Canada -Timothy Bosma, 32, Hamilton Ontario, 6 May 2013 - #8 **ARREST**

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Question about the first test drive guy ?
Anyone know what kind of business he had or ran was it a hvac
Company also ?
There is a photog who has been linked with DM. I am going strictly from memory of forum posts here, but this photog has taken photos in the MillardAir hanger. It was also stated that he took photos on the farm before DM owned it. So there is a possible link to the property. Search threads for "the hun". I don't think the folks following that trail found much else of interest. And the photog is strictly non POI as far as I know.

BBM I don't believe there is anything to suggest that those "swamp" and/or "farm" photoshoots were done at the Ayr property. It was posted that the photos were taken prior to DM even purchasing his farm (which, IMO, means the photoshoots were almost certainly held elsewhere).

It's entirely possible that the only "link" between that photographer and DM is that the photographer shot some photos at the hangar -- a hangar which was made available to many photographers (EG, an employee of Millardair, posted an online invitation to photographers for an event where she had 20 models at the hangar ready to be photographed with the planes, cars, and equipment).
I believe its been confirmed that he first got the word tattooed and at a later date put the frame around it.

There were photos of his arm floating around, several without a frame and one with a frame.

Don't have the links right now though...

Google Image Dellen Millard, look for the pic with him red dodge, black trailer and heavy guy with cell phone. Then look at Dellen's left hand about 4" above the wrist.....appears no frame exists, but not sure of the writing.

Also I'm not personally aware of the date of that photo.
JMO I have ponder the theory he may have been adopted. I considered the age of his father, which to me is getting up their in age for deciding to have a child, it happens yes I realize. Something else I thought about is MB being a stewardess. Sometimes these women consider not having children because of their careers and the time spent away from home. As WM and MB got older, they felt like they wanted a child and if she was close in age to WM, it would have become a bit of a risk having children at her age. Therefore they could have decided to adopt. MB decided once they adopted a child she would retire for being a stewardess or go part time or take a position with Millardair. Did they decide to have a child to carry on the family business? Have we been privy to MB's age or DOB? This could also explain why DM was in a private French school. One he may have lived on res while his parents worked through the week. So with DM having his DNA in a databank, possibly he was searching for parents, siblings, relatives? :dunno:

As someone else has already posted, DM and WM looked a lot alike (and CM did as well...IMO same eyes and nose). Also the Toronto French School is just a day school (no dorms/residences).
Newbie here - have only lurked up until now.

Re: children's toys in neighbouring yard: when we drove through Roseville Road last week, we so noticed this property. From my own recollection as someone somewhat local, this property has appeared to either only be half used (home but empty, old barn) or possibly divided in two for sale with only the residential/house half occupied. There is nothing unusual about this in this part of the region, which is very farm-centric outside of the bigger cities (Kitchener, Waterloo, Guelph and to a lesser extent, Cambridge).

MSM described the property as an "abandoned farm"
A few questions i have, and if anymone knows and or has a link to the factual information please provide:

1. Was TB cell actually turned of within a short distance of his home, or did his cell phone actually ping the Brantford tower? If both statements are true, how can a phone without a battery be able to ping a tower in Brantford?

2. The reports say the truck was seen in Downtown Brantford around 10:10, do we has a solid confirmation that it was his truck witnessed downtown?

3. I questioning why a police have not released any further detail regarding suspect 2, im sure the first test drive witness, could have provided some details to police on his appearance?

4. Was suspect 2 wear the same clothing "Red Hoodie" at both test drives.?

5.Is there any confirmed connection/interaction between DM and the victims friend PL the Waterloo Airport Employee (Pilot Trainer)?

6. The distant friend that arrived to provide help and asked to stay by SB, do we know if he has any connections to some of the POI that have been named and or cleard in this case?

7. Speculation Comment!!!!...........Is it possible that the the suspects identified TB's truck as the one of choice, planned what we know thus far, and used a local guy selling a truck as a test run.....................basically practicing the deed before the exacution of the evening a trial run.......................(a pre-game skate)?
Hey everyone. Returning after a few days break (the thread was a bit out of control then). I can't possibly catch up with this thread at work. I know about the LB connection and DM's father and the additional remains (not confirmed human yet) on the farm. Any other major developments I should know about before I dive back in? :fencefall:
Hey everyone. Returning after a few days break (the thread was a bit out of control then). I can't possibly catch up with this thread at work. I know about the LB connection and DM's father and the additional remains (not confirmed human yet) on the farm. Any other major developments I should know about before I dive back in? :fencefall:

Welcome back. That's about it so far I believe.
The last paragraph above, Carli - why do say this? If anything, to me, I think LE has released very little information in the grand scheme of things.

-they haven't commented on whether other suspects have been found/arrested (or found deceased)
-they haven't indicated where exactly TB's body was found
-they haven't indicated exactly how they were able to confirm it was TB's 'burned beyond recognition' body that they found
-they haven't indicated whether there was evidence of human remains inside the incinerator
-they haven't released any of their findings at the various crime scenes, only recently did they release that they've found more remains but can't confirm if human (frankly not sure why this was released until it was confirmed they are human)
-they haven't indicated why they've stated it appears that TB 'put up a fight/struggle'

There is tons of info they've not released, a lot of it the very things we're discussing and questioning here on WS.

I can't think of any brutal, senseless murder of this nature that's happened in Canada that hasn't received a lot of coverage, for obvious reasons.

If anything, a lot of the info in this case is being perpetuated by the Media and hate to say it but even we here are adding to it, which then just feeds the media.

What do you think LE has released that they shouldn't have? I think they have to provide some info, as they have -- people are scared, people are shocked, people are grieving and trying to make sense of why a good young man/husband/Daddy was brutally murdered. I'm sure there are a lot of people out there in ON who are scared and fearing for their and their family's safety, particularly if they believe there are other suspects on the loose out there.

From my understanding of what Carli is saying, she believes that any LE releases have basically implicated DM in this case. Which they have. Every part of the releases have mentioned things that point to him regardless of whether the information is circumstantial or not. For example :

Because trailer was at his moms, does not mean he put it there.

Because remains are at farm, does not mean he put them there.

Because someone says he drove their pickup (first test drive) does not mean that this first test was factual at this point.

Because someone says there was a tattoo of 'ambition' with a box around it does not mean that it was DM. (especially if his tattoo has no box around)


Not saying that any of the circumstantial evidence wont eventually lead to facts- but as yet it does not and by just leaving circumstantial evidence out there without facts, makes a sure determination that does in fact create a very negative situation for DM.

Also where does it say DM's father was brutally murdered? <MODSNIP>
Because trailer was at his moms, does not mean he put it there.

Because remains are at farm, does not mean he put them there.

Because someone says he drove their pickup (first test drive) does not mean that this first test was factual at this point.

Because someone says there was a tattoo of 'ambition' with a box around it does not mean that it was DM. (especially if his tattoo has no box around)


None of those things on their own mean DM is guilty of this crime but all of them together are going to make these things awfully hard to explain away.
If that were the case, then you would dump the truck at your first chance, take it out to no where, torch it so there is zero evidence left and then jump into the 2nd vehicle and get outa there... no for me, the truck fits into a larger puzzle, had to be a Diesel Ram and twin cab and black... those are the common elements.

Not sure how this follows.

The truck is designed to throw people off. It's a distraction.

There is no need for it to be destroyed.

All that's needed is for people to get their knickers in a knot about the truck, which is what they're doing.

The thrill kill revolves around a truck. That is all.
None of those things on their own mean DM is guilty of this crime but all of them together are going to make these things awfully hard to explain away.

Well anyone could have put them there to be honest. It seems too obvious to me that everything was strategically placed at places that belong to the Millard family. Most murderers appear to drive bodies to places far from their homes, unless they kill within their homes and do not want to be seen leaving or traveling with a deceased from what I have read. Not saying there are not exceptions to the rule, but it seems very 'organized' to me.
Welcome back. That's about it so far I believe.

Thanks :)

I had a feeling all along that the TB murder was just the tip of the iceberg with DM. I really think we'll find out that he's connected to all sorts of things, including drugs. I'm still totally stumped as far as motive goes with TB's death. I don't believe the truck was the motive and LE has told us there's no connection between TB & DM. I would be more inclined to believe DM was just a nut if he'd been the only one involved in the crime, but since we know there was at least three people involved, this makes me believe there was some kind of motive here. I wish LE would nab the others - I think it's pretty unnerving that they're still out there...
Well anyone could have put them there to be honest. It seems too obvious to me that everything was strategically placed at places that belong to the Millard family. Most murderers appear to drive bodies to places far from their homes, unless they kill within their homes and do not want to be seen leaving or traveling with a deceased from what I have read. Not saying there are not exceptions to the rule, but it seems very 'organized' to me.

Most innocent people are not convicted due to elaborate frame-up plots.

It usually happens due to cops/prosecutors being fixated on a theory and discounting other evidence. Said evidence is usually clear and not an out-there frame-up theory.

This kind of thing is also less likely to happen in an era of CCTV and DNA testing.
Wow, looks like everyone has been off since 11:30 am and I was only able to get on now after a few hours of trying.

Just saw this tweet: Dave Agar &#8207;@AgarNT1010 4m
CBC TO has learned police close to making more "arrests" in Tim Bosma murder. Offered no other info.

He's a reporter for newstalk 1010
Derstine's law firm trying to get this case:

Dirk Derstine, who heads the firm along with Jennifer Penman, said that Millard requested a meeting with the firm, something Paradkar said client has denied.
"All of our communication with Mr. Millard was proper, above board and above reproach," Derstine said. "We tried to contact Mr. Paradkar about this matter but as he does not have an office this was made more difficult."
Derstine has represented clients in a number of high-profile cases over the years. He defended Michael Rafferty, who last year was convicted for the kidnapping, sexual assault, and first-degree murder of 8-year-old Tori Stafford of Woodstock.
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