Casey & Family Psychological Profile #10

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Problem with "normal" thinking, as most of us here have, is that for the A clan, their version of thinking is normal.

Don't be fooled by their methods of deceit and deflection. It's but only part of their manipulation. Don't be fooled by their lack of reality.


And they are using everything they have to change historical events.

ICA will never confess. When ICA is found guilty, it will only fuel CA further to become a martyr and draw in more innocent people for her purposes.

Notice the lack of family support the A clan has; vs the negative support by SP and RP. Notice that Caylee didn't have any continual social contact with toddlers her age. The tv and dvds were all she had. She had little or no interactions with her peers in scheduled play groups, church activities or preschool. ICA didn't maintain any long term friends. She had many acquaintances, but no one has stood by her since her arrest.

As for CAs employment, many narcisstics function on different levels in a work setting because they know employment (money) is important. Why did CA leave her position as a hands on nurse and instead work behind a desk. Why does GA fail to maintain steady gainful employment. It's passive/aggressive behaviors that have allowed the As to survive as long as they have. GA won't leave CA nor will CA divorce GA. They each know the family secrets of the other. It's better to keep your enemies closer than friends, to watch over their moves is their motto. Affairs are ok as long as they are discrete and don't grow.

I could go on and on, but I think ya get the picture. And I see the A clan for who and what they are.

Amen! These people are pro's at lying to themselves. When they lie to us (the public, LE, media etc) they do it so convincingly and stand their ground because they have convinced themselves what they spew is the truth and that WE are the bad guys. Their feelings become their facts and they will stick with it till the bitter end (perhaps not George, IMO he's the only one who may some day crack... IF he gets away from Momma Cindy)
Thanks Countzero. It's a shame the Anthonys can't accept reality. I wonder what Cindy would do if, at the conclusion of the trial and with a guilty verdict, Casey asked to address the court and confessed to murdering Caylee?


She would spin some story to make it someone elses fault. No way she'd except it as who her daughter is. Just like she knew Casey was pregnant and stealing $ and going out with friends when she was supposed to be "working". Cindy couldn't handle it so she shoved it down, ignored it and rewrote Casey's life story to something she could handle. Casey could scream it in her face and Cindy would still not believe it, IMO.
I think public perception could have been swayed, at least in part, if they had called a press conference after Caylee's remains had been found and identified. If they had thanked OCSO, TES, and everyone who helped search for Caylee, and apologized for their behavior, it would have had an impact on public perception. Now, there wouldn't be much of an impact, as too much time has elapsed.

But by continuing to put themselves in the spotlight is only compounding the errors they've made.

If they went on TV even ONE time while Caylee was "missing" and begged the person who took their granddaughter to return her.. it would have made all the difference in the world to me. My perception would be very different.
Problem with "normal" thinking, as most of us here have, is that for the A clan, their version of thinking is normal.

Don't be fooled by their methods of deceit and deflection. It's but only part of their manipulation. Don't be fooled by their lack of reality.


And they are using everything they have to change historical events.

ICA will never confess. When ICA is found guilty, it will only fuel CA further to become a martyr and draw in more innocent people for her purposes.

Notice the lack of family support the A clan has; vs the negative support by SP and RP. Notice that Caylee didn't have any continual social contact with toddlers her age. The tv and dvds were all she had. She had little or no interactions with her peers in scheduled play groups, church activities or preschool. ICA didn't maintain any long term friends. She had many acquaintances, but no one has stood by her since her arrest.

As for CAs employment, many narcisstics function on different levels in a work setting because they know employment (money) is important. Why did CA leave her position as a hands on nurse and instead work behind a desk. Why does GA fail to maintain steady gainful employment. It's passive/aggressive behaviors that have allowed the As to survive as long as they have. GA won't leave CA nor will CA divorce GA. They each know the family secrets of the other. It's better to keep your enemies closer than friends, to watch over their moves is their motto. Affairs are ok as long as they are discrete and don't grow.

I could go on and on, but I think ya get the picture. And I see the A clan for who and what they are.

You're're absolutely right.
I'm going to copy/paste your quote so that I can add a few score points here....Here is how I would rate KC on this scale: Using 0 for No, 1 for Maybe, and 2 for Yes

•glib and superficial charm = 2 (flirting w/DA's, calling her friends 'honey' etc)
•grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self = 2 (event planner @ Universal, singer!)
•need for stimulation = 2 (multiple fusion invites, internet, IM, phone etc)
•pathological lying = 2 (Zanny, Universal, squirrel, George's stroke, buying house from Cindy etc)
•cunning and manipulativeness = 2 (Amy's/Grandma SP/CA stolen $)
•lack of remorse or guilt = 2 (ate Chili w/o me!!!, repeatedly stole from grandma and Cindy and still faced them as if nothing happened)
•shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness) = 2 (no tears except for herself)
•callousness and lack of empathy = 2 (no tears; 31 days; duct tape)
•parasitic lifestyle = 2 (live off parents/Tony & Amy $)
•poor behavioral controls = 2 (party @ Fusion/La Bella Vita)
•sexual promiscuity = 2 (Ricardo, Tony, Jessie, etc etc etc!)
•early behavior problems = 1 (early onset lying, we don't know cos Cindy will never tell)
•lack of realistic long-term goals = 2 (move in w/Amy w/o job or $ OR HOUSE, , no education, no ability to support herself or Caylee)
•impulsivity = 2 (BOA, Target, JCPenny)
•irresponsibility = 2 (blame Zanny/LE/Jessie, dumping Caylee with Jessies dad)
•failure to accept responsibility for own actions = 2 ("not my fault" EVER)
•many short-term marital relationships = 2 (1 x engaged, she went through men like dishwater...and overlapped her relationships during transitional phases)
•juvenile delinquency = 0 (didn't finish highschool)
•revocation of conditional release = 0 (picked up on new charges)
•criminal versatility = 2 (theft, check fraud, murder, lying to LE during investigation in order to obstruct)

My Score (IMO) = 35 points
I think the A's wont back down from their ridiculous position because in every other situation they have been in that has caused opposition from outsiders they have eventually worn out their opponents with their refusal to back down, and people have eventually succumbed to their (well Cindy's) will and backed off, moved on, given in, etc.

But it ain't happening this time. The bullying tactics aren't working, in fact they're just making it worse.
Problem with "normal" thinking, as most of us here have, is that for the A clan, their version of thinking is normal.

Don't be fooled by their methods of deceit and deflection. It's but only part of their manipulation. Don't be fooled by their lack of reality.


And they are using everything they have to change historical events.

ICA will never confess. When ICA is found guilty, it will only fuel CA further to become a martyr and draw in more innocent people for her purposes.

Notice the lack of family support the A clan has; vs the negative support by SP and RP. Notice that Caylee didn't have any continual social contact with toddlers her age. The tv and dvds were all she had. She had little or no interactions with her peers in scheduled play groups, church activities or preschool. ICA didn't maintain any long term friends. She had many acquaintances, but no one has stood by her since her arrest.

As for CAs employment, many narcisstics function on different levels in a work setting because they know employment (money) is important. Why did CA leave her position as a hands on nurse and instead work behind a desk. Why does GA fail to maintain steady gainful employment. It's passive/aggressive behaviors that have allowed the As to survive as long as they have. GA won't leave CA nor will CA divorce GA. They each know the family secrets of the other. It's better to keep your enemies closer than friends, to watch over their moves is their motto. Affairs are ok as long as they are discrete and don't grow.

I could go on and on, but I think ya get the picture. And I see the A clan for who and what they are.

I think it's very difficult to comprehend how the A family thinks, trying to apply our "normal" thinking, reality, and emotions. They just don't think the way most everyone else does. I guess that's why they've been able to maintain their facade for so long.
If they went on TV even ONE time while Caylee was "missing" and begged the person who took their granddaughter to return her.. it would have made all the difference in the world to me. My perception would be very different.

I agree! I came away from their first interview a few days after the events of July 15, 2008, wondering why they didn't make a tearful plea to the kidnapper to return Caylee. Instead, they rambled on about how they child-proofed their home, and how Casey used a shovel to remove bamboo shoots from the backyard so Caylee wouldn't hurt her feet. It was a very strange interview and left me with a lot of doubts about not only Casey, but her parents too.
I have come to believe that Caylee had been used as a pawn and a weapon in an ongoing battle in that house for a long time before Casey made her final move. And that this 'game' is what snowballed out of control, not some 'accident' as George theorized when talking to 'River'.
Exclusive: George and Cindy Anthony Speak on 2nd Anniversary of Caylee's Disappearance
Grandparents Call Time 'Unbearable,' Say Casey Anthony Is Innocent But 'Anything Can Happen' in Trial

June 15, 2010
Two years ago today Florida 2-year-old Caylee Anthony vanished , sparking what would become one of the nation's highest profile murder cases and beginning a time of intense and painful scrutiny that has seared the entire Anthony family, Caylee's grandparents said today.

Anthony's grandparents discuss Caylee's death and daughter's imprisonment.

More Photos "The last two years have been just unbearable," an emotional George Anthony told "Good Morning America" in an exclusive interview today as he sat alongside his wife, Cindy Anthony . "To think about the last time we saw Caylee and Casey together, hear her voice, to see her little eyes and get a hug and kiss from her. It's not easy."

Though she maintains her daughter Casey is innocent and has "faith in the system," Cindy Anthony said that she did initially consider that Casey could have played a part in Caylee's disappearance. Acknowledging that a jury might feel the same way, Cindy Anthony said, "Anything can happen" when Casey goes to trial in the spring.

"I mean the thought did cross our mind in the very beginning. There may have been an accident," Cindy said. But Cindy said she dismissed the thought, even though Casey refused to tell her where Caylee was.

"I'm not angry about it so much as I am frustrated because I might be able to better understand why she's where she's at now. Because, I still truly believe that she is innocent," the grandmother said. "There's got to be a motive there that's much greater than this whole picture."

The A's will never face the truth for facing the truth means her lying child is a murderer...if and big accident occurred, one call to 911 and we wouldn't be sitting here talking....why drive around with Caylee's body for 2.6 days? Why dump her with duct tape to make it look as if an alleged kidnapping took place..

This family is in the river denial....they will never admit to the wrongs Inmate Anthony has done....I feel so sorry for Caylee, that is who my heart breaks for...

Justice for Caylee
I'm going to copy/paste your quote so that I can add a few score points here....Here is how I would rate KC on this scale: Using 0 for No, 1 for Maybe, and 2 for Yes

•glib and superficial charm = 2 (flirting w/DA's, calling her friends 'honey' etc)
•grandiose (exaggeratedly high) estimation of self = 2 (event planner @ Universal, singer!)
•need for stimulation = 2 (multiple fusion invites, internet, IM, phone etc)
•pathological lying = 2 (Zanny, Universal, squirrel, George's stroke, buying house from Cindy etc)
•cunning and manipulativeness = 2 (Amy's/Grandma SP/CA stolen $)
•lack of remorse or guilt = 2 (ate Chili w/o me!!!, repeatedly stole from grandma and Cindy and still faced them as if nothing happened)
•shallow affect (superficial emotional responsiveness) = 2 (no tears except for herself)
•callousness and lack of empathy = 2 (no tears; 31 days; duct tape)
•parasitic lifestyle = 2 (live off parents/Tony & Amy $)
•poor behavioral controls = 2 (party @ Fusion/La Bella Vita)
•sexual promiscuity = 2 (Ricardo, Tony, Jessie, etc etc etc!)
•early behavior problems = 1 (early onset lying, we don't know cos Cindy will never tell)
•lack of realistic long-term goals = 2 (move in w/Amy w/o job or $ OR HOUSE, , no education, no ability to support herself or Caylee)
•impulsivity = 2 (BOA, Target, JCPenny)
•irresponsibility = 2 (blame Zanny/LE/Jessie, dumping Caylee with Jessies dad)
•failure to accept responsibility for own actions = 2 ("not my fault" EVER)
•many short-term marital relationships = 2 (1 x engaged, she went through men like dishwater...and overlapped her relationships during transitional phases)
•juvenile delinquency = 0 (didn't finish highschool)
•revocation of conditional release = 0 (picked up on new charges)
•criminal versatility = 2 (theft, check fraud, murder, lying to LE during investigation in order to obstruct)

My Score (IMO) = 35 points

ITA! I am currently reading "Without Conscience" about psycopaths and holy moly she fits the profile almost to a T!
I think the A's wont back down from their ridiculous position because in every other situation they have been in that has caused opposition from outsiders they have eventually worn out their opponents with their refusal to back down, and people have eventually succumbed to their (well Cindy's) will and backed off, moved on, given in, etc.

But it ain't happening this time. The bullying tactics aren't working, in fact they're just making it worse.

I'm with ya.. I gotta admit I get a sick little thrill when I think of what the knowledge of that fact fact must be doing to Cindy. For the first time in her life she can't force people to sucumb to her will. I LOVE the Morgan depo because it was right after that IMO that she finally shut UP because she had to have realized after it was over that while she thought she was playing him with her big tough girl in your face act and her "time-line" and Zani spelt wrong "bomb shells" it was she who was being played the entire time. And it was clearly PRE-planned.. she even told him she's prepped for it. Still he tricked her. I like that man!
I have come to believe that Caylee had been used as a pawn and a weapon in an ongoing battle in that house for a long time before Casey made her final move. And that this 'game' is what snowballed out of control, not some 'accident' as George theorized when talking to 'River'.

I believe Casey was used as a weapon her entire life as well.

If she did this it's wrong and she should be punished but we as a society need to see what creates a "Casey" in order to stop "Caylee's" from happening. I get preachy a lot, I know.. but this stuff is happening in homes everywhere, probably right next door to more than half of us here (sure not to the extent of murder of course but it's what creates the patterns of behavior that lead to this kind of crime, IMO). There are millions of homes just like this, millions of victims and those victims age and create (give birth to) more victims.. it's a sick cycle and we come to believe that is what love is. But people can change their thinking patterns, their behaviors.. It can be stopped before it gets to this- had Cindy done something .. really done something except live in denial, this would not have happened.. none of it.
No, it's not her fault- if Casey did this then it was Casey's choices, not Cindy's that ended a life. But it could have been prevented- Casey could have been prevented.
Exclusive: George and Cindy Anthony Speak on 2nd Anniversary of Caylee's Disappearance
Grandparents Call Time 'Unbearable,' Say Casey Anthony Is Innocent But 'Anything Can Happen' in Trial

June 15, 2010
Two years ago today Florida 2-year-old Caylee Anthony vanished , sparking what would become one of the nation's highest profile murder cases and beginning a time of intense and painful scrutiny that has seared the entire Anthony family, Caylee's grandparents said today.

Anthony's grandparents discuss Caylee's death and daughter's imprisonment.

More Photos "The last two years have been just unbearable," an emotional George Anthony told "Good Morning America" in an exclusive interview today as he sat alongside his wife, Cindy Anthony . "To think about the last time we saw Caylee and Casey together, hear her voice, to see her little eyes and get a hug and kiss from her. It's not easy."

The A's will never face the truth for facing the truth means her lying child is a murderer...if and big accident occurred, one call to 911 and we wouldn't be sitting here talking....why drive around with Caylee's body for 2.6 days? Why dump her with duct tape to make it look as if an alleged kidnapping took place..

This family is in the river denial....they will never admit to the wrongs Inmate Anthony has done....I feel so sorry for Caylee, that is who my heart breaks for...

Justice for Caylee

:banghead: Oh George
I believe Casey was used as a weapon her entire life as well.

If she did this it's wrong and she should be punished but we as a society need to see what creates a "Casey" in order to stop "Caylee's" from happening. I get preachy a lot, I know.. but this stuff is happening in homes everywhere, probably right next door to more than half of us here (sure not to the extent of murder of course but it's what creates the patterns of behavior that lead to this kind of crime, IMO). There are millions of homes just like this, millions of victims and those victims age and create (give birth to) more victims.. it's a sick cycle and we come to believe that is what love is. But people can change their thinking patterns, their behaviors.. It can be stopped before it gets to this- had Cindy done something .. really done something except live in denial, this would not have happened.. none of it.
No, it's not her fault- if Casey did this then it was Casey's choices, not Cindy's that ended a life. But it could have been prevented- Casey could have been prevented.

Amen. From personal experience at seeing first hand what punishments can be doled out, I firmly believe that ICA was hated by CA the minute she was delivered. And CA made it a point to play ICA against GA when the opportunity arose to do so. I also firmly believe that ICA did the same with Caylee. Playing Caylee against both CA and GA on a daily basis. By the time Caylee was born, ICA was already a threat to herself and CA manipulated Caylee's birth against both ICA and GA. So much passive/agressive behaviors that no one in the A clan wanted to break the cycle. They instead choose to hide behind closed doors and learned how to "appear" as normal. All four failed and yet they continued to think they were perceived as a "normal" unit.

What really tipped me off about their manipulations as well as narcissistic behaviors, was their simple lack to use Caylee's name when talking about her. From the minute the media got ahold of this horrible story, Caylee was referred to as "that child", "my granddaughter", "my daughter", "that baby", NEVER using her proper name when talking about Caylee. We saw it in those home videos and the media junkets the A's participated in. It's so typical of being dissociative with people. Big red flag for me about them.
You're right. By the time she died Caylee had been completely objectified, she was a moral stance, a bargaining chip, an argument, and had 'uses' in an ongoing drama. Its so obvious because that's exactly what she STILL IS! Her death has increased her wealth by expanding the drama into the wider cultural landscape... NOW she is media attention, ongoing sympathy, a financial free pass and an INCOME.

It's really affected me that she had no little toddler friends, I think that says it all...who was looking out for HER happiness, who was making sure she was creating a little life for herself...NOBODY.
They arent in denial they are in delusion ..... they will never give it up. No matter what evidence is presented that the delusion isnt true . Instead of accepting the truth
they reject the message vilify the messenger and deny the existance of the evidence.
Cindy will be saying KC is innocent and MOTY forever.
Leila, I think they keep going in front of the media and saying the same things to convince themselves that they are still right. They were so strong about everything in the beginning, and now it seems like they can barely hold it together
hile saying the same things. It's like when a person is so traumatized, they say the same thing over and over to comfort themselves even if doesn't make a bit of sense.

I think all they have now is their pride and ego, and they have to keep stroking both to keep their support going for Casey. If they admit that they are wrong, then Casey really is the monster that took their granddaughter away and they really were bad parents. That's something I know Cindy can't live with. I bet she repeats, "I was a good mother, I am a good mother" in her sleep.

George, I can't fathom why he's still so in denial. He seems to know what is really going on but won't go against Cindy. I guess he's been trained too well by her and probably wouldn't know to live on his own without her. Plus, I'm sure she keeps her claws dug deep into him to keep him in line. You just don't cross Cindy Anthony. She's a mafia unto herself.

And in all of this self delusions of grandeur, the most precious thing of all is totally lost - Caylee. They're all so into making themselves feel better, even Casey, that Caylee is nonexistent. It's really sad that they have so much ego and pride that Caylee doesn't fit into their lives anymore.

In My opinion having bad parents has nothing to do with what she did. She is totally accountable for her deeds !!!
I was raised in a hellish environment and have never thought of or kiled anyone
Amen. From personal experience at seeing first hand what punishments can be doled out, I firmly believe that ICA was hated by CA the minute she was delivered. And CA made it a point to play ICA against GA when the opportunity arose to do so. I also firmly believe that ICA did the same with Caylee. Playing Caylee against both CA and GA on a daily basis. By the time Caylee was born, ICA was already a threat to herself and CA manipulated Caylee's birth against both ICA and GA. So much passive/agressive behaviors that no one in the A clan wanted to break the cycle. They instead choose to hide behind closed doors and learned how to "appear" as normal. All four failed and yet they continued to think they were perceived as a "normal" unit.

What really tipped me off about their manipulations as well as narcissistic behaviors, was their simple lack to use Caylee's name when talking about her. From the minute the media got ahold of this horrible story, Caylee was referred to as "that child", "my granddaughter", "my daughter", "that baby", NEVER using her proper name when talking about Caylee. We saw it in those home videos and the media junkets the A's participated in. It's so typical of being dissociative with people. Big red flag for me about them.

You're right. By the time she died Caylee had been completely objectified, she was a moral stance, a bargaining chip, an argument, and had 'uses' in an ongoing drama. Its so obvious because that's exactly what she STILL IS! Her death has increased her wealth by expanding the drama into the wider cultural landscape... NOW she is media attention, ongoing sympathy, a financial free pass and an INCOME.

It's really affected me that she had no little toddler friends, I think that says it all...who was looking out for HER happiness, who was making sure she was creating a little life for herself...NOBODY.

Respectfully BBM

You both nailed it (IMO)! I believe the issue of "parent/child attachment and bonding" has been a constant theme throughout this family's history. KC denied the pregnancy stating it was "female problems" (ie: a tumor?). When CA held the "tumor" before KC did, in KC's opinion this was the reason she didn't have a good "bond" with Caylee. Remember all of the references made early on that CA was going to take time off to "bond" with with Caylee (and KC?). The missing piece here was no soft place for Caylee to land. No caring adult who could consistently meet her needs because she had to take a back seat to meeting CA's and KC's needs. I feel KC never actually thought of Caylee as more than something to show off, as a reflection of her perfect self but when she did not "perform" in a manner pleasing to KC then poor little Caylee returned to the image of "nothing more than a female problem/tumor" to KC that was also the greatest bargaining chip in punishing her Mother for not "bonding" with KC. I think KC saw Caylee as a "bond sucker" from her Mother CA, and KC could not stand to put her needs aside any longer.
In My opinion having bad parents has nothing to do with what she did. She is totally accountable for her deeds !!!
I was raised in a hellish environment and have never thought of or kiled anyone

I never said they are totally to blame, but I do think THEY put all of their self worth into CASEY, and that's why they continue to defend her. If she's innocent, in their minds, they did a good job raising her and are the perfect parents. If she's guilty, in their minds, then they were not good parents and raised a monster.

Btw, constantly enabling children, not making them suffer any consequences, doing ridiculous things like going up to a school and arguing with the teacher about grades the kid earned, stuff like that is going to ensure your kid is self centered, self absorbed and with a sense of entitlement that is just crazy. Look at Casey. She thought she could go through life stealing money from other people instead of working, using people and tossing them aside when they didn't benefit her anymore, and lying through her teeth about everything and everyone would just keep believing her, even those in authority. She has no respect for anyone but herself. Caylee was just a mistake and a pawn in the game with Cindy, not a precious child to be treasured and loved. And where did this all of this attitude come from? Her enabling parents who also lied and covered up every deed, even the murder of their own granddaughter, all for someone who would just as soon kill them and move on to a beautiful life without them.

So not every child who had a hellish childhood turns out to be a murderer, but I don't see a hellish childhood here. I see one of getting her way at every turn, and it was only when Caylee entered the picture that she started suffering (in her mind it was suffering) such extreme jealousy at that baby taking her parents full and undivided attention away from her that she went to the extreme of murdering her. And look now, she's got her parents full and undivided attention again and again. The only suffering she's ever had is when she fell on her face and busted a lip and broke a tooth.

At least half of the responsibility for what happened to Caylee here lies directly on the heads of Casey's parents. Casey and Caylee lived with them, and yet it took thirty one days for them to finally start worrying about Caylee? (And IMO, Casey was fully dependant on them, so that means she and the baby were their responsibility. Until Casey got a job, paid her own taxes, and lived in her own place, they had every right to wonder where Casey and Caylee were and who she was with). I have never understood that. They've tampered with evidence, lied over and over again, changed stories, bashed innocent people left and right including the man who found Caylee and an entire organization devoted to finding children dead or alive (plus TM himself to his face), and basically made this horrendous murder more of a warfare between them and the rest of the planet. Gee, is it a surprise their daughter turned out so horribly when even after she murders their grandchild they're willing to keep enabling her this much?

And I didn't have the greatest childhood either, but I had parents who taught me morals, ethics, and a sense of responsibility, maybe not in the greatest way, but they did not enable me at every step and not expect me to take responsibility for myself and my actions. Casey thinks they will always clean up her messes and she doesn't have to be responsible for anything, that's how much they've enabled her.

Sorry about the rant, but in this case, the parents of Casey are very much so responsible for what happened to Caylee. The only thing they didn't do is the evil act itself and the dumping of the body afterwards. All IMO.
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