Casey Anthony's 'failure to protect' caused Caylee's death, DCF said

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Thank you for clarifying for me. Perhaps I just read it incorrectly. I did not intend to misrepresent what you said.

You said: "A grandparent cannot just take over custody even if the child is seemingly in danger. You have to go through the system. This article gives us a "program" instituted by the State of Florida as of 2002 but that's a far cry from where we need to be. The A's should have been able to step in, tell KC to take off and get her life together and come back when she thought she could earn her rights back as a "mother". " The way I read it, it sounded like the grandparents "should have been able to step in." I guess I interpreted that as meaning that the grandparents should be able to step in without having to report the abuse to the police.

I guess I was just confused also because coming from the point of view of the Anthonys, they didn't do anything to even try to legally be able to step in, so I am unclear what they are lobbying for now. If you don't report whatever you see that concerns you with regard to the care of a child, then the parent is going to continue to have legal custody and you as the grandparent aren't going to have a leg to stand on.

you are correct. In the article I attached earlier, there was an outline at the bottom that detailed which type of custody a grandparent could ask for, the terms attached and the rights of the parent regarding future custody of said child. If the A's had gone through the court system especially regarding theft and pursued the lies to find out she had not retained gainful employment, they would have been able to prove they were providing everything for their grandchild, not KC. Now, having said that, if they had said to KC, why don't you give us temporary custody while you go about your life and you will have visitation rights. But, as we all know, they never got that far. I think they are blaming themselves now for not having done something, therefore the big push to do something constructive even though in hindsight. I hope that clears up my intended message in my earlier post. I assumed everyone had scanned the article in full and it was silly of me to assume everyone got the same message out of it as I did.
I think if KC was arrested for stealing the Anthony's would have bailed her out anyway. Just because someone is arrested for stealing doesn't mean they get their child taken away by the state.

I believe they would have bailed her out also but, having an arrest record for theft in the way she did also constitutes "fraud". Add to that, she was not supporting her own daughter but depending totally on her parents, not having gainful employment, not going to school, exactly what WAS she doing to support her daughter? It's wonderful to be a parent but, you have to be a "responsible" one. An interview with DCF and an investigation would have enlightened them quite a bit, wouldn't you say?

They would have put her in a State program and tried to find her a job, helped her to finish her education and she would have had services open to her like medical and dental for herself and for Caylee. She didn't pursue that either. If she had refused those services, there's grounds right there for the A's to step in and go for temporary custody. Someone has to be responsible for the child. As far as I can see, the A's were the only ones that fit that bill.
I think if KC was arrested for stealing the Anthony's would have bailed her out anyway. Just because someone is arrested for stealing doesn't mean they get their child taken away by the state.

If she were doing jail time someone has to take the child. Also not supporting your child is neglect and the A's could easily prove KC had no job and provided no support for her daughter. jmo
I wonder why it took 3 years for this report to be finalized? As it stands now, it isn't worth the paper it is written on. Why didn't they have this done for the trial so that it could have been used in court by the Pros? It's almost like they didn't want to get that involved so they just dragged their feet until it was to late to do anything with it. So many children have fallen through the cracks thanks to Child Protective Services. There have been many children who were left with their parents/parent because CPS wanted to keep the family together...and the child ended up dead. In most cases there was plenty of proof that the child should not have been with the parents/parent. If George and Cindy had done something about Casey long ago they no doubt could have gotten custody of Caylee and she would be alive today. It just burns me when the different channels show the videos of Casey playing with Caylee like she is the best mother around! Heck, anyone can play mama in front of a camera once in a while. I totally detest Casey Anthony and I am glad that she has to come back to Orlando. She deserves whatever happens to her. I want to smack Jane Velez Mitchell. This is not political Jane! Maybe you should let Casey live with you and keep house for you or something as you are so concerned about her! If Jane had her way Casey wouldn't have to do the probation at all. Glad she didn't get to make the choice. I really believed the judge would let her off but thank God he didn't and I'm glad he layed into creepy Baiz too. Baiz is digging his own grave with his unethical behavior. He will do the same thing in every trial he does. I hope he loses his license in the long run.

The judge would never have left it in. KC had an attorney at the time and really should not have been speaking with DCF. Had they known for sure Caylee was dead DCF would not have had an interview. As it was the child was suppose to be missing at the time and they were required to do an investigation. You can compare this to the jailhouse tape that we were not permitted to see, too prejudicial. jmo
Maybe I'm the only one that is looking at this report as one for my side. I believe that FICA was directly responsible for Caylee's death and now I have an indisputable report from DCF that confirms this. Although it doesn't change anything from a legal aspect as far as her paying for this crime it does announce to the public that she is responsible. Theres no appeal, no legal argument to dispute the report. The DT has been banging their head against a very large wall to emerge from this mess without ANY dirt left on them or their client. This may be a small piece of dirt but it's one that WILL stick. If you are in the A's camp what are you going to say to me to convince me this isn't true?
What lie are you going to try to float, spin or spew. I know that FICA lied in this report and that's not going to go away. Don't call me little miss sunshine but don't pee on my parade either. I just finished watching Vinnie on HLN and how much fun at least half of the panel was having making fun of the convict. Little Miss Untouchable just got slapped a good one on national TV, so what is she going to do about that...Nothing!

So does the agency or whoever was involved feel good about releasing this NOW? Just in time for it not to matter? This should have been available at the trial for heaven's sake to contradict the "Casey was an amazing mom" tripe.
So does the agency or whoever was involved feel good about releasing this NOW? Just in time for it not to matter? This should have been available at the trial for heaven's sake to contradict the "Casey was an amazing mom" tripe.

Made for good reading material for the "jurors" over their morning coffee.
The judge would never have left it in. KC had an attorney at the time and really should not have been speaking with DCF. Had they known for sure Caylee was dead DCF would not have had an interview. As it was the child was suppose to be missing at the time and they were required to do an investigation. You can compare this to the jailhouse tape that we were not permitted to see, too prejudicial. jmo

Seems to me a lot of things were too prejudicial. I half expected Casey to show up at court in nun's habit with a halo over her head. That's how much stuff was kept out that was prejudicial. I felt like she was allowed to be whitewashed for court, and the jury just didn't have enough info on the real Casey to come to a good decision. I understand defendant's rights and all of that, but it seems like stuff that was declared too prejudicial was way overboard in this case. I never liked that. Her stealing couldn't come in, and to hear that this DCF report couldn't come in either just makes me mad.
Seems to me a lot of things were too prejudicial. I half expected Casey to show up at court in nun's habit with a halo over her head. That's how much stuff was kept out that was prejudicial. I felt like she was allowed to be whitewashed for court, and the jury just didn't have enough info on the real Casey to come to a good decision. I understand defendant's rights and all of that, but it seems like stuff that was declared too prejudicial was way overboard in this case. I never liked that. Her stealing couldn't come in, and to hear that this DCF report couldn't come in either just makes me mad.

FCA claimed that she would lie and steal to find Caylee. FCA made it a part of the case. It should have been brought in to prove she wasn't stealing to find Caylee.

So does the agency or whoever was involved feel good about releasing this NOW? Just in time for it not to matter? This should have been available at the trial for heaven's sake to contradict the "Casey was an amazing mom" tripe.

Well said!!! Where were they when it mattered???
What a bunch of d!pchits!!!
Made for good reading material for the "jurors" over their morning coffee.
They didn't deliberate long enough to even read the jury instructions let alone comprehend what they skimmed through, so I'm thinking this wasn't a group of people with a high rate of literacy to start
So does the agency or whoever was involved feel good about releasing this NOW? Just in time for it not to matter? This should have been available at the trial for heaven's sake to contradict the "Casey was an amazing mom" tripe.

I couldn't watch the presser when they released this report- did anyone ASK them wth was the purpose of releasing this now?
If no action can be taken against FCA for their findings- WHY? It's just another slap in the face for anyone who cared about Caylee.
I couldn't watch the presser when they released this report- did anyone ASK them wth was the purpose of releasing this now?
If no action can be taken against FCA for their findings- WHY? It's just another slap in the face for anyone who cared about Caylee.

-----when it was 1st released, bob kealing tweeted that it was a public records request. ( i wonder who made that request?)!/bobkealing

bobkealingbob kealing
Public records request. “@JessBest80: @bobkealing Why is this DCF information coming out now?

---------this is the one i'm anxious to see now-----the 'behind closed door' accounting of how baez & co. spent their (American Broadcasting Corporation) blood money...

bobkealingbob kealing
Nadda yet“@starmonkie2: @nodoubt12wrong @ **Hey BOB! what happened to the request to unseal records to see how 200,000 was spent ?

bobkealingbob kealing
Not that ive seen yet“@notthatsmart1: @starmonkie2@nodoubt12wrong is defense fighting public records request for info on the 200000.00
I can't see a law like that happening. If there is proof that the child is being harmed, the police and the courts need to become involved. That's way too open to abuse if the grandparents can just come in and kick the parent to the curb with no proof, no need to contact the authorities. I understand that in Caylee's case and that of many other children, that would have been for the best, but if there's no oversight and grandparents can just do whatever they want, they can come in and take the child if they just don't like the parents.

ETA: Before any of this happened, no complaints or reports had been made about Casey, even though they probably should have. Her parents had not told anyone about the stealing and the lying. Therefore, I doubt they would have had any legal standing to just kick Casey out and keep Caylee.

Maybe not. But after a week of no sightings of Caylee or communication I do think if they wouldve called the LE to do a check on her it wouldve been done. After all, it seems like Caylees room was there, they were supporting her, Casey had no income (they MUST have noticed) I do think police would check up for worried Grandparents. Especially if the baby had always lived with them.
And.....CA couldve always thrown in with the call how "unfit" a Mother Casey was according to her telling people that:innocent: Maybe a week wouldve been to late to save her but at least Caylee might not have laid in a swamp so long.
All that and folks seem to leave out that CA worked full time - left for work before eight in the morning and returned home after six most nights. Plus she appeared to need to believe whatever bs FKC chose to feed her. I think it took her months to empty out her head of all the lies FKC fed her during the first 31 days. Listening to her back in the early days, she really believed there was a Jeffrey, that the people FKC talked about were real, and that FKC job was a real job.

FKC was right - she is a very good liar.

There is no doubt in my mind that both GA and CA knew FKC was not the reliable young woman they hoped she would be, but I remain convinced they had no comprehension that FKC could/would kill Caylee. And dispose of her body in such an ugly brutal manner. Who immediately suspects their own child of this?
Cindy did, if we're to believe her own words..."What have you done?!"
They didn't deliberate long enough to even read the jury instructions let alone comprehend what they skimmed through, so I'm thinking this wasn't a group of people with a high rate of literacy to start

kaRN, Kudo's to you.

You completely told the truth and all it took was one sentence to sum up perfectly the jurors and the 10 or so hours of deliberating.
I couldn't watch the presser when they released this report- did anyone ASK them wth was the purpose of releasing this now?
If no action can be taken against FCA for their findings- WHY? It's just another slap in the face for anyone who cared about Caylee.

I think the department is protecting their own little "petuities". They probably figured she would never get out of jail to reproduce. Rut roh.....switch to Plan B. Could they want this "on the record" now in case she ever get pregnant again and there are issues??? jmo
They didn't deliberate long enough to even read the jury instructions let alone comprehend what they skimmed through, so I'm thinking this wasn't a group of people with a high rate of literacy to start

I would very respectfully like to point out that "literacy" and "common sense" are two different items. The jurors could listen. They should have been able to think. And they had all the right in the court system to ask for verbal read back of the evidence. The court system was founded long before the masses of people could read, write and comprehend written language. So please do not give them even that out here. They were greedy lazy self interested people.IMO Who had great comprehension of the literal meaning of the values on book deals and TV interviews.
Here it is August 15th and I still cannot get over the verdict of not guilty. I have no idea what happened behind the closed door of the jury room. I have read and probably even written a post or two myself about the the inept jury. But what gets me is how we say they were uneducated without common since etc, ect. I'm uneducated but do have common since and I would have caused a hung jury just on the 31 days alone. The defense says something to the effect that CFCA was affraid to go to LE because this is how she was raised and such, see I do not buy that at all. In this day and age there are plenty of resources out there to protect a person if they need to report something as bad as an "accidental drowing" or "kidnapping". As far as the small amount of time the jury spent deliberating, if the verdict had been the way we expected it to go we would be praising the jury for seeing through the BS the defense spewed. I also think of that serial killer (Sowell I think his name is) that jury deliberated an hour I think and they convicted him, it took longer for the court to read the vedrdicts on 85 counts than it took for the jury to deliberate. So the amount of time spent in the jury room deliberating really means nothing to me. I can't help but wonder if there was a bully in the CFCA jury though. A bully would not have swayed me to see things his/her way though.
I really wish we had seen justice done for Caylee. It has been 3 long years and this grown women still gets her own way at every turn. I want to get over this as nothing I feel or say will ever change the outcome for Caylee.

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