Canada - Sina Parsi, 32, found murdered, Toronto, Ont, 9 June 2015 - *Arrests*

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Here is another thought about the latest video. SP had been playing soccer until about 10:15. In the video shot at 12:15 he seems to be dressed in jeans, a collared shirt, and sandals. This is not something I would expect someone who had just played soccer to be wearing. Most people would simply throw on a pair of sneakers and drive home, at the very most they might throw on a pair of sweat pants. So did he go home and shower then change in to casual clothes? If not, where and when did he change? The more I think about this case the more I feel that SP had a "while the cat's away, the mouse will play" moment.

As to this being a premeditated act, notice how jovial CM appears to be, engaging the victim in conversation. In contrast, SC looks very uncomfortable. She doesn't look at SP, and she keeps her arms in her pockets and has the demeanour of a nervous person. Whatever is going on, CM seems to be the ringleader and is anxious to get the group upstairs.

As far as drugs are concerned, I'm really having a problem seeing this guy as a drug user. Generally people around even casual users are aware of it. As Smasher said SP was clean, and we've heard nothing from anybody that he even liked to smoke the odd joint, I'm finding it hard to believe that he would suddenly need to go out in the middle of the night to cop some drugs. I honestly think that his wife being out for the night gave him the opportunity to try some kind of taboo sexual encounter. It is more common than you think that there will be a man in the apartment during these kinds of encounters simply because it is unsafe for a woman to be alone. Maybe they get to the apartment, SC and SP go in to a bedroom while CM waits in another room. Maybe SP gets too rough or maybe SC has second thoughts. Maybe CM enters the room and quickly stabs SP. All MOO but would SP actually get dressed up to meet a drug dealer?

Hmm that was first thing that I thought might happens and was sex related and that's why police are careful what they say to public. But when I saw CM was with them made me think twice. I don't know anything about these stuff and don't know if it is commen or not. But if you say this is commen thing then you might be right about this. Drug buying does not make sense to me. Also the police said Sina knew Sabrina through her job. Did not said he knew CM as well. They referring Sabrina job. What job they were referring too? Escort job perhaps? We also know he parked his car in front of Tim Horton, was Sabrina used to work there?
Also we don't know when police found Sina body if he had any cloths on or where his body was found, in bathroom, kitchen, living room, bedroom? Also I noticed Sina had watch on his hand and more likely his wedding ring, we don't know when police discovered his body if his watch and ring was on him still?
I was following this case for the first little while but am so far behind. I am so relieved LE have arrested the two suspects finally. Now for justice.

Just a thought...has anyone suspected CM may have applied for a job with SP's business? Has anyone heard what CM did for a living or his employment/work background? Did he work maybe a day or a few for him and it didn't work out? SP let him go perhaps? Did they plan to meet up so SP could pay him cash for those day(s) of work, not wanting to put it on his books kwim? Was CM bitter about SP letting him go as an employee? Did CM have tools belonging to SP in his apartment he was going to give back, inviting him there to lure him in? MOO.
I assumed they meant the Tim Horton's job. She worked at TH at St. Clair and Runnymede, not the one on Jane St. I know when my husband worked in construction in Toronto, every morning all the workers would hang out at Tim Horton's for a half hour before starting their day. I wondered if SP did the same and that is how he knew her.

I agree, he may have been stabbed, that would have caused less of a commotion to be noticed by neighbors.
SP leaving the game early makes me think he got a call or text from one of them and then he left to meet them. They took his phone or destroyed it IMO but LE has the info they need from his account. JMO
I didn't get the impression SP was playing soccer, but that he was watching it. I could be totally wrong though! Do you have an MS link that says he was playing soccer?
I always was under the impression he was playing soccer too but just recently I have read somewhere (or heard on TV report) he was watching a soccer game and left yes which is the true fact?

I always understood he was at a soccer game with his buddies , not playing in one.
I always was under the impression he was playing soccer too but just recently I have read somewhere (or heard on TV report) he was watching a soccer game and left yes which is the true fact?

He was playing soccer because they said what he was wearing when went missing and also said he might have extra shirt and changed. I also heard from family member he was playing soccer.
I wonder if he waited somewhere a bit to meet them since he only entered the building after midnight?
A couple things to add.

-Someone earlier in the thread was asking about the dog, apparently Sabrina's father is going to Toronto to get the dog and the dog will live with him in Quebec now. "Martial will come to Toronto to pick up the dog, and it will live with him in Quebec." Source:

-Clyde and Chouart met when she was working at a Tim Horton's in OTTAWA. They must have moved to Toronto after they'd been dating awhile, had apparently only lived at the Woolner Rd. apt complex for somewhere between 1 and 2 years (depending on the news source). "Chouart said Marshall is his daughter's boyfriend. Police say he's from New Brunswick, but Chouart said Sabrina met him when she worked at a Tim Hortons restaurant near a homeless shelter in Ottawa." Source:

-My two cents for why Parsi was there: A lot of middle eastern "clean cut" seeming immigrants in Canada smoke marijuana. You would not assume this just by looking at them, they look like clean, law abiding, well adjusted, normal, functional citizens. I have to agree with an earlier poster that he was probably just going to buy some marijuana. Maybe he met Sabrina at Tim Horton's, they got to talking, she said she knew where he could score a good deal on some pot. Marijuana isn't that "sketchy" of a drug, but clearly from the way he parked his car super far away and was apprehensive to be seen in the vicinity means this was probably something fairly new for him, he was like an amateur pot buyer looking to get some weed in bulk for personal consumption or to share with his buddies. Honestly, pot isn't that big a deal in Canada, it was probably just a random drug deal gone horribly wrong. Either they didn't actually have marijuana and baited him there to rob him (perhaps he fought back and somehow got himself killed), or they did have marijuana for sale, and some type of argument ensued that angered Clyde enough to stab him to death. I think it's as simple as a pot or fake pot deal gone wrong and the fact that they left their apartment so quickly with minimal pre preparation leads me to believe it was not really a premeditated murder, but possibly a premeditated robbery.
p.s. they're total idiots for going shopping in a Wal Mart with a countrywide man hunt going on.
I don't think the murder was planned. I think CM flew into a rage for some reason. If it was planned, they may be the dumbest criminals ever.
....just thinking out loud here, LE seemed very confident in the presser that SC was "willing participant" along with CM, hence the 1st degree murder charge (premeditated/planned)....someone brought up the buying a gun theory which I thought was interesting given the amount of money he withdrew, still don't think it was sex, late night, looks nervous in video, imo he wanted to complete this transaction and quickly be on his way JMO
Yes, I agree that Sina looked nervous in the video.
I think Sabrina lured him via some plot with her boyfriend and she texted or called him. JMO
....just thinking out loud here, LE seemed very confident in the presser that SC was "willing participant" along with CM, hence the 1st degree murder charge (premeditated/planned)....someone brought up the buying a gun theory which I thought was interesting given the amount of money he withdrew, still don't think it was sex, late night, looks nervous in video, imo he wanted to complete this transaction and quickly be on his way JMO

First degree can also mean confinement. I assume this would include not being able to leave the apartment?
Sorry if it's been mentioned already.

1. What floor did these 2 live on in the apartment?

2. Have roof repairs been made in their building lately?

3. Has it been said if SP used Kijiji to either a) advertise his services and/or b) buy things
He was playing soccer because they said what he was wearing when went missing and also said he might have extra shirt and changed. I also heard from family member he was playing soccer.
He left the soccer game he was PLAYING in?

I thought he was watching.

That puts a bit of a different spin on this.

curious to how this all goes down with the two accused in custody, I'm sure LE will play games with each of them regarding statements and their stories of sequence of events, and if they turn on each other, one would think LE learned their lesson 20yrs ago with plea bargains ala Karla homolka
SP may have left the soccer game early, thereby missing his usual coffee with the guys after the game, because he could do what he needed to do and still get him on time, not causing any suspicion to his wife.


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