Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #150

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No.... She's trying to convince Jose into moving his office next to Fusian

Actually, there's a booth in the back corner that is WAAYYY private. That would be a rockin' place for an office.
I admit, I didn't find this at it's start. If there is a child that was 12yrs old and was put in a hospital--did she have a parent that followed this case? Did she have parents thinking about divorce?

I will stand here now and tell you at 10, my parents were playing their divorce games and my tummy went into a cramp that I couldn't handle, my legs drew up and I HURT, I can still feel that.

I went to the hospital, was in there 3-4 days and nobody found beans. My legs were truly stuck, but there was no medical scan to prove a reason. I finally got better and could move my legs. I went home.

If this girl is sensitive etc...sure anything could happen. Casey has no business talking to a child and working her business on one. If Casey has been talking to this child via the net, I will hate this woman much, much, more than I already do!

I have no doubts about what a child of 12 can feel or suffer. Anxiety is very real and very painful.
The 12 year old organized a vigil when it seemed not an unreasonable thing to do. Cindy attended and lots of hugs all around.

That Casey thanked her warmly is not terribly heinous.

What you've picked up on that's interesting is that Casey latched on to the little one and manipulated her. Sad, true, and exactly how a narcissitic personality operates. They need input and attention from whoever will support the world of fantasy they are trying to live in ... and I think we can see that Casey's world of support has dwindled down to 12 year olds on-line.

Who probably shouldnt' be on-line.

I hear you. 12 year olds just are no match for a narcissistic person. And her Gma thought she would get information regarding a nationwide missing possbly dead 3 year olds case? Why would Gma do such a thing? Sadly, reward money comes to mind.
And I so apologize typing and spelling is getting sloppy. I am punch drunk....
back later - keep sleuthing

be well - all of you

robotdog- hippo basher
Is Casey home yet?

If not, I thought she was supposed to be home by like 4pm or something? Like every other day this week she's gone home by 4pm, something to do with the house monitoring.

.... so what's going on?
Google the child's name. She's all over the media about the Caylee story. Her parents/grandparents should have never let her become involved in this situation.

Yes and I want someone to give me a satisfactory explanation? Why did her own relatives had to send this to the press? This little girl who wanted to do something about Caylee is NOT a player in this case. The press wouldn't have gone after a 12 year old totally irrelevant with the case, and the doctors would not have tipped the press with this story. SO PLEASE SOMEONE.....a satisfactory reason who BENEFITS from this story being told to the press by the little girl's OWN FAMILY?

Shame, shame, shame. Why does this little girl has to live with this story for ever printed in the press for the rest of her life? Why are her immediate family exhibiting so little common sense first with allowing her to resume a role inappropriate for a 12 year old and then with leaking her medical info to the press?
For some reason, I think that is EXACTLY the kind of thing that goes through Casey's mind....sick sick sick. Meanwhile the whole country simply wants her to cough up some information about where she left Caylee.

p.s. I hate her too.....wonder if I can start a myspace page titled "I HATE CASEY ANTHONY", I bet I would be OVERWHELMED with friend requests!

Pick me! Pick me!
Is Casey home yet?

If not, I thought she was supposed to be home by like 4pm or something? Like every other day this week she's gone home by 4pm, something to do with the house monitoring.

.... so what's going on?

I thought I read that she was home around 3ish or am I wrong?
Is Casey home yet?

If not, I thought she was supposed to be home by like 4pm or something? Like every other day this week she's gone home by 4pm, something to do with the house monitoring.

.... so what's going on?

Well, I'm sure if they cleared it ahead of time, that may explain her not being home yet?? Could be....
I agree 100% on the Kio thread - the stuff posted out there that first night skeered me. Like watching Evil Knieval trying to leap the Grand Canyon. And it's still going on.

This isn't just to you, Potato, just a few thoughts related to this subject.

People aren't perfect, some make mistakes, and go too far in the eyes of others w/ info posted, myself included. Same w/Quick...she/he posted the Childs myspace, but, in my eyes, that does not make her/him red meat for everyone to chew on. No, I don't think it should be posted, but I can say it in a way that doesn't make someone feel like a pyhria (sp). Honestly, I hate it when it SEEMS like we are beating/ganging up on each other, like some of us are morally higher than others. I think everyone here has good intentions, and for myself, I may, at times, post something wrong/inappropriate. I hope you all will let me know with kindness, as I will try to do with others.

And, in the end, it seems like Trisha has some good posting rules and it all seems to sort itself out w/ the mods help.
Yeah, you know she has.

I'm hoping that LE is grabbing her computer correspondence. However, if she's using JB's computers, then I guess they couldn't, because that would be considered privilege.

It's so insane.

FUBARED beyond belief.

On the up side, I do believe that the video stated that Casey has sent one further email later last evening. Which means it was from home. Which means it is fair game to LE.

Now, hold still and quit squirming - I need to transfer your Gamay IV to the other arm. You're getting a bruise on the right one.
Did you watch the video? It's even more sickening than reading the article. How, how, how can the grandmother say that she was ok with it and thought that Casey may confide in her granddaughter. Why. That's my only question. Why............. The grandmother even said that she thought Caylee was deceased and that Casey had something to do with it. So why would you let your vulnerable 12 year old grandchild knowingly communicate like that with Casey? Why?
And that is the $64 question. I just do not get this.
If she isn't home yet, perhaps the reason LP didn't pull the bond is that she is now in a safe house.
Anyone notice the subconcious thread name change?

Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #150
The video lays out most of the facts and the history of the vigil the girl set up is well documented as well. She also was at the Anthony's each sunday night for their vigils. Since she is 12 I would assume her grandma was with her.

I can only imagine the things that were put into that girl's head. She may have been used in my opinion.
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