had a look-alike RCMP vehicle. If police were aware if it and did nothing, that's even worse. I suppose some of those rural people in Nova Scotia are so trusting and innocent that it makes them quite gullible and vulnerable to a bad guy? I grew up in a farming community, but have lived in a big city for 32 years now, and have seen the difference.
Is there anyone local? I'm wondering if there is a small cemetery on Portapique Beach Road? I think that's the location my grandma/aunt/uncle are buried. They lived one road over and I spent several summers there but it's been a long time and just wondering if I am remembering the correct location of the cemetery.
Yes the cemetery is on Portapique Beach Road.My hubby letters monuments in cemeteries and has been here.
I can't imagine not reporting a neighbour who had a look-alike RCMP vehicle. If police were aware if it and did nothing, that's even worse. I suppose some of those rural people in Nova Scotia are so trusting and innocent that it makes them quite gullible and vulnerable to a bad guy? I grew up in a farming community, but have lived in a big city for 32 years now, and have seen the difference.

I might be confused but wasn’t it reported the decommissioned vehicles were parked at his business in Dartmouth, which also contains a residence/garage...with the gigantic lips on the outside of the building. He owned property at Portapique but I’m not sure he lived there year round. It could’ve been used by him as recreational property. There’s so many articles to dig through, does anyone know where he officially resided or if he lived year round in just one location because I haven’t noticed if it’s been confirmed.
Isn't it unusual for a killer to sustain such a great amount of rage over such a long period of time? I'm wondering if initially he intended to kill only a few known-to-him victims, and then got such a rush and feeling of power that he continued killing. In other words, his initial motive of revenge fuelled by rage, turned to killing just for the thrill of it.
I find it very strange that he sustained the spree for so long. I think you might be right that he intended a few targets but since he wasn't stopped, just kept going even if that wasn't his original intention. Perhaps the random killings were like an F.U. to law enforcement, a sick mockery that LE wasn't up to the task of stopping a mastermind like him? So sad for the innocents.

Remember the father-son in USA who shot people from their car - didn't that go on for days, though not at the rate of GW's killings, IIRC?

I find it very strange that he sustained the spree for so long. I think you might be right that he intended a few targets but since he wasn't stopped, just kept going even if that wasn't his original intention. Perhaps the random killings were like an F.U. to law enforcement, a sick mockery that LE wasn't up to the task of stopping a mastermind like him? So sad for the innocents.

Remember the father-son in USA who shot people from their car - didn't that go on for days, though not at the rate of GW's killings, IIRC?

It’s a pretty remote area enforcement-wise. I think he was high on the power trip of murder.
Isn't it unusual for a killer to sustain such a great amount of rage over such a long period of time? I'm wondering if initially he intended to kill only a few known-to-him victims, and then got such a rush and feeling of power that he continued killing. In other words, his initial motive of revenge fuelled by rage, turned to killing just for the thrill of it.

Good thinking. I suspect that his plan, such as it was, included being shot and killed by police. But the strategy of the replica car, uniform, then setting fires, switching cars, etc., suggests to me that the plan was to keep going as long as he could in order to cause maximum damage.

In this sense he reminds me a bit of spree killers like Mark Hobson in the UK. An initial plan that becomes something more random and less coherent as casualties mount, Adrenalin/stimulants fade and fatigue sets in.

But I really hate thinking about this bas***d, it makes me immensely angry and sad, especially as someone in earshot of the Montreal massacre as a kid. I would love to see him erased from the historical record. But it never seems to happen that way.
Yes I’m rather reluctant to blame his actions on the virus except perhaps it gave him time to reflect on his personal misery and as you say, it then became an opportunity to maximize the pain he inflicted on so many. Alcohol abuse may have also been a factor in his downward spiral.

“Neighbours told The Globe and Mail that Mr. Wortman was known to struggle with alcohol use.....”
Nova Scotia mass shooter was a denturist with an obsession for policing

Just reflecting.....this horrible tragedy gives me even greater appreciation when reading about the various acts of genuine kindness by ordinary people that are occurring on a daily basis, in addition of course to the devoted efforts of our health care workers.

He was solely responsible for his downward path... yet he gave no choice at all to his victims and that’s as despicable as it gets IMO

I haven’t see much yet about how serious or ongoing his alcohol abuse was, but I do have a gut feeling it contributed to all of this horror. He had plenty of time to be sitting home drinking and brooding, and building the resentments to this astounding level.

Will there be a toxicology screen on his body? I would like to know those results?
I haven’t see much yet about how serious or ongoing his alcohol abuse was, but I do have a gut feeling it contributed to all of this horror. He had plenty of time to be sitting home drinking and brooding, and building the resentments to this astounding level.

Will there be a toxicology screen on his body? I would like to know those results?

Completely agree that the addiction (if there was any- has this been confirmed or just hearsay by neighbours?) was an element.

I work as a clinical counsellor and in my experience all substance use/dependency stems from something. It’s a coping tool, management strategy, trauma response at first which, with alcohol anyway, eventually can also alter the brain in some pretty significant and non repairable ways. This is the reason why some can drink or use substances and not have an issue or dependency, and others can’t. I believe the last statistic I read was that only 10% of those that experiment/try substances will go on to develop substance use dependency.

I often use a BPSS model (biological, psychological, Social, and spiritual) to understand substance dependency in my clients. In almost all cases something is not working for the client in one or often more of these areas. And all these areas interact with one another. Be it a chemical imbalance (Biological) in the brain (ie lower serotonin leading to anxiety), a poor social support system (social), learned responses to trauma/perceived injustices, a diagnosis of anxiety/depression /personality disorders etc (psychological), or a perceived sense of failure/ lack of belonging to a sense of purpose (spiritual- doesn’t mean for everyone religion). All these are just examples. The make-up of the why of addiction is different for everybody.

anyhow, I’m rambling away. This is all to say, if substance dependency was present with GW, then there likely were other mental health/trauma/social issues present as well.
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