Canada - Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #5 **ARREST**

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I'm missed those messages. I was catching up with all information and sometimes slipped through pages :. My bad. :banghead:

The quote is really really strange. Maybe it is Ukrainian. Russian would not say "Позвоните в волка"

The Bible verse is even more.

Just when I think it can't get creepier - it does. I've wondered why people kept mentioning Ukrainian and what that would have to do with anything. "Call the wolf Found on farm" yikes. Either it's a deliberate red herring or a call to action? Circle the wagons and move to plan B? Are these people idiots or just cocky? I am becoming more obsessed, but I do have to work for a living so I'll have to check back tonight.
The CBC articles have been edited to remove that reference so this MSN one is all I could find.

"He confirmed his department provided security for a Hamilton police investigation on Roseville Road. That is the location of the Millard farm being searched by police. Earlier in the morning, police escorted a group of civilians to the back of the property. It's not clear who they are."
Interesting, I wonder if this MSN link will get edited too?
Just letting you all know we've created a *Media links/Maps* thread for this case. This is a "no discussion" thread for media links/maps only. You'll find it at the very top of the "Located Forum Discussion" section or at the following link.

Canada -Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 *Media links/Maps" - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
I posted there by mistake on the pic of the truck thinking it would show up here but question is on the picture of TB's truck that he used to place the ad on kijiji..does anyone know where he may have taken that pic? it looks like an industrial area, with trailers in the background (warehouse)
Not talking until other suspects caught sounds to me like a lived one will be dead if he talks. He needs the violent criminals off the streets so he can rat them out. Perhaps why his mother is reported to be in a safe place.
His lawyer, Deepak Paradkar, says there is more to the story than what has been reported thus far.

“There is a story behind this which I can’t get into," Paradkar said outside the court.

"Obviously it’s more than it appears to be. We’re really waiting for the police investigation to be completed.”

Read more:

I believe there is way more to this also,,, jmo
very interesting, I had to read it couple times to get meaning of this, but interesting..

I will quote
"The Parable of the Tenants

33 “Listen to another parable: There was a landowner who planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a winepress in it and built a watchtower. Then he rented the vineyard to some farmers and moved to another place. 34 When the harvest time approached, he sent his servants to the tenants to collect his fruit.

35 “The tenants seized his servants; they beat one, killed another, and stoned a third. 36 Then he sent other servants to them, more than the first time, and the tenants treated them the same way. 37 Last of all, he sent his son to them. ‘They will respect my son,’ he said.

38 “But when the tenants saw the son, they said to each other, ‘This is the heir. Come, let’s kill him and take his inheritance.’ 39 So they took him and threw him out of the vineyard and killed him.

40 “Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?”

41 “He will bring those wretches to a wretched end,” they replied, “and he will rent the vineyard to other tenants, who will give him his share of the crop at harvest time.”

end of qoute

This was discussed a number of times in previous posts/threads. It was confirmed that a fellow sleuther posted this to smoke out the perps. It was written in Russian because AM either spoke or understood Russian. But the text itself references a popular movie. The poster from other posts is clearly in support of the Bosma family and justice served.

The first sentence translated to "Call the Wolf." That's the guy in the movie Pulp Fiction that they call for help when they knew they were screwed, posted when police found the farm and setup a command center. A previous post by same handle referenced "Spider caught a coupl'a flies" which is another Pulp Fiction reference, at the time DM was arrested.

The Parable of the Tenants is a scripture from the gospel of Matthew. Basically a prophesy from Jesus Christ about his forthcoming death. The story goes that a landowner (God) gave his people (tenants) some land to cultivate (a farm), but when the landowner returned to reap his reward, the tenants selfishly injured and killed his servants. Landowner then sent in his son because he felt the tenants would respect his son, but they ended up killing his son. Basically, Tim Bosma was a son of God that was killed on a farm I think is the analogy.
Hi all, new member and first post. I just finished reading through everything. So very sad, this whole thing.

I've seen a few theories mentioning gang initiation, does anyone have examples of cases where this has happened here in Ontario? I spent a few years working in detention centres and have never heard of this. Usually gang crime that I know of involves beef between rivals or innocents caught in the crossfire.

JMO, but I think sadly this is what it appears to be, doing something stupid for thrills and never imagining getting caught. I believe the perpetrators counted on the fact that cell phone wouldn't be found and turned in and that was the key to their downfall.

The tattoo was the key to the downfall... you don't need the physical phone to get the phone numbers. LE got the production order, found the number that called tim and then got the records of other numbers that that number called. This led to the guy in etobicoke who ID'd the tattoo. Someone tipped them that the tattoo was Dellen's, LE then searches all of Dellen's properties and the evidence mounts.
Anyone ever think Dellen is the target here? I am sorry, but, hiw can a crimina be so dumb? Nope, I don't buy that Dellen was willing to have all things point to him.. Body on the property, trailer and truck in his own mothers yard.. Nope..

I am beginning to seriously think that Dellen had a few "friends" that for some reason would benefit having Dellen locked away for 25 yrs.. Wonder who they could be? But why not just killed Dellen.... Why Tim?

What is involved here? Love triangle? Drugs?

This case is so crazy, anything's possible. My theory is, maybe DM didn't actually murder TB, he's was involved for sure, but did he kill TB?

I think what happened was that TB was transferred, alive to the other vehicle once they reached that remote street in Brantford, it was on the way to hanger and farm. DM took the truck to the hanger and stashed it in the trailer, while the other suspects took TB to the farm where they did the dirty work.

Once the heat was on to find DM, the accomplices dumped the truck on the mother's property, perhaps to peg most of the blame on DM, and like someone elsewhere here mentioned, to make it be known they know where she lives, to stop DM from spilling the beans. Maybe the seats were removed to trick LE into believing TB was killed in the truck (with DM present)?

I'm not trying to defend DM at all, it just seems so unlikely that somebody would be so careless as to leave such blatantly obvious and condemning clues.
Tim's cell phone was found and it led to Millard. That suggests that the cell phone contained information from Millard related to test driving the truck.
TB's phone records were the link to the other phone, not the physical phone.

Once they'd checked his records they found the number that called him, with this number they found the other seller in Etobicoke. It was the man in Etobicoke that gave the "ambition" tattoo description. This led to DM, without the tattoo description I think LE would still be searching for suspect #1 and #2.
Interesting, I wonder if this MSN link will get edited too?

LE may not want to tip someone about their evidence. It could be that cooperating witness's and lawyers were leading LE to the remains.
I wonder if Daddy had gotten involved in some shady stuff, got in over his head, was not complying with associates so they had him killed leaving DM to be in charge because they knew they could control him easier than his daddy. If this is DM's first brush with the law, I would think he would be nervous and willing to help LE in any way he could to clear his name. It seems to me that he's keeping quiet because he knows he not safe (especially in prison) if he rats out his accomplices.

I have a feeling this is going to lead to something much bigger.

Maybe you should change your theory that WM discovered DM was involved with something shady......... That makes away more sense to me.
I am still curious about the two women who have gone missing.
One his gf and AM were connected to, and the other had that nice Camero and lived close to the DM farm.
Would make sense to buy an incenerator if you had multiple bodies to get rid of.
I also don't get leaving the trailer in moms driveway. With all his property, why put it in view as it was at his mom's? Or ditch it somewhere like someone said in a parking lot?
Someone asked why fathers memorial was at a restaurant instead of church... Church would not do a service for someone who has committed suicide.
Why shoot yourself in the eye? That doesn't make sence.

I have been to a funeral at a church for a suicide death. Nothing wrong with that even though the bible deems it a sin to kill even oneself. They are considered mentally ill, or not in their right frame of mind. I do agree an incinerator might be to dispose of multiple bodies. I wonder if that's why we see multiple box shaped things in the field possibly preserving evidence. I don't think this is DM first time up to bat at the thrill kill thing.
I wonder how the police were so sure that the charred remains if they were unrecogniseable were TB's? Did the ashes contain his engineer ring and wedding band? Would they have not melted or at least been badly deformed by the intense heat? What is left after to identify? My dad, police detective often went to crematoriums to accompany bodies going in to legally verify who's remains were going in and inventory what came out. It doesn't always burn everything and some bodies went through a second time, and even a third time. I remember him telling me items often included teeth, partial bone pieces, swallowed items like old coins, bobby pins come out with the remains. If the rings were a determining factor, it would be stupid of the perps to not remove these beforehand. Unless they figured they'd never get caught. Perhaps there are other ashes, and jewellry buried on that land. They should bring in the best metal detectors and search. I wonder if the place now looks like an archalogical dig site now.
<snipped for space>

Also, he's got an entire verse tattoo'ed on his side. Can anyone make out what it says?

Screen shot:

Sorry to quote myself but I think I figured out what his tattoo says. I believe it is lyrics from a Kings of Leon song called "Use Somebody" (perhaps meaningful in light of what his lawyer's defense may be).

You know that I
could use somebody
Someone like you
and all you know
and how you speak
This was discussed a number of times in previous posts/threads. It was confirmed that a fellow sleuther posted this to smoke out the perps. It was written in Russian because AM either spoke or understood Russian. But the text itself references a popular movie. The poster from other posts is clearly in support of the Bosma family and justice served.

The first sentence translated to "Call the Wolf." That's the guy in the movie Pulp Fiction that they call for help when they knew they were screwed, posted when police found the farm and setup a command center. A previous post by same handle referenced "Spider caught a coupl'a flies" which is another Pulp Fiction reference, at the time DM was arrested.

The Parable of the Tenants is a scripture from the gospel of Matthew. Basically a prophesy from Jesus Christ about his forthcoming death. The story goes that a landowner (God) gave his people (tenants) some land to cultivate (a farm), but when the landowner returned to reap his reward, the tenants selfishly injured and killed his servants. Landowner then sent in his son because he felt the tenants would respect his son, but they ended up killing his son. Basically, Tim Bosma was a son of God that was killed on a farm I think is the analogy.

I do appreciate the explanation, but seriously?? Someone from here did that to smoke out the perps?? Does anyone else take issue with that? Don't you think investigators have enough to sift through without people adding their own BS. This is precisely why I chose to register and post here - I was struck by how easily conclusions were drawn about who must be involved, and then people posting on their pages. IMO it's totally irresponsible. Sigh - searching for info is one thing - This action is beyond ridiculous and a time waster. Geesh.
Just when I think it can't get creepier - it does. I've wondered why people kept mentioning Ukrainian and what that would have to do with anything. "Call the wolf Found on farm" yikes. Either it's a deliberate red herring or a call to action? Circle the wagons and move to plan B? Are these people idiots or just cocky? I am becoming more obsessed, but I do have to work for a living so I'll have to check back tonight.

"&#1055;&#1086;&#1079;&#1074;&#1086;&#1085;&#1080;&#1090;&#1077; &#1074; &#1074;&#1086;&#1083;&#1082;&#1072;"
It has a mistake or it is not Russian. The closest languages are Belorussian and Ukrainian, or it was written by a person who knows Russian as the second language.

After translating to English differently not "Call the wolf" but "Call TO the wolf", and searching the web for it, got a song: Hero Fails - Call to the Wolf.
A creepy coincidence?
Have not listen it yet.
Hamilton Spectator reporter Susan Clairmont live-tweets from the courtroom as a suspect in Tim Bosma's death makes his first court appearance.

Exerpt: Millard's girlfriend may be an important witness in this case, says Crown.

As mentioned earlier today, the real estate agent for the farm mentioned a Fiance.

I found social media evidence of a possible girlfriend. Left message at tip line and was never contacted. Assuming they saw on social media what I saw.....
This case is so crazy, anything's possible. My theory is, maybe DM didn't actually murder TM, he's was involved for sure, but did he kill TB?

I think what happened was that TB was transferred, alive to the other vehicle once they reached that remote street in Brantford, it was in the way to hanger and farm. DM took the truck to the hanger and stashed it in the trailer, while the other suspects took TB to the farm where they did the dirty work.

Once the heat was on to find DM, the accomplices dumped the truck on the mother's property, perhaps to peg most of the blame on DM, and like someone elsewhere here mentioned, to make it be known they know where she lives, to stop DM from spilling the beans. Maybe the seats were removed to trick LE into believing TB was killed in the truck (with DM present)?

I'm not trying to defend DM at all, it just seems so unlikely that somebody would be so careless as to leave such blatantly obvious and condemning clues.
Maybe DM framed himself. Per say.
Maybe he knew the hammer was coming down and started building his own defence of blackmail and extortion. Maybe he withdraw a large sum of money from his account to say he had to pay the bad boys off.
A lot of maybes. Lol

I see too many connections with tractor trailers,,,another location that was searched also had a quikx trailer in Google maps too. The person I am referring too also mentioned on an online profile that he worked in mississauga and one of those trailer carriers has a location there too.
I'll keep saying it, the phone dropped out by accident at location but why that location. It was a comfortable location for one of them to be at. That same person can be linked to TB and he could be identified possibly.
not sure if DK was brought up or not, but DK is no longer on twitter or fb, i will remove if this is not allowed to be posted
sorry to quote myself but i think i figured out what his tattoo says. I believe it is lyrics from a kings of leon song called "use somebody" (perhaps meaningful in light of what his lawyer's defense may be).

You know that i
could use somebody
someone like you
and all you know
and how you speak

"&#1055;&#1086;&#1079;&#1074;&#1086;&#1085;&#1080;&#1090;&#1077; &#1074; &#1074;&#1086;&#1083;&#1082;&#1072;"
It has a mistake or it is not Russian. The closest languages are Belorussian and Ukrainian, or it was written by a person who knows Russian as the second language.

After translating to English differently not "Call the wolf" but "Call TO the wolf", and searching the web for it, got a song: Hero Fails - Call to the Wolf.
A creepy coincidence?
Have not listen it yet.

I think you're going out on a limb. Go to google translate and enter: Call the Wolf. They found the farm.

Translate into Russian and it comes back exactly how it was posted.
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