Casey Anthony reportedly planning to dump lawyer Jose Baez

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I've been wondering about that myself. All of those abuse allegations and nothing was done about it? Could anyone actually get into trouble for not reporting it or because she's an adult and not a child, it would be up to her to report it? Lawyers?

Casey also accused George of molesting Caylee
Ewww! :sick: That did not conjure pleasant images!

So, we have not seen anything that JB filed with the Court to remove himself as an attorney of record yet?

No..not yet..He is still listed as Lead Attorney
This ^

He thought he'd come off this as some well respected sought after super lawyer. <snort>

In fact, he just exposed himself as exactly what he is. A two bit hack of a baffoon lawyer that stooped to questionable tactics.

He just got lucky - VERY lucky - to have the twelve laziest, selfish people in Florida all seated in the same jury box.

Your reference to a "box" just made me think of doh (like in The Simpsons) nuts. OK, never mind.
I prefer to think of it as Faux News.

I've always said that the FCC should make them take the word "News" out of their title period, and make them call themselves what they are: "Fox Entertainment."

I prefer alternative media, it is the only true way to understand what is really going on around us in the world. Everything else is sensationalism and slanted noise. (To be fair, On both sides of the coin)
YUP. And this whole thing cracks me up now because since Baez and Simms have bailed, Cheney Mason is left holding the bag. :crazy:

Where is she going to go? Who is going to babysit her highness now? Is Cindy getting her room ready now?
Can the Winnie the Pooh blanket be retrieved from the swamp evidence locker, washed and sprayed?
Just a reminder to all (but mainly myself) that neither FCA or Baez have confirmed as of today that he is off the case. The last we heard from him, he was still standing up for her on Geraldo.

I will remain skeptical until it is confirmed.


That's an amusing thought... KC confirming something in the news. I wish she would start sending out press releases. What interesting reading that would be. :floorlaugh:
That's an amusing thought... KC confirming something in the news. I wish she would start sending out press releases. What interesting reading that would be. :floorlaugh:

Press Release


Dated: January 10, 2012 12:30PM EST by CMA STAFF

Team Casey Anthony would like to let everyone know that she just got her nose pierced. Ouch! Exciting isn't it? Everyone at Team Casey is giddy at this breaking development.

More news as it breaks ...
Press Release


Dated: January 10, 2012 12:30PM EST by CMA STAFF

Team Casey Anthony would like to let everyone know that she just got her nose pierced. Ouch! Exciting isn't it? Everyone at Team Casey is giddy at this breaking development.

More news as it breaks ...

:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

That's so authentic looking! In fact, maybe she'll call you with a job off....

oh, that's right, SHE'S BROKE!!!!! :twocents: :boohoo:
casey blackmailing JB?

Never in a zillion years did I ever believe JB and FCA did not have a sexual relationship (all those hours and hours spent in his office...doing WHAT, exactly?) and that she planned to use it against him at some point. If she had been found guilty of any of the charges, I'll bet dollars to donuts that she would have been screaming "improper representation" because of "an inappropriate sexual relationship" with her attorney; but since she got off, maybe she's just holding it over his head because she can. Or maybe because he didn't deliver what he promised on the big bucks. Who knows? They deserve each other. Two sleazoids.
Maybe I was dreaming this, but I could have sworn someone posted that the reason Sims and Baez quit was because CM and Casey decided to go with the whole videos were part of therapy lie. Has this come from a reliable source?
I didn't get to see the site when ANS outed herself, but I just don't think Casey is that smart. She made up people, she never became other people. I just don't think she'd be good at trying to be someone else. Lying and making up people is different than becoming a new person with a new name. I can see her talking a supporter into doing something like this, though. Casey always seems to have someone to do things for her or cover her butt. It never fails.

Plus, this all started from Twitter Twama (I feel less intelligent just typing that), so I'm not taking it all very seriously. Everything keeps getting so confusing. I can't keep up with it, and I trust no one.
All I know is they all go round in circles about who did what - and I am careful about clicking on links provided as I have seen numerous warnings about malicious content. I am not computer literate enough to maneuver my way through those minefields so I will leave it to others who are, to tell me who is genuine...

When I began following RH a week ago, he messaged me that I should also follow BC, because "she knows more than she lets on". I began following BC, and she messaged me asking if I could help her get her message out about KC, and sent me a wordpress link, which I hear is not something we should be clicking on.
I didn't get to see the site when ANS outed herself, but I just don't think Casey is that smart. She made up people, she never became other people. I just don't think she'd be good at trying to be someone else. Lying and making up people is different than becoming a new person with a new name. I can see her talking a supporter into doing something like this, though. Casey always seems to have someone to do things for her or cover her butt. It never fails.

Plus, this all started from Twitter Twama (I feel less intelligent just typing that), so I'm not taking it all very seriously. Everything keeps getting so confusing. I can't keep up with it, and I trust no one.

You are right. Trust no one. I am declaring myself over this.
I didn't get to see the site when ANS outed herself, but I just don't think Casey is that smart. She made up people, she never became other people. I just don't think she'd be good at trying to be someone else. Lying and making up people is different than becoming a new person with a new name. I can see her talking a supporter into doing something like this, though. Casey always seems to have someone to do things for her or cover her butt. It never fails.

Plus, this all started from Twitter Twama (I feel less intelligent just typing that), so I'm not taking it all very seriously. Everything keeps getting so confusing. I can't keep up with it, and I trust no one.

Aedrys ----> I think it is all just kc playing with her imaginary friends again. :floorlaugh: and talk of monopoly money and deals. But what do I know!
She could have been , but then again Rob says that this is Casey and Brianne's game together. They are friends. So Casey could have just taken over Brianne's twitter. Who knows! Now I sound as crazy as they do. lol!

BC is a member here. She signed up the other day and posted, but I haven't seen her in the past few days. Are we allowed to ask her directly if she comes back? lol
I didn't get to see the site when ANS outed herself, but I just don't think Casey is that smart. She made up people, she never became other people. I just don't think she'd be good at trying to be someone else. Lying and making up people is different than becoming a new person with a new name. I can see her talking a supporter into doing something like this, though. Casey always seems to have someone to do things for her or cover her butt. It never fails.

Plus, this all started from Twitter Twama (I feel less intelligent just typing that), so I'm not taking it all very seriously. Everything keeps getting so confusing. I can't keep up with it, and I trust no one.

Me too. Whatever this AS person is she is not a supporter of Casey Anthony IMO.
I didn't get to see the site when ANS outed herself, but I just don't think Casey is that smart. She made up people, she never became other people. I just don't think she'd be good at trying to be someone else. Lying and making up people is different than becoming a new person with a new name. I can see her talking a supporter into doing something like this, though. Casey always seems to have someone to do things for her or cover her butt. It never fails.

Plus, this all started from Twitter Twama (I feel less intelligent just typing that), so I'm not taking it all very seriously. Everything keeps getting so confusing. I can't keep up with it, and I trust no one.


But I agree with you....KC isn't that bright. Devious? Yes. A prolific liar? Yes. But the whole AS thing seems waaaaay over her head, unless she had a lot of help. From...RH? Lee? I dunno. I've been reading about her all day and I feel like I need a shower. Know what I mean?
This is interesting.

My guess is that Hensley who is rumored to be attorney Jose Baez's cousin, who is Casey Anthony's former attorney. He is also rumored to be a boyfriend of Casey's and a friend of her brother, Lee. (let me repeat, they are rumors) I am wondering if Hensley may have gotten the video by a video email that was sent by Casey to someone Hensley knew and then he posted it on YouTube.

We will probably never know, as Hensley has hired Curtis Sample as his attorney and Hensley has closed all his social network accounts. Sample won't confirm or deny that Hensley was the one that leaked the videos, although Hensley did state on a Casey Anthony-related Facebook page that he had been emailed the video.

Much more at the link.

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