Casey & Family Psychological Profile #10

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IMO a typical family birth order situation is different than a family with personality disorders.

I have linked this before but will again in case anyone is interested in reading it.

part 1-



These are the links that I meant to quote in the above post. Thanks OLG for these....very informative. DG

Looking at the A family from this point in time, a year and a half + later, certainly does give one a clearer picture of what likely went on in that household.

Just read through this whole thread.....very interesting and some very informative links. For some reason I started thinking about the conversation that CA had with Ryan P. Her calling him and telling him to stay away from KC as KC was a sociopath and CA didn't want RP to get hurt. Then my next thought was of CA telling AL that she hoped AL had a lot of money b/c KC would clean him out and then leave him high and dry. Thinking about these conversations now, it got me to wondering a couple of things.

Such as:
#!--Why would CA tell RP that unless KC had had a "romantic" relationship with him at some point? Or maybe even an ongoing off and on one. I am wondering if RP knows a lot more about KC/the family, than we've read about so far. After all, he is the one boy who had many family meals with the A's, spent a good amount of time around the family, and he is the one that GA said he would be glad to see KC end up with. And they have known each other since what.....elementary or middle school? A long time.

#2--She tells TL the first time she meets him that KC will burn him did CA know KC had a long history of this with "boyfriends"?

In the links OLG posted one of them talks about the damage it can do to a child growing up under the thumb of a narcissistic mother. And how it causes even further damage when the father, who is in a position to protect, does not protect but instead allows the emotional abuse (and possibly physical also) to happen, the info is that it does even further damage to the child. It's like a double whammy to the child's pysche. So KC was probably born with the hard wiring to begin with, but the mother/father dynamic in that household is probably what lit the fuse to the hard wiring KC was born with. The phrase in the article that hit me like a two by four was that growing up in that kind of environment can cause "soul murder". I have my own reasons for that phrase catching my attention but we will stick to KC.

So was CA aware of KC's habit of using people, boyfriends in particular (but also girlfriends), yet CA refused to acknowledge any kind of destructive pattern.....any kind of mental illness? I think so. I believe as a nurse she did know she had a disturbed daughter but she choose to ignore it as it would have busted the illusion she had worked so hard to create of the "perfect family". IMO I believe KC to be a psychopath but I know many have diagnosed her as a sociopath or an ASP. However we are allowed to have differences of opinion here thank goodness.

And where was LA in this family dynamic? Was he the "forgotten" child who secretly hated his sister for all the attention(bad or good) she got from the parents and all the dirty deeds she got away with? I wonder if LA's dark period during his teen years we've heard CA talk about was due to living with a psycho sister like KC and parents that ignored his existence. He has to be carrying around a lot of "soul" damage himself IMO. And IMO, only cutting ties with his parents and KC for a period of time, while he heals/finds some kind of treatment will restore some of what he lost/endured growing up in that house.

It's just amazing looking back since all this time has gone by to see how differently things look at this juncture.

See OLG's post that I forgot to quote in this post but quoted below. Thanks.

Also, looking back now, after a year and a half plus has gone by, one can really see just how far off the mark of normal CA esp was for a grandmother who lead us to believe she had a missing/(most likely dead grand daughter to the rest of us)......I mean.....right off the top of my head, I can't recall seeing any real breakdown of tears/bawling, losing it, as one would expect of a grandmother who was in that situation. I am thinking that both of these grand parents were well aware that Caylee was dead early on and choose to deceive the world.....they deserve to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law IMO. And I am hoping that all in good time, they will be. MOO


IIRC I believe LA's dark period during high school was due to a severe reaction to the prescription medication Accutane - he was very ill for a period of time and unable to participate in sports and other normal high school activities. However, I agree wholeheartedly that he was probably a somewhat ignored child. I believe KC was the "favorite", the princess who could do no wrong in that family and was spoiled rotten even while she was simultaneously causing havoc and unrest within the family. I cannot imagine LA as a teenager observing the unfairness of her "special" treatment and trying to survive the family dynamics. I do believe on some level LA hates KC. My opinion only.
IIRC I believe LA's dark period during high school was due to a severe reaction to the prescription medication Accutane - he was very ill for a period of time and unable to participate in sports and other normal high school activities. However, I agree wholeheartedly that he was probably a somewhat ignored child. I believe KC was the "favorite", the princess who could do no wrong in that family and was spoiled rotten even while she was simultaneously causing havoc and unrest within the family. I cannot imagine LA as a teenager observing the unfairness of her "special" treatment and trying to survive the family dynamics. I do believe on some level LA hates KC. My opinion only.

Yes I know that's what CA's explanation was for LA's depression in his teen years but I don't trust anything CA says. So I was saying that IMO it is a very good possibility that his dark period was due to lack of attention from his parents and his parents overlooking or making excuses for all KC's bad behavior.


years ago i worked for a lcsw whos practice was for multiple personalitys, abuse of sexual and satanic cult survivors. the abuse , grief,and traumatic events in some clients lives were a pattern i saw in leading to this disorder of alternate reality. some clients had so many versions of different selfs. some male, female, child. it was amazing to actually make a family tree of a clients many splits. ONE HAD OVER 40! SHE WAS MARRIED TOO AND HUBBBY DEALT WITH ALL!
i am not a doctor or claim to know if casey suffers from this disorder. if her attorney was smart he or she may try to bring this theory into place. the good casey we see in pics, loving her little girl. the friends who say she was a good mom and she changed.she became party girl. her way of blending to accomodate whoever she tries to shadow. her lies that can be proven so easy. i do not believe casey is stupid and can not figure out if she brings cops to universal to say heres my office she would consider this a done deal in reality check by others. she has to know it will not fly in the world of truth. so -- i can only believe shes a multiple. hurt by life, by i do not know who. some post trauma stress - she did not want to be a mom, tried her best but some part of her split off- she wanted an alternate reality IMO.
I don't see a MPD in her at all. My thought is that she became a sociopath due to very poor character qualities in both of her parents. The lying, narcisscism, and the rest of sociopathic tendencies the A's have revealed have created a full-blown sociopath in Casey. And now that she has crossed the line into murder, she categorizes as a psychopath. Lee exhibits the same traits IMO. Just listen to his media interviews, his deposition. His own PI "investigations". Narcisscism and lie after lie. Aye, yi, yi. Apples don't fall to far from the tree. JMO.
I believe that she is the way she is because she was never held accountable for her actions. Caylee, I believe was the parents trying to make her grow up and become a responsible and productive member of society. Unfortunately for precious Caylee, it was too late.
she may be that for sure. the most amazing puzzling thing i can not seem to understand is the lies that can be so obvious. shes suppose to be smart they claim. she can not be so confident of her self that an outright lie can not be proven in seconds. i am not talking about a lie that can be disguised for a bit of time- i am talking like INSTANTLY-LOL!! when she walked thru the gates of universal, with a crowd of law enforcement following! was she the bit nervous? was she thinking oh shi-- what am i doing? we have made lists of her lies and i can only say - how can this be her world of reality day to day? does she argue with herself? does she think- boy i better stop lies cause they will commit me to insane ward? this was all before we even knew of caylee being dead. the only thing i believe is shes not well , she lies and she does not even know it . she splits off and becomes another reality. do not know if it has a classic name like multiple but she sure has her own reality show in her mind of whats going to fly as for the truth by others. sad i think-cause i do not think she even knows she lies so much. maybe she shocks herself. BTW i am going to hearing tommorrow
Then again it could be that she's just a thief and a liar and nothing more complicated than that. Jails are full of them.
Nah. If she had MPD, it would have been blurted from the get-go by her family as an excuse as to her odd behavior. I think she's just a low-grade con artist/sociopath who studies people and uses their personality traits (i.e. generosity, insecurity, disconnection) to get what she wants. I think that many of us have tried to come up with a reason (drugs, mental illness, etc.) why Casey would do what she has allegedly done to our dear, sweet Caylee because we just can't fathom a mother doing something like that. But it does happen...Susan Smith is a prime example.
Then again it could be that she's just a thief and a liar and nothing more complicated than that. Jails are full of them.
I would agree, but now that the dynamics of the entire family has been revealed, it does seem alot more complicated than garden variety thieves and liars. I think there is something a lil more pathological going on there.
she may be that for sure. the most amazing puzzling thing i can not seem to understand is the lies that can be so obvious. shes suppose to be smart they claim. she can not be so confident of her self that an outright lie can not be proven in seconds. i am not talking about a lie that can be disguised for a bit of time- i am talking like INSTANTLY-LOL!! when she walked thru the gates of universal, with a crowd of law enforcement following! was she the bit nervous? was she thinking oh shi-- what am i doing? we have made lists of her lies and i can only say - how can this be her world of reality day to day? does she argue with herself? does she think- boy i better stop lies cause they will commit me to insane ward? this was all before we even knew of caylee being dead. the only thing i believe is shes not well , she lies and she does not even know it . she splits off and becomes another reality. do not know if it has a classic name like multiple but she sure has her own reality show in her mind of whats going to fly as for the truth by others. sad i think-cause i do not think she even knows she lies so much. maybe she shocks herself. BTW i am going to hearing tommorrow

She's grasping for straws. She is smart enough to know she's busted, and how obvious it is. But true to a sociopath, she'll add a thousand lies ontop to cover the truth. Example: Even though an object may be 'blue', and a thousand people confirm it, Casey will stick to her guns and say it is 'white', or stray to perhaps 'grey' to throw you off. But she'll NEVER admit it is blue. Her version of reality will reign, but not because she believes it to be blue. She is only serving her own agenda. She is not insane.
The part that makes this such a high interest case is that you have her entire family (who's own precious grand daughter was murdered and dumped like trash) claiming the object is 'white' also! It's a given her defense team will claim 'white' along with Casey, but the family also? A rarity! You see that sometimes when a son or daughter has murdered someone outside the family, but not their own grand daughter. It speaks volumes about Casey's root pathology.
Mark Hacking didn't think he was really going to medical school when he bought textbooks and told his wife he spent his days in class. Scott Peterson didn't really think he was a widower although he'd told Amber F. he was. When Mr. Peterson purchased a boat to go "fishing" he didn't really think he was going to "fish". Although that is what he said.

Casey KNEW when she paraded down Universal's halls followed by a herd of LE that they weren't headed for her "office". She turned to LE when push came to shove and said, "I don't really have a job". She knew where she was and what was up. Later in the same interview she said "I lied". No delusions. No voices.

There is a big difference between being CLINICALLY mentally ill (not mentally healthy) and LEGALLY mentally ill (unable to tell right from wrong).
I do believe KC is a psychopath and a sociopath with a little bit of delusion thrown in for good measure. Her brain has some kind of faulty wiring. That is for sure.
Bumping for added insights now that letters are out.
I just came across some more good reading and thought I'd share the link if anyone is interested..

Robyn answered that Casey was always upbeat, whereas, Robyn was always depressed being in jail. It's again reminding me of narcissists I've known that had these fearless, positive attitudes even when faced with the harsh realities. Casey is blinded by the light, she thinks is herself, and will never truly see what she's done.

The letters showed that "we're so similar, so close, so bonded, we're on the same team" ploy narcissists and cons use to get you on their side fast. I remember reading that in the book Gift of Fear.

Interesting to see it in action, the way Casey was describing her deep BBF bond with Robyn. Calling Robyn "SISTER". (if she ever had a sister she'd be even more jealous than over Caylee!) It's probably a comfort for Casey to not feel so alone, and to obtain some n-supply from new blood, but Robyn could be changed out just like Amy, Annie, Jesse, Ricardo, etc., were. People are really things - Casey has "her boys" attorneys now, but before she had another group of "her boys". Cays was her little Rock Star, and maybe a Beautiful Life.
when i think of the family dynamic i often wonder if casey and caylee were being raised more as sister figures than mother and daughter? im sure caylee called cindy mama alot and it drove casey crazy. the duct tape always seemed so personal and to state a message. almost like caylee was sayin im gonna tell mama what you did to me or where you left me. or cindy saying im gonna tape you to that bed if i have to,to keep you here to take care of your responsibilities, which by the way, i dont think happened because cindy never held her accountable. it sends such a definite message, imo, and its not an accident. im sure someone in that house knows why casey chose to duct tape that child and that is why they deny, deny, deny, there ever being a fight.
Just replying to the above thread - the tape makes me wonder if she was making a point to ca and ga - like when she told them in jail that she didn't tell them anything (le) Maybe she put the tape on Caylee's mouth to symbolize keeping her mouth shut and not talking about something that was secret in the family. Kind of like, see what you made me do by keeping my mouth shut?
Cindy is codependent. (She keeps the family secrets. Suffers with the guilt and shame. Has LOTS of repressed anger. Keeps unemployed, cheating George around because of ??? =her low self esteem.) Has Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder (see relationship with daughter). Slightly OCD (Needs perfect house. Wanted perfect daughter and was helicopter mom). Definitely has Major Depression. Probably addicted to benzos (Has a narcissistic sociopath as a daughter. Has Bipolar, unemployed crazy husband and NEEDS benzos to survive).

George has Major Depression (Married to witchy Cindy and has sociopathic daughter) and is also codependent. He probably has Borderline Personality Disorder or is Bipolar (Unable to handle money or a job much of the time. Has major mood swings. His dad had mental illness-hereditary possibility) He is victim of domestic emotional abuse (Had to lives with Cindy and KC) and probably abused as a child (His dad was BP. Family is estranged. He is an angry, unpredictable man). Possibly a hypochondriac (Goes with his Major Depression and nurse wife). Possibly addicted to benzos and/or alcohol (Goes with the crazy family territory). Definitely suffers from Cindy Induced Erectile Dysfunction (Don't need to explain that to anyone here).
Psychologists: Jailhouse letters offer insight into Casey Anthony’s life behind bars
By Sarah Lundy, Orlando Sentinel

2:01 a.m. EDT, April 11, 2010

The letters Casey Anthony penned in jail show an immature woman who needs attention and adoration from others.

That's what three psychologists gleaned from reviewing dozens of Anthony's hand-written notes and letters to a fellow inmate at the Orange County Jail. The doctors agreed to read and give insight from the letters at the request of the Orlando Sentinel.

more at the link:,0,2547677.story

<<<<various snippets of pertinent parts of assessment>>>>>
"She is spending most of her time in isolation with no audience. She has no outlet for the stuff that goes through her mind," said Dr. Daniel Tressler, a forensic psychologist based in Altamonte Springs.

Altamonte Springs psychologist Dr. Barbara Mara described Anthony as someone with a great need to vent her conflicting emotions, including her fears, anxiety and unresolved anger toward her family.

"She portrays immature unrealistic kinds of thoughts," Mara said, adding some of it could be Anthony coping with her situation.

Dr. Robert Janner, a Winter Park psychologist, found some of the letters reflect Anthony's attempt to "comfort herself through reminiscing about watching old movies and wearing comfortable clothes in some letters, while conversely fantasizing about romantic contact with men, and feminine pampering and fashionable adornment," he said.

In her writings, Anthony attempts to make Adams feel special as a friend.

"Always remember that I love you, Robyn, my best friend that I have ever had and my big sister," Anthony wrote. "We are family — and we are never apart — families are bound by that unconditional love. I'm always here and always will be."

This is just not realistic, doctors said.

"The level of emotion likely exceeds what common people would ever experience, as it is a gross distortion of reality," Janner said.

Anthony doesn't mention many details about her case. She rarely wrote about Caylee, and when she did it appears to be in a superficial, detached way, the psychologists said. But, they said, there could be two very different reasons for this.

Anthony could be in denial that was triggered by some loss or emotional trauma, such as the death of her daughter. Another option could be there was never a bond between the mother and child.

"In that case, if there was a weak attachment, there would be a weak response to loss," Tressler said.

The psychologists agree Anthony spends passages in her letters devoted toward her image — trying to make herself and her actions appear better than what she is being portrayed as in public.

She described herself as a "great mom" and wished she never let Caylee out of her sight.

Tressler wonders if Anthony wrote these letters thinking one day they may become public.

"There is a tenor to her disclosures that are very much rehabilitative of what she thinks her image is in the world," Tressler said.
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