Canada - Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #6 **ARREST**

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The placement of the tatoos looks higher than where someone would wear a watch. If DM was looking at that first seller's truck, his sleeves must have been pulled up.

The obvious tats are not the ones..if you look very closely where his wrist sits limply over the steering wheel you can still see the end edge of a tat..that is the one.
Im curious as a new user this may have been discussed previously: questions I have

1. The first test drive the potential victim at the time noted that he obseverved a "ambition tattoo" as the suspect was wearing a t-shirt, the night in question the suspect was presumably identified with the same tattoo.................however i question that as it was stated the the suspect was wearing a long sleave shirt. Judging by the location and size of the tattoo on the suspects arm....................i find it inlikely to be seen that evening.......JMO

2 If a neighbour to the farm had taken the picture of the incinerator, how is it he didnt notice a victim nearby, and secondly if the individuals who actually found TB after an outing ATV ride days later................something doesnt seem right to me.

3 If the first test ride in Toronto area took has the potential victim from the ride not identfy the second suspect through the pics and close network of friends the DM seemingly has and why has there been no further information provided to the public regarding the first occurance
After looking over tons of photos of DM and perhaps his cousin and friends, living it up all over the world, I just can't figure out why he would chance losing all of this to murder someone. I really feel that his hired help, that came around every Friday with their hand out, and said they would 'help' him 'get' 'whatever' he needed, maybe took it to extreme. I see his 'workplace' as a chopshop of sorts... using the incinerator to burn VIN info and any other items that needed to be 'gone'. I don't think he was the trigger guy, and maybe didn't know how 'crazy' his buddies were... things got totally out of hand and everyone freaked out and this led to all of the stupid mistakes/evidence being left around. His buddies may be good at the chop shop but had know idea how easy it was for LE to track their steps.

Still doesn't make sense to me that a good person died over any of this stupidity.
How about this pic with his arm tattoo

I can't make out what the one on the inside of his forearm says. He actually has one on each arm. You can kind of see it in this photo, as well as the video, both posted here:



Too bad deciphering his tattoos can't help explain what happened to Tim and why.
The placement of the tatoos looks higher than where someone would wear a watch. If DM was looking at that first seller's truck, his sleeves must have been pulled up.

The man from the first test-drive said he (DM) was wearing short-sleeves.
Take a look at a forum called Twitwheel.

Type in DM full name and then TW. Lots of comments going on there about this case.
Im curious as a new user this may have been discussed previously: questions I have

1. The first test drive the potential victim at the time noted that he obseverved a "ambition tattoo" as the suspect was wearing a t-shirt, the night in question the suspect was presumably identified with the same tattoo.................however i question that as it was stated the the suspect was wearing a long sleave shirt. Judging by the location and size of the tattoo on the suspects arm....................i find it inlikely to be seen that evening.......JMO

2 If a neighbour to the farm had taken the picture of the incinerator, how is it he didnt notice a victim nearby, and secondly if the individuals who actually found TB after an outing ATV ride days later................something doesnt seem right to me.

3 If the first test ride in Toronto area took has the potential victim from the ride not identfy the second suspect through the pics and close network of friends the DM seemingly has and why has there been no further information provided to the public regarding the first occurance

All good questions I may have to find links again.

1. Yes, a long sleeved shirt, but people stretch..drivers certainly stretch as they are holding the wheel and sleeves ride up. Not many men, unless Goth..wear shirts that cover their wrists.
2. Rural property owners are very aware of their surroundings, and also respectful of other peoples property. It would already feel like an invasion (but necessary) to take a poke your nose into other ppls business is not good. He had no reason to know what we know now. The atv riders were already trespassing..they saw stuff that they knew was not normal..kudos to them for calling it in.
3. This is the question that bothers me the most...? We have to figure that one out.
3. This is the question that bothers me the most...? We have to figure that one out.

MOO: That suspect has been identified, but the time of arrest will be contingent to when all the evidence is put together to effect that arrest. JMO.
Sorry if already posted:

The police presence that began last weekend at a North Dumfries farm and a large hangar at the Region of Waterloo International Airport is expected to wrap up by Saturday, police say.
In a Friday afternoon press release, Hamilton police said they expect forensic analysis of the two sites in connection with the murder of Tim Bosma to wrap up no later than Saturday.

Read more:
All good questions I may have to find links again.

1. Yes, a long sleeved shirt, but people stretch..drivers certainly stretch as they are holding the wheel and sleeves ride up. Not many men, unless Goth..wear shirts that cover their wrists.
2. Rural property owners are very aware of their surroundings, and also respectful of other peoples property. It would already feel like an invasion (but necessary) to take a poke your nose into other ppls business is not good. He had no reason to know what we know now. The atv riders were already trespassing..they saw stuff that they knew was not normal..kudos to them for calling it in.
3. This is the question that bothers me the most...? We have to figure that one out.
My question is he bought the incinerator last July..its been there for almost a all of a sudden some neighbor is suspicious enough to walk onto the property and take a picture up close in the bush it seems as thats what the tent seemed to be covering..makes no sense, so was the incinerator brought to the property on the trailer with DM's truck from the hanger? was he using it at the hanger before the night in question?
3 If the first test ride in Toronto area took has the potential victim from the ride not identfy the second suspect through the pics and close network of friends the DM seemingly has and why has there been no further information provided to the public regarding the first occurance

Maybe he did identify suspect #2 and they are looking for or watching him right now.

This would explain why a sketch of suspect #2 hasn't been released.
Im curious as a new user this may have been discussed previously: questions I have

1. The first test drive the potential victim at the time noted that he obseverved a "ambition tattoo" as the suspect was wearing a t-shirt, the night in question the suspect was presumably identified with the same tattoo.................however i question that as it was stated the the suspect was wearing a long sleave shirt. Judging by the location and size of the tattoo on the suspects arm....................i find it inlikely to be seen that evening.......JMO

2 If a neighbour to the farm had taken the picture of the incinerator, how is it he didnt notice a victim nearby, and secondly if the individuals who actually found TB after an outing ATV ride days later................something doesnt seem right to me.

3 If the first test ride in Toronto area took has the potential victim from the ride not identfy the second suspect through the pics and close network of friends the DM seemingly has and why has there been no further information provided to the public regarding the first occurance

Answer to #2

A curious neighbour apparently saw the incinerator and took a picture before the investigation I believe.
This is exactly the reason, imo, that we're thinking way too small on this whole tragic event. Insurance payouts? Ladies and gents, there were multiple millions, if not billions of dollars at stake here, with a new 8 million dollar hangar up and ready to roll and lucrative contracts with Boeing (AKA military), Airbus and much more all in the net. As of Jan 1, who owns all this? A 27 year old kid who, by his grandfather's admission, wasn't particularly interested in the airline business with only one other close family member available to counsel him, namely his mum who seems, by all reports to be a very nice lady who used to accompany her husband on 'save the seals' film shoots etc. . She seems hardly a person with the knowledge or experience that advising an overnight aviation tycoon presumably requires. In other words the whole purseful of holdings including cash, business assets and real estate, and goodness knows what all else profitable investments, as of less than six months ago, is suddenly in incredibly vulnerable hands.

Anybody who has ever come into a large amount of money unexpectedly knows full well that one suddenly acquires the most fascinating assortment of agreeable new friends. Fabulously interesting strangers with great business ideas appear. Long lost family members are dropping by and neighbors never miss the chance to invite you over. All of these and more find a way to insinuate themselves into your close circle almost magically. It's as if cold cash has its own phenome attraction but until it happens, you don't know that all these wonderful people will disappear just as suddenly when they've relieved you of all your cash and/or celebrity and it's gone. You have to be pretty savvy to pick up on this and stay grounded while it's happening. You almost have to have gone through it once, imo, to even recognize it. Frankly, I don't think a young guy with DM's background could possibly deal with it and, arguably, I'm not sure his father was doing a crackerjack job of rebuilding CM's company either. WM's decision to take on the extraordinarily high risk of the Waterloo airport venture seems quite out of character from all we know about this chap and his years of ecological and animal causes. Documentary filmmaking seems to have been his principal interest. Aviation tycoon never seemed to be in the mix and his aversion to competition was even referenced in the Obituary. So what or who convinced him to take such a dramatic leap at his age?

Well, the old saying is "rags to rags" in three generations but, imo, one contributing factor comes from the pressure of trusted advisors along the way who have everything to gain by positioning themselves inside your world and are always looking to improve their advantage. Of course, another contributing factor, where power and money are big enough, is that cutthroat competitors also materialize, missing no opportunity to cut you down and whose tactics can range all the way from gentlemanly contest to flat out gangsterism.

So, follow the money. I suppose the obvious start is to ask who benefits most by having MillardAir completely out of the picture in the intensely competitive aviation industry? Another question might be who benefits most by having the Millard family personal fortunes floating free with nobody at the helm. In either case, with father dead and junior in the slammer, the whole field is pretty much cleared for the taking in less than six months.

That's why, IMO this case is likely far more complex than it appeared at the outset, potentially involving persons, organizations and businesses that could have had much larger designs on this closely held family company than we presently know about and could certainly have led to a frameup or frameups. The chicanery could well have been in the making over several months or more, all culminating in this DM episode which is just one small scene. I'm even thinking that this story may reach high enough that really, we may never learn much more about it from the authorities but instead it will just gradually disappear leaving junior in the hoosegow for a couple of years, no trial, eventually released on some technicality while the real black hats continue to feast on the proceeds of their crime(s).

Sound paranoid? Well, when there's cash and opportunity in such huge amounts lying around unattended there are always takers. Ruthlessness goes with their territory. OOM

Part of me agrees with this whole-heartedly, epecially when comparing a few things I found when digging on other people. The other part of me thinks this kind of set up could only happen in a hollywood movie. IMO
Was it confirmed the SB seen and identifed the tattoo on DM? if so how it was dusk or dark out and the tattoo is very small and presumably DM was wearing long sleeves

Concider this the tattoo itself is very tiny! the word Ambition being of 8 letters acrross someones wrist that has been identified as wearing a long sleeve shirt?

I still question the validity of the information and who this potential first suspect is? in my opinion and speculation, I wonder what sort of past or connection this man has to someone that is connected to the family of the suspect. And curious does DM mother have a new significant other they could possibly be of interest>........speculating under the pretence that this is linked somehow to the families money and vast wealth

All this is speculation to concider other possiblities...............and is in my opinion valid questions
Im curious as a new user this may have been discussed previously: questions I have

1. The first test drive the potential victim at the time noted that he obseverved a "ambition tattoo" as the suspect was wearing a t-shirt, the night in question the suspect was presumably identified with the same tattoo.................however i question that as it was stated the the suspect was wearing a long sleave shirt. Judging by the location and size of the tattoo on the suspects arm....................i find it inlikely to be seen that evening.......JMO

2 If a neighbour to the farm had taken the picture of the incinerator, how is it he didnt notice a victim nearby, and secondly if the individuals who actually found TB after an outing ATV ride days later ................something doesnt seem right to me.

3 If the first test ride in Toronto area took has the potential victim from the ride not identfy the second suspect through the pics and close network of friends the DM seemingly has and why has there been no further information provided to the public regarding the first occurance


I'm sympathetic to the folks who get frustrated with repeat questions but, regarding #2...what?!

I thought I was more or less 'caught up' on this very fast-moving case, but this is the first I've heard about someone other than LE finding Tim's remains. I searched this thread for "ATV", googled "ATV tim bosma" and also skimmed the media thread for the case before posting, so please go easy on me.
Was it confirmed the SB seen and identifed the tattoo on DM? if so how it was dusk or dark out and the tattoo is very small and presumably DM was wearing long sleeves

Concider this the tattoo itself is very tiny! the word Ambition being of 8 letters acrross someones wrist that has been identified as wearing a long sleeve shirt?

I still question the validity of the information and who this potential first suspect is? in my opinion and speculation, I wonder what sort of past or connection this man has to someone that is connected to the family of the suspect. And curious does DM mother have a new significant other they could possibly be of interest>........speculating under the pretence that this is linked somehow to the families money and vast wealth

All this is speculation to concider other possiblities...............and is in my opinion valid questions

I don't believe SB ever said she saw a tattoo.
So, Daddy is sharing his vision for the future (thus the shot to the eye/suicide, kill daddy, kill vision) and DM wants no part of it, no helicopter biz etc... he wants in on cars, engines, racing... which all speaks to me of "power and control".

IMO Killing the source of his financial freedom up to date would do exactly the opposite of what you seem to think he wants. DM wants to work on cars, we have all seen numorous photos on fb spanning over the last few years about DM getting to work on cars while WM is running the company. I don't think he had to much pressure from WM about flying and it seems that he has been allowed to follow his interests freely with daddy at the helm. IMO
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