Casey & Family Psychological Profile #10

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Amen. From personal experience at seeing first hand what punishments can be doled out, I firmly believe that ICA was hated by CA the minute she was delivered. And CA made it a point to play ICA against GA when the opportunity arose to do so. I also firmly believe that ICA did the same with Caylee. Playing Caylee against both CA and GA on a daily basis. By the time Caylee was born, ICA was already a threat to herself and CA manipulated Caylee's birth against both ICA and GA. So much passive/agressive behaviors that no one in the A clan wanted to break the cycle. They instead choose to hide behind closed doors and learned how to "appear" as normal. All four failed and yet they continued to think they were perceived as a "normal" unit.

What really tipped me off about their manipulations as well as narcissistic behaviors, was their simple lack to use Caylee's name when talking about her. From the minute the media got ahold of this horrible story, Caylee was referred to as "that child", "my granddaughter", "my daughter", "that baby", NEVER using her proper name when talking about Caylee. We saw it in those home videos and the media junkets the A's participated in. It's so typical of being dissociative with people. Big red flag for me about them.

It's heart breaking.
You're right. By the time she died Caylee had been completely objectified, she was a moral stance, a bargaining chip, an argument, and had 'uses' in an ongoing drama. Its so obvious because that's exactly what she STILL IS! Her death has increased her wealth by expanding the drama into the wider cultural landscape... NOW she is media attention, ongoing sympathy, a financial free pass and an INCOME.

It's really affected me that she had no little toddler friends, I think that says it all...who was looking out for HER happiness, who was making sure she was creating a little life for herself...NOBODY.

"We are like the same little person"

They arent in denial they are in delusion ..... they will never give it up. No matter what evidence is presented that the delusion isnt true . Instead of accepting the truth
they reject the message vilify the messenger and deny the existance of the evidence.
Cindy will be saying KC is innocent and MOTY forever.

Exactly. Cindy changes her reality as she sees fit. She molds things into something she can handle and everyone better play along. She literally created another life for Casey.. bits of things Casey told her, bits of things she tossed in cuz they sounded good. This became her reality and Casey played along, (walking on those egg shells) hiding her real self.. shoving her self down, pretending to be someone she wasn't so her mother would love and accept her. Because clearly she didn't accept the REAL her. The real her was right in front of her mothers face and still she didn't see.
Bringing this over from George & Cindy Letters thread... :dance:

Hi, OLG! I know that sociopaths will always blame someone do those with BPD. I know that you and I would agree with a BPD diagnosis, but do you think Cindy could be socipathic as well?
Reading the letters from Cindy and George, made my convention that the emotional abuse that Casey suffered and that is still being inflicted on her by her parents was horrid, and must have contributed to her murdering Caylee. However, I had also heard that there where neurological differences to a psychopaths and sociopaths brains, that they were born, not made.

I just ran across a wonderful story on the NPR website that helped clear up for me this contradiction of whether Casey was born a sociopath or had Cindy’s abuses made her one.

It seemed this neuroscientist, James Fallon, at the University of California-Irvine had been studying the brains of psychopaths and sociopaths for 20 years; and had found that they have very low activity in the orbital cortex which scientist believe is involved in ethical behavior, also DNA studies have found that violent criminals tend to have a specific variant of the MAO-A gene.

His 88-year-old mother suggested that he look at his father’s side of the family. It seemed that his great_great_grandfather had killed his mother, and there were 7 other murders among his descendents (including Lizzy Borden). Well to make a long story short Dr. Fellon found he had a psychopath’s brain and MAO-A gene.

The difference between himself and the murders, he has come to believe was that he had a wonderful home life, he was dotted on by his parents and had close loving relationships with his siblings and extended family. Thus, he has had a wonderful career, and long and happy marriage and three grown children (who lucky have not inherited his deviant gene.

He used to believe that psychopaths were born that way, now he believes that it takes the mixture of genes and childhood abuse to create one. I believe Casey had that combination.
This is an article about Joran Van der Sloot but I thought the information applied to Casey's background as well.

Very interesting article by forensic psychologist Dr. Stephen Diamond:

Strange as it may seem, such overindulgence, lack of discipline, and overprotectiveness on the part of sometimes sincerely well-meaning parents can be as deeply wounding and destructive as its polar opposite: neglect, abandonment, abuse, deprivation. It is in itself a traumatizing type of deprivation and abandonment in which the child's basic needs for structure, guidance, limit-setting, consequences, reality testing, supervision and parental authority are ignored, neglected and frustrated. In a sense, the child feels that the overindulgent, overpermissive parent doesn't care enough to provide the limit-setting and structure he or she needs. And the child is at first hurt by, and then angered at this parental failure and lack of responsibility. This anger, having no real outlet (how can a child be angry with such ostensibly loving, nurturing and indulgent parents?), tends to be repressed and fester, turning over time into toxic resentment, embitterment and narcissistic rage. But the psychopathic narcissist masks this rage masterfully in most situations
Hello WS :)

I was thinking about DC and how Cindy sent him into the woods looking for Caylee. Cindy even told LE, "I had some people out there searching"(paraphrased).

I would love for DC to confirm(at trial)for us that Cindy did indeed send him out to the woods off of Suburban. I think that act is the strongest(but goodness not the only!) reason I see Cindy is as sly as a fox and not in any kind of denial.

Cindy told several of Casey's friends that Casey wasn't to be trusted, even going so far as to call Casey a "sociopath." Why would Cindy use that term(besides the fact that she is a cold and punishing mother)? Being a nurse she has extra education behind using a word like that...

I have stated that I thought George and Cindy knew Casey was weak, but I thought they could have never thought Casey would kill or hurt Caylee...

I think I am changing my mind. Cindy had to have seen Casey be a "bad" mother and not just the going out...that is why she asked Casey, "what have you done?"

When my sister's fiance's parents came to visit to meet my parents, my mother told them all kinds of bad things about my sister to their faces. She let them know all kinds of negative things about my sister...but she never called her a "sociopath."

As with AVS and Scott Peterson's parents...there seems to be a dynamic where the parents are/have to be aware of what their child is...yet they defend the child should anyone else also figure out what their child is...

Maybe something like that....

But, Cindy could not have been in denial...imo or she never could have sent DC into the woods to look for "Caylee", as in an "alive" Caylee...she had to have sent him there to see if that is where Casey had put her. Cindy either heard though a "daisy chain" or she just knew her "sociopathic" daughter well enough to listen to what even the neighbors were saying: if Casey killed Caylee she put her in the woods. (per the Bailey's, Kio Marie, and other neighbors and people that had known Casey when she was younger.)

None of these people really seemed surprised that Casey was accused of killing her daughter and went right away into where they thought she would put her daughter. Annie Dowling felt that ("if") Casey had killed Caylee she had to have had help, Cindy made the same statement at one time. Very telling, imo.

Thank you to Mrs. G. Norris for the link to Dr. Glass's assessment of Cindy's letters to Casey. :)


I don’t want to upset you.” To me it seems that is EXACTLY what she wants to do with Casey- upset her.

She knows exactly what buttons to push with her sociopathic daughter. She knows exactly what will upset Casey.

(It is interesting to me that the Dr. uses the phrase "her sociopathic daughter" as I posted previously I feel Cindy completely understood what a sociopath was, and I am sure having gone to school to be a nurse she had psych classes with this very subject. Cindy seems to derive joy from upsetting Casey.)

But Cindy lives in the illusion that Casey is refusing to see her because the media would scrutinize their vista.

She can’t even bring herself to look at Cindy as evidenced when she is in the courtroom and ignores her mother and father.

Why in the world is Cindy sending Casey so many photos of Caylee and various developmental stages in her babyhood?

She attempts to make Casey feel guilty and remorseful for killing Caylee-( emotions which sociopathic Casey cannot and will not ever feel) by sending her an infant photo of Caylee with the following post it note attached to it that says “She was trying to tell us something even then. She loves her momma.”

To me this is a sickening display of passive aggressive manipulation in Cindy’s part.

Cindy doesn’t get that no matter how many photos or notes she sends Casey with regard to Caylee, Casey, doesn’t care! It means nothing to her. She doesn’t feel guilt or upset that she killed Caylee.

Cindy even supplying Casey with paper and and a self addressed envelope shows how desperate she is to get Casey to write.

Cindy’s attempts at manipulating Casey to get her to feel guilt are really Cindy’s deep rooted feelings of her own guilt.

There is no doubt that when this is all over, her recovery time and her freedom from her guilt will be quick.

If Casey is sent away for life or dies by lethal injection, my thoughts are that Cindy will quickly move on. Why I say that has a lot to do with the handwriting in her letters to Casey.

Maybe Cindy is optimistic that once Casey is finally out of her life for good, she will be more optimistic about her own future.

Personally, I believe that she will use what happened with Casey and Caylee as a vehicle for her own purpose and her own future - to make a lot of money . This will be in keeping of what she wrote to Casey, regarding "Caylee not dying in vain.”

I hope this in only 10%, and if not mods I will delete. Thank you. :)

All of this is what I have been thinking,(and if I may speak for many WSers who have posted the same). Cindy Anthony is imo, almost worse or something worse than a sociopath, a Master Sociopath.

Casey killed Caylee but Cindy wants us to "pay no attention to the (wo)man behind the curtain." Who is "more evil", the person who did the deed or the person who pushes the buttons of the perp? And, in the end it is Cindy that will be living "la bella vita." She "wins." Cindy wrote to Casey, "don't let them win." Appearances and winning are of the utmost concern to Cindy. Well, Cindy will feel as though she has won but we know she lost everything because she lost Caylee. Cindy's loss is in not being aware of that fact, she knows to act like she feels this way but it is not genuine any more than any of Casey's feelings are genuine except for themselves.

My opinion only except for the stuff I swiped from the Dr. which happens to be my opinion also(the whole article I agree with).

Hello WS :)

After I posted, I had a thought. One difference I am giving Cindy is that Cindy is feeling guilt while Casey has been said to be incapable of that. But is Cindy's "guilt" as we know it?

In Scott M. Peck's "People of the Lie" he says to the effect (my interpretation of what I have read is) "evil people" cannot see themselves as evil and that's what makes them "evil." Other people are evil, they are good, not evil. Therefore everything they do is good because they are good people.

I suppose guilt can make different people do different things, some come clean or make amends, while some take more negative roads in dealing with guilt.

I feel it is less actual "guilt" Cindy is attempting to rid herself of(I do agree she is trying to put real guilt into Casey), and more ridding herself of responsibility. Cindy wants to always be in control, what she says goes but she does not want to take responsibility for how things turn out. Sounds like politicians to me... :innocent:

Cindy’s attempts at manipulating Casey to get her to feel guilt are really Cindy’s deep rooted feelings of her own guilt.

There is no doubt that when this is all over, her recovery time and her freedom from her guilt will be quick.

If Casey is sent away for life or dies by lethal injection, my thoughts are that Cindy will quickly move on. Why I say that has a lot to do with the handwriting in her letters to Casey.

I agree that Cindy will recover quickly, and imo that disturbs me most of all. I do not see this as a show of strength(as Cindy will want it to be seen) but as proof that Cindy is as (unusual) as Casey. Maybe more if that is possible.

If it is true, (scientifically, medically, factually confirmed) that Casey is incapable of feeling guilty or remorseful regarding herself, it is still not why she killed her daughter or how she was able. It is just why she could go on like nothing happened, or like the best thing ever happened.

If we say it is true that Cindy knew exactly what buttons to push to make Casey upset, and that is and has been a goal/enjoyment/rearing philosophy then seeing Cindy deny Casey's pregnancy, being the first to hold Caylee, calling Caylee Casey's best "mistake", praising her looks while saying the things Jesse said he heard Cindy say about Casey: tell people she is a sociopath, berate Casey for being a bad Mother and that Cindy is more of a mother who provides everything, and then threatens to take Caylee away from Casey...then to steal a phase, "if those aren't head games..." Games Cindy does not want to get caught playing.

ETA: Cindy does not feel guilty because she refuses to take any responsibility: (paraphrased) "You only have yourself to blame, sweetheart."

Cindy does not feel guilty because she refuses to take any responsibility: (paraphrased) "You only have yourself to blame, sweetheart."


:clap: :clap: :clap:

Wonder how CA felt saying those words. And how KC felt hearing them.
The majority of cindy's guilt I believe is not that KC hurt Caylee but that she is so relieved the misbehaving daughter is out of her home . KC in jail is its own relief.
Interesting that Dr. Glass (almost said Dr. G) agrees with many of us here that the letters showed a very passive aggressive CA.
This is o/t but I have to express this. I had truTV on to watch the emergency hearing. Afterward a program came on about young women who abandon their newborn babies in garbage cans and along the roadside.

Texas alone had thirteen abandoned babies found dead (last year? - not sure the dates). A woman in California (Farris or Harris?) is so saddened by this common occurrence that she bought forty burial plots to give the abandoned babies a proper burial. She names the babies, puts them in a tiny white casket and buries them with crosses and names listing where they were found. She has purchased forty more plots but hopes they remain empty.

I never knew this was such a common occurrence. It's shocking. We discuss how KC went seven months with nobody commenting and ignoring that she was pregnant. Evidently this happens all the time because the girls who are abandoning their babies would have to offer an explanation to somebody one would think about where their baby is after it is born. :waitasec:
Many people are eager/desperate to adopt and this is still happening.

The woman in California is working on a safe haven law (which I think exists in some places) so that a birth mother cannot be prosecuted for dropping the baby at a safe place according to baby abandonment laws.

Apparently there are hundreds of people out there that are capable of tossing their offspring into the garbage so they will not be bothered. Unbelievable. :furious:
You're right. By the time she died Caylee had been completely objectified, she was a moral stance, a bargaining chip, an argument, and had 'uses' in an ongoing drama. Its so obvious because that's exactly what she STILL IS! Her death has increased her wealth by expanding the drama into the wider cultural landscape... NOW she is media attention, ongoing sympathy, a financial free pass and an INCOME.

It's really affected me that she had no little toddler friends, I think that says it all...who was looking out for HER happiness, who was making sure she was creating a little life for herself...NOBODY.

So true. Now we read in a letter that CA considers Caylee to be "their salvation" whatever that means - does it mean they have called out to Christ due to Caylee's premature death?

Another peculiar comment imo is when KC said to her parents during a jail visit that Caylee WAS the best of all of us. Now assuming Caylee was created by one of Casey's eggs and an unknown sperm donor - that sperm donor would have contributed to the person known as Caylee. Yet they are a unit unto themselves. I find that odd indeed.
This is o/t but I have to express this. I had truTV on to watch the emergency hearing. Afterward a program came on about young women who abandon their newborn babies in garbage cans and along the roadside.

Texas alone had thirteen abandoned babies found dead (last year? - not sure the dates). A woman in California (Farris or Harris?) is so saddened by this common occurrence that she bought forty burial plots to give the abandoned babies a proper burial. She names the babies, puts them in a tiny white casket and buries them with crosses and names listing where they were found. She has purchased forty more plots but hopes they remain empty.

I never knew this was such a common occurrence. It's shocking. We discuss how KC went seven months with nobody commenting and ignoring that she was pregnant. Evidently this happens all the time because the girls who are abandoning their babies would have to offer an explanation to somebody one would think about where their baby is after it is born. :waitasec:
Many people are eager/desperate to adopt and this is still happening.

The woman in California is working on a safe haven law (which I think exists in some places) so that a birth mother cannot be prosecuted for dropping the baby at a safe place according to baby abandonment laws.

Apparently there are hundreds of people out there that are capable of tossing their offspring into the garbage so they will not be bothered. Unbelievable. :furious:

It has finally hit "Middle America". Can't be ignored anymore, kwim? I started this huge rant of a post about society today blah blah blah but thought better of it and I'll just leave it at that LOL.
So true. Now we read in a letter that CA considers Caylee to be "their salvation" whatever that means - does it mean they have called out to Christ due to Caylee's premature death?

Another peculiar comment imo is when KC said to her parents during a jail visit that Caylee WAS the best of all of us. Now assuming Caylee was created by one of Casey's eggs and an unknown sperm donor - that sperm donor would have contributed to the person known as Caylee. Yet they are a unit unto themselves. I find that odd indeed.

I'd bet Cindy knows who the father is and ADVISED Casey to keep him off the birth cert (but that's just me and my mindset about a "Cindy") They have to remain a clan
The majority of cindy's guilt I believe is not that KC hurt Caylee but that she is so relieved the misbehaving daughter is out of her home . KC in jail is its own relief.

Amen Sharpar!
So true. Now we read in a letter that CA considers Caylee to be "their salvation" whatever that means - does it mean they have called out to Christ due to Caylee's premature death?

Another peculiar comment imo is when KC said to her parents during a jail visit that Caylee WAS the best of all of us. Now assuming Caylee was created by one of Casey's eggs and an unknown sperm don that sperm donor would have contributed to the person known as Caylee. Yet they are a unit unto themselves. I find that odd indeed.

It has finally hit "Middle America". Can't be ignored anymore, kwim? I started this huge rant of a post about society today blah blah blah but thought better of it and I'll just leave it at that LOL.
You can bet my last dollar that both CA and ICA know who the birth father is. CA DID NOT want him or anyone else to know. If that became known CA would lost control over ICA as well as Caylee. And CA wouldn't have had any of that, losing control.
This is o/t but I have to express this. I had truTV on to watch the emergency hearing. Afterward a program came on about young women who abandon their newborn babies in garbage cans and along the roadside.

Texas alone had thirteen abandoned babies found dead (last year? - not sure the dates). A woman in California (Farris or Harris?) is so saddened by this common occurrence that she bought forty burial plots to give the abandoned babies a proper burial. She names the babies, puts them in a tiny white casket and buries them with crosses and names listing where they were found. She has purchased forty more plots but hopes they remain empty.

I never knew this was such a common occurrence. It's shocking. We discuss how KC went seven months with nobody commenting and ignoring that she was pregnant. Evidently this happens all the time because the girls who are abandoning their babies would have to offer an explanation to somebody one would think about where their baby is after it is born. :waitasec:
Many people are eager/desperate to adopt and this is still happening.

The woman in California is working on a safe haven law (which I think exists in some places) so that a birth mother cannot be prosecuted for dropping the baby at a safe place according to baby abandonment laws.

Apparently there are hundreds of people out there that are capable of tossing their offspring into the garbage so they will not be bothered. Unbelievable. :furious:

Texas has had this safe haven law for some years. Just FYI.
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