CANADA Canada - Toronto Crimes Discussion

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Slight correction to my above post #240 concerning Veronica Kaye - Her body was found Oct. 9 1981, but Veronica was last seen Nov. 7, 1980.
Websleuths member Liquid Lounge is convinced her father killed Kaye.
Not sure if this case was ever listed here, but it is solved, hope it is fine to post here.
TORONTO — A cash-strapped roofer who owed the Chinese mafia $30,000 over a drug debt testified Wednesday that he agreed to kill rich philanthropist Glen Davis for $150,000 in December 2005.

Tyler Cawley stated that Dmitri Kossyrine gave him $46,000 in one envelope and a photo of his murder target, Davis, plus maps pinpointing his home and office in another envelope"
Websleuths member Liquid Lounge is convinced her father killed Kaye.
looking for a news link about reporter D.N. to post, but cannot find- in the meantime, wondering if this recently solved coldcase perp. could be responsible for any other crimes?

"It took Toronto police 30 years to crack open the cold case of University of Toronto secretary Donna Anne Proian’s homicide. When they were finally ready to reveal their suspect, police had to go to a Toronto jail cell to charge the man who was already serving a life sentence for the murder of a different woman.

Ernest William Westergard was charged Friday with first-degree murder in the 1981 homicide of Ms. Proian, Detective Sergeant Steve Ryan said.

Media reports dating back to the homicide said Ms. Proian, 30, had been strangled with her own clothing and stabbed several times in the face. Her husband found her body inside the locked apartment at 120 St. Patrick St.

Police wouldn’t say what caused them to re-examine evidence in Ms. Proian’s death, but it led to the arrest of Mr. Westergard, who used to live in a suite neighbouring the Proians.

“Westergard has been on the radar right from the onset of this investigation,” Det. Sgt. Ryan said. “You may think you’ve gotten away with a homicide, but in fact, you haven’t and you won’t. The scientific technology is so great that we will catch you. It may take time, in this case 30 years, but we will catch you.”"
TORONTO, Ont. - The family of Christopher Skinner marked the third anniversary of his murder, Thursday, with a renewed plea for tips in the case.

Toronto police Det.-Sgt. Stacy Gallant and Skinner's father, Warren, and sister, Taryn, held a news conference at 10:30 a.m., saying they are hoping their appeal leads to some closure.

Skinner, 27, was beaten and then run over with an SUV at Victoria and Adelaide streets in the entertainment district on Oct. 18, 2009. He was out that night celebrating his sister's birthday and was engaged to be married"
The Glen Davis murder went unsolved for quite a while despite decent-quality security camera images of the shooter. I was ecstatic the day the arrests were announced.

There is no news link about D.N., aside from articles he wrote for the Star in his capacity as a reporter, but if you manage to contact Liquid Lounge, she will fill you in on her certainty of her father's guilt. Plus there are the Youtube videos she posted, though I don't recall if she mentions Kaye in any of them. Here's her Yt page:
And there's a lot of very interesting material in this thread, if you haven't seen it before.

Proian's murder has all the hallmarks of a classical sex-murder, so you are right in thinking this Westergard character could be a serial offender.

As for Skinner, we've posted about that here several times. I sure hope it is eventually solved.
Today..(What a sad, sordid tale)
TORONTO -- A middleman who helped Marshall Ross orchestrate the murder of his first cousin and benefactor Glen Davis was convicted of first-degree murder Thursday.

A jury returned its guilty verdict against Dmitri Kossyrine, who showed little emotion. Justice Eugene Ewaschuk immediately handed Kossyrine the mandatory sentence of life imprisonment"
Yes, I saw the article, too. Thanks for posting.

Another murder happened at U of T around the same time, and I'm not sure the case has been closed. I can't recall the precise details, but it involved a medical examiner, or something like that, who was murdered by a colleague. The victim was white; the perp was black and went on the run. I don't remember hearing about the killer having been caught. The Star's post-2000 search capabilities are quite useless, so I can't conjure up more info. The slaying happened in the late'90s or early-'00s.

Very weird case suspected perpetrator was Haitian or Haitian Canadian , worked with victim I believe preparing bodies for medical students to perform anatomy - his car found next day at Scarborough bluffs - after the murder they believe he burned down an historically important "Black" church around Bathurst and College where Marcus Garvey once preached. He drank beers early the next morning with friends as usual. Was Sunday school teacher at the Church I don't remember anyone saying they found him weird I think quite the opposite. There were macabre rumours that the perpetrator had "prepared" the victim as you would other corpses but these were somewhat dispelled later I believe. I will get details it was April 1998 some of what I write here could be wrong will check.
CrimeSolver, do you live in Toronto and have a Toronto Public Library Card?

If you do, you can access the Star's "Pages of the Past" listing.

I just checked, and they have full access to articles (excellent quality) up until at least 2009.

Sorry, I intially addressed this to Chorley8, but should have addressed it instead to CrimeSolver

Crimesolver had mentioned that the Star's post-2000 search capabilities weren't too good. They seemed
to have improved of late.
Hmmm... supposedly "solved" (?) but close reading of the articles doesn't really make it clear why they are certain S.T. is the perpetrator (rather than it being a complex double murder of both men). Though again just from memory he was seen after the murder. But did he know about it yet? For now I will just quote from the third Blatchford article:

"And Mr. Ivens' murder had unusual and sensational elements irresistible to the press -- Mr. Toussaint's church had been torched in the early morning hours after the murder and for a time, he was considered the prime suspect in that though there is to this day no evidence tying him to the arson" (Note no evidence - it would be a crude if easy way to tie him to the murder - some of the timeline and grammar is awry in the CBC article so it tough to understand the timeline.

And discussion of the family in Blatchford

"They knew him as someone who had a fish lunch every Wednesday, as he did that last Wednesday, with an 82-year-old friend, who would often visit his niece with multiple sclerosis, as the ham who loved to perform and had a beautiful voice. His two daughters would drop in to see him at the university; the youngest went to school there and worked near her dad for another year, and neither ever saw anything awry. So far as they knew, their dad had a wonderful relationship with Mr. Ivens.

Mr. Toussaint introduced Mr. Ivens to West Indian food, which he ended up liking more than Mr. Toussaint. Mr. Ivens introduced Mr. Toussaint to ice fishing; Ms. Toussaint remembers fondly her dad buying heavy boots and a hat with ear flaps for the first excursion. Mr. Ivens would come to the older Toussaint daughter's music recitals; the younger Toussaint girl did research for one of Mr. Ivens' children when she worked in the U of T library.

They all believe, to one degree or another, that, as Denzel Toussaint says, "This is a frame up. The brother I know, the father I know, is not capable of this."

What is the evidence against Toussaint?
^Yes, I had never read about the suspect's suicide until I was made aware of it.
Today..(What a sad, sordid tale)
TORONTO -- A middleman who helped Marshall Ross orchestrate the murder of his first cousin and benefactor Glen Davis was convicted of first-degree murder Thursday.

A jury returned its guilty verdict against Dmitri Kossyrine, who showed little emotion. Justice Eugene Ewaschuk immediately handed Kossyrine the mandatory sentence of life imprisonment"

Dotr (or anyone else) why do you think Kossyrine would involve himself in this (?) - he apparently refused the first time when approached. Signs for his business were all over the city seems business was good. Now life in prison....crazy.

He probably thought that since he wasn't the triggerman the courts would go easy on him if he was caught.

He also likely thought that this type of crime was worth the risk due to the supposedly remote chances of being caught. Don't forget that every criminal thinks that he's a "master criminal".

I'm interested in Toronto and Ontario crimes, so the fact that we have this thread is great.

Just a question to you veterans of this thread; does it follow any particular order, or can we just bring up pet cases or crimes of interest at any time?

Well I'm not a veteran of the thread but yes by all mean I think you can bring up cases in any order at any time.
Well, a more experienced poster than me! Lol.

It seems to me that these posts go in no particular order, but I wasn't sure.

Someone mentioned the murder of Christopher Skinner earlier.

I loathe bullies and thugs, and this murder was horrible. There's something about being totally innocent and going out for a night of fun, then being set upon by people like this.

Let's help his family out.

I found a Twitter account that his sister is running. Thought it would be a useful post.
Well, a more experienced poster than me! Lol.

It seems to me that these posts go in no particular order, but I wasn't sure.

Someone mentioned the murder of Christopher Skinner earlier.

I loathe bullies and thugs, and this murder was horrible. There's something about being totally innocent and going out for a night of fun, then being set upon by people like this.

Let's help his family out.

I found a Twitter account that his sister is running. Thought it would be a useful post.

Probably a repost, but here is a video with LE summary of that (very cold - hearted, imo) crime against Christopher Skinner and contact details from his very (understandably) upset but resolute sister...

"A reward of $150,000 from the police and family is being offered to anyone with information that helps solve the case. The reward will expire on Jan. 23, 2013.

Warren Skinner, Christopher's father, specifically appealed to the two passengers of the SUV.

"The people inside the vehicle that were not driving probably don't have a lot to worry about," said the elder Mr. Skinner, a criminal defence lawyer for more than 25 years.

Homicide squad Detective Stacy Gallant said they're looking for minute traces of the offender's DNA on Mr. Skinner's clothes. He refused to confirm if they've found any DNA but said that once they do, "we'll be knocking on your door."

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