Casey & Family Psychological Profile #1

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She definitely has anti social personality disorder. She has every single symptom including pathological lying, stealing, not being financially responsible, engaging in behaviors that could result in being arrested, having no regard for the safety of others or for human life, having no remorse, having poor parenting skills, disregard for the rights of others, using trickery for personal profit, inability to hold a job, inability to think of others or taking others feelings into consideration, failure to understand the consequences of their actions
I was also interested in the psychology of Casey. After reading the documents of those people who were interviewed I have changed my mind about the sociopathic personality. If she is having nightmares, that does not indicate a sociopath to me. Sociopaths feel no guilt, they don't even know what you are talking about, never felt it so they cannot relate to word. However, they know enough to fake it if it is needed. They have excellent reality contact. The world is their oyster for the taking. They are shrewd and usually in control of most situations.

A better fit for Casey seems to be the hysteric personality. They cannot accept guilt, often blame others and could at least have nightmares but would always say it was about something else, or someone else.
From Mercks manual

Histrionic (Hysterical) Personality: People with a histrionic personality conspicuously seek attention, are dramatic and excessively emotional, and are overly concerned with appearance. Their lively, expressive manner results in easily established but often superficial and transient relationships. Their expression of emotions often seems exaggerated, childish, and contrived to evoke sympathy or attention (often erotic or sexual) from others.

People with a histrionic personality are prone to sexually provocative behavior or to sexualizing nonsexual relationships. However, they may not really want a sexual relationship; rather, their seductive behavior often masks their wish to be dependent and protected. Some people with a histrionic personality also are hypochondriacal and exaggerate their physical problems to get the attention they need.

I remember someone commenting on the NG show that she sounded almost flirtatious with the police interrigating her.
I think you have hit the nail on the head with that idea. She is histrionic, or hysterical: that's absolutely what she is.

Establishing that, now you can ask some questions. The presence of chloroform indicated she wanted to anesthetize Caylee for a period of time, probably with the help of the nanny who probably administered it. If Casey wanted to sell Caylee into adoption, for say $100,000, or even $200,000; Casey was motivated by the money.

She was not motivated by wanting to get Caylee off her back so she could live freely without a child, because Casey's mother offered, in fact demanded to take Caylee.

With that fact in place, Casey's only reason for wanting to keep Caylee was that she could get $100,000, or so, by selling her daughter into adoption.

That reason for wanting to keep her daughter: the fact that she could get money for selling her into adoption is so cold-hearted, it makes you wonder if that theory is true, just because it is so cold-hearted.

But if there is a presence of chloroform, it indicates Casey wanted to anesthetize Caylee so other people could take her. Caylee would think she had been kidnapped when she woke up. And Casey's mother would think Caylee had been kidnapped.

The chloroform had no other reason to be there, except to anesthetize Caylee for a period of time.

Casey didn't need to murder Caylee to be free of a child. She could have given her to her grandmother. The only motivation for keeping Caylee and selling her into adoption would have been money.
Shadow, thank you for the invitation. I will be happy to answer any questions that I understand. :) ...Russell

Hi, welcome to WS! I know your input will be welcome here. This should be a very interesting place (and case) to discuss the BRACE character profile.

I'm reading Lee A's police interview 7/29

Lee's statement shows the toxic relationship of CiA and Casey: on pg 6, as Casey told Lee, "Mom has thrown it in my face many times before that I'm an unfit mother." She also claimed that CiA would say "even though Caylee has been the best thing and the best mistake, that she was [still] indeed a mistake ... Casey's mistake." (ed: what a stinkin' hateful thing to say about a little girl who was right in front of her!)

In the "flow of thought" (my take, Casey trying to calculate how best to play the situation when she's called to account for Caylee's whereabouts after a carefree month) that Casey is experiencing in that time just before the police are called, she lashes out (p 8): "I'm untrustworthy, I've been a bad daughter, I've been a bad mother" and "[I'm acting as I'm acting because] I'm a spiteful ." Is she casting about for how best to play this scene? Choosing to go for the high drama, "Oh, yes, take me in, arrest me, I've been so bad."

Lee's interview topic thread:
Imho, KC does not come across as even remotely histrionic (think Scarlett in Gone with the Wind). I also think the nightmares were more about fear of getting caught. In fact, I think the early investigations regarding the dogs hitting in the back yard, along with the decomposition in the car, strongly supports a murder scenario as opposed to an accident or hand-off scenario. Afaics, the recent docs release support the murder scenario as well. Not that we really needed those, considering the fact that she didn't bother to contact LE and the multitude of lies coming out of her mouth.

Even if I were to give KC the benefit of the doubt... that there was an accident and she buried Caylee in a panic? I simply do not see how any normal person (you know, someone with a conscience?) would be able to dig up their dead child's remains (days later when decomposition is seriously setting in) and transport them to ... ??? while acting like nothing out of the ordinary has occurred and putting out to friends and family, what comes across as nothing more than a bogus story about dead squirrels. This type of behavior is not the marker of someone with a medical psychosis (i.e., someone suffering from PPD) or even a drug induced psychosis (i.e., alcohol, cocaine, meth). Rather, it is the marker of someone who was very calcuating and was laying the ground work for the inevitable: LE involvement into Caylee's disappearance.

Though... I am still perplexed about the Anthony family dynamic. Esp in light of the 2nd 911 call, where Cindy is the hysterical one. And also the jailhouse call where KC says, "You mean you don't know?" in response to Cindy's "where is Caylee" question. And, of course the lies coming from Cindy, specifically, and from the Anthony family, generally.
kiki - I just wanted to say - WOW


thank you so much for sharing your story.

where is your daughter now? would you ever think of suing her for custody of your grandchild?

what steps that you've taken do you think have been most effective in getting your daughter to "see the light" so to speak?
LOL well as a Psychology prof said to our class, some people see hysterics everwhere and some people see sociopaths everywhere. I think that Scarlett was a sociopath. She always won didnt she until she ran into Rhett? There have been papers written about her and I don't think everyone agrees about her either. Facinating character.
I think you have hit the nail on the head with that idea. She is histrionic, or hysterical: that's absolutely what she is.

Establishing that, now you can ask some questions. The presence of chloroform indicated she wanted to anesthetize Caylee for a period of time, probably with the help of the nanny who probably administered it. If Casey wanted to sell Caylee into adoption, for say $100,000, or even $200,000; Casey was motivated by the money.

She was not motivated by wanting to get Caylee off her back so she could live freely without a child, because Casey's mother offered, in fact demanded to take Caylee.

With that fact in place, Casey's only reason for wanting to keep Caylee was that she could get $100,000, or so, by selling her daughter into adoption.

That reason for wanting to keep her daughter: the fact that she could get money for selling her into adoption is so cold-hearted, it makes you wonder if that theory is true, just because it is so cold-hearted.

But if there is a presence of chloroform, it indicates Casey wanted to anesthetize Caylee so other people could take her. Caylee would think she had been kidnapped when she woke up. And Casey's mother would think Caylee had been kidnapped.

The chloroform had no other reason to be there, except to anesthetize Caylee for a period of time.

Casey didn't need to murder Caylee to be free of a child. She could have given her to her grandmother. The only motivation for keeping Caylee and selling her into adoption would have been money.

And to get Caylee away from CA.
Shadow, thank you for the invitation. I will be happy to answer any questions that I understand. :)

The BRACE Character Profile was not designed to be a psychological or psychiatric tool, but rather a profiling tool for the general public; however, it has been used by clinicians. It has been presented in several professional forums and has consistently been regarded as accurate as presented, but I am pretty much a one man show and do not have the resources to do large scale studies. As validity tests, I have done scores of profiles on characters, real and fictional, that were UNSUBs to me, and the results indicate that this profiling tool measures what it was designed to measure: patterns of maladaptive thought, behavior and motivation. The procedure for establishing the graphics and charts for analysis is pretty straight forward: rate 75 statements on a 5-point scale. The ratings are used to generate graphics and charts for the analysis. The level of sophistication of the analysis depends on the knowledge and skills of the person doing it, but the basics can be learned by reading the manual.

A profile such as the Casey profile, which was quite detailed, would require an expert in the BRACE Character Profile for the analysis. But, an amateur could make good use of the graphics and charts.

Hope this is responsive,

Thanks for joining us!
Imho, KC does not come across as even remotely histrionic (think Scarlett in Gone with the Wind). I also think the nightmares were more about fear of getting caught. In fact, I think the early investigations regarding the dogs hitting in the back yard, along with the decomposition in the car, strongly supports a murder scenario as opposed to an accident or hand-off scenario. Afaics, the recent docs release support the murder scenario as well. Not that we really needed those, considering the fact that she didn't bother to contact LE and the multitude of lies coming out of her mouth.

Even if I were to give KC the benefit of the doubt... that there was an accident and she buried Caylee in a panic? I simply do not see how any normal person (you know, someone with a conscience?) would be able to dig up their dead child's remains (days later when decomposition is seriously setting in) and transport them to ... ??? while acting like nothing out of the ordinary has occurred and putting out to friends and family, what comes across as nothing more than a bogus story about dead squirrels. This type of behavior is not the marker of someone with a medical psychosis (i.e., someone suffering from PPD) or even a drug induced psychosis (i.e., alcohol, cocaine, meth). Rather, it is the marker of someone who was very calcuating and was laying the ground work for the inevitable: LE involvement into Caylee's disappearance.

Though... I am still perplexed about the Anthony family dynamic. Esp in light of the 2nd 911 call, where Cindy is the hysterical one. And also the jailhouse call where KC says, "You mean you don't know?" in response to Cindy's "where is Caylee" question. And, of course the lies coming from Cindy, specifically, and from the Anthony family, generally.

I agree. I'm not seeing anything histrionic about Casey. The chick is damaged that's for sure.. there are obvious personality disorders with not only her but her mother as well. No doubt if Caylee had lived and been raised in that home she would have ended up with similar issues.

I'm glad you decided to add to this thread as I am always thankful for your insight!
LOL well as a Psychology prof said to our class, some people see hysterics everwhere and some people see sociopaths everywhere.
So true! Unfortunately labels play as much a role in what people "see" as anything else. Esp when the media and so-called journalist play pretend they have clue one about psychology. :rolleyes:

As for Scarlett? While both HPD and ASPD (the latter being required for sociopathy to even be considered) are Axis II, Cluster B disorders, HPD tends towards drama to achieve self gratification whereas ASPD tends towards illegal means to achieve self gratification. Furthermore, ASPD requires an indication of conduct disorder as a teen. Which basically rules out ASPD for Scarlett.
Histrionic would mean an overly active sense of wanting to be successful and in charge, like Scarlett O'Hara. The fact that she would dig up, burn, and rebury her dead daughter, the most gruesome thing you could imagine, means Casey has an extremely overactive desire to be successful in covering this up.

However, Casey's motive would not have been to get away from CA, because Caylee's grandmother was begging Casey to let the grandmother have Caylee. That almost rules out a motive for murder. The only other motive would have been to get money by selling Caylee into adoption.

Casey would have kept Caylee just to sell her and get money for it.

If that is the case, Casey really is a monster. My adoption theory is reasonable, considering the chloroform.

When Caylee died from the anesthetic the nanny administered -- they would have administered an anesthetic to move Caylee to her new parents, and chloroform has a history of causing sudden death. Caylee could have easily died from too much chloroform.

Casey would not have administered the chloroform, since she did not want her daughter to know her mother was giving her away. We know that Casey is honestly angry with the nanny, who has disappeared. The nanny had been employed as a part-time babysitter for a year, but now she has disappeared.
Histrionic would mean an overly active sense of wanting to be successful and in charge, like Scarlett O'Hara. The fact that she would dig up, burn, and rebury her dead daughter, the most gruesome thing you could imagine, means Casey has an extremely overactive desire to be successful in covering this up.

However, Casey's motive would not have been to get away from CA, because Caylee's grandmother was begging Casey to let the grandmother have Caylee. That almost rules out a motive for murder. The only other motive would have been to get money by selling Caylee into adoption.

Casey would have kept Caylee just to sell her and get money for it.

If that is the case, Casey really is a monster. My adoption theory is reasonable, considering the chloroform.

When Caylee died from the anesthetic the nanny administered -- they would have administered an anesthetic to move Caylee to her new parents, and chloroform has a history of causing sudden death. Caylee could have easily died from too much chloroform.

Casey would not have administered the chloroform, since she did not want her daughter to know her mother was giving her away. We know that Casey is honestly angry with the nanny, who has disappeared. The nanny had been employed as a part-time babysitter for a year, but now she has disappeared.
I respectfully disagree. Why? Bc Ketamine is the drug of choice for child trafficking. And, if KC was indeed attempting to sell Caylee, the people organizing the purchase would have instructed her on how to go about it. In other words, it would have been unnecessary for her to do an internet search. As for the histrionic angle? If that were the case, imho, she would have played that bit (i.e., profuse tears, wailing, hyperventilation, etcetera) to the hilt during the 911 call as well as the two interviews. Instead, her presentation was emotionally flat.

ETA ~ I did consider child trafficking early on. However, I am not seeing anything that supports that scenario.
The idea that it was not child trafficking was going to be my ultimate point.

The child trafficking scenario is so cold and heartless, a lot more heartless than even Casey's cold and heartless personality; and the rewards wouldn't be great enough for it.

But the chloroform, even if it isn't the drug of choice would work as an anesthetic. Maybe the nanny was trying to kidnap this cute girl, like Casey insists!

Whatever actually happened, we are sure Caylee died, and probably Caylee's body was presented to Casey by the nanny. It could have been any kind of accident.

Now here is my point. I don't think she tried to sell her daughter into adoption, and she has no motive for murder since the grandmother was begging to take Caylee off Casey's hands. But Casey is so histrionic, she could have done everything she has done just to hide the accidental death of her daughter from her mother.
And here is another twist. If Casey was doing Internet searches for chloroform, then that involves Casey in some kind of a kidnapping plot that went bad, like in the movie Fargo.

Why stage a kidnapping? To get sympathy for some reason? That fits. The fact that Casey did an Internet search for chloroform makes the Fargo Theory reasonable. Otherwise, the nanny/kidnapping scenario that Casey insists on is the most reasonable idea!
I'd like to know if CindyA was on any medications including if she was prescribed Xanax on a regular basis. Because that would give Casey hard access to it. Xanny the Nanny is something that I cannot let go of.
I dont think there was any kidnapping of this child; but I do think this family would love for the public to think she is still alive; without that fact, there will be no donations and no support.
Lifetime has already taken care of them, Caylee has been forgotten. They know she is dead or they wouldnt be acting this way.
Histrionic would mean an overly active sense of wanting to be successful and in charge, like Scarlett O'Hara. The fact that she would dig up, burn, and rebury her dead daughter, the most gruesome thing you could imagine, means Casey has an extremely overactive desire to be successful in covering this up.

However, Casey's motive would not have been to get away from CA, because Caylee's grandmother was begging Casey to let the grandmother have Caylee. That almost rules out a motive for murder. The only other motive would have been to get money by selling Caylee into adoption.

Casey would have kept Caylee just to sell her and get money for it.

If that is the case, Casey really is a monster. My adoption theory is reasonable, considering the chloroform.

When Caylee died from the anesthetic the nanny administered -- they would have administered an anesthetic to move Caylee to her new parents, and chloroform has a history of causing sudden death. Caylee could have easily died from too much chloroform.

Casey would not have administered the chloroform, since she did not want her daughter to know her mother was giving her away. We know that Casey is honestly angry with the nanny, who has disappeared. The nanny had been employed as a part-time babysitter for a year, but now she has disappeared.

What? I thought histrionic meant (in a nut shell) overly dramatic. :waitasec:
And here is another twist. If Casey was doing Internet searches for chloroform, then that involves Casey in some kind of a kidnapping plot that went bad, like in the movie Fargo.

Why stage a kidnapping? To get sympathy for some reason? That fits. The fact that Casey did an Internet search for chloroform makes the Fargo Theory reasonable. Otherwise, the nanny/kidnapping scenario that Casey insists on is the most reasonable idea!

Why does chloroform HAVE to be about a kidnapping?
Chloroform could also be used to anesthetize the baby while "mommy" goes out to party; or to outright kill the child.

This is SO sad. :raincloud:
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