Casey Anthony General Discussion Thread #158

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My recollection was that tow truck guy said that it was not as strong as the suicide car, but it was the SAME SMELL.

And when I read the 400 pg documents the odor came back to my nostrils all over again. Death is not sweet well,:mad: actually a sweet pitrid smell you never forget.

That's interesting- thanks for sharing! I had the dogs in my pocket -as for sure evidence that she's guilty- now I'm wondering.

I'd still like clarification about what it means that the dog was "inconsistent" -what does that mean? Cindy says this proudly and also stressed- on the Today show- JUST ONE dog hit? I'm confused.

Did one dog hit where another one didn't? Does anyone know where there is a definitive (w/evidence backed up) description of dog involvement?

That was a really weird sentence to type- "dog involvement" -sounds funny- one might think I've had too much wine- :crazy: -definitely over obsessed w/finding out what happened to poor Caylee!!
She did have a driver's license, that was the picture that they showed to the Zani that they did find. In the documents (sorry I can't find the page number it takes FOREVER to load on my slow dial up computer) there is the picture titled Driver's License Photo, then under it says "I do not know her" and ZG's signature.

I believe that was only a "learners permit' photo.......the Florida DL has no record of her having an operator's license.
would we know if there's a grand jury already looking at this case for charges?
I find it very telling there were maggots and flies in the trunk. It makes me personally believe the body was not put in the trunk immediately after death.

Purple flies first
She did have a driver's license, that was the picture that they showed to the Zani that they did find. In the documents (sorry I can't find the page number it takes FOREVER to load on my slow dial up computer) there is the picture titled Driver's License Photo, then under it says "I do not know her" and ZG's signature.

Now, ya'll are wondering "who is this person posting" LOLOLOL.....I have been lurking around here since the Trenton Duckett days and have been trying to register for 2 days (THANKS TRICIA YOU ROCK) and finally got registered and validated and all that good stuff, so you will be seeing me around now :)

Glad to be here, ya'll rock, this forum rocks!

Kimi (who is off to update her profile and make a siggy and all that fun stuff!):)
The ID I saw in the docs was folded in half and so you could not tell if it was an actual license or a permit.
Did Cindy change her story about the smell in the trunk before or after Baez came around? Because all along i have been thinking Cindy is just crazy for changing her story and doing it just because she dont want her daughter to go to jail or is in denial ect. Im sure someone has mentioned this but i think Baez is pulling ALL the strings when it comes to things coming out of Cindy and Georges mouth. Reasonable Doubt.....

In my opinion, the last honest thing Cindy did was report her granddaughter missing. After she hung up the phone I think CA told her the truth and it's been cover-up city since that moment. At this point Cindy is not only protecting CA but protecting herself. I do believe she and GA are accessories after the fact and all this flailing around in the public eye is denial theatricality. It's b.s. as far as I'm concerned and the day LE hands down a murder charge for CA they're going to arrest the parents as well.
IMO, the decomposition smell that he smelt from Casey Anthony's car would smell the same as the suicide vehicle but not as strong. Not that I want to bring this up/share this but it makes a point, I had a relative who committed suicide in his truck, by means of shooting himself, and the decomp smell set in as early as the next day. However, you have to consider he shot himself, so his blood, tissue, etc.... was everywhere, so it was evident that the smell would be so strong!
yeah plus an adult body mass would be much more than that of a 2 yr old
Actually, Caylee would have been deceased for 4 weeks when the smell was noticed in the car.

Casey could be with her attorney as many hours as need be as long as she contacted her caseworker.

I don't know where it indicates that Casey can't have contact with minor children as part of her release. I need something to prove that.

I know someone found something about no contact with minors but it wasn't releated to Casey.

The link is the booklet Casey received from the corrections facility to follow.

Yes, I am wondering about that too. I have not heard it mentioned in the media at all. They would surely jump on it if they found she had done something that could get bond revoked. Did I just miss it somehow?
would we know if there's a grand jury already looking at this case for charges?

No, that is not in the public domain..........there could be a state and a federal grand jury in this and no one will know until the indictments come down. Even LE usually does not know until they get the warrants.
My theory is, Caylee was only in the trunk of the car for a short period of time. Perhaps after what happened to her, and placed in the trunk, or when Caylee was moved from place to place. I am thinking just a few hours, not days, or weeks.
Originally Posted by Lanie
Well, I didn't want to be that graphic, but there you go. Even if George rushed straight home from the impound lot and cleaned non-stop with his Arm & Hammer detergent, a steam cleaner, and help from the aliens until 2 seconds before LE showed up, he still would NOT have been able to cover up a body being in the trunk for that long. The only way to pull this off would have been to replace the car with a duplicate and change the VIN # to match what was on all the documents.

No..........he wouldn't have to because the night they came they did not take the car. It was a few days later. He had time.

IIRC, the original responding officer from that night said the car smelled like decomp. I don't know if he looked in the car or not, but IMO not much of a cop if he didn't. I will check to see if this is accurate.
That's interesting- thanks for sharing! I had the dogs in my pocket -as for sure evidence that she's guilty- now I'm wondering.

I'd still like clarification about what it means that the dog was "inconsistent" -what does that mean? Cindy says this proudly and also stressed- on the Today show- JUST ONE dog hit? I'm confused.

Did one dog hit where another one didn't? Does anyone know where there is a definitive (w/evidence backed up) description of dog involvement?

That was a really weird sentence to type- "dog involvement" -sounds funny- one might think I've had too much wine- :crazy: -definitely over obsessed w/finding out what happened to poor Caylee!!

I chuckled because she said it hit on the playhouse, then the sand box...hello. LE may have used code words for her at that point.
:crazy: That is the first time I have ever laughed reading this board, thank you!

Yes, I was hoping to lighten things up a bit. Gets a bit harder to do at night when people are tired and another day without finding Caylee comes to the end.
Yes, I am wondering about that too. I have not heard it mentioned in the media at all. They would surely jump on it if they found she had done something that could get bond revoked. Did I just miss it somehow?

Nope, you didn't miss it. Something was posted here and off it went.
Originally Posted by PotatoHead View Post
Know what this case needs?

Needs more cowbell.:crazy: That is the first time I have ever laughed reading this board, thank you!

too funny- thank you for sharing- it definitely needs more cowbell!!:clap::clap::clap::clap:
We have a tow company that workd the area I live in. I played on a billards team and one night one of the guys asked me if I could follow him back to the tow yard and then drop him off a the allnight dinner. I assumed he was dropping his car off becasue they also do repairs. Nope, he borrowed a car for the evening and wanted to get in back in the yard so he didn't have to get up early in the morning before they opened. I was floored becasue he had keys to the gate, keys to the office and was driving around in somebody car. I just thought I would pass that along. That is why LE has a potentioal problem. This place has dogs but no camera. The guy knows the dogs, they didn't even bark at me becasue he was there.

It will be a small problem.

As the prosecution puts ALL the pieces together... it will be impossible for the jury to believe ALL the evidence that points to Casey is COINCIDENCE & just really bad luck that makes her look guilty.

You start with a missing child who is NOT even reported missing for 31 days.

All the LIES upon LIES upon LIES and then someone framing her?

I think Miss Casey's clubbing days are over for good.
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