Casey as "co-counsel" ...good strategy or no?

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KC modeling "co-counsel" Good defense move or bad move?

  • It's a good defense strategy

    Votes: 14 4.5%
  • It's a bad defense strategy

    Votes: 266 85.0%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 33 10.5%

  • Total voters
Bad all around. I can't even see her most of the time and she's the most irritating defendant I have ever known of. I can just imagine what she's doing, acting like a paralegal when she's nothing but a murderer. No, that is not going to go well with a jury. And if she keeps reacting the way she does to the SA, with snide remarks for example, she is putting herself in an adversarial position with them, the mean SA vs. her. I've never ever known of a defendant who put themselves in that position that came out acquitted or otherwise. No juror wants to see a defendant reacting to the SA's in open court like that. It's like the crime takes second place to a personal vendetta against the SA for daring to bring it against her. She is digging herself quite a hole by acting like part of her defense team instead of a client being represented by a defense team, which is what a innocent person does. She's even irritating her own defense team on top of that! The jury is going to think the worst of her just sitting at that table and acting the way she does. That doesn't look good for her at all, but I don't know what else they could do to make her look better. There's just not any time for a personality makeover before the trial. She would probably need a personality transplant, if that were possible.

ITA--what is also getting me is they are trying to portray her as a victim....and the true victim Caylee is ......(can't go there--but sure others fill in the spaces....)
ICA is not participating in her own defense.

This "act" directed by her defense team is not working for me.

Having the rare opportunity to watch the last couple of hearings, I paid very close attention when the camera focused on ICA (thankfully, I can block out Baez voice!)..

...and noticed on several occasions that she was reading and writing notes from a particular page of a deposition, but then would flip pages BACKWARDS several pages, and start "reading and writing" again....

Don't know about you, but when I read, I usually flip pages FORWARD to continue reading..

I don't think she has a CLUE as to what she is even reading...just picking out random sentences and then writing her commentary...keeping busy as directed by DT...

I imagine she envisions that the camera is CONTINUOUSLY focused on HER during the hearings, and she is postering and posing thinking she is "lookin' all attorney like"..
I think ICA's actions at the defense table have an almost compulsive and manic quality to them. I think the jury will find this behavior disturbing.
I know we're all talking about what the defense is doing to make Casey look bad. But I think there's one thing they're doing right.

Tighten that hair as tightly as possible and put it in a bun. This way she can't possibly twirl it for 8 hours straight. Before the bun, the hair twirling, pulling, was driving me potty.

Hey, I thought I just might throw them a bone ;)


I was thinking that the other day...I was also laughing to myself that she grew it soooooo long for whatever reason and now noone can even tell.:floorlaugh:
I have also noticed GA and CA with the yellow legal pads in the court room....I am thinking that they are switching them out with ICA every time there is a break by the lady that sits with the DT when she gets up and leaves the room....MO
JMO - I think paralegal Casey is a bad idea. While the DT might think this makes her look engaged and concerned for her case, I see the exact opposite. She looks more like someone trying to "look busy".

I don't think this will bode well for her with the jury. I was a juror for a murder trial last year. Jurors specifically look for reactions from the accused. If he had for one moment had his face glued to papers trying to act busy, I would have to wonder why. What couldn't he face?

That being said, our accused did not play paralegal. He paid attention to his entire trial. This man also took the stand in his own defense... something I don't expect ICA to do.

ICA would be better to find a different strategy for containing her inability to pluck and preen herself. Playing paralegal is not working for her at all. Just MHO.
ICA is not participating in her own defense.

This "act" directed by her defense team is not working for me.

Having the rare opportunity to watch the last couple of hearings, I paid very close attention when the camera focused on ICA (thankfully, I can block out Baez voice!)..

...and noticed on several occasions that she was reading and writing notes from a particular page of a deposition, but then would flip pages BACKWARDS several pages, and start "reading and writing" again....Don't know about you, but when I read, I usually flip pages FORWARD to continue reading..

I don't think she has a CLUE as to what she is even reading...just picking out random sentences and then writing her commentary...keeping busy as directed by DT...

I imagine she envisions that the camera is CONTINUOUSLY focused on HER during the hearings, and she is postering and posing thinking she is "lookin' all attorney like"..

I have been watching the hearings and your are correct! She also has been reading upside down! I was like what is she doing? Does she not know the camera is on her? Again, I say bad bad idea from the DT or who ever came up with this plan. If she can to pretend to read, follow case law, insert herself into her own defense, well then how can she be mentally insane?
No way to win this one IMO. The jury will not like it one bit that she is just pretty much saying the heck with her daughter, the judge and everyone else.

But more important, she is not one bit concerned about her dead daughter and if she were innocent IMO she would be screaming from behind bars for someone to find the real killer, her so called nanny ZFG. What ever happen to her?
I have been watching the hearings and your are correct! She also has been reading upside down! I was like what is she doing? Does she not know the camera is on her? Again, I say bad bad idea from the DT or who ever came up with this plan. If she can to pretend to read, follow case law, insert herself into her own defense, well then how can she be mentally insane?
No way to win this one IMO. The jury will not like it one bit that she is just pretty much saying the heck with her daughter, the judge and everyone else.

But more important, she is not one bit concerned about her dead daughter and if she were innocent IMO she would be screaming from behind bars for someone to find the real killer, her so called nanny ZFG. What ever happen to her?

I would love to see the part of the hearing where she flipped her pad upside down and was reading...can someone point me to it???
I voted "other" because I believe it has very little to do with strategy. IIRC, Baez enslisted her early on as being part of the "team" to be taking notes, asking questions, etc. I remember video of KC going to Baez's office with her laptop and thick paperwork. I think Baez did that to show her he was confident in his representation of her case and wanted her confidence in him when in reality all that did was confirm to KC she had once again manipulated another person with her BS I believe for the purpose of strategy on the defense side, it has very little to do with anything other than keeping her busy and building a confidence between attorney and client. IMO, if anything, it is hurting the defense side as she continues to come off as someone she is not. The "Event Planner"......
It's a bad defense strategy, was my vote...

I believe this new chameleon hat she's wearing if done at the trial will not go over well with a jury.

Jurors look to the defendant for any signs of remorse. If she continues this 'role' the jury will see her as disassociated from the crime. This will show her distancing herself from the act of Caylee's demise. I believe a jury will not see this as a good move, just as her obsessive 'grooming' would be very telling, she is now obsessively writting and it would go against her. She will be seen as not plugged into the trial or it's outcome...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I would love to see the part of the hearing where she flipped her pad upside down and was reading...can someone point me to it???

I'll try and find it for you :) It's classic!!
It will do the DT no good regardless of whether they allow KC to preen herself or pretend to guide her defense. She will be toast. She will sit there searching through notepads and shuffling through papers looking for the loophole that will set her free, and the SA will be displaying all the evidence that shows what a sociopathic murderer she is. KC only cares about KC. Listen to the two different 911 calls below. If a jury can hear these and hear the difference in her voice between the call where she is FINALLY reporting Caylee missing and the one where the protestors are threatening her, she will minimally spend the rest of her life behind bars.

In this one, at about the 2:00 mark is when the 911 operator asks to speak to KC. KC's voice is flat, monotone, and uncaring. She has "gone through other resources to try and find her".


In this one, she has a purpose! Those protestors are bothering HER! They are threatening HER! She doesn't go through "other resources" to try and get rid of the protestors! No sirree! She immediately dials 911 and INSISTS that they get someone there IMMEDIATELY! She wants them to send as many people as they possibly can! KC starts talking to the operator at the 50 second mark. The two calls are as different as night and day!


I pray the jury gets to hear these two calls to contrast the difference in just what was and is important to Lil KC A. Unbelievable!

I voted "other" because I believe it has very little to do with strategy. IIRC, Baez enslisted her early on as being part of the "team" to be taking notes, asking questions, etc. I remember video of KC going to Baez's office with her laptop and thick paperwork. I think Baez did that to show her he was confident in his representation of her case and wanted her confidence in him when in reality all that did was confirm to KC she had once again manipulated another person with her BS I believe for the purpose of strategy on the defense side, it has very little to do with anything other than keeping her busy and building a confidence between attorney and client. IMO, if anything, it is hurting the defense side as she continues to come off as someone she is not. The "Event Planner"......

But everyone has told KC, she's the CEO.
I voted "Bad". (And I love the 'rabid stenographer' reference, LOL!)

IMO, considering the never-ending motions the defense files, and ICA's mandatory appearance at motion hearings, the defense would have been better served to use this time to train ICA how to act. They could have started out with a 'code', such as a kick in the leg means fake cry, a jab of an elbow is fake love (when her family takes the stand), a little pinch means look bewildered, etc.

I don't think it matters so much how she is acting and what she is wearing at these motion hearings, but I just don't get why the defense wouldn't be using this time to correct her weak points instead of having her play 'rabid stenographer', because, IMO, she's not even doing a good job of that. I can't see what she writes, but to me it looks like at times she is maybe writing a date at the top right of the page, then on to the next page, or a few times it has looked like she is writing Haku (sp) or something, so even this, to me, is massive fail.
Everytime I read the title of this thread I just crack up. Casey as co-counsel to me equals joke ... roflmao. The woman is full of lies and deceit and you can't role with that it will crush this case.
If her counsel is taking anything from this woman they are more ignorant then I think right now.

Any good lawyer knows there is no strategy to that

And seeing these very closeup photos brings to mind yet again...

Why do all sweaters that ICA wears to court seem to be a size larger so that the sleeves hang down over her wrists to fingertips? This has always bothered me....I have even seen live footage where she continually pulls the sleeves down?

Even went back through old hearing photos and video and she is consistent in making sure arms are covered to fingertips...


As a person of.. um....~ diminutive stature~... I can tell you there is not one single solitary item of clothing that does not have sleeves that are too long for me. Add in someone's *brilliant* idea to make knuckle-covering length as the style-du-jour, and it's a lose-lose situation.

[Sorry - it's a pet peeve of mine.]
O/T I just saw a promo on Tru TV for "Casey Anthony Trial May 2011" They showed Caylee and Mike Brooks goes "Who could harm this little girl? A heartless monster, that's who."
IMO it does not serve her defense well.:twocents:

If it annoys the jurors even a fraction as much as it annoys me to watch her act completely oblivious to the fact that she is being tried for murder, then the jurors are going to want to slap her.

If I were her defense team, I'd suggest she at least PRETEND that this case is affecting her and is exacting a huge toll on her. She just looks too comfortable at the table there playing paralegal.

I realize it may be strategy to diffuse her nervous energy, but methinks it doesn't help her to appear innocent, or even concerned!:banghead:

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