Canada - Sina Parsi, 32, found murdered, Toronto, Ont, 9 June 2015 - *Arrests*

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DNA Solves

It may be a false hope , but if she was not directly involved in the murder , has had a hot bath , something to eat , a good sleep , and is now free of the controlling clutches of CM .... maybe that gives her reason to smile.

Maybe she has a sense of relief now that it is over. Somehow I cant see her being a cold blooded sociopath , but I have been wrong before.


But yesterday Patterson said she was a willing participant. Somehow she was involved and part of the murder. I don't know if it was direct, but Patterson seemed to be very confident in saying she was a participant. I don't know about being a sociopath but I think both of these individuals are into drugs and possibly drug addicts. Many times people who are addicted to drugs have particular behaviours, and show a lack of taking ownership for their actions. Thats what I have seen over and over again in my work in addictions & mental health. In my group therapy with women from prison we had a group just about consequences at first many of them tried to justify their crimes and some would even laugh as they told their stories, but eventually towards the end of the program they started to take ownership and that was always powerful to see.

It may be a false hope , but if she was not directly involved in the murder , has had a hot bath , something to eat , a good sleep , and is now free of the controlling clutches of CM .... maybe that gives her reason to smile.

Maybe she has a sense of relief now that it is over. Somehow I cant see her being a cold blooded sociopath , but I have been wrong before.


LE would not charge her with 1st degree murder if she was not culpable and directly involved in the murder. What a waste of my tax dollars to pay for her comfort in jail (sigh).
This is first time I am posting here. I was following everything day by day here. I am distance friend of Sina Parsi. I am really happy that two suspecte were cought this morning. I read so many things here and what might happend that night of murder. Some say it was sex some say it was drug and some say he was going to buy something from them. I don't know what happend that night and I really like to know what happend myself. But this is what I know. Base on all news media coverage and base on what I heard from Roya on news and what I knew when I put everything together something was not add up. It's very strange sina that time of night go somewhere way out of his way and not tell his wife if he was going to buy equipment for his work. In news when he was still missing Roya said in news that I don't know what he was doing here way out of his way and its strange. She said police told me that he withdraw $400 from ATM and he walked back and passed his truck and went toward wooded area and never came back. And later there was news that someone tried to get money from his account. I also knew that night Sina wife was not at home and he was alone. So base on hearing he was way out of his way and not texting his wife or calling and letting her know and he was alone that night and withdraw money $400 and later we heard Sina knew Saberina trough her work then I thought he was there for sex secretly with saberina and something went wrong and they killed and robed him. But now that doesn't make sense for me now because we all saw Sina walked to apartment with both of them. Drugs don't make sense for me eighter bc Sina was clean. So don't know why he was there and what was his connection with them. I just hope soon we all know the truth of what happens and new and media follow the story and update us.
marianne boucher und 2 weitere folgen
Tammie Sutherland ‏@citytammie 8 Std.Vor 8 Stunden
Firefighters arrive at Finch courts. alarm goes off & court evacuated just before bail hearing for #SabrinaAndClyde

She (Roya) had to wait most of the afternoon, through someone else’s bail hearing and then a prolonged fire alarm, but then at last, the moment she dreaded, the moment she had come for. The two suspects wanted for her husband’s murder were brought in separately: first was Clyde Marshall, 36, tall and thin, sporting a goatee and tattoos on his right forearm and dressed in a prison-issue orange jumpsuit. He said only his name as he was remanded in custody and told that he could have no contact with his co-accused, Sabrina Chouart, 27.

And as quickly as his handcuffs had been taken off, they were locked back on and he was led out of the prisoner’s box. Next came his girlfriend, wearing a white jumpsuit and a smirk that seemed to suggest that being arrested for first-degree murder was all a big joke.

She (Roya) had to wait most of the afternoon, through someone else’s bail hearing and then a prolonged fire alarm, but then at last, the moment she dreaded, the moment she had come for. The two suspects wanted for her husband’s murder were brought in separately: first was Clyde Marshall, 36, tall and thin, sporting a goatee and tattoos on his right forearm and dressed in a prison-issue orange jumpsuit. He said only his name as he was remanded in custody and told that he could have no contact with his co-accused, Sabrina Chouart, 27.

And as quickly as his handcuffs had been taken off, they were locked back on and he was led out of the prisoner’s box. Next came his girlfriend, wearing a white jumpsuit and a smirk that seemed to suggest that being arrested for first-degree murder was all a big joke.

That must have been so difficult for RP, she is a strong woman to be able to come to court and face these individuals. I am happy that her employer is very supportive and empathetic to her as she is living through this nightmare. SC is definitely making it worse for herself by behaving this way. Maybe she is getting off on all of the attention, maybe she is trying to put an outward tough attitude. She was visibly crying at the apartment in that one video, maybe that did have more to do with letting go of her dog as someone on this thread mentioned. Anyhow my thoughts are with RP and I can't imagine how horrific it all has been for her.

She (Roya) had to wait most of the afternoon, through someone else’s bail hearing and then a prolonged fire alarm, but then at last, the moment she dreaded, the moment she had come for. The two suspects wanted for her husband’s murder were brought in separately: first was Clyde Marshall, 36, tall and thin, sporting a goatee and tattoos on his right forearm and dressed in a prison-issue orange jumpsuit. He said only his name as he was remanded in custody and told that he could have no contact with his co-accused, Sabrina Chouart, 27.

And as quickly as his handcuffs had been taken off, they were locked back on and he was led out of the prisoner’s box. Next came his girlfriend, wearing a white jumpsuit and a smirk that seemed to suggest that being arrested for first-degree murder was all a big joke.


A goatee requires some level of "grooming" does it not? I wonder where they have been staying?

Sabrina Chouart, Clyde Marshall charged in Sina Parsi homicide
Sina Parsi's widow calls her slain husband a 'wonderful man' outside court

Video at link shows the apt door with "Beware of Dog" sign on it. The reporter also states that SC's father is expected to be picking up the dog from the animal shelter and taking it home with him to Quebec.
The pair appeared briefly in a Toronto court this afternoon, and are set to return by video link on July 3.
Just wondering about that park or "wooded area". I wonder if it is a place where drug dealers or prostitutes commonly hang out? If it was known for this, possibly SP went there looking to score but with no firm plan to hook up with CM or SC. This would explain why he left his truck where he did and also the time that elapsed before he was videotaped walking in to that apartment.

So he goes there looking for drugs, randomly meets CM and SC and tells them he's looking to score. They see an opportunity and invite him up to their apartment.

To me this is the only scenario that makes any kind of sense, but it relies on that park having a reputation as being a hotbed for dealers. Anybody know?

Also, an earlier post suggested that RP was not home that night, is there any truth to that?

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This is first time I am posting here. I was following everything day by day here. I am distance friend of Sina Parsi. I am really happy that two suspecte were cought this morning. I read so many things here and what might happend that night of murder. Some say it was sex some say it was drug and some say he was going to buy something from them. I don't know what happend that night and I really like to know what happend myself. But this is what I know. Base on all news media coverage and base on what I heard from Roya on news and what I knew when I put everything together something was not add up. It's very strange sina that time of night go somewhere way out of his way and not tell his wife if he was going to buy equipment for his work. In news when he was still missing Roya said in news that I don't know what he was doing here way out of his way and its strange. She said police told me that he withdraw $400 from ATM and he walked back and passed his truck and went toward wooded area and never came back. And later there was news that someone tried to get money from his account. I also knew that night Sina wife was not at home and he was alone. So base on hearing he was way out of his way and not texting his wife or calling and letting her know and he was alone that night and withdraw money $400 and later we heard Sina knew Saberina trough her work then I thought he was there for sex secretly with saberina and something went wrong and they killed and robed him. But now that doesn't make sense for me now because we all saw Sina walked to apartment with both of them. Drugs don't make sense for me eighter bc Sina was clean. So don't know why he was there and what was his connection with them. I just hope soon we all know the truth of what happens and new and media follow the story and update us.

Thanks Smasher for joining the discussion here at WebSleuths.
Unfortunately the answers may not come out for years as inmost cases there will be a publication ban on this case.

For me, it doesn't really matter what Sina was there for, he has been murdered. If he was there for sex, drugs buying equipment or other, he did not deserve to be murdered.

I do have a question for you though, you say Sina was clean. What do you mean by that?
In the addiction world, clean usually means that at one point a person was not clean. People say the term clean and sober, is that what you mean?
So Clyde carved himself out a goatee while on the run? Hope it hurt. JMO
Wth is going on with Ontario?

Seriously - how many other "murdering couples" are brewing out there?

It makes me sick to my stomach.

Victoria Stafford

Noelle Paquette

Timothy Bosma

Sina Parsi

All recent Ontario victims of freakshow, murdering couples and friends.

Clearly there is a new breed of monsters.
Thanks Smasher for joining the discussion here at WebSleuths.
Unfortunately the answers may not come out for years as inmost cases there will be a publication ban on this case.

For me, it doesn't really matter what Sina was there for, he has been murdered. If he was there for sex, drugs buying equipment or other, he did not deserve to be murdered.

I do have a question for you though, you say Sina was clean. What do you mean by that?
In the addiction world, clean usually means that at one point a person was not clean. People say the term clean and sober, is that what you mean?

What I mean by clean is he never was in drug and he was very healthy sport man and he loved soccer. He was family man. He never did any drugs or he never doing any drugs deals whatsoever. At least that how family and friend knew him. Again that night Roya was not home. She was at her mom house because roya mom did eye sergury and she went to her mom house to look and care for her. That night after soccer game Roya keep calling Sina but Sina phone is off and not answering the phone. Later roya find out based on what police told her that when she was calling him and his phone was off or blockb and goes to voicemail he was spotted on camera that he parked his car and walked toward bank and withdraw $400 and came back and passed his truck and went to wooded area. And latter we see from apartment camera that Sina is walking in with 2 of them. So for sure something was fishy about Sina behavior that night and he was up to something that was not like him. Whatever he was doing he was doing secretly. I don't think it was about sex because when there is another guy with Sabrina and walking together all 3 of them it is absolutely no way it was about sex. So sex is out of the way. Now drugs, Sina was not in drug and he never did any drugs and he is healthy sport guy and that doesn't make sense unless if something happen to Sina that no one knew and it was his first time going after drug. But even if it was his first time he would never alone that time of night go inside with drug dealers. Police said he might new Sabrina through her job. So if that is true then maybe it was little comfort for him to trust and go with them.
The area their apt is in is, has a lot of crime, drugs and prostitution. There's a couple of buildings in the area that are known for that.
Now I know they have not released the COD, wouldn't be surprised if it's drug related.

All speculation on my part☺
I agree, it does not matter what he was there for, he did not deserve to be murdered. I am not sure there is point in speculating further, although if it was a random event that anyone could have been the victim of (i.e. a kijiji lure) then I believe the public should be made aware of that. Beyond that - sex, drugs, whatever, I think it is in the better interest of RP that those details remain private. I have to think there was some sort of text conversation on his cell phone that led up to that meeting and the police know more than they can say.
I see a lot of people assuming SP wouldn't be an addict based on how he looked. I've known some addicts that people would hve no clue they were spending 600 weekly on oxy pills. Professionals that have it all and slowly are losing it all.
We never know what demons someone struggles with.
Not saying SP is into drugs. We just don't know. Jmo

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I see a lot of people assuming SP wouldn't be an addict based on how he looked. I've known some addicts that people would hve no clue they were spending 600 weekly on oxy pills. Professionals that have it all and slowly are losing it all.
We never know what demons someone struggles with.
Not saying SP is into drugs. We just don't know. Jmo

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I agree.

I was going to ask, did SP have a surgery in the last few years... Because for me and countless others that's how addiction begins. It is not known to friends or family, it's an inside job and can stay like that for years, until at some point life spirals completely out of control. By the grace of god, I had a moment of clarity, got help and have been in recovery (clean and sober) for a few years, but so many others don't get it and some never do...

I am not saying SP was anything if these things, just trying to point out that you can be an athlete, business person and family member and still be addict and be a good person, for a while anyway...

I would like to know why SP was there that night, however I have to 'let it go' and know that this poor man with demons or without, is gone.

RIP Sina Parsi

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