Casey Anthony reportedly planning to dump lawyer Jose Baez

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JVM calling and texting JB - no reply - sez Hey! JB! We're on the air! Call me !

Now on to date rape, depos, etc - wow JVM is singing a different tune - one of FCA's * million lies!

I am sure I am off topic! Stopping now.
Someone's got to tell us with out cable somehow. So spill on the JVM somewhere. :tyou:
I found a pic of her as a cow,but it is soo ugly!!!
Valid point, JB has always lacked ethics why start now, more $ to be made else-.wise


No way would JB just quit over her not in therapy...Really? That isn't in JB's he had valid stronger reason's to quit in the past.

My 2cents:

When JA's book came out JB mentioned facts will come out in his Book! While he is acting attorney not sure he can write a book. I believe this is all a plan to get money. Casey is toxic no media will JB leaves, and then media outlets will pay him, then on that heals Simms releases her book and so on.

There needed a good reason that people would buy for them to leave...something that professionals and media outlets can sell in order to pay for movie, interview, books. This was the excuse and purpose for the video's being released!
So now that Jose isn't Casey's lawyer and they clearly left each other on bad terms... We're going to find out more information. Geraldo is Beaz's friend so now watch Geraldo switch and he won't be a Casey fan as much... He'll do whatever Beaz needs him to do.. including leaks I'm sure. Pretty sure that Lee is in touch with Casey and that means Cindy is too.. I'm sure they pushed her to out Beaz... I hope Beaz goes on TV a lot... It will drive Casey nuts.
LP is back. He's on JVM. Talking about George - saying how mortified George must be.
Maybe Jose finally turned around.

Gosh, Can you imagine what's going on in the Anthony household tonight? Seriously, wounds being re-opened all because of Cindy's little Princess. How can they not be totally disgusted by her?
Major Freudian slip by Padilla??? George wanted to know what happened to his DAUGHTER?
I wouldn't be surprised to learn Casey is pregnant and she states JB is the daddy. I mean really...that would make all media outlets just forget people boycotting and just pay her to interview her.

I don't think JB turned around...No way....not in his DNA
No official paperwork yet that we know of. TMZ is reporting he quit and that they are looking into it.

Yes, and GR did also on his noon news clip - that JB's house has been foreclosed on and he is moving to Miami. And that Dottie resigned as part of OCA's team.

Where ya been this afternoon - we are rolling in the aisles here!
Gosh, Can you imagine what's going on in the Anthony household tonight? Seriously, wounds being re-opened all because of Cindy's little Princess. How can they not be totally disgusted by her?

I bet George didn't know the whole molestation story either, not how it was told in these depositions since they were sealed. I read it and I thought how in the world could he have gone along with this? Yeah, I bet there's upset in that house tonight.
not to poop on the party, but---my BFF thinks maybe "someone close to the case" heard that FKC's lawyer filed and assumed it was JB, not knowing it was DS

I hope she's wrong


Hi Tiki,

Speaking of DS -- I still shake my head whenever I think of this interview:

[ame=""]attorney dorthy sims would she let casey anthony babysit for her? joy behar .mp4 - YouTube[/ame]

WTH Dot! -- I mean Really? :banghead:
You guys are awesome. I'm laughing my head off. At least there is some levity to be found in this sick and twisted world we focus on here at WS.

Myself, I was just getting ready to do some work on my computer when I noticed the release of the psych evals, and then bam-bam-bam it all started hitting so fast I couldn't keep up.

Oh, well. Cheers!

We don't mean to be disrespectful to Caylee and her memory and the seriousness of this case - we really don't. But we have some great super one liner folks on this board and it helps to relieve the stress of the last 6 months so enjoy!
LOL...You need to set that to the new song Alice Cooper has out. It's called "I'll bite your face off!" lol

I wish someone would put up a few billboards with this photo up and around close to where the juror's traveled on a daily bases.

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