Casey & Family Psychological Profile #7

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Usually its just prison or you're free. If you succeed in a not guilty by reason of insanity defense, you can be committed to a mental institution for treatment. Different categories of murder have different sentences - if the defense can prove that the killing wasn't premeditated, the sentence is something like 25 years to life. If they argue it was an accident and manslaughter, its a little less.

From what we've heard, JB is going for the "she's 100% innocent, someone else did it" defense - he's going all or nothing, and I think KC is betting that she's going to walk free. If the jury finds her guilty, and at the sentencing hearing they sentence her to death, she's on death row while she appeals. If the jury sentences her to something less - murder 2, manslaughter, etc. - she'll go to jail for whatever time they sentence her to.

If you have a case where either the defendant confesses or its really clear that the defendant did it, usually the defense will try to plea bargain to both lessen the sentence, and sometimes, the prison the person will be incarcerated at. I've been working on some of the financial fraud cases, and for cases like Madoff and some of the CEOs, the evidence is so great they don't even bother with trial - they will negotiate with the prosecutors that they will direct the government to what offshore bank accounts money is hidden in in exchange for a life sentence in either a prison near Manhattan (so their family could visit) or some of the "kushier" prisons - like the one Martha Stewart went to (now she calls her prison stay her time at Yale).

That's a little O/T but its more in my area of practice. In reality, "common criminals" usually have little to offer the prosecution (unless they offer to turn on big fish), so they usually have less leeway.

From what I've read and heard, the State is not going to offer KC a deal, though. "Because she has nothing to bargain with."
From our post we all seem to realize KC is hopefully going to be punished an evidence seems to prove this for the most part. Discussing possible avenues of how defense might approach the subject at trial for her defense has been interesting. If defense with a mental health defense it might award KC a place with other psychiatri prisoners incarcerated instead of sitting on death row with less persons to socialize with and ifshe recieves life without parole wouldn't KC be in the general population. I don't know the legal part of wher KC will spend her remaining days so help on this subject for the umpteenth time would help. Defense must be going for an all or nothing which would leave her on death row while appealing??? Which is the worst of the 3 evils in prison life

Well, if she gets the DP, she might be able to die of old age, in prison, while appealing. I don't know whether or how many appeals FL has. Some states have unlimited appeals.
Well if he is doing it with JBs computer that is No Good.
I think GA should go see KC by himself.
Yes it will be recorded, videod, but at least he has a one on one without JBs interference.

That's up to KC. I know that one time, she told GA she wanted to see him. He came. Then, she said she didn't want to see him, after all.
Brini the info I was discussing a form of temporary Derangement in the form of monomainia can be found when you type in Temporary mental derangement and the law. This has been used in cases by defense occasionally. In that piece you will see the article states the person is aware of all except in one area, at one specific time (temporary). I think you need to reference the word monomania and how it applys to law by defense, That may have been what I googled. Yes we all no she is guilty but figuring out how this will play out in a courtroom will be as interestig as debating the who,hows, whens , whys on this thread. Trial is going to be so interesting!
Brini the info I was discussing a form of temporary Derangement in the form of monomainia can be found when you type in Temporary mental derangement and the law. This has been used in cases by defense occasionally. In that piece you will see the article states the person is aware of all except in one area, at one specific time (temporary). I think you need to reference the word monomania and how it applys to law by defense, That may have been what I googled. Yes we all no she is guilty but figuring out how this will play out in a courtroom will be as interestig as debating the who,hows, whens , whys on this thread. Trial is going to be so interesting!

That would be pretty hard to prove, honey.

She spent too much time and effort concealing her crime.
Not guilty by reason of insanity is a defense that is notorious for failing in court. The legal definition of insantity is very hard to meet. To meet the insantity criteria, a person almost has to be living in their own world all the time. KC has been seen talking with LE and family and others and appears to be capable of understanding what is said to her and capable of forming an appropriate response. Maybe not a truthful one, but she answers questions appropriately.

Another thing that defense would have to overcome, is that KC didn't call for an ambulance when she found Caylee, she didn't run screaming, she didn't dump the car and she apparently didn't even dump her remains right away. She apparently drove around with Caylee's remains in her trunk for a couple of days. Then continued to drive the rank smelling vehicle for a while after that. All of those things are beyond what the average person can accept, without anger and disgust. That alone will shock the jury, and IMO those are the issues that will prove that this wasn't done by "some unknown person who wanted to frame KC." She drove around with her daughter's remains in her car. She went shopping, fixed her boyfriend dinners, watched movies, and continued her life. Then she dumped the remains of her daughter..... but she kept the car. Things that most people wouldn't do if they didn't have anything to hide, and if they were actually grieving.

And by the act of hiding, she pretty much seemed to prove that she wasn't insane. Most juries won't go for insanity if the person tries to hide the crime. To hide the crime, it indicates that you were aware that you did something wrong and didn't want to get caught at it.

If you want to consider the 'some other person did it defense' please consider this. Even if she was afraid of calling LE. Her father was an ex LE. She apparently didn't call him for advice, even though she did talk to him during that period. She was reportedly close to her bro. But she apparently didn't go to him for advice. She didn't mention it to her best friend.... or her boyfriend. No bartender has stepped forward to indicate that she talked to him/her in one of bar trips. Things that most people would do when they were scared.

And KC herself brought up the 'script'. The script that seems to have been pretty detailed. But KC seems to have been unable to produce said 'script.' So did she memorize this script and give it back to the 'kidnapper'? Or did she read it and commit it to memory then throw it away? Or was there never a 'script' in the first place?
I didn't say that I necessarily believe that the defense would succeed, but its what I think a responsible defense attorney would/should do. The defense has a duty to make every argument, and its up to the jury to decide what's reasonable. There are plenty of cases where the prosecution moves for a moves to exclude defense evidence for being, basically, ridiculous, and the judge always, always, rules its up to the jury to say its ridiculous.

Also, yes, based on the evidence released I don't think there is a reasonable doubt that Casey is responsible for the death of Caylee. But the difference between first and second degree murder is much, much closer. There are cases where the defendant has abused and neglected her child for years - where witnesses come forward and say the defendant hated her child, wished her child was dead, did this, did that. Situations like that lead very easily to the conclusion that the defendant purposefully and with malice premeditated murder. Here, we have NO real evidence that before the act Casey is on trial for, she "hated" Caylee.

You can't infer intent from the act that's in question. And Casey's prior bad acts aren't going to come in unless she testifies. And even in that case, character evidence is very limited - usually it has to go to "truthfulness." The flaw I think in some of the reasoning here is that you can't assume the ultimate issue (that Casey killed Caylee) as evidence of her state of mind. We're trying to prove that issue.

Personally I do see the possibility of reasonable doubt that it was premeditated. I think the prosecution is going to do a great job explaining the duct tape, sticker, etc., to try to convince the jury of premeditation. But if the defense did a great job - saying Casey never planned to kill Caylee, that it was an accident, or she just meant to harm (not kill) her - it could provide a reasonable doubt as to what is needed to prove 1st degree murder. It could end up going to felony murder - since death during aggravated child abuse would qualify - but I don't think before trial there is evidence of murder 1 beyond a reasonable doubt.
I've seen cases where it was - Joseph Duncan III for one. We all are so involved that its hard to see the evidence objectively. Compare this case to some others: there are slam dunk cases, and then there are circumstantially very strong cases. I think this is the latter.

Reply to bold: This is exactly what I have been thinking for the last few days. Regardless what I personally believe, I think it's going to be very close in court.
I think it will be a hard choice, but the duct tape around the skull is gonna keep coming up.
It is not easy for a maternal MOM to kill her kid. :( And yes it looks like a susan smith!
Yes it is in her car, and it could have been put there by someone who wanted to frame her.
LE has no finger prints to tie her to the deed. And yes maybe she did it. :(
We still don't have something that ties her to it....
Somebody here said it best;
"They don't have proof that Casey didn't do it but there is a load of evidence that doesn't prove she did do it."

I am not saying CASEY did not do it.....
I am saying it is evident to me that this girl is not well;
And it is evident to me that if we follow the money - lots more chit will fall out of the air.
It baffles me that JB is her lawyer. I do not think she has a chance in hell with that Bozo.
And if her parents went through taking so many chances for her behalf,
WHY aren't they screaming about Bozo ???
Casey is only 22 and can be put in her place. Look how fast she came home when Cindy took a fit!!!!
Why isnt Cindy jumping around like a loonie about Bozo?
But she is jumping around when she is asked if KC stole? when we already know Casey's MO.

I am not trying to nit pick your post-I am trying to stick with the spirit but what stands out to me is the statement regarding "someone could have put it" :eek:

Are you referring to Caylee?

Beyond that point, if you believe that Casey unwittingly was driving around with Caylee's dead body in her car until she realized that there was something strong smelling in her trunk next to the garbage bags, I suppose that I cannot pursuade you differently if the evidence does not clearly speak to you. In my mind, every bit of smoke and mirrors put forth by Casey, her family and her attorney does not for one hot second explain why Caylee's decomposing body was in the trunk of the car and further why there were dryer sheets all over the place inside the vehicle.

Is it possible that Casey was driving around in a car that she solely controlled with her daughters dead body in the back-that is the question to ask yourself. Because Caylee's body was there, and Casey was driving the vehicle.

Now I think that the evidence she premeditated the crime is INDEED circumstantial. But powerful. I think she could get away with pleading the charge down, claiming an accident and she might someday see the light of day again. Ball is in her court-only she can decide if her desire to maintain her fantasy/fiction that she was mother of the year is worth a gamble with her life.

I am not trying to nit pick your post-I am trying to stick with the spirit but what stands out to me is the statement regarding "someone could have put it" :eek:

Are you referring to Caylee?

Beyond that point, if you believe that Casey unwittingly was driving around with Caylee's dead body in her car until she realized that there was something strong smelling in her trunk next to the garbage bags, I suppose that I cannot pursuade you differently if the evidence does not clearly speak to you. In my mind, every bit of smoke and mirrors put forth by Casey, her family and her attorney does not for one hot second explain why Caylee's decomposing body was in the trunk of the car and further why there were dryer sheets all over the place inside the vehicle.

Is it possible that Casey was driving around in a car that she solely controlled with her daughters dead body in the back-that is the question to ask yourself. Because Caylee's body was there, and Casey was driving the vehicle.

Now I think that the evidence she premeditated the crime is INDEED circumstantial. But powerful. I think she could get away with pleading the charge down, claiming an accident and she might someday see the light of day again. Ball is in her court-only she can decide if her desire to maintain her fantasy/fiction that she was mother of the year is worth a gamble with her life.


I have said this on the LKL thread...after Cindy's Freudian slip
When Cindy was asked why didn't Casey make that call before 31 days: Cindy replied something about Maybe it was her way of "grieving"? Cindy did not say maybe she was in panic.....
However I also said in a dozen or more posts that I know that all evidence points to Casey.
But there are still things here that leave me in question.
There for - I refrain from pointing at Casey directly till the evidence ties her to the crime.
I know you are not trying to pick at me... But I am not 100% convinced that it is a slam dunk.
I have questions about:
Where is the money coming from? and WHY?
How is it that JB is in charge?
And Was it her/Casey's idea not to call 911 in the first place.
Was it on July 1 after GA picked up the car that they had to all gather and clean up a mess before that famous 911 call?
Why has CAYLEE drooped out of the picture?
I am sure I have other questions too.
I do have to say that this group here is Awesome at putting all the information together.

When I have all of those question satisfied in my mind I will point my finger.
But for now I want to reserve my pointing at her because, I do not have many of my answers.

I have said this on the LKL thread...after Cindy's Freudian slip
When Cindy was asked why didn't Casey make that call before 31 days: Cindy replied something about Maybe it was her way of "grieving"? Cindy did not say maybe she was in panic.....
However I also said in a dozen or more posts that I know that all evidence points to Casey.
But there are still things here that leave me in question.
There for - I refrain from pointing at Casey directly till the evidence ties her to the crime.
I know you are not trying to pick at me... But I am not 100% convinced that it is a slam dunk.
I have questions about:
Where is the money coming from? and WHY?
How is it that JB is in charge?
And Was it her/Casey's idea not to call 911 in the first place.
Was it on July 1 after GA picked up the car that they had to all gather and clean up a mess before that famous 911 call?
Why has CAYLEE drooped out of the picture?
I am sure I have other questions too.
I do have to say that this group here is Awesome at putting all the information together.

When I have all of those question satisfied in my mind I will point my finger.
But for now I want to reserve my pointing at her because, I do not have many of my answers.


My bold and italics my friend :blowkiss:

Granted, I have bounced in and out of these threads for months now so I will not ask you or anyone to restate their position on this case...I am puzzled as to the direction the questions point and why specific answers to them would lend more or less credibility to the weight of the undisputed physical evidence.

For example-the money trail. Why would who is funding Casey's defense add weight as to whether or not she killed her child?

The 911 question-Casey is solely responsible for Caylee's well being, so her decision not to call 911 and involve authorities rests squarely on her own shoulders. It was a gamble she was clearly willing to take given her undisputed behavior after her daughter disappeared.

The question regarding July 1 and "cleaning up the mess"-I must have missed this theory. To my knowlege Cindy and George picked up the decomp smelling vehicle and reclaimed their daughter on the same day which was July 15, 2008, wasn't it?

Jose Baez in charge-again, I am not sure why the hiring of a particular defense attorney would add weight to whether or not Casey killed her child.

I don't want to put words in your mouth, but your implication here seems to be that there was a huge conspiracy with Casey in it's center. What is so compelling about a 22 year old high school dropout single mother that she would be worth spending the kind of time and attention on required to put together these kinds machinations? Is there some kind of Illuminati theory out there that Casey and Caylee were sacrificial lambs on the altar of corporate America-and this is one big bid for ratings???

Clearly I need to spend more time on these threads....
My bold and italics my friend :blowkiss:

Granted, I have bounced in and out of these threads for months now so I will not ask you or anyone to restate their position on this case...I am puzzled as to the direction the questions point and why specific answers to them would lend more or less credibility to the weight of the undisputed physical evidence.

For example-the money trail. Why would who is funding Casey's defense add weight as to whether or not she killed her child?
The 911 question-Casey is solely responsible for Caylee's well being, so her decision not to call 911 and involve authorities rests squarely on her own shoulders. It was a gamble she was clearly willing to take given her undisputed behavior after her daughter disappeared.
The question regarding July 1 and "cleaning up the mess"-I must have missed this theory. To my knowlege Cindy and George picked up the decomp smelling vehicle and reclaimed their daughter on the same day which was July 15, 2008, wasn't it?
Jose Baez in charge-again, I am not sure why the hiring of a particular defense attorney would add weight to whether or not Casey killed her child.

I don't want to put words in your mouth, but your implication here seems to be that there was a huge conspiracy with Casey in it's center. What is so compelling about a 22 year old high school dropout single mother that she would be worth spending the kind of time and attention on required to put together these kinds machinations? Is there some kind of Illuminati theory out there that Casey and Caylee were sacrificial lambs on the altar of corporate America-and this is one big bid for ratings???

Clearly I need to spend more time on these threads....

I think I see where songline is going here and don't want to step on her/his toes but would like to add a bit of support.

The money trail- while there is some talk of a very powerful/dangerous person supplying the money (please refer to the rumor thread for more info on this) If this is true then there could be a slight possibility that this person is somehow involved and MAY have been responsible for Caylees death.

Which leads to not calling 911. If this person in question is somehow involved then that would explain why KC didn't call 911 for fear of her own life (it's a stretch, I know, but it's an alternate theory).

No you didn't miss anything, the car was picked up on the 15th.

KC isn't a high school drop out, she was lacking a credit to graduate which she made up in summer school. It is one of the things that was said so much that it became fact when it really isn't true. I believe that she wasn't able to walk with her class at graduation.
I have said this on the LKL thread...after Cindy's Freudian slip
When Cindy was asked why didn't Casey make that call before 31 days: Cindy replied something about Maybe it was her way of "grieving"? Cindy did not say maybe she was in panic.....
However I also said in a dozen or more posts that I know that all evidence points to Casey.
But there are still things here that leave me in question.
There for - I refrain from pointing at Casey directly till the evidence ties her to the crime.
I know you are not trying to pick at me... But I am not 100% convinced that it is a slam dunk.
I have questions about:
Where is the money coming from? and WHY?
How is it that JB is in charge?
And Was it her/Casey's idea not to call 911 in the first place.
Was it on July 1 after GA picked up the car that they had to all gather and clean up a mess before that famous 911 call?
Why has CAYLEE drooped out of the picture?
I am sure I have other questions too.
I do have to say that this group here is Awesome at putting all the information together.

When I have all of those question satisfied in my mind I will point my finger.
But for now I want to reserve my pointing at her because, I do not have many of my answers.


1) The money is likely coming from the sale of licenses to Caylee's photos. That's what the Bar Assn. is looking into. At one point, the As sold rights to Caylee's photos for $250,000. The parents are also being paid to appear on TV shows.

2) Bozo is in charge, because that's the way KC wants it. She can control him. He is looking to make a name for himself. They both have a reason to be involved.

3) KC was dodging her family for 31 days. Then, when CA found her, she asked CA not to call LE. So, yes, it was KCs idea not to call LE. She excused herself for not calling LE by saying that someone "took Caylee, and would hurt her if she talked to LE, except on the 'script." All the while, she knew Caylee was not in danger, because she was dead. And, she knew there was no "script."

4) CA called LE before they cleaned the car. They had the car for about 24 hours, after that. CA didn't realize the extent of KC's involvement until after the first 911 call. She realized it between her first and second call. They cleaned the car (as least, the clothes in it) after the calls to LE. This to conceal KC's crime.

5) Caylee has dropped out of the picture, because the family is trying to: a) make money, and b) avoid discussing KC's guilt.

As for grieving.. during the month while KC was dodging her family, she gave no indication of grief. She partied. She went clubbing. She competed in a Hot Body contest. She enjoyed rented movies on the DAY LE thinks Caylee was killed. She cooked for dinner parties at TonE's house. None of her friends saw an iota of grief for Caylee.

They DID see some concern that "TonE didn't really love her."

The only grief that anyone has seen is her grief over her incarceration.

Now, a question for parents, on this list. If your child went missing, would you refuse to call LE, and go out partying and clubbing, for a month?

JMHO. :)
I think I see where songline is going here and don't want to step on her/his toes but would like to add a bit of support.

The money trail- while there is some talk of a very powerful/dangerous person supplying the money (please refer to the rumor thread for more info on this) If this is true then there could be a slight possibility that this person is somehow involved and MAY have been responsible for Caylees death.

Which leads to not calling 911. If this person in question is somehow involved then that would explain why KC didn't call 911 for fear of her own life (it's a stretch, I know, but it's an alternate theory).

No you didn't miss anything, the car was picked up on the 15th.

KC isn't a high school drop out, she was lacking a credit to graduate which she made up in summer school. It is one of the things that was said so much that it became fact when it really isn't true. I believe that she wasn't able to walk with her class at graduation.

But, where is the evidence of said powerful person? Even the FBI picked up no connection between KC and anyone else, for this crime. And, they have the best resources in the world. They tend to be aware of the powerful people in any given area, including the criminals.

How did this person force her to party hearty and carry the dead body of her child in her car, for days?

What would a "very powerful person" want with an insignificant 22-year old?

All of KC's movements and communications (texts, phone calls, etc.) are documented. How did said powerful person communicate with her? All that was found were KCs communications with her various friends, all of whom have been checked out.

As she, herself, told her parents, she is entirely safe in prison. She is within "steps of the guard station."

President Obama could have been involved, in theory.

But, the fact is that the overwhelming amount of evidence indicates that KC acted alone, and for selfish and self-indulgent reasons.

There have been a LOT of wild rumors about this case. There is no evidence that KC ever knew any powerful person, let alone evidence of any set-up, or motive for same.

Scott Peterson tried to blame his defense on hippies, satanists, and various others. But, as all the evidence pointed to him, didn't work.
I bumped up the rumor thread for continued (if you choose) discussion over there. There are a few articles that talk about this person in question. If you decide to read through them then please try with a bit of an open mind and remember it is purely theory/rumor and nothing is proven fact. It's just an interesting read that made a few of us go "hmmm".
I think I see where songline is going here and don't want to step on her/his toes but would like to add a bit of support.

The money trail- while there is some talk of a very powerful/dangerous person supplying the money (please refer to the rumor thread for more info on this) If this is true then there could be a slight possibility that this person is somehow involved and MAY have been responsible for Caylees death.

Which leads to not calling 911. If this person in question is somehow involved then that would explain why KC didn't call 911 for fear of her own life (it's a stretch, I know, but it's an alternate theory).

No you didn't miss anything, the car was picked up on the 15th.

KC isn't a high school drop out, she was lacking a credit to graduate which she made up in summer school. It is one of the things that was said so much that it became fact when it really isn't true. I believe that she wasn't able to walk with her class at graduation.

:) you are not stepping on my toes. You are reading my mind. And thanks for the correction it was a typo. Yes the car was picked up on 7/15.
1) The money is likely coming from the sale of licenses to Caylee's photos. That's what the Bar Assn. is looking into. At one point, the As sold rights to Caylee's photos for $250,000. The parents are also being paid to appear on TV shows.

2) Bozo is in charge, because that's the way KC wants it. She can control him. He is looking to make a name for himself. They both have a reason to be involved.

3) KC was dodging her family for 31 days. Then, when CA found her, she asked CA not to call LE. So, yes, it was KCs idea not to call LE. She excused herself for not calling LE by saying that someone "took Caylee, and would hurt her if she talked to LE, except on the 'script." All the while, she knew Caylee was not in danger, because she was dead. And, she knew there was no "script."

4) CA called LE before they cleaned the car. They had the car for about 24 hours, after that. CA didn't realize the extent of KC's involvement until after the first 911 call. She realized it between her first and second call. They cleaned the car (as least, the clothes in it) after the calls to LE. This to conceal KC's crime.

5) Caylee has dropped out of the picture, because the family is trying to: a) make money, and b) avoid discussing KC's guilt.

As for grieving.. during the month while KC was dodging her family, she gave no indication of grief. She partied. She went clubbing. She competed in a Hot Body contest. She enjoyed rented movies on the DAY LE thinks Caylee was killed. She cooked for dinner parties at TonE's house. None of her friends saw an iota of grief for Caylee.

They DID see some concern that "TonE didn't really love her."

The only grief that anyone has seen is her grief over her incarceration.

Now, a question for parents, on this list. If your child went missing, would you refuse to call LE, and go out partying and clubbing, for a month? NO WAY

JMHO. :)

I thank you fro many great posts which I appriciate.
But I can not go along with you here at all.
1- $250.000 K is a drop in the bucket. A small drop.
2- You can select to believe that. I dont.
3- You can select to believe that too> I believe they knew it all LONG before the 31 days.
4- C&G have an act going. I do not buy them.
5- We do agree on that point only. While I know Casey is guilty in degrees, I do not know to what degree yet.

As for grieving - I am not sure what is going on...
REALLY not sure here.
That partying while the baby is missing :eek: makes me wonder 2 things:
Did she really think Caylee is in good hands?
or is she "F" NUTS? :crazy:
I thank you fro many great posts which I appriciate.
But I can not go along with you here at all.
1- $250.000 K is a drop in the bucket. A small drop.
2- You can select to believe that. I dont.
3- You can select to believe that too> I believe they knew it all LONG before the 31 days.
4- C&G have an act going. I do not buy them.
5- We do agree on that point only. While I know Casey is guilty in degrees, I do not know to what degree yet.

As for grieving - I am not sure what is going on...
REALLY not sure here.
That partying while the baby is missing :eek: makes me wonder 2 things:
Did she really think Caylee is in good hands?
or is she "F" NUTS? :crazy:

That's cool, honey! We all have different opinions.

We are here for the fun of discussion and debate, :):blowkiss:
That's cool, honey! We all have different opinions.

We are here for the fun of discussion and debate, :):blowkiss:

:blowkiss::blowkiss: Yes and you are always very wonderful.
Discussions are not always about like minded thinking :)
and then one of us may eventually change their mind MAYBE ME :)
KC has no hx of monomania, or any other delusional system. She doesn't have a thought disorder, she has a personality disorder. It's characterological.

You can't purport the above as an accurate statement--unless you are a forensic psychodiagnostician with YEARS of experience who has sat face to face
with this defendant for hours conducting clinical interviews and administered objective and projective psychological tests, as well as reviewed a
mountain of law enforcement reports and other data. And, if you've done all of the above, you could not ethically offer a professional opinion on an
electronic forum. I think it's safe to say you're just offering an opinion which is no more or less valid than that of anyone else, right?

There certainly is one psychological instrument which measures poor common sense judgment in the face of otherwise average or above average intelligence
which is characteristic of defendants who do such "dumb" [your word] things as drive around for days with a decaying corpse in a vehicle. You can't
be so cavalier as to write-off such bizarre conduct as simply "dumb."
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