Casey & Family Psychological Profile #9

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Hi OLG. Why do you think this is? This has really been bugging me because CA has caused so much trouble within the case. Maybe LE is just used to looking past stuff that doesn't matter to them (once they know the truth). Or will they deal with CA after the trial? What do you think? Heck, maybe they know she'll be booked.

She plays a good victim. It's not like with a man who is a bully. She's got that smile or tear drops (which ever the case calls for) on her face. She's an inocent 50 something yr old grandmother who's daughter killed her kid, going through hell and in denial. You don't expect it from her- you'd maybe expect it from George.. or Lee, but cindy, this little grandma who's life has shattered?.. Naw..

She creates a good diversion. She can play a person like a :boohoo:

These kinds of people can tear you open, leave you on bleeding on the floor (not literally, of course) and walk away with a "God bless you" and everyone will be looking at YOU wondering what you'd done.
You are so right! She must have hated the way he was able to bring in people,equipment and money. It's clear most everyone thinks the world of TM.At the same time C and G were being bashed.
I think she's skeered of Mark K. :crazy:

Jmo but The A's are bullies and as such, only pick on the ones they percieve as weak (not saying TM is weak but he is non-confrontational) Mark K would give her a dose of her own medicine.
Once a sociopath, always a sociopath...he he he. Really. I do think that she is. And the only reason I think that they haven't charged her with anything is that they WANT HER to testify at KC's trial. If they charge with something (anything) then, she has the right to plead to the fifth (in order to protect herself)...She'll get her day. I wish it was sooner but unfortunately, to reach justice for Caylee, it has to be later.


Ya know, I still (some place way back in my mind) wonder if she has given LE info.. if she Is working toward a conviction, secretly or something.

That would be nice. I would kiss her feet and tell her how sorry I am for talking 'bout her!
Jmo but The A's are bullies and as such, only pick on the ones they percieve as weak (not saying TM is weak but he is non-confrontational) Mark K would give her a dose of her own medicine.

ITA!! She knows who she can manipulate and bully.

I'd love to see Mark get his hands on her! She would shut her face good and quick! (I just love that man- talk about telling it like it is!)
Ya know, I still (some place way back in my mind) wonder if she has given LE info.. if she Is working toward a conviction, secretly or something.

That would be nice. I would kiss her feet and tell her how sorry I am for talking 'bout her!

Noooooooooooooo ....... don't turn to the dark side ...................
Thanks kageykaren. I'm glad you responded.:) At the time I posted, I thought OLG was here so-to-speak. Ya know how sometimes it can seem like you're having a conversation? But she ditched me! :runaway::sheesh:


I'm sorry!!
I wonder if the Nursing Board will take a look at her actions/behavior should she ever decide to return to work...maybe a psych evaluation would be required ?

You can just about bet the bank on it. The Nursing board will look at her behavior. If in fact she did "hand out" presription medication, perjury, obstruction of justice. If any of these things are proven to be true, the Board will do an investigation. If there is brought up her mental capacity any specific diagnoses, the Board of Nursing will investigate to determine the safety of CA practicing nursing as a profession.

I don't know about Florida but The Texas Board of Nursing, they don't play. You write a hot check, The Board knows, they know everything.
You can just about bet the bank on it. The Nursing board will look at her behavior. If in fact she did "hand out" presription medication, perjury, obstruction of justice. If any of these things are proven to be true, the Board will do an investigation. If there is brought up her mental capacity any specific diagnoses, the Board of Nursing will investigate to determine the safety of CA practicing nursing as a profession.

I don't know about Florida but The Texas Board of Nursing, they don't play. You write a hot check, The Board knows, they know everything.
Your right! Less we not forget the serial fraudulant check rider RN that moved from state to state to reoffend until it landed her in jail with KC. A bit off topic because I actually was going to ask if OLG had a fever. I tend to worry about this case when I see her express a positive outlook pertaing to CA. Is it time for some adversion therapy? LOL! :blowkiss: I play repulsive video's off You Tube of all the A's when my heart sways causing me to cave. :)
Scary stuff. What, I wonder, is the profile of the four girls that were "led" to help kill a girl in Indiana?

Just saying noone could have convinced me to engage in that type of behavior at any age.

It's very hard to wrap my brain around. Nobody had any parental guidance or goodness instilled in their minds/souls?

Bolded by me. Me either. I have always rooted for the underdog, took up for the kid being bullied and still do to this day. Drives me crazy! Once my kids reached Junior High School I realized some of the biggest bullies around were teachers. Go figure. Anyway, I don't know how 1 girl would get 4 others to participate in a murder, but how do gangs do it? I suppose it would be the same premise. All so sad.
Ya know, I still (some place way back in my mind) wonder if she has given LE info.. if she Is working toward a conviction, secretly or something.

That would be nice. I would kiss her feet and tell her how sorry I am for talking 'bout her!

She just might if she sees that bus barreling her way with JB driving and KC navigating!
CA was last seen publicly with Caylee [not including GA's claim],all the items found with Caylee tie in to the Anthony home and CA and GA have worked desperately to prove there was an alive Caylee. Trying to thwart the work of TES just doesn't look too good.
If the defense goes with SODDI ,one of the A's would be the easiest target.
I think KC would turn on her parents in a heartbeat.
She just might if she sees that bus barreling her way with JB driving and KC navigating!
CA was last seen publicly with Caylee [not including GA's claim],all the items found with Caylee tie in to the Anthony home and CA and GA have worked desperately to prove there was an alive Caylee. Trying to thwart the work of TES just doesn't look too good.
If the defense goes with SODDI ,one of the A's would be the easiest target.
I think KC would turn on her parents in a heartbeat
KC already has. KC marches to the beat of her own drum. Same as CA does. Both trying to out beat the other. KC knows what ALyons has in store for CA and is gonna push every button of CA's she can.

I won't go into detail about my SODDI theories. But in short and sweet words JB and ALyons have that bus in gear and steering towards CA. Poor CA won't know what hit her because she will think she still is in control.

No one will be able to smack those smirks off of either their faces.
After being schooled by wonderful fellow members like brini, OLG, countzero and others-I have come to the conclusion that JB has made a HUGE mistake by not rushing this case to trial. Time is not on their side! When you look at everything in totallity-the evidence, the family (and their inconsistencies, lies and action) , the prisoner (and her lies and inconsistencies and actions) - there is no way (short of a jail break) that KC has a chance of walking!! Poor Caylee was a victim of her mother and the rotten garden where a rotten seed (KC) was nourished! JMO
KC already has. KC marches to the beat of her own drum. Same as CA does. Both trying to out beat the other. KC knows what ALyons has in store for CA and is gonna push every button of CA's she can.

I won't go into detail about my SODDI theories. But in short and sweet words JB and ALyons have that bus in gear and steering towards CA. Poor CA won't know what hit her because she will think she still is in control.

No one will be able to smack those smirks off of either their faces.

I'm still not 100% convinced that Cindy wasn't involved.
I'm still not 100% convinced that Cindy wasn't involved.

I'm not married to it either. With knowing just a glimmer of family history that we do, I am not about to rule her out either. CA just has too much anger; was a tickin' time bomb and KC lit the fuse. Caylee was nothing but collateral damage for either of them. I am not seeing that either CA or KC really wanted Caylee. Flip side of that coin was neither wanted the other to have her.

Tug of War was the main game played by the adults in that compound.
After being schooled by wonderful fellow members like brini, OLG, countzero and others-I have come to the conclusion that JB has made a HUGE mistake by not rushing this case to trial. Time is not on their side! When you look at everything in totallity-the evidence, the family (and their inconsistencies, lies and action) , the prisoner (and her lies and inconsistencies and actions) - there is no way (short of a jail break) that KC has a chance of walking!! Poor Caylee was a victim of her mother and the rotten garden where a rotten seed (KC) was nourished! JMO

Yep. He made the choice to fill his bank account and become a media *advertiser censored* rather than get the trial over quickly. Now, only ALyons has the time to devote to bringing CA/GA down like she was shaking that apple tree to get the bad ones off of it.
Scary stuff. What, I wonder, is the profile of the four girls that were "led" to help kill a girl in Indiana?

Just saying noone could have convinced me to engage in that type of behavior at any age.

It's very hard to wrap my brain around. Nobody had any parental guidance or goodness instilled in their minds/souls?

That doesn't always make a dif. It CAN.

Some socios come out of responsible and loving homes.

They are born wired differently. Most are not violent. Some can be taught. Some can't.
I am not surprised other than by the killing aspect of it. Both narrators were on target with their diagnosis and in explaining it in common language. KC will have her own place in the medical community for years to come. With the rest of the A clan a few steps behind.

Law and Order did a show re: the Hoosier girls.

KC's pretty much a classic. She can't even FAKE normal feelings.
She just might if she sees that bus barreling her way with JB driving and KC navigating!
CA was last seen publicly with Caylee [not including GA's claim],all the items found with Caylee tie in to the Anthony home and CA and GA have worked desperately to prove there was an alive Caylee. Trying to thwart the work of TES just doesn't look too good.
If the defense goes with SODDI ,one of the A's would be the easiest target.
I think KC would turn on her parents in a heartbeat.

She'd throw either or both parents, or anyone else, under the bus, if she thought she could.

I still think CA was only part of the "wagon circle" after the killing.

But, it wouldn't surprise me if KC crushed, or tried to crush, CA under the bus treads.
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