Found Deceased Canada - Thelma Krull, 58, Winnipeg MB, 11 July 2015

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I don't know about tthe part I bolded. They stated a few times early on that they were stumped and had no idea what happened. At first I thought they were bluffing, but now I don't think that. WPS, in my opinion, is more reactive than proactive so I personally am not going to assume that they are doing anything more than following up on any tips that seem credible. (I hope I am wrong.)

Fair enough, but I wasn't really suggesting they knew too much more than they've indicated, just that they're likely considering a much larger area than just the Toboggan Hill area. I think it would be foolish just to narrow down the focus there, although it's obviously an area of considerable interest of course.
This notice was posted on Thelma Krull's Missing FB page and not in the local newspapers $20,000.00 Reward.

Reward for information leading to the return of Thelma Krull is currently over $20, 000

The reward is composed of:

• $5,000.00 originally pledged by the ATU (Amalgamated Transit Union) Local 1505
• $5,000.00 pledged by the ATU International
• $5,000.00 pledged by family and friends
• Over $5,000.00 raised by fellow transit employees and friends during “Whistle for Thelma” fundraiser

Whistles are still available for purchase and all net proceeds are added to the reward until current stock has run out.

They are available for purchase at the following locations:
• Home Run Sports, 20 De la Seigneurie Blvd
• Millennium Library Transit Service Centre, 251 Donald St
• ATU 1505 office, 275 Broadway

THIS WEEKEND (September 19 & 20) at 305-1750 Plessis Rd. Tim Hortons 10-3 pm whistles, bracelets and bumper stickers will be available.

If not dispersed as a reward; the net proceeds raised by the sale of the safety whistles, will be donated in Thelma’s name to Child Find Manitoba on the one year anniversary of Thelma’s disappearance.

“No one should disappear silently!”
"Reward for information leading to the return of Thelma Krull" - Do they think she was abducted and someone knows who has her?

If someone from the search party finds Thelma's remains, will this person collect the reward money or will it be shared amongst the group? What if a civilian finds her body, will they get the reward money? If an employee working for WPS's river patrol squad finds her, are they eligible?
Thelma Krull search: Reward for information reaches $20K

Lisa Besser said she hopes the award will provide an incentive to anyone who may have seen Krull on July 11 or may have any information about her whereabouts. Anyone with information about Krull is asked to call police.

ETA: Krull's husband, Robert Krull, has been a bus driver for Winnipeg Transit since 2007.
Every Thursday ‘The Winnipeg Supershopper’ is delivered to our doorstep which contains fliers from local retailers. When I picked it up this morning, I noticed Thelma’s face at the bottom left-hand corner of the front page. The small ad says, ‘Missing from the EK area since July 11th. Please contact Missing Persons with ANY INFO. Get your Purple Ribbons at Dynasty.’

Lots of hikers die on the WCT and I doubt it’s possible to find and recover all the bodies. Every hiker knows this could happen to them before they go so Thelma knew this could happen to her if she went. She was to leave her life behind her and hike the WCT in one month’s time but on Saturday morning, July 11th , "Female hiker is missing and their body has not been found." The WCT reminds me of the show 'Fear Factor'.

I wonder if Thelma was truly happy working at SPIKE? On her LinkedIn page she said she was involved in proposal writing, fundraising initiatives, website management, managing projects and budgets /finances for the organization and clients and this is very demanding, difficult and high stress job. She probably took her work home with her everyday.

I checked the employment opportunities link on SPIKE’S website and they don’t mention salary or benefits for residential support workers in their ads so I doubt they offer them to their employees. I doubt SPIKE offers their employees a pension plan like the City of Winnipeg does. Thelma’s job title at SPIKE was administrative assistant but she was really performing the duties of an Executive Assistant whose salary starts at $40-45K per year with benefits. Many administrative secretaries are paid under $15 but deserve much more. Some work for minimum wage even though they are well trained and paid for the course themselves. Some are in debt when they begin their career because they have to pay their student loan each month. Thelma likely paid for the administrative assistant course she took at Robertson College out of her own pocket. She worked at SPIKE for 4 years.

Thelma likely depended on Robert’s employer to pay for her dental care, glasses, and extended health care benefits through Blue Cross or some other insurance company.
However, I highly doubt Robert's benefits would pay for corrective eye surgery for Thelma and an insurance company likely won't cover a hiker who chooses to hike the WCT.

The Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1505 President John Callahan says there were 41 reported assaults to Winnipeg Transit drivers in 2015 so far, already above the 39 incidents last year.

And as a maintenance backlog revealed last week forces riders to cope with fewer buses on the road, the union expects rising frustration will place drivers at even greater risk.

Callahan said that’s because assaults tend to occur during the busiest transit periods, which are now expected to be more frequent as the city catches up on repairs for roughly 100 of its 585 buses.

“Approximately 90% of the assaults are because of fare discrepancies” said Callahan.

A previous plan to add two police cadets to city buses in September 2014, which would be cheaper than devoting full officers, wasn’t fulfilled because a cadet class was postponed after the Winnipeg Police Service couldn’t attract enough qualified applicants.

Councilor Brian Mayes, (St. Vital), who has long pushed for investments in Transit safety, said police officers might be able to board buses on so-called “overlap days” without breaking the city budget.

“Occasionally you have more people on a shift than you normally would so putting them on bus patrol has been kicked around for a couple of months now.”
Every Thursday ‘The Winnipeg Supershopper’ is delivered to our doorstep which contains fliers from local retailers. When I picked it up this morning, I noticed Thelma’s face at the bottom left-hand corner of the front page. The small ad says, ‘Missing from the EK area since July 11th. Please contact Missing Persons with ANY INFO. Get your Purple Ribbons at Dynasty.’

Lots of hikers die on the WCT and I doubt it’s possible to find and recover all the bodies. Every hiker knows this could happen to them before they go so Thelma knew this could happen to her if she went. She was to leave her life behind her and hike the WCT in one month’s time but on Saturday morning, July 11th , "Female hiker is missing and their body has not been found." The WCT reminds me of the show 'Fear Factor'.

I wonder if Thelma was truly happy working at SPIKE? On her LinkedIn page she said she was involved in proposal writing, fundraising initiatives, website management, managing projects and budgets /finances for the organization and clients and this is very demanding, difficult and high stress job. She probably took her work home with her everyday.

I checked the employment opportunities link on SPIKE’S website and they don’t mention salary or benefits for residential support workers in their ads so I doubt they offer them to their employees. I doubt SPIKE offers their employees a pension plan like the City of Winnipeg does. Thelma’s job title at SPIKE was administrative assistant but she was really performing the duties of an Executive Assistant whose salary starts at $40-45K per year with benefits. Many administrative secretaries are paid under $15 but deserve much more. Some work for minimum wage even though they are well trained and paid for the course themselves. Some are in debt when they begin their career because they have to pay their student loan each month. Thelma likely paid for the administrative assistant course she took at Robertson College out of her own pocket. She worked at SPIKE for 4 years.

Thelma likely depended on Robert’s employer to pay for her dental care, glasses, and extended health care benefits through Blue Cross or some other insurance company.
However, I highly doubt Robert's benefits would pay for corrective eye surgery for Thelma and an insurance company likely won't cover a hiker who chooses to hike the WCT.

Crosby - I have done the WCT and while it's not for beginners it's no fear factor! And I don't think "lots of hikers die", in fact I can't recall hearing of any deaths on the WCT or unrecovered bodies. I can't imagine fear of the hike would play into Thelma's disappearance if that's what you are suggesting...
Crosby - I have done the WCT and while it's not for beginners it's no fear factor! And I don't think "lots of hikers die", in fact I can't recall hearing of any deaths on the WCT or unrecovered bodies. I can't imagine fear of the hike would play into Thelma's disappearance if that's what you are suggesting...

Yes, I think the fear of hiking the WCT could very well have played into Thelma’s disappearance. Maybe the WCT isn’t ’Fear Factor’ for you because you have a lot of backpacking experience and you are in excellent physical and mental health. A person who hiked the West Coast Trail stated in his list of considerations that hikers have died on the WCT and due to the high amount of accidents and injuries that occur every year, I believe him. If the public knew how many hikers died there, businesses would suffer, so Parks Canada’s websites says you must be prepared for accidents and injuries and then leave it up to you to decide whether you should go or stay home. Because hikers cross gullies on fallen trees, climb 50 ladders, experience heavy fog and strong winds, etc. I doubt all the bodies that fall are recovered. Because of the breath-taking scenery, some people probably choose to end their lives there. Discussing the risks involved including the possibility you might die there with your family members before you go is imperative imo.

Two websites on the WCT say it is one of the most grueling hikes in North America and careful preparation and planning is required. After they list the major hazards, they ask each individual if they have any doubts about walking the trail, and doubts are the same as fears aren’t they? They also posted a MUST SEE video on the hazards and after reading and watching the videos, I do have very strong doubts and fears so I will never walk this trail. If I didn’t pay attention to my doubts and agreed to go anyway, knowing I could have a fatal accident and die there would be very hard on myself and family.

There is nothing that confirms that by July, 2015, Thelma had done everything she needed to do and was prepared to leave in less than a month's time for the West Coast. Friday evening Thelma and her husband planned to go to CT the following day, and apparently they didn’t discuss her trip or what she may have needed to purchase for it. Thelma may very well been upset knowing she could go to the WCT and never return and her family didn’t do or say anything to stop her.
I couldn't understand why Thelma wanted to hike the WCT and Robert Sr said she agreed to hike the WCT with her older brother Bill Theriault because it was a charity event. Was she raising funds for this event too?

“She had been walking long distances to get ready for a week-long charity hiking event being held BC in September. Before Thelma disappeared, she was training for a seven-day hike with her older brother, Bill Therriault, on the West Coast Trail in British Columbia.

"She's been trying to get herself in shape to do it, and then this," said Thelma’s brother, Bill Therriault, who traveled to Winnipeg from Penticton, B.C. to help with the search.
Last Wednesday, a small search party combed through the massive field that extends towards Transcona behind Krull’s Harbourview South home.

Bill and Robin McCausland (husband & wife) and Sandra Jurkovic and Brenda Gates (mother & daughter) began searching for Thelma on Saturday, July 11th, 2015. The group members, who never met Krull, search at least once a week.

Krull has been missing for more than two months and there have been no clues since her glasses were found but the group is searching closer to Krull’s home. They found some shoes and a strap they thought could have been from Krull’s fanny pack but police ruled those out.

Last Wednesday evening, armed with long sticks and determination, they plotted their course before battling the brush and fighting mosquitoes as they combed through a massive field that extends toward Transcona behind Krull’s Harbourview South home. While the primary goal is obviously to find Krull, they’re also searching for anything to give to the police or to bring closure to Krull’s loved ones.

"There’s that possibility of her being taken or abducted and the glasses being planted at Valley Gardens," Bill said. "If we find another item of hers, even if it’s in a different place, then we have an area and we can break it down from there."

Jurkovic said she and Gates have many times watched the video from the neighbour’s security camera that captured Krull walking at 7:23 a.m. on July 11 and they’re convinced there’s something else there.

"She’s walking on her street and then she turned, like she heard something," Jurkovic said.

"Then her walking gait sort of speeded up," said Bill, who has seen the same thing in the video.
It’s unfortunate the searchers aren’t using cadaver dogs in their ground searches.
If Thelma didn’t jump in the River on Saturday, July 11, her body is rapidly decomposing on land. Because Thelma was a scout leader, she knows how to tie knots so she may have hung herself deep in the woods. If this is the case, would she need rope? She had her fanny pack with her so I wonder if there was a piece of rope in it? If there was rope stored on their property, did anyone check to see if a piece or all of it is missing? Did Robert hear Thelma go into the garage or basement before she left?
Bear in mind, when a person decides to hike the WCT, is up to them when they leave, they are in control, but once you sign up to volunteer at a charity event, you have to be ready for the event by a certain date even if you didn’t have enough time to train properly and do all the research and planning that’s involved. When you are volunteering for a charity event, it isn’t easy to call and cancel or just not show up after you agree to go. Knowing Thelma was hiking the WCT for a charity event explains why she didn’t simply call Bill and cancel.
Jurkovic said she and Gates have many times watched the video from the neighbour’s security camera that captured Krull walking at 7:23 a.m. on July 11 and they’re convinced there’s something else there.

"She’s walking on her street and then she turned, like she heard something," Jurkovic said.

"Then her walking gait sort of speeded up," said Bill, who has seen the same thing in the video.

No use posting Winnipeg Free Press links - they dont work (paywall)

Anyway - does the article say anything more about the video ? I have watched it many times but am unable to see her turn or speed up. Thanks
No use posting Winnipeg Free Press links - they dont work (paywall)

Anyway - does the article say anything more about the video ? I have watched it many times but am unable to see her turn or speed up. Thanks

I copied what they said in case some can't read the article in the WFP.

Jurkovic and Gates are convinced Thelma HEARD something whereas I am convinced it's what she SAW that caused her to turn her head and look and then sped up, and what she saw was the security camera on the house which faces the road that would soon be turned over to LE. This was the only spot on her route with a security camera and she was aware of it.

Here are some pics of security cameras. I don’t know if they make a noise but they are visible from the road and inexpensive.,k:outdoor security camera
This is all they said. I copied the link from FB and was able to open and read it.

Jurkovic and Gates are convinced Thelma HEARD something whereas I am convinced it's what she SAW that caused her to look and then sped up and what that was is the security camera on the house which faces the road and would soon be turned over to LE. This was the only spot on her route with a security camera and she was aware of it.

Here are some pics of security cameras. I don’t know if they make a noise but they are visible from the road and inexpensive.,k:outdoor security camera

I know what a security camera is (thank you)
I am aware of the camera on Thelma's street (thank you)
I have watched the video many times
I have not seen her turn or speed up
Are you now saying (is Jurkovic and Gates saying) they have ADDITIONAL video and it JUST NOW being given to police ?

If that is the case I think it would be a major news item.

Here is the video I have see many times

What am I missing?

I know what a security camera is (thank you)
I am aware of the camera on Thelma's street (thank you)
I have watched the video many times
I have not seen her turn or speed up
Are you now saying (is Jurkovic and Gates saying) they have ADDITIONAL video and it JUST NOW being given to police ?

If that is the case I think it would be a major news item.

Here is the video I have see many times

What am I missing?


They must have some other video. She doesn't stop or turn around or anything else in that one.
I can’t see Thelma well enough to say if she turned her head and then sped up or not.
Maybe the searchers were able to zoom in on their computer and they can see more than we can. How could they obtain a different video than the one that was released to the public by WPS? I don’t know whether WPS commented on what the searchers claim they see.

This was the only spot on Thelma's route that has a security camera and because it's close to her home and it is highly visible from the road, she certainly may have glanced at it when she walked by Saturday morning. Since she knew it was there, she would know it would be turned in to LE if necessary.

Anyway, being seen on the security camera at 7:23 am points the finger away from Thelma’s husband so it serves a purpose.

Do we know where the house with the security camera is?

I posted the link to the security cameras because I don’t have one and I wanted to see whether they are large enough to be seen from the road.
I can’t see Thelma well enough to say if she turned her head and then sped up or not. Maybe the searchers were able to zoom in on their computer and can see more than we can.

I don’t know whether WPS commented on what the searchers claim they see.

Anyway, being seen on the security camera at 7:23 am points the finger away from Thelma’s husband so it serves a vital purpose.

Do we know where the house with the security camera is?

I posted the link to the security cameras because I don’t have one and I wanted to see whether they are large enough to be seen from the road.

Yes we have covered that pretty good (with pictures) both LoriMca and I were working on it at the same time (unknown to each other) and she posted it first so search her posts and you should find it
LoriMca uses the Avengers avatar here.

For what its worth , at the very first part of the video (where she first appears) it almost looks like she had just straightened out her walk and started off briskly.

I am thinking that is what (Jurkovic and Gates) are talking about ... and I did notice it too (back a month or more ago) .... and I put it on a 4 foot monitor in high definition at 1/4 speed

My conclusion (from memory) was that her house is just across the street , she was likely stepping off her driveway , turned slightly , checked for traffic , saw none , and then began her brisk stride

Find Lori's posts for more detail.
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